Quite clearly, Klaus Eckoff, with 2 f's, like fuckoff, not fuckof. Thats according to her transgender brothers sister who has no penis, and is a trekkie nuff who hates wolf9 on the crapper, whoever the fuck he is
No one takes anything Deboss tweets remotely seriously . History tells us he's full of Greek Yogurt and souvlaki . Him and Jens have already banked plenty of AVZ dollars$$$$ imo (clever ) . If AVZ goes belly up it don't mean sh1t . The party started long ago for these cats . Just characters in the AVZ side show . Both well oiled with Nige . IMOye…nah ; Deboss has more interests than just AVZ and as far as I can make out that tweet didn’t mention anything specifics to avz ….no stocks, crypto , travels, cars , ladies , Greek meals, goats or other; seems like a few just grab his tweets and badge them up as AVZ related each and everytime…i reckon you’ve got a 1 in 10 chance of it actually being AVZ related; I’ll take a stab at it actually being about one of his new ‘toys’ arriving on that date and if so, good luck to him; whilst many of us in here are stuck on these threads every hour of the day, that bloke is probably getting speeding fines or out to dinner; just because avz is rolling in the shit, doesn’t mean we all need to follow suit…anyway hopefully TSE , Hotcrapper and so on will register a huge drop off of AVZ shareholders logging in the very near future and we can all get back to enjoying life and not trying to dissect every post / tweet or other that rolls in
Banked plenty …really ok , fwiw that’s B/sNo one takes anything Deboss tweets remotely seriously . History tells us he's full of Greek Yogurt and souvlaki . Him and Jens have already banked plenty of AVZ dollars$$$$ imo (clever ) . If AVZ goes belly up it don't mean sh1t . The party started long ago for these cats . Just characters in the AVZ side show . Both well oiled with Nige . IMO
I was referring to this September 2022 tweet by Africa Battery Metals . Yes it's since been moved forward a week . Could be a few reasons (other than positive ) as to why AVZ are still listed . Like the organisers don't know what the f--k is going on . I'm not being negative . Just putting it out there for consideration . I'm enjoying the positivity ,but always maintain a healthy dose scepticism while remaining hopeful .
Would have been more believable had they thrown 7th August in the mixThe timing of the tweet (or xeet?) feels like a troll especially with this forum talking about it today and how old the news is. I don't see us being involved either positively or negatively. I just see yet another talk fest in the democratic republic of the conferences.
View attachment 40754
The timing of the tweet (or xeet?) feels like a troll especially with this forum talking about it today and how old the news is. I don't see us being involved either positively or negatively. I just see yet another talk fest in the democratic republic of the conferences.
View attachment 40754
hotcrapper - Chinese troll farm training base
TPE - The Pontification Exchange
WeChat - for those in the know about the know that know nothing
Wow what a head fuck!
View attachment 40762
I hope so, AVZ and Nigel deserve to get the licence and go mining after all the work they've put in, and how shitty they've been treated.Looks like it's the highest level of sponsorship?
Hmm.. surely that puts the sale of 100% of assets to bed? More likely a JV to go mining?
Yes, I hope we do go mining as well and hopefully have an experienced DRC mine developer to help with the build. Mind you plenty of hurdles still with building a mine but that's where the money is to be made.I hope so, AVZ and Nigel deserve to get the licence and go mining after all the work they've put in, and how shitty they've been treated.
A new respect for management if they've managed this.
I believe something (a resolution) HAS happened, and now this, it all feels good.
I don't know if we can say exactly what this means though.
But I expect an announcement pretty soon.
Yea they’ve put it on Facebook as well Sam, they put the information on the DRC-AFRICA Battery Metals event in September 10 hours ago so looks authentic
View attachment 40765
Great find @Li-AusPol
Yes, I hope we do go mining as well and hopefully have an experienced DRC mine developer to help with the build. Mind you plenty of hurdles still with building a mine but that's where the money is to be made.
Wonder what they're waiting on before any announcements. Court cases? A new legal JV document?