AVZ Discussion 2022


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Just my opinion on the changing political climate including:
- China haven’t printed their economy to oblivion yet like the US. They have a large capacity to do so still.
- The push for BRICS and dedollarisation benefiting those countries.
- China will essentially be building most of the ‘green’ agenda infrastructure for the West.
- The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US.
- Questionable leadership in the EU.
- Current changes and increase in anti west sentiment in Africa. Russia looking to fill the void.
- Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa.
- Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine and potentially now Africa (how many billions worth have already been destroyed/depleted?)
- the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place.

I could go on and on. These are just my pessimistic views of the current trajectory of the world and probably not the place for this forum.
Pessimistic indeed and alot of points that dont back up with fact no doubt...;)

That article above points out how grave China economy is ....


China's debt is more than 250 percent of GDP, higher than the United States. It remains lower than Japan, the world's most indebted leading economy, but some experts say the concern is that China's debt has surged at the sort of pace that usually leads to a financial bust and economic slump.

USA det to GDP is 116%.........;)

Other points you make

a) "The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US"..........are you referring to the former clown TRUMP ? Biden may be senile, but he aint weak, just ask fuck tard Putin who wasnt planning on the US assisting Ukraine in that despicanble war playing out, btw, Russia getting panted....;)

b) " Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa."................wtf ?

c) " Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine............:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

d) " the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place" ..........dont forget North Korea and Iran in that equation either...........not going to lie, very concerning that those collective evils are perpetrating plots against the west, this world is fuckerd up to say the least, but even more concerning to me............GLOBAL WARMING , which will fuck everything up!!

Which is why...........FT needs to pull his digit out of his arse and grant the ML to AVZ and get MANONO into production ASAP.

Just my musings, mixed with FACT.

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c) " Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine............:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

He's not wrong. They are slowly depleting the Ukraine ammo. The problem is it's easy for them to just get more :ROFLMAO:
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Well well …Coolade has trolled in for a swipe …no i dont advocate violence towards women but she gets what she deserves …anyway you Trolls cant see tongue in cheek humour if it bit you on the arse…worry about your treatment towards slave Uyghurs …You can stick your moral compass somewhere else & get off your Trolling high horse Congrats for being my first ignored troll …Shit what would Bags say 🤔thats right …Fuck off
View attachment 41311
When they cant get to you any other way they pull out these things.

Like poor old Hoots complaining about being modded too much over in Shit valley
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Lol I assumed I would be painted as CCP/pro Russian however quite the contrary. My motherland is very much not aligned with either of those two however I also have my eyes and ears open to what’s happening in the world and the many recent signs that point to a deterioration of western influence and weakening of economic power.

As I have said in previous posts my concern is that the African nations we have invested in. (I’m sure some have invested in plural whether it’s for gold or lithium..) may see this change in political climate and adjust who they do business with in the long term.
Will the DRC be afraid of their corrupt image in the eyes of the US/EU or will they not really give two shits because they know funding and business will come from elsewhere..

Happy for someone to give an alternative view and put my concerns at ease.
Lol, if the DRC is going to rely on China / Russia for future funding, then they are in for a big surprise and more pain.......;)

China dont give a shit about DRC, just want to plunder their minerals for the least coin they can get away with.........better yet, just steal.

Russia will do the same, like they did with crimea and like they are doing now with Ukraine in general.

DRC and Africa in general need to wise up before they get completely colonised once again, then ditched to the curb.
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Everyone give Franck a shout-out on Twitter if they can - feel like he is helping our cause immeasurably
Actually, both Franks need a shout out..........FWAMBA and our own " fact finding " trooper @Frank .....😍

I am loving the recent vibe going on with Mupande gone and Klaus gone............it does appear the war drums via WECHAT intel is getting louder..🙏🙏🙏🙏

We are now in August..........;)



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Pessimistic indeed and alot of points that dont back up with fact no doubt...;)

That article above points out how grave China economy is ....


China's debt is more than 250 percent of GDP, higher than the United States. It remains lower than Japan, the world's most indebted leading economy, but some experts say the concern is that China's debt has surged at the sort of pace that usually leads to a financial bust and economic slump.

