AVZ Discussion 2022


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9/10 It's Der Geist up to his usual.
Re-evaluated, 10/10 it's Geist, lol. Condescending POS he is. You can always rely on his unfounded sense of superior intelligence in his responses.
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Jules Alingete

Jules Alingete
  • Wednesday August 16, 2023 - 12:16

The General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) under the leadership of its head of service Jules Alingete Key is committed to the involvement of all social strata of the country in the fight against corruption and the embezzlement of public funds in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is in this context that we must situate the presence of Jules Alingete Key, boss of the IGF at the conference organized by the Higher Institute of Commerce of Kinshasa (ISC / K) Monday August 14, 2023 around the theme: " the threats and opportunities of the fight against corruption in the DRC with the sub-theme is digitization a magic solution? ".
Speaking on this occasion, financial policeman Jules Alingete Key reminded the audience that when it comes to corruption, one should not be complacent, especially since the consequences of corruption go well beyond beyond perceptions and are harmful to the nation. According to him, the issue of corruption is closely linked to that of development, the more it increases, the less innovations are recorded and economic growth falls.

And to continue:


For his part, alongside Jules Alingete Key, the Director General of the ISC has relied on digitization in the eradication of corruption in academia. For the number one of the ISC, corruption is a sociological reality that deeply plagues Congolese society.

To combat this poison long consumed in the DRC, the DG of the ISC, Professor NYONSABA SEBIGUNDA Edson advocates the use of mobile banking via the OPTsolution application, as one of the solutions to fight against corruption in the university environment.

Since the accession of Félix Tshisekedi to the supreme magistracy and the appointment of Jules Alingete Key at the head of this public service attached to the Presidency of the Republic, the General Inspectorate of Finance has been fighting against embezzlement and financial embezzlement its hobbyhorse to fight the anti-values rooted in public institutions, the work which is welcomed by the Congolese population.
The IGF plays a major role in mobilizing public revenue with its financial patrol. This general financial patrol in public finances, according to Jules Alingete, remains the main key to the eradication of anti-values in public management.
Clement MUAMBA

Fight against corruption: IGF Inspector General Jules Alingete pleads for the establishment of a financial prosecutor's office in the DRC​

August 16, 2023

Fight against corruption: IGF Inspector General Jules Alingete pleads for the establishment of a financial prosecutor's office in the DRC

The Inspector General of Finance Jules Alingete Key hosted on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 in Kinshasa, a scientific conference under the theme "Threats and opportunities in the fight against corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo: is digitization a magic solution?" ".

During this conference, the number one of the General Inspectorate of Finance pleaded for the establishment of a financial prosecutor's office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the strengthening of penalties for the embezzlement of public funds.
"I recommend the establishment in the Democratic Republic of Congo, of a financial prosecutor's office which will have the advantage of being led by qualified people, magistrates trained, in particular in figures, public finances and mastery of accounting. Considered the Inspector General and Head of Services at the IGF, Jules Alingete.
Apart from the strengthening of penalties for embezzlement of public funds and corruption, Jules Alingete also suggested the revision of certain important contracts of the Republic; the reinforcement of the financial patrol in all the major structures of the State as well as the pursuit of sensitization in the fight against corruption.
Blaise Bayombo

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Look who popped up on my LinkedIn feed..

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As the destiny of any "king" would be the decline one day or another, Félix Mupande by the will of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi was put aside from the Mining Cadastre and replaced by Paul Mabolia , who seems to want to change the things at CAMI and get personally and directly involved in making the Manono lithium project a reality.
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As the destiny of any "king" would be the decline one day or another, Félix Mupande by the will of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi was put aside from the Mining Cadastre and replaced by Paul Mabolia , who seems to want to change the things at CAMI and get personally and directly involved in making the Manono lithium project a reality.
  • Mabolia and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), for the exploitation of Manono lithium with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS?


Mabolia and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), for the exploitation of Manono lithium with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS?​

