AVZ Discussion 2022


Germany is returning to oil and coal for energy as its economy tanks and who can blame the once most powerful country in Europe. The science around global warming is deeply flawed and has nothing to do with the burning of fossel fuels.
Then get off the AVZ lithium thread you clown

Why do you think we are here?

Fuck me you're a wacko

Why don't we open up whale hunting season again just to go for a trifecta of indescribable idiocy ???
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Even if no news prior, forum will be the perfect opportunity to showcase everything AVZ has done with pictures and videos in light of all the false information that was circulated. Also makes it harder for Govt to subsequently do a backflip for whatever reason after showing the world all the work and $ invested. Imagine going to ICSID after AVZ has been Cobalt Plus Sponsor for over 12 months and then presenting. How do you defend that not to mention all the other damning evidence.
Only concern I have re presentation is it’s only a 10 min period with a 5 min Q&A after. Barely any time to cover everything
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The ultimate tease will be an AVZ announcement in the morning, providing investors with a copy of the presentation. :rolleyes:
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Have a Cigar 1975
Fuck, we can't even get a Change of Registry Address Announcement like almost every other ASX company, as it hasn't changed:eek::eek:
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Here's a thought...

Maybe take down your ridiculously racist post
Hi Winenut,

The observation is not racist - I have worked in 3rd world countries. Geo's point is that we dont get involved in the local politics and we tend to be allot more egalitarian. The locals tend to view working for international companies more prestigious except for Sin Bin and that ilk.


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Then get off the AVZ lithium thread you clown

Why do you think we are here?

Fuck me you're a wacko

Why don't we open up whale hunting season again just to go for a trifecta of indescribable idiocy ???
There's money to be made in lithium that's why I'm here. Going all electric too soon will ruin economies around the world as we are transition too quickly from fossil fuels to all electric as you will find out the hard way i.e in the hip pocket.
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Hi Winenut,

The observation is not racist - I have worked in 3rd world countries. Geo's point is that we dont get involved in the local politics and we tend to be allot more eglatartine. The locals tend to view working for international companies more prestigious except for Sin Bin and that ilk.


I had a eglatartine once, it was delicious😋
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Maybe the following out of the Dathomir contract, pages 25 and 26, has something to do with it:

( Contrat de Joint-Venture » signifie le contrat de joint-venture, incluant ses Annexes, conclu entre COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining SAS et DATHOMIR SARL le 27 janvier 2017 ;
«Amendement NUl » signifie l'amendement conclu le 25 mars 2017 entre COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining :;AS, DATHOMIR SARL et AVZ International amendant le Contrat de Joint-Venture;

« Permis de Hecherche AdditIonnels )) signifie les permis de recherche No. 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454,

({ Perrr Is de Recherche n° 1 2 4 3 6 » désigne le permis n° 12436 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/6416/11 délivré le 24 octobm 2011, étendu par décret n° 0210/CAB.MINjMINES/01j2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaim, pOUl' la période comprise entre le 29 août 2011 et le 28 août 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Étain, Coltan, Or et Wolframite.

«Perm5 de Recherche n° 12449» désigne le permis n° 12449 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/6433/11 délivré le 24 octobre 2011, étendu par décret n° 0216/CAB.MIN/MINES/Olj2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre le 29 aoOt 2011 et le 28 aoOt 2018, à conduire, dans te Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Ëtain, Coltan, Or et Wolframite.

«Permiti de Hecherche n° 12450)} désigne le permis n° 12450 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLCITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CRj6434/11 délivré le 24 octobre 2011, étendu par décret n° 0217/CAB.MIN/MINES/01/2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre le 29 août 2011 et le 28 aoOt 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmèt.e concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Hain, Coltan, Or, et Wolframite.

«Permis de Recherche n° 12454)} désigne le permis n° 12454 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATIOI\J MINIERE le29 ao t 2011
,'étendu par décret n° 0219/CAB.MIN/MINES/Ol/2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la périooe comprise entre le 29. août 2011 et le 28 août 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné. des tl"avaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Coltan, lithium et Wolframite.