USA det to GDP is 116%.........;)

Other points you make

a) "The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US"..........are you referring to the former clown TRUMP ? Biden may be senile, but he aint weak, just ask fuck tard Putin who wasnt planning on the US assisting Ukraine in that despicanble war playing out, btw, Russia getting panted....;)

b) " Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa."................wtf ?

c) " Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine............:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

d) " the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place" ..........dont forget North Korea and Iran in that equation either...........not going to lie, very concerning that those collective evils are perpetrating plots against the west, this world is fuckerd up to say the least, but even more concerning to me............GLOBAL WARMING , which will fuck everything up!!

Which is why...........FT needs to pull his digit out of his arse and grant the ML to AVZ and get MANONO into production ASAP.

Just my musings, mixed with FACT.


China's economy is in freefall just like Russia which has extremely high inflation that could spell a disaster in the making. As you say lunatic Trump has nothing on Biden as Biden has a good team behind him. As I said previously he is just rubber stamp so clearly his mental condition is of no concern. Also of note is China's President and his stooges are no longer belligerent as they try to entice western countries to invest in China. Looks like the tables have turned.
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Pessimistic indeed and alot of points that dont back up with fact no doubt...;)

That article above points out how grave China economy is ....


China's debt is more than 250 percent of GDP, higher than the United States. It remains lower than Japan, the world's most indebted leading economy, but some experts say the concern is that China's debt has surged at the sort of pace that usually leads to a financial bust and economic slump.

USA det to GDP is 116%.........;)

Other points you make

a) "The weak, corrupt and senile leader of the US"..........are you referring to the former clown TRUMP ? Biden may be senile, but he aint weak, just ask fuck tard Putin who wasnt planning on the US assisting Ukraine in that despicanble war playing out, btw, Russia getting panted....;)

b) " Most likely another NATO proxy war with Russia will happen in Africa."................wtf ?

c) " Russia will continue to deplete NATO/US weaponary and stock in Ukraine............:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

d) " the massive China/Russia military budgets and war games that are currently taking place" ..........dont forget North Korea and Iran in that equation either...........not going to lie, very concerning that those collective evils are perpetrating plots against the west, this world is fuckerd up to say the least, but even more concerning to me............GLOBAL WARMING , which will fuck everything up!!

Which is why...........FT needs to pull his digit out of his arse and grant the ML to AVZ and get MANONO into production ASAP.

Just my musings, mixed with FACT.

Sounds like you love to listen to main stream media. Like many sheep who believe everything the TV tells them. Just my musings

Lol, if the DRC is going to rely on China / Russia for future funding, then they are in for a big surprise and more pain.......;)

China dont give a shit about DRC, just want to plunder their minerals for the least coin they can get away with.........better yet, just steal.

Russia will do the same, like they did with crimea and like they are doing now with Ukraine in general.

DRC and Africa in general need to wise up before they get completely colonised once again, then ditched to the curb.
I absolutely agree with this however do the current corrupt parties care?

Anyways looks like some positive movement on the DRC front so lets hope this continues and the above points will be moot.
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Sounds like you love to listen to main stream media. Like many sheep who believe everything the TV tells them. Just my musings

I absolutely agree with this however do the current corrupt parties care?

Anyways looks like some positive movement on the DRC front so lets hope this continues and the above points will be moot.
So FORBES is main stream media ?

What about ALJAZERRA ?

What about GRAVITAS ?

My research stems far and wide, unlike your " opinion based only " POV

Just sayin......:rolleyes:
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I get my west Taiwan news from this guy. Kiwi guy who lives in west Taiwan and looks at all the internal CCP and external media. Seems to give a very even mix without opinion or bias.

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Sounds like you love to listen to main stream media. Like many sheep who believe everything the TV tells them. Just my musings

Sounds like you're a bit of smug prick.

Just my drunk musings
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When they cant get to you any other way they pull out these things.

Like poor old Hoots complaining about being modded too much over in Shit valley
I couldn't give a fuck about his "tongue in cheek sense of humour". What I care about is how it might be taken out of context, cherry picked, and used against us. Especially given what has occurred. It's infantile and bloody amateur!

