My 2 cents…
As we are in a deadlock situation and likely heading towards ICC hearings it is obvious that Cominiere&Zijin is not confident about a victory hence they activated plan B to get control of AVZ BOD asap and avoid public humiliation via ICC hearing… These MMGA fuckers (including Tommy) has likely got an ultimatum from the Chinese to get onto the AVZ BOD asap and withdraw all arbitration cases and eventually sell it to the Chinese….
As we are in a deadlock situation and likely heading towards ICC hearings it is obvious that Cominiere&Zijin is not confident about a victory hence they activated plan B to get control of AVZ BOD asap and avoid public humiliation via ICC hearing… These MMGA fuckers (including Tommy) has likely got an ultimatum from the Chinese to get onto the AVZ BOD asap and withdraw all arbitration cases and eventually sell it to the Chinese….