« Permis de Rncherche n° 13359» désigne le permis n° 13359 accordé" à LA, CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOI""ATIOI\I MINIERE le 29 décembre 2016, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/7114j16 délivré le 29 décembre 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre,le 28 décembre 2016 et le 27 déc~!mbre ,2.021, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substa 1ces minérales suivantes: Coltan, Lithium et Wolframite.

« PLe )} a l:l signlf'ication qui lui est donnée à l'Article 16.3 ;

« Premièrl! ~chéélnce )) a la signification qui lui est donnée à j'Article 5.2(a){JJi) ;

« Président» signifie le président de DATHCOM Mining SAS.

« Réalisatil)n de h Cession ») a la significGltion qui lui est donnée à l'Article 2Bis.l ;

«TermShel!t Obligatoire )} désigne le termsheet ayant force obligatoire conclu entre COMINIERE SA, DATHOMIR SARL E!t AVZ le 23 novembre 2016 afin de formaliser l'Acquisition;

« Vlce-Chalrman » signifie 1 vice-président du Conseil de Gérance de DATHCOM Mining SAS;


(Joint Venture Contract” means the joint venture contract, including its Annexes, concluded between COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining SAS and DATHOMIR SARL on January 27, 2017;

“VOID Amendment” means the amendment concluded on March 25, 2017 between COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining:;AS, DATHOMIR SARL and AVZ International amending the Joint Venture Contract;

“Additional Research Permits” means research permits No. 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454,

({ Perrr Is de Recherche n° 1 2 4 3 6 » designates permit n° 12436 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate n° CAMI/CR/6416/11 issued on October 24, 2011 , extended by decree no. 0210/CAB.MINjMINES/01j2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its title, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Silver, Tin, Coltan, Gold and Wolframite.

“Research Perm5 No. 12449” designates permit No. 12449 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D’EXPLOITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate No. CAMI/CR/6433/11 issued on October 24, 2011, extended by decree No. 0216/CAB.MIN/MINES/Olj2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to mineral substances following: Silver, Tin, Coltan, Gold and Wolframite.

“Permiti de Hecherche n° 12450)} means permit n° 12450 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLCITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate n° CAMI/CRj6434/11 issued on October 24, 2011, extended by decree n° 0217 /CAB.MIN/MINES/01/2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Silver, Hain, Coltan, Gold, and Wolframite.

“Research Permit No. 12454)] means permit No. 12454 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATIOI\J MINIERE on August 29, 2011
, extended by decree no. 0219/CAB.MIN/MINES/Ol/2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to drive, within the Perimeter concerned . research work on the following mineral substances: Coltan, lithium and Wolframite.

"Research Permit No. 13359" means permit No. 13359 granted to LA, CONGOLESE D'EXPLOI "ATIOI\I MINIERE on December 29, 2016, bearing certificate No. CAMI/CR/7114j16 issued on December 29, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between December 28, 2016 and December 27, 2021, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Coltan, Lithium and Wolframite.
“PLe )} has the meaning given to it in Article 16.3;
“First!” ~chéélnce )) has the meaning given to it in Article 5.2(a){JJi);
“President” means the president of DATHCOM Mining SAS.
“Completion of the Transfer”) has the meaning given to it in Article 2Bis.l;
“TermShel!t Obligatory)} means the legally binding termsheet concluded between COMINIERE SA, DATHOMIR SARL E!t AVZ on November 23, 2016 in order to formalize the Acquisition;
“Vlce-Chalrman” means 1 vice-president of the Management Board of DATHCOM Mining SAS;

As can be seen the leases 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454 had run out as per August 28, 2018.
I don't believe AVZ renewed the leases.

The question regarding leases 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454 was asked during one of the Road Shows.
I can't remember the exact answer, I was more focussed on 13359 (that is especially RD and CdL, because those areas were drilled and as it stand, we know that is where the value is and Zijin thought they just could steal, on the basis of fuck AVZ).
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Have a Cigar 1975
Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 2.48.17 PM.png

Christian is in the lions den....snake pit... and I think the * means they probably won't attend
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Have a Cigar 1975
Maybe the following out of the Dathomir contract, pages 25 and 26, has something to do with it:

( Contrat de Joint-Venture » signifie le contrat de joint-venture, incluant ses Annexes, conclu entre COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining SAS et DATHOMIR SARL le 27 janvier 2017 ;
«Amendement NUl » signifie l'amendement conclu le 25 mars 2017 entre COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining :;AS, DATHOMIR SARL et AVZ International amendant le Contrat de Joint-Venture;

« Permis de Hecherche AdditIonnels )) signifie les permis de recherche No. 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454,

({ Perrr Is de Recherche n° 1 2 4 3 6 » désigne le permis n° 12436 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/6416/11 délivré le 24 octobm 2011, étendu par décret n° 0210/CAB.MINjMINES/01j2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaim, pOUl' la période comprise entre le 29 août 2011 et le 28 août 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Étain, Coltan, Or et Wolframite.

