AVZ Discussion 2022

Look if 90 yr old italian women are your thing, more power to you.
think about it GIF by Shock Top
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So who's comming to Thailand after this all blows over?
Phuket, Ko Samui, Koh Phi Phi Leh & Maya Bay, Pattya?

Meet up in December perhaps?
I might actually be in Thailand in December.
Hopefully by then it actually has all blown over
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So who's comming to Thailand after this all blows over?
Phuket, Ko Samui, Koh Phi Phi Leh & Maya Bay, Pattya?

Meet up in December perhaps?
Reach out to Jens on the bird….maybe he still has his mate with the Superyacht in Phuket lined up for the party that was going to happen 3 years ago?
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Reach out to Jens on the bird….maybe he still has his mate with the Superyacht in Phuket lined up for the party that was going to happen 3 years ago?
I was told all the ice around the champagne melted and sunk it.
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Reach out to Jens on the bird….maybe he still has his mate with the Superyacht in Phuket lined up for the party that was going to happen 3 years ago?
Sounds like old news, I'm talking about something new and exciting.
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So who's comming to Thailand after this all blows over?
Phuket, Ko Samui, Koh Phi Phi Leh & Maya Bay, Pattya?

Meet up in December perhaps?
Typhoon season in Phuket should have a few small waves!!!


Sounds like old news, I'm talking about something new and exciting.
Superyacht loaded with Jag’s ladies hard to beat.
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Well I'm going, and only cool Mofos are going with me, all these negative cry babies can sit at home sucking their milk bottles in misery.

Chelsea Women Burn GIF by Barclays FAWSL
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When did this become the 'pent up divorcee' thread? 🤣

Just under 2 years ago I technically owned my house (shares and cash were more than the remaining mortgage). Now I'm about to turn 44 and the cash from this would pay it off again since I had to give the ex a large chunk of $$$.
Is there some strangely specific club some of us are now apparently members of? 😁😄😁😄
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CATH, AVZ, USA, Zambia, is the Congolese government meddling in the lithium battery project?​

July 4, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
Is the Congolese government meddling in the lithium battery manufacturing project in the DRC?
The Minister of Industry, Julien Paluku has just paid a visit to China to the facilities of the world's leading battery producer, the Chinese giant, CATH:
"Arrived this morning at the headquarters of CATL, the world's number one producer of electric batteries, the Congolese delegation that I lead toured the technological facilities to get a projection of the factory to be developed in #DRC after the conclusions of the DRC -AFRICA BUSINESS FORUM of Nov 2021. It took 24 years to get there since 1999 in order to provide other European, Asian and American giants with the electric batteries necessary for the energy transition. Julien Paluku.
Namely that the lithium from the DR Congo which must be used in the manufacture of batteries, is that of Manono in the province of Tanganyika, whose government through COMININIER is in joint venture (DATHCOM) with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS .
Following political cabals, the power of Kinshasa by its Ministry of Mines, decided to cancel the exploitation license of DATHCOM and would prefer to initiate a collaboration with the Chinese of ZIJIN on the exploitation of the lithium of Manono. In particular on new bases and a new joint venture, of which the Chinese of ZIJIN claim 71% and 29% to the Congolese.
Something that AVZ MINERALS does not accept, given the contract signed with COMINIERE in 2017 and plans to go to court against the DR Congo which wants to cancel the 75% of the shares of the DATHCOM joint venture of the Australians, without advancing any grounds that hurts the joint venture agreement.
Even the local community of Manono does not see favorably the arrival of the Chinese in the exploitation of its lithium, proof of the last outing of Mgr Vincent Kwanga , Catholic Bishop of Manono:
“blocking this process with AVZ, for us it means that we are not liked. If ZIJIN and COMINIERE file a complaint against AVZ, while we believe that it is rather AVZ that should file a complaint against our government, because they have signed agreements, that has not been respected and that can lead to judgments at the level of international trade. I don't know if our government is not going to spend billions of US dollars because of this contract that they have just broken unilaterally. »
The Chinese group CATH with its branch CATL, has a partnership agreement signed in 2021 with the Australians for the sale of 24% of the shares of AVZ MINERALS in DATHCOM at 24 million $US, for the development of the battery construction project in DR Congo with Zambia and the United States.
It makes you wonder, when the Congolese government asks CATH to support it in a lithium battery development project in Manono, is it unaware that CATH is collaborating on the same project with the Australians of AVZ MINERALS? whose contract he wants to break illegally?
What would be the strategy of the Chinese CATH, canceled the 24% agreement with AVZ and work with the Congolese government, or demanded from the Congolese government the participation of AVZ and to respect the contract of DATHCOM, of which he himself would own 24% by see it from the sale of Australian shares?
Good in all this politico-economic cacophony, the population of Manono awaits the development of the air province of Tanganyika and the jobs promised by the current power.
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Cunt sack is at it again...