Let alone the responses with memes and name calling. What are you, a teen playing fortnight in your mum's caravan?
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Regardless, he's already been on ignore for a few months so he can rage by himself. Conversation. Over.
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Master of Quan
I couldn't give a fuck about his "tongue in cheek sense of humour". What I care about is how it might be taken out of context, cherry picked, and used against us. Especially given what has occurred. It's infantile and bloody amateur!

Let alone the responses with memes and name calling. What are you, a teen playing fortnight in your mum's caravan?
Id fucking love to be a teen playing fortnite in my mums caravan!

Chill out Dunkin donuts, its all good
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Id fucking love to be a teen playing fortnite in my mums caravan!

Chill out Dunkin donuts, its all good
I am ...:rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
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I couldn't give a fuck about his "tongue in cheek sense of humour". What I care about is how it might be taken out of context, cherry picked, and used against us. Especially given what has occurred. It's infantile and bloody amateur!

Of course it's amateur. We aren't being paid to post.
This is an internet forum. Not ASIC or ASX announcements.

Besides, this is the internet. If you can't cherry pick or take things out of context, you just make shit up.
Making shit up has been working for Cominiere, Adele, Zijin and certain financial "journalists" so far. They don't need content from here at all.

PS. WTF is Fortnite? Galaga all the way!

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Of course it's amateur. We aren't being paid to post.
This is an internet forum. Not ASIC or ASX announcements.

Besides, this is the internet. If you can't cherry pick or take things out of context, you just make shit up.
Making shit up has been working for Cominiere, Adele, Zijin and certain financial "journalists" so far. They don't need content from here at all.

PS. WTF is Fortnite? Galaga all the way!

View attachment 41341
Galaga or Galaxian???.....

I'm "slightly" older school so will take Galaxian :ROFLMAO:
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I find this exchange on Twitter between Franck Fwamba and Cominiera Sa puzzling. Does Cominiera imply AVZ as "the speculator in the form of a chameleon" in one of the reply? Below is the translation of the exchange.

Congratulations to the President of the Republic @fatshi13 @TshitshiNews for the appointments of Prof Jean Louis Esambo as Special Security Advisor, Paul Mabolia at CAMI, new managers at Sodimico and Kisenge Manganese. We are waiting for @cominiereSA & Cobil

let's wait

It must be said that we are awaiting the presidential order appointing competent and accountable patriots to Cominiere. CONCRETE.

Dear Mr. Fwamba, be reassured that the speculator in the form of a chameleon will no longer return to the Manono Lithium project!!!

🤣🤣🤣Dear Mr. Kibeya, please confirm that the speculator @TantalexLi will no longer return to the Manono Lithium project, all other Chinese speculators who have frozen permits must be chased there. Only @AvzMinerals has invested there to certify a deposit.

The Chinese are not speculators, because even the money of the AVZ had to come from a majority partner, CHINESE...

You are an engineer. Between Dathom Mining, the JV with @AvzMinerals and all your other JVs with the Chinese Minor, Dathomir, HongKong what-have-you, Zijin, which one is viable and attracts everyone's appetite and attention? Which one is visible and works in Manono?

In which other JV can AVZ participate? How high !

Mr. Kibeya, @AvzMinerals is the majority shareholder in Dathcom Mining which whets the gluttonous appetites of all thanks to the expertise, investments and determination of its geologists. What other JV with your Chinese friends has invested in explorations and is viable?

"Mr. Franck, you are civ. from Manono, not from Australia!!! The sovereign government has decided to take back its rights to its project that your friends wanted to appropriate, you will write until you die, it will not change at all! AVZ must assume his turpitude!!"

Mr Kibeya, there is no decision of the sovereign according to what you say if you have read the Order of the Minister of Mines, the Mining Code and the other laws of the country. Cominiere must assume his turpitude for having ceded to Dathomir for nothing of his shares and wants to cede to Zijin.😂
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I find this exchange on Twitter between Franck Fwamba and Cominiera Sa puzzling. Does Cominiera imply AVZ as "the speculator in the form of a chameleon" in one of the reply? Below is the translation of the exchange.
Yes. Which aspect is puzzling? Whoever is behind this account has been saying similar things for months.
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Yes. Which aspect is puzzling? Whoever is behind this account has been saying similar things for months.
I thought that the recent development with JFMK/CAMI might influence the content of the exchange, especially @fatshi13 was tag in all exchanges.
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