«Perm5 de Recherche n° 12449» désigne le permis n° 12449 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/6433/11 délivré le 24 octobre 2011, étendu par décret n° 0216/CAB.MIN/MINES/Olj2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre le 29 aoOt 2011 et le 28 aoOt 2018, à conduire, dans te Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Ëtain, Coltan, Or et Wolframite.

«Permiti de Hecherche n° 12450)} désigne le permis n° 12450 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLCITATION MINIERE le 29 août 2011, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CRj6434/11 délivré le 24 octobre 2011, étendu par décret n° 0217/CAB.MIN/MINES/01/2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre le 29 août 2011 et le 28 aoOt 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmèt.e concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Argent, Hain, Coltan, Or, et Wolframite.

«Permis de Recherche n° 12454)} désigne le permis n° 12454 accordé à LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATIOI\J MINIERE le29 ao t 2011
,'étendu par décret n° 0219/CAB.MIN/MINES/Ol/2016 du 10 mai 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la périooe comprise entre le 29. août 2011 et le 28 août 2018, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné. des tl"avaux de recherche portant sur les substances minérales suivantes: Coltan, lithium et Wolframite.

« Permis de Rncherche n° 13359» désigne le permis n° 13359 accordé" à LA, CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOI""ATIOI\I MINIERE le 29 décembre 2016, portant le certificat n° CAMI/CR/7114j16 délivré le 29 décembre 2016, autorisant son titulaire, pour la période comprise entre,le 28 décembre 2016 et le 27 déc~!mbre ,2.021, à conduire, dans le Périmètre concerné, des travaux de recherche portant sur les substa 1ces minérales suivantes: Coltan, Lithium et Wolframite.

« PLe )} a l:l signlf'ication qui lui est donnée à l'Article 16.3 ;

« Premièrl! ~chéélnce )) a la signification qui lui est donnée à j'Article 5.2(a){JJi) ;

« Président» signifie le président de DATHCOM Mining SAS.

« Réalisatil)n de h Cession ») a la significGltion qui lui est donnée à l'Article 2Bis.l ;

«TermShel!t Obligatoire )} désigne le termsheet ayant force obligatoire conclu entre COMINIERE SA, DATHOMIR SARL E!t AVZ le 23 novembre 2016 afin de formaliser l'Acquisition;

« Vlce-Chalrman » signifie 1 vice-président du Conseil de Gérance de DATHCOM Mining SAS;


(Joint Venture Contract” means the joint venture contract, including its Annexes, concluded between COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining SAS and DATHOMIR SARL on January 27, 2017;

“VOID Amendment” means the amendment concluded on March 25, 2017 between COMINIERE SA, AVZ, DATHCOM Mining:;AS, DATHOMIR SARL and AVZ International amending the Joint Venture Contract;

“Additional Research Permits” means research permits No. 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454,

({ Perrr Is de Recherche n° 1 2 4 3 6 » designates permit n° 12436 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate n° CAMI/CR/6416/11 issued on October 24, 2011 , extended by decree no. 0210/CAB.MINjMINES/01j2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its title, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Silver, Tin, Coltan, Gold and Wolframite.

“Research Perm5 No. 12449” designates permit No. 12449 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D’EXPLOITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate No. CAMI/CR/6433/11 issued on October 24, 2011, extended by decree No. 0216/CAB.MIN/MINES/Olj2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to mineral substances following: Silver, Tin, Coltan, Gold and Wolframite.

“Permiti de Hecherche n° 12450)} means permit n° 12450 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLCITATION MINIERE on August 29, 2011, bearing certificate n° CAMI/CRj6434/11 issued on October 24, 2011, extended by decree n° 0217 /CAB.MIN/MINES/01/2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Silver, Hain, Coltan, Gold, and Wolframite.

