Mate, I am unsure why nobody wants the ICSID arbitration to proceed. Nothing has worked to date, AVZ is ignored by the DRC govt, the ICC seems a bit insipid, and the impasse remains. As we are acutely aware, the DRC govt, its agencies and the judiciary are corrupt to the core. And Chinese miners are complicit in this corruption. As a result, AVZ is cornered and faced with endless shitfuckery as it defends its ownership of Manono.
From my perspective, it's a good thing that AVZ is calling out the DRC govt and its agencies through this process. On the available evidence, particularly the IGF report, road-blocking by CAMI and arbitrary ministerial decision-making, AVZ seems to stand a good chance of a favorable outcome. While it may take a while to unfold and finalise, ICSID arbitration carries a big stick. For instance, it's awards (decisions) are binding and enforceable, and not subject to appeal in any international or domestic court. That means that the DRC and its agencies cannot appeal to a friendly domestic court if they lose, and Zijin cannot bribe its way to a favorable decision.
In addition, there is no binding precedent, which means that the DRC cannot rely on previous awards made in other cases in its defence, and also cannot rely on diplomatic immunity to avoid compliance with an award.
Having said all that, I agree with you that a negotiated settlement prior to arbitration is a strong possibility.