August 17, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
It is no longer a secret, the development for the exploitation of Manono lithium in the province of Tanganiyka is at high sea at the moment following politico-political interventions and the almost personal interests of certain former -leaders and not Congolese state companies.
Highly coveted by world powers and multinationals, the Manono hard rock lithium deposit, one of the safest in the world, is the economic and geostrategic base between the Western and Eastern blocks, in the middle of the Australians of the AVZ MINERALS group which has highlighted by its feasibility studies this Congolese wealth on the international level.
The People's Republic of China through a Chinese group, ZIJIN already present in the DR Congo in the cobalt and copper mining sector, did not go there with gloves.
Attempting a purchase of 15% of the shares of the joint venture DATHCOM, between the Congolese State, AVZ MINERAL which owns 75% including 15% purchased from the Chinese, Simon Cong .
A sale which had been judged illegal by the General Inspectorate of Finance, financial control body of the presidency of the DR Congo, since sold at 33,400,000 $US than the 150,000,000 $Us of the real value on the market at the time of sale.
After the finalization of the feasibility study of AVZ MINERALS through the DATHCOM joint venture, the Ministry of Mines headed by H. E. Antoinette Nsamba Kalambayi , had agreed to the change of the exploration permit granting the exploitation permit to DATHCOM which should allow the start of lithium ore mining at Manono.
But here is the former all-powerful reigning Mining Cadastre (CAMI), Felix Mupande for reasons still unknown until now had blocked the operating permit in his drawers, which after a few political maneuvers was canceled by the same Minister of Mines of the DR Congo, something that has so far blocked the exploitation of lithium.
As the destiny of any "king" would be the decline one day or another, Félix Mupande by the will of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi was put aside from the Mining Cadastre and replaced by Paul Mabolia , who seems to want to change the things at CAMI and get personally and directly involved in making the Manono lithium project a reality.
Paul Mabolia in the vision of Félix Tshisekedi, has just renewed relations with the Australian group AVZ MINERALS, receiving the Mr. Nigel Ferguson CEO of the company accompanied by a delegation of representatives in the Manono project, this August 15, 2023, a visit of courtesy at the headquarters of the Mining Cadastre.
Courtesy which in all the business and political lagooning would only sound like a resumption of the working sessions between the Mining Cadastre and AVZ Minerals for discussions on the resumption of collaboration, of course of the Manono lithium project.
What can I say other than not wishing for the start of the effective exploitation of lithium in Manono, something that the entire population of the province of Tanganyika in particular and all of the DR Congo in general hopes for, for the development and the jobs that should be created by this project.
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  • Mabolia and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), for the exploitation of Manono lithium with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS?


Mabolia and the Mining Cadastre (CAMI), for the exploitation of Manono lithium with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS?​

August 17, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
It is no longer a secret, the development for the exploitation of Manono lithium in the province of Tanganiyka is at high sea at the moment following politico-political interventions and the almost personal interests of certain former -leaders and not Congolese state companies.
Highly coveted by world powers and multinationals, the Manono hard rock lithium deposit, one of the safest in the world, is the economic and geostrategic base between the Western and Eastern blocks, in the middle of the Australians of the AVZ MINERALS group which has highlighted by its feasibility studies this Congolese wealth on the international level.
The People's Republic of China through a Chinese group, ZIJIN already present in the DR Congo in the cobalt and copper mining sector, did not go there with gloves.
Attempting a purchase of 15% of the shares of the joint venture DATHCOM, between the Congolese State, AVZ MINERAL which owns 75% including 15% purchased from the Chinese, Simon Cong .
A sale which had been judged illegal by the General Inspectorate of Finance, financial control body of the presidency of the DR Congo, since sold at 33,400,000 $US than the 150,000,000 $Us of the real value on the market at the time of sale.
After the finalization of the feasibility study of AVZ MINERALS through the DATHCOM joint venture, the Ministry of Mines headed by H. E. Antoinette Nsamba Kalambayi , had agreed to the change of the exploration permit granting the exploitation permit to DATHCOM which should allow the start of lithium ore mining at Manono.
But here is the former all-powerful reigning Mining Cadastre (CAMI), Felix Mupande for reasons still unknown until now had blocked the operating permit in his drawers, which after a few political maneuvers was canceled by the same Minister of Mines of the DR Congo, something that has so far blocked the exploitation of lithium.
As the destiny of any "king" would be the decline one day or another, Félix Mupande by the will of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi was put aside from the Mining Cadastre and replaced by Paul Mabolia , who seems to want to change the things at CAMI and get personally and directly involved in making the Manono lithium project a reality.
Paul Mabolia in the vision of Félix Tshisekedi, has just renewed relations with the Australian group AVZ MINERALS, receiving the Mr. Nigel Ferguson CEO of the company accompanied by a delegation of representatives in the Manono project, this August 15, 2023, a visit of courtesy at the headquarters of the Mining Cadastre.
Courtesy which in all the business and political lagooning would only sound like a resumption of the working sessions between the Mining Cadastre and AVZ Minerals for discussions on the resumption of collaboration, of course of the Manono lithium project.
What can I say other than not wishing for the start of the effective exploitation of lithium in Manono, something that the entire population of the province of Tanganyika in particular and all of the DR Congo in general hopes for, for the development and the jobs that should be created by this project.
Fuck me. The pendulum continues to swing in our favour. What next, hey?
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Great to see what is probably the first clear tangible evidence of good things happening. Think it’s clear that those apparently in the know have indeed known something. Huge deal AVZ meeting with CAMI. Just wonder if this means imminent/near-term resolutions or if they waiting for court case resolutions down the track before finalising any agreements/ML, etc. Hopefully the former, but things looking promising nonetheless.
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Cumquat Cap

our lawyer saying we’ve already for the license on LinkedIn - surely he wouldn’t state that unless true?
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our lawyer saying we’ve already for the license on LinkedIn - surely he wouldn’t state that unless true?