“Research Permit No. 12454)] means permit No. 12454 granted to LA CONGOLAISE D'EXPLOITATIOI\J MINIERE on August 29, 2011
, extended by decree no. 0219/CAB.MIN/MINES/Ol/2016 of May 10, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between August 29, 2011 and August 28, 2018, to drive, within the Perimeter concerned . research work on the following mineral substances: Coltan, lithium and Wolframite.

"Research Permit No. 13359" means permit No. 13359 granted to LA, CONGOLESE D'EXPLOI "ATIOI\I MINIERE on December 29, 2016, bearing certificate No. CAMI/CR/7114j16 issued on December 29, 2016, authorizing its holder, for the period between December 28, 2016 and December 27, 2021, to conduct, in the Perimeter concerned, research work relating to the following mineral substances: Coltan, Lithium and Wolframite.
“PLe )} has the meaning given to it in Article 16.3;
“First!” ~chéélnce )) has the meaning given to it in Article 5.2(a){JJi);
“President” means the president of DATHCOM Mining SAS.
“Completion of the Transfer”) has the meaning given to it in Article 2Bis.l;
“TermShel!t Obligatory)} means the legally binding termsheet concluded between COMINIERE SA, DATHOMIR SARL E!t AVZ on November 23, 2016 in order to formalize the Acquisition;
“Vlce-Chalrman” means 1 vice-president of the Management Board of DATHCOM Mining SAS;

As can be seen the leases 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454 had run out as per August 28, 2018.
I don't believe AVZ renewed the leases.

The question regarding leases 12436, 12449, 12450 and 12454 was asked during one of the Road Shows.
I can't remember the exact answer, I was more focussed on 13359 (that is especially RD and CdL, because those areas were drilled and as it stand, we know that is where the value is and Zijin thought they just could steal, on the basis of fuck AVZ).

Well done mate, good findings, thanks
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Only concern I have re presentation is it’s only a 10 min period with a 5 min Q&A after. Barely any time to cover everything
My thoughts as well it can't be that important as if it was you would think the nige would be there. Even just in the background doing the odd meet and great .Especially considering our presenters track record. Imo
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There's money to be made in lithium that's why I'm here. Going all electric too soon will ruin economies around the world as we are transition too quickly from fossil fuels to all electric as you will find out the hard way i.e in the hip pocket.
Just consider if Australia would flip today to only EV's.

As we are today with only a very small percentage of EV's, Australia especially the Eastern states does not generate enough power, neither could the power distribution system keep up with it.
To be able to supply reliable power a sufficient spinning reserve is required, being in backup batteries, gas turbines etc.
It shouldn't be that if I switch the light in my wine cellar on that I black out half a fucking state.

Mind you they are still discussing how and when to replace the coal fired power stations.

People here are saying events don't move fast in the DRC, FFS have a look at Australia.
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That is why Africa is so poor with people starving and having to deal with wars. They are in desparate need of leaders who know how to govern. Suggest they need us white man more than ever.
I agree with the first part of your post, not the last part....;)

DRC need a leader / govt that has a vision to lift everyone out of the ghetto, not just to line their own pockets

Radical change is required to go from a corrupted state that has been ongoing for decades, to a honest , free enterprise, "fair go" mentality, full of integrity.

That can all be achieved within DRC realm and culture, not from outside influences.

Jules Alingete would be a great leader to formulate that change if he had the backing of the people, sadly, he is not in the race for the upcoming election........:(

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View attachment 44830

Christian is in the lions den....snake pit... and I think the * means they probably won't attend
Christian should ensure that Adele specifically responds to the last dot point.
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Master of Quan
View attachment 44830

Christian is in the lions den....snake pit... and I think the * means they probably won't attend
We supposedly have an Mou with the Ministry of Hydraulic resources and Electricity for the hydro power. Would like to know if that is still considered in play after the talk of Zijin commencing work on the rehabilitation.
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Having my operation tomorrow so any good news to take the pain away would be very nice BOD just saying
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Aftermarket announcement would go down a treat.....just like a nice eglatartine :ROFLMAO:
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