AVZ Discussion 2022


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The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

FATF maintains a list of countries that it considers to be high-risk or non-cooperative in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Guess which country is well-entrenched in this inglorious list of wrong-doers...the Democratic Republic of Corruption (DRC). This basket case of a country seems to feature in quite a number of undesirable lists...all of which result in reputational damage, and increase the DRC's costs of trade and international business.

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PLS's MC is AU$14.69 billion ($4.90 x 2.977b SOI) and trading at 6.05 PE.
Its JORC compliant ore reserve is 159 Mt @ 1.2% Li ore for 1.9 Mt of Li.

That's AU$92.39 per tonne of JORC compliant ore in the ground.

AVZ's MC is AU$2.75 billion ($0.78 x 3.53b SOI)
Its current JORC compliant reserve is 401 MT @ 1.65% Li ore for 6.6 Mt of Li at Roche Dure only.

That's AU$6.86 per tonne of JORC compliant ore in the ground.

I'll leave you to decide or guess a figure that better reflects the true worth of AVZ's 75% of dathcom, taking into account that PLS is producing and AVZ is not (capex approx $0.5 billion), AVZ's ore is homogenous from surface, the ongoing DRC shitfuckery and scheduled arbitration cases, and the likelihood of Carriere de l’Est and others eventually doubling the the company's ore reserves.

While simplistic, it still indicates that two, three, four and five dollars per share are unrealistically low assessments of AVZ's value.

Cheers, and hope your team has a win.
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Arrest of Franck Diongo: his mother takes Tshisekedi solely responsible!

More and more reactions after the arrest of the national president of the MLP, Franck Diongo.

After his political family, it is the turn of his biological family.

The mother of this opponent of Felix Tshisekedi comes out of her silence to denounce the arrest of her offspring.

Direct, the mother of Franck Diongo spoke about the state of health of her son as well as that of her husband.

And warns the President of the Republic Félix Antoine Tshisekedi of his responsibility if harm happens to Franck Diongo.

“We were all happy to see Felix Tshisekedi take power in this country.

But why did he do this to us?

Mobutu arrested Franck, Kabila the father and Kabila the son too.

But why you too?” she wondered.

And to add:

“My husband and I are totally dependent on him and at the moment his father is seriously ill. Who will take him to the hospital?

If something happens to my husband or to myself or even to Franck, you will be solely responsible for it”.

Arrested on Tuesday, June 20 by armed men while returning from mourning, the Congolese opponent Franck Diongo has so far been detained in a secret place, according to his relatives.

The reasons for his arrest remain unknown until now.


*Sounds like Tshisekedi has been taking lessons from Putin's play book to me :eek: :( :eek: :oops: :eek:

Also reading on twitter this potential operation against Kabila.
But knows what to believe on social media coming out of the DRC.
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Let's forget about our shared shitshow for the night, happy hangover people:D
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Let's forget about our shared shitshow for the night, happy hangover people:D
Couple of VB’s should sort that out mate 👍
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Time to crack out the Diplimatico then 🥃
Cheers! 🥴
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Embezzlement of public funds is the basis of lack of Infrastructure

The whole of humanity celebrates every June 13 of the year, the international day for the protection of whistleblowers.

On the sidelines of this day, the Congolese League for the Fight against Corruption, (LICOCO) and the Observation of Public Expenditure, (Odep) co-organized the morning of exchange, this Friday, June 23, 2023 in the amphitheater of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) located in the commune of the commune of Gombe, for the sharing of information.

During this morning of discussion, the General Inspectorate of Finance explained all the contours of corruption in the DRC and the work done by whistleblowers in the fight against corrupt practices.

For the Head of the IGF, Jules ALINGETE NKEY, since independence, the DRC has gone from fifteen million inhabitants to 100 million inhabitants with the same infrastructure without job creation.

“It follows today that we have serious problems in the big cities, we have serious problems at the level of society, problems created by unemployment, by bad management of finances and if we do not manage very well these problems we risk having anti-values almost at the entire level of the country,” he said.

And to add that it will be necessary to militate and privilege first the collective well-being than individual because the collective well-being will reduce corruption.

The Congolese must make the general disapproval of the embezzlers of taxpayers' money so that these financial criminals who mortgage the future of our children cannot express themselves.

Despite the struggle of whistleblowers, the DRC does not have a legal framework to protect whistleblowers.

The Democratic Republic of Congo is full of enormous resources, does not advance because of the diversion of the last public.

And whistleblowers must not expose themselves to the predator in public finance but must do so discreetly in order to avoid threats.