Also "First license". Freudian slip at two separate tenements under two separate licenses?
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Nope, I don't believe a word of it. FFS!
The DRC is such a tease😛
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our lawyer saying we’ve already for the license on LinkedIn - surely he wouldn’t state that unless true?
Yeah it does sound like he may be saying that, although it could be taken that he's just saying they are assisting with the process, but I thought it sounded like he was saying that.
Given the CAMI meeting (you dont bring your lawyers and consultants just for a courtesy drop in, for scones & tea), and that other place that was visited on the weekend ;), word of documents, and deals done.. well it's certainly on the very possible side of things I believe :)

And yes the "First Licence" part made my ears prick up, very curious!
However it might be an artifact of translation.

Come on Nigel, are we there or what?
Been a hell of a long time cooking this thing.

Oh and lastly, the fact they're speaking again, coupled with the CAMI PR piece, is very telling.
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Also "First license". Freudian slip at two separate tenements under two separate licenses?
Yeah it does sound like he may be saying that, although it could be taken that he's just saying they are assisting with the process, but I thought it sounded like he was saying that.
Given the CAMI meeting (you dont bring your lawyers and consultants just for a courtesy drop in, for scones & tea), and that other place that was visited on the weekend ;), word of documents, and deals done.. well it's certainly on the very possible side of things I believe :)

And yes the "First Licence" part made my ears prick up, very curious!
However it might be an artifact of translation.

Come on Nigel, are we there or what?
Been a hell of a long time cooking this thing.

Oh and lastly, the fact they're speaking again, coupled with the CAMI PR piece, is very telling.
You guys are reading way too much into it. He just means our first licence as a company not multiple licenses. We either get the licence for all of PE13359 or we get it for the south and would need to prove the resource in the north with a DFS before applying for a separate PE if we still have that area.

And I definitely won't be popping champagne based on him using the word secure either. He is talking generally not specifically imo
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Yeah it does sound like he may be saying that, although it could be taken that he's just saying they are assisting with the process, but I thought it sounded like he was saying that.
Given the CAMI meeting (you dont bring your lawyers and consultants just for a courtesy drop in, for scones & tea), and that other place that was visited on the weekend ;), word of documents, and deals done.. well it's certainly on the very possible side of things I believe :)

And yes the "First Licence" part made my ears prick up, very curious!
However it might be an artifact of translation.

Come on Nigel, are we there or what?
Been a hell of a long time cooking this thing.

Oh and lastly, the fact they're speaking again, coupled with the CAMI PR piece, is very telling.

First Licence...mmm...

Has AVZ ever had a licence for anything previously???

So is there nothing in saying this could be AVZ's "first licence" ....:unsure:
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You guys are reading way too much into it. He just means our first licence as a company not multiple licenses. We either get the licence for all of PE13359 or we get it for the south and would need to prove the resource in the north with a DFS before applying for a separate PE if we still have that area.

And I definitely won't be popping champagne based on him using the word secure either. He is talking generally not specifically imo
Fuck me.....

You beat me to it again! :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
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I think @wine has already popped the cork🤣
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First Licence...mmm...

Has AVZ ever had a licence for anything previously???

So is there nothing in saying this could be AVZ's "first licence" ....:unsure:
No but it's not something you'd generally add, just because they hadn't had one before.
I'm not saying either way, but it kinda sounds like he's saying we got it.
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Edited. Was talking license for may 2021


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Re-read it a few times, and every time it looks more positive to me.
I mean it's a pretty confident statement that if the licence isnt already secured, it sure is going to be.
They're boasting about their professional achievements in this post. Pretty embarresing if it's still uncertain and then it doesn't pan out.

Christian was there at the meeting, in the photo, with Nigel and the new CAMI boss.
As I said they didn't go for coffee and a chat, not with all of their legal and lobying team.
There's something else as well that lends to the real possability AVZ has just gone through the final stages of getting the licence, surface rights payed, and other legal proceedings involved with that.

Oh also, this post by Christian absolutely puts to bed the notion of everything being sold.
And that means fucking divadends doesnt it ! :love:
Of course, all IMO.
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Edited. Was talking license for may 2021
When did we ever have a license in May 2021?
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