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DRC, Mali and Zimbabwe could increase their lithium production by 30 by 2027

Brimming with major mines, Africa could produce at least 30 times more lithium by 2027, says Bloomberg, citing a study.

Exports from the continent are expected to reach 12% of global volumes.

Among the most promising countries are Mali, the DRC and Zimbabwe. (y)

In addition, lithium exports from this continent could reach 12% of global supply, compared to 1% in 2022.

The biggest producers could become Mali, the DRC and Zimbabwe. 🤞

Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) could reach 100,000 tons of lithium in 2030. 🙏

Mali, nearly 200,000 tons.

Boosted by China :( :sick: :rolleyes:

This increase will be effective thanks to the intensification of exploitation linked to a wave of investment by Chinese companies.

“Chinese investment in Africa has been the largest source of capital for battery materials in recent years.

Funding in new regions is critical for China's supply chain to meet demand from its manufacturers," Martin Jackson, head of battery raw materials at CRU Group, told the agency.

According to Bloomberg, rare earths such as lithium, cobalt and nickel are essential for battery production.

China and the United States are investing heavily in the extraction of these metals in Africa.

Chinese companies own several mines in Zimbabwe, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia.

Another alien explorer

The United States is also exploring options for commodities from Africa, notes Alice Yu, metals and mining analyst at S&P Global Commodity Insights.

However, the country has only tentative plans so far, including cooperation agreements with the DRC and Zambia.

At the same time, Zimbabwe and Namibia, following the example of other countries, are already beginning to impose restrictions on lithium exports.

Previously, Russia had entered into talks with Zimbabwe over the purchase of lithium, Zimbabwean Senate Deputy Speaker Michael Rueben Nyambuya told Sputnik.


Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 🤞
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Now that I'm feeling the end game approaching, and pondering celebration, an idea is formulating in my head.
And that is a meetup/celebration week in Phuket, Thailand.

I know a few of you bastards are already veterans of this paradise. It looks amazing!

Okokok it's a bit soon, a bit soon, but think about it everyone. It could be amazing. :)
You mean Pattaya right ? 😉

And @JAG Fuxk mate I’m mowing lawns in the area & all I can smell is bbq and crays wtf….
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USA: American parliament wants to fight against the exploitation of children in the mines

A measure has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives to ban imported products containing minerals essential for electric vehicle batteries, but derived from child labor, other forms of abuse, in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

The bill targets China, which Republican Chris Smith of New Jersey says is using forced labor and child exploitation to mine cobalt in the impoverished but resource-rich Central African country.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is the world's largest producer of cobalt, an ore used to make lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles.

China controls the majority of cobalt mines in DRC, which strengthens Beijing's position in the global supply chain for electric vehicles and other products.

"The Chinese Communist Party is exploiting the Democratic Republic of Congo's vast cobalt resources to fuel its economy and global agenda, on the backs of trafficked workers and child laborers," Smith's office charged in a statement following the introduction of the bill on Friday (June 30). :rolleyes: :( :oops:

Tense relations between the United States and China

This bill comes at a time of strained relations between the United States and China.

Joe Biden called Chinese President Xi Jinping a "dictator" at a fundraiser last month, prompting protests from Beijing. (y)

The remarks follow tensions over a Chinese surveillance balloon allegedly shot down by the US government, US restrictions on China's access to advanced microchips, and the status and security of Taiwan. .

The Biden administration, however, is seeking to ease those tensions with the visit to China this week by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, which follows Secretary of State Antony Blinken's two-day visit to Beijing on Tuesday last month.

China has a 68% stake in Sicomines, a copper and cobalt company that also has a stake in Congolese state-owned mining company Gecamines, following a 2008 counter-mineral infrastructure deal that Congo is now looking to reconsider, as he fears he is not getting enough out of it.

Congo is also Africa's leading copper producer and recently discovered lithium, which is one of the key components of electric vehicle batteries.

Extraction of these minerals has been associated with child labor and exploitation, environmental abuse and security risks.

In a 2016 report, Amnesty International accused Chinese companies of using child labor in Congo's cobalt mines and multinational tech companies for failing to address human rights in their supply chains. supply.