"The impression I sometimes have, we are all in a culture where there is no red line and the crimes of embezzlement are trivialized and we swim in this culture and even the desire to denounce it we have it not”, testified Florimond Muteba PCA of Odep.

Corruption is a scourge that must be fought.

And there is a direct correlation between development and corruption, the statistics of the world prove them that the most developed countries are countries where corruption is fought and countries where corruption is high, the degree of misery is also too high.


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View attachment 38865

* Hmm, about 910 Corrupt Kunts too many tbo :unsure: :rolleyes: :(

Well it would be another round of Brown Paper Bags if FT doesnt get back in - can Sin Bin afford it? No Mine no Battery Hub in the DRC.

Regards - Silent
Just a thought bubble
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Here’s another thought….
@Flight996 posted this on the Zijin thread recently

What's the bet that Zijin miraculously finds and presents a 'genuine' signed ministerial document approving Zijin's place on the Dathcom register.”

“The rodents have produced so many fake documents in the past, what's the harm in just one more.”

We have seen fake documents appear recently thanks to @9cardomaha and we know about Zijin’s corruption and how they illegally and fraudulently attempted to embezzle shares in Dathcom through extortion

Remember these legal terms (they all apply to Zijin) and keep an eye out for any newly discovered fake documents…. Could be how or why these sly fuckers have delayed the ICC arbitration case again

The sleuthing done by shareholders on TSE and in private has been one of our strongest assets
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Here’s another thought….
@Flight996 posted this on the Zijin thread recently

What's the bet that Zijin miraculously finds and presents a 'genuine' signed ministerial document approving Zijin's place on the Dathcom register.”

“The rodents have produced so many fake documents in the past, what's the harm in just one more.”

We have seen fake documents appear recently thanks to @9cardomaha and we know about Zijin’s corruption and how they illegally and fraudulently attempted to embezzle shares in Dathcom through extortion

Remember these legal terms (they all apply to Zijin) and keep an eye out for any newly discovered fake documents…. Could be how or why these sly fuckers have delayed the ICC arbitration case again

The sleuthing done by shareholders on TSE and in private has been one of our strongest assets
They would have done it already if they were going to and it doesn't change AVZ's first right of refusal . The facts around Zijin's claim for 15% are already well known . What's going on here is pure stalling tactics to weaken AVZ's resolve . Felix /MoM are going to have to make a captains call at some point . Lets be clear . It's not just about the 15% . China want control . They want the ML . I can only see this going 1 of 2 ways . They either pay us out or they kick us out . imo
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They would have done it already if they were going to and it doesn't change AVZ's first right of refusal . The facts around Zijin's claim for 15% are already well known . What's going on here is pure stalling tactics to weaken AVZ's resolve . Felix /MoM are going to have to make a captains call at some point . Lets be clear . It's not just about the 15% . China want control . They want the ML . I can only see this going 1 of 2 ways . They either pay us out or they kick us out . imo
1. “Kick us out” = unlikely. ICSID case risks immed pariah status for international investment & risks supports from World Bank …etc. & there’s a big damages pay out to AVZ eventually.
2. “Pay us out” = DRC Gov can’t afford the $
3. “Negotiated deal” = most likely option IMO. Question is can it be agreed ‘well before’ election to give FT clear air on Manono, ie agreed soon. Or will negotiations falter & it gets bumped to after election ???
IMO GLTAH BR Sparrowhawk12
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1. “Kick us out” = unlikely. ICSID case risks immed pariah status for international investment & risks supports from World Bank …etc. & there’s a big damages pay out to AVZ eventually.
2. “Pay us out” = DRC Gov can’t afford the $
3. “Negotiated deal” = most likely option IMO. Question is can it be agreed ‘well before’ election to give FT clear air on Manono, ie agreed soon. Or will negotiations falter & it gets bumped to after election ???
IMO GLTAH BR Sparrowhawk12
Pay out / Buy out by Zijin not DRC .
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Pay out / Buy out by Zijin not DRC .
Fuck Zijin!
If it's a pay out / buy out let it be CATL or similar.
Be nice to see AVZ continue to drag Zijin through the courts along with their accomplices and have the ass sued off them for damages equal to losses incurred as a result of their interference on the Manono project.
2-3$ takeover + Zijin $12.
Edit: USD
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Yep, looks like you have ZIJINS details fairly well covered.....(y)


Any chance of getting the background scenes looking alot less like err....

perth scorchers.jpg


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I know we're all completely over the talk without action but you've got to admit it still sounds poetic.

#RDC Standing Congolese and Congolese. United in the fight against the anti-values that hinder the development of our dear and beautiful country. The recovery of the DRC and its greatness depend on the commitment of all of us to block the way to the gravediggers of the Economy.
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