I looked at this early last year, being the suspicious prick I am. Nobody could assist with any follow-up detail, so it just died on the vine
Names showing on CAMI as tenement holders now are HK Excellen Mining Congo SARL, COMINIERE and HK Yisen, and 2 have gone entirely
The HK names are chinese and Excellen is in JV with GECAMINES, say no more
I suspect these 'disappeared' off our tenement list due to Cong flicking them on, perhaps in cohorts with Jerkfuck from under our nose, but I don't know, and I also don't know if DATHCOM received any money for them. There is no cause for AVZ to receive payment, so nothing in the accounts to assist with a trail. BUT at the very least, I would have thought a note to the accounts explaining the movement might have been helpful
perhaps Kiki wants answers now too, as it smells a little off