US law would prohibit the importation of "goods, articles or merchandise containing metals or minerals, in particular cobalt and lithium and their derivatives, extracts, products, smelted or processed, in whole or in part, by child labor or forced labor in the DRC," Chris Smith's office said.

The law would also require the president to identify and impose sanctions, including visa and transaction bans, on foreign actors who facilitate and exploit child labor in Congo.


Some things that make you go Hmm :unsure:
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I'm not sure if this was posted either: :unsure:

Lithium Manono: US$200,000 for 2 mining squares in 2017 to COMFORCE/Jason Brewer, 2021 they go to ZIJIN/Katamba Mining!​

May 2, 2023
Kiki Kienge

By Kiki Kienge
Manon's lithium file is like a Chinese box, once you open the first one, it hides a second one and this one a third one, all of which keep secrets on contract files, share transfers, selling prices and others.
The DR Congo so far has not yet started the exploitation of one of the largest lithium deposits in the world, which should start normally this year, following the suspension of the DATHCOM exploitation permit by the Minister of Mines, Antoinette Nsamba Kalambayi .
At the moment the DATHCOM dossier, joint venture of COMINIERE with AVZ Minerals and DATHOMIR and that of the Sino-Congolese contract, seem to have taken over all the mining dossiers in the media and even for the Congolese authorities.
But COMINIERE having signed several joint venture contracts with other partners on mining squares containing lithium, today we wanted to analyze the one with the company, Force Commodities RDC.
Force Commodities RDC, which was headquartered at the time of signing the contract with COMINIERE in the Crow Tower building at the intersection of Boulevard du 30 juin and Batetela in the commune of Gombe, is a company owned by the Australian, Jason Brewer which would notably own other companies for the valuation and development of mining projects in Africa.
On November 11, 2017 COMINIERE, a Congolese State company, signs a joint venture contract with Force Commodities RDC, the same contract will be certified at the commercial court on October 16, 2020 as you will see in the photo. From this agreement came COMFORCE, a joint venture between the two companies with a capital of US$100,000 for 1,000 shares, distributed as follows.

  • COMINIERE: 30%
  • Strength Commodities: 70%
For two mining perimeters, No. PR12453 and No. PE13247 for an area of at least 400 square kilometers, Force Commodities only paid the modest sum of US$200,000, which was paid as a result;
  • US$50,000 at the date of signing.
  • US$150,000 in three installments of US$50,000 every three months from the date of signing the contract.

Force Commodities had the mission to study and identify a good technology to process Lithium, Niobium, Tantalum, Wolframite and Tin in its two perimeters. In November 2018 Force Commodities had even applied for the transformation of an exploration permit for its Kitotolo-Katamba lithium project in Tanganyika into a mining permit for 30 years at the Ministry of Mines.
But here in August 2021, the Chinese mining giant, ZIJIN signed a cooperation agreement with COMINIERE for two perimeters; the first is that of Force Commodities, the PR12453 and the second the "PE13427" according to the site of the ZIJIN group, thus creating Katamba Mining joint venture between ZIJIN and COMINIERE.
Strangely enough, on the list of COMINIERE partnerships, there is no permit that corresponds to the number 13427, but a mining square with the number 13247 exists on the list, which oddly is the one that belongs in particular to Force Commoditie in the contract signed with COMINIERE!

  • Is it the same permit?
  • How much were they valued at the time of sale by COMINIERE?
  • Who was the seller, COMINIERE or Force Commodities?
  • How much are the two mining squares worth today?
To conclude, in order to fully understand the situation, let's try to make a small comparison between two COMINIERE joint-venture agreements:
  • In 2017, the Australians of AVZ Minerals for a purchase of 60% of the shares of DATHCOM from DATHOMIR, they had to pay 6,000,000 $US to COMINIERE and 750,000 $US to DATHOMIR, to then spend 75 million $US for the feasibility study and initial work in Manono.
  • In 2017, Force Commodities paid US$200,000 to own 70% of the two licenses in Manono, to achieve nothing so far.
To get an idea of the evolution of the price of the shares of the lithium joint ventures of Manono, 1% of that of DATHCOM is worth no less than 10,000,000 $US currently.


  • Why this feeling of disinterestedness of the Congolese authorities on its two perimeters which contain lithium and Katamba Mining of which the DR Congo owns 30%?
  • If ZIJIN is a shareholder of Katamba Mining with 70%, why not invest in the two mining squares for the exploitation of lithium, rather than go after the 15% of DATHCOM?
  • How did ZIJIN come into possession of the 70% of Katamba Mining and how much did he pay?
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Looks like Round 2 with Cominiere Sa on Twitter tonight as





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