AVZ Discussion 2022


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$12 Billion.

For those struggling with the stress of this circus know that you are not alone. AVZ has taken me from flat broke and nearly homeless with no way to pay a $400 rent bill, to multi millionaire capable of buying my first home for cash with enough left over to retire at 42. But as one who recklessly went all in with everything I could raise over 6 years of hard work and severe frugality I'm now hanging somewhere between those two extremes.

So hang in there, stay positive, and thank you all for helping me to do the same. You lot are a good bunch.
I hear you mate, Feel ya too.
Roughest time of my life, from absolute hero, to just..... this shit... who knows where we end up.
Try our best to keep positive.
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you and me both and i am 64 see my youngest and middle child 8 weeks per year , we all lived together before this , finding it hard to make extra money to travel to see the kids , but really i think the BOD have so much stress also , dont blame they there are so many more to blame and I am sure we will get out of this mess as they also have a vested interest in AVZ
You are 64 ? Pigs fly .
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You are 64 ? Pigs fly .
yep mate 64 ,, married 4 times but still with the last . live in Java for 8 years Bali 5 years now back to sydney working in construction because of this shit fight , many people here know me but mate now with my 8 year old and my 20 year old for 1 month now , the gods love me hang in there all will be ok
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WTF got modded for in the same boat post….this place is getting like HC…Here’s a msg @Dreddbot …warn me how about you GFY
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*C'mon everyone,

Get on Twitter, Get behind our Brother from another Mother & support our Super Hero Jonnno please ❤️
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* It's hard to believe, but The Business of doing Business in the DRC is in a Bad way - OMG call the Sheriff :eek: :oops: :eek:

Business climate: Félix Tshisekedi thunders after noticing excessive shenanigans at the one-stop shop

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In his statement made during the meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 16, 2023, the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo mentioned the deterioration of the conditions for creating businesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the report of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Communication and Media, government spokesman, Patrick Muyaya, hammered home the recommendations of the Head of State who invited the Executive to the need to work to improving the business climate.

On the basis of the information in his possession, he underlined, the President of the Republic dwelt again on the more than worrying situation of the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE).

"For the Head of State, this entity, though created to facilitate the installation of investors in the country and the formalization of the activities of economic operators, has unfortunately for some time been experiencing a dysfunction in its service characterized, in particular, by long waiting times and discontinuity of service,” said the government spokesman in his report after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

According to him, the stakeholders were urgently invited to find solutions to put an end to the difficulties currently deplored.

"In view of the seriousness of the situation, the President of the Republic has asked the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to convene around him, as soon as possible, the main stakeholders to, in the very short term, resolve the difficulties of financing and taking charge of the agents and pooling of the intervening services which arise within the GUCE; in the medium term, proceed in parallel with an evaluation of the reform of the GUCE which should make it possible to identify the avenues likely to promote the optimization of the completion of business formalities”, indicated Minister Patrick Muyaya.

In the same vein, the government spokesperson specified that the unit (Business climate) will have to be called upon to find solutions to this problem.

It should be understood that the remorse and anger of the President of the Republic will be able to move things forward in the direction of putting an end to the shenanigans that are already taking shape at the Single Window.


*Shame he doesn't feel / act the same about the "Excessive Shenanigans" at Manono :( :mad: :rolleyes:

Because there's a Shitload of Shenanigans going on over there atm

Oh, that's right, I forgot - We don't talk about that in Public :rolleyes:

Do we Fatshit :mad:

Tick - Tock ⏰

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*Fyi, In other News, I see where,

Sino-Congolese contract: the new Chinese ambassador to the DRC promises to get involved in the resolution of disputes

The new ambassador of the People's Republic of China in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zhao Bin, during an interview this Wednesday, June 21 with the press, revealed his ambitions, in addition those of his country during his mandate.

Zhao Bin brushed off several topics, including Felix Tshisekedi's state visit to China last month and the Chinese contract.

Regarding the Chinese contract, the one who is already nicknamed "Buatu moko", has promised to get involved in the resolution of disputes between Chinese companies and the Congolese state under the otherwise-Congolese contract signed in 2007.

The Chinese diplomat believes that these disputes can be settled amicably.

This is one of his priorities as the new Chinese ambassador to the DRC.

We have the same objective, which is to make this cooperation benefit the Chinese and Congolese people.

These disputes must be settled amicably.

I am convinced, in the light of the spirit of friendship, pragmatism and fairness, we will manage to find a happy settlement.

This will be one of the priorities for me after taking office and I will support the ongoing discussions between the Congolese authorities and Chinese companies to find a good methodology for settling these disputes,” he said.

Despite the divergence, noted Zhao Bin, this contract has created more than 20,000 jobs in the infrastructure sector and more than 10,000 in the mining sector.

He then announced that 150 million US dollars for the second wave of Chinese projects in the DRC have already been validated by the Congolese authorities.

The success of this contract, he believes, has attracted more investors who follow suit and allow the DRC to develop this sector.

Zhao Bin also assured that during his tenure as Chinese ambassador, he will ensure the smooth running of cooperation projects underway in the DRC.

In its mission, emphasis will also be placed on training.

According to him, the Congolese side will benefit from around 200 training opportunities in various fields, including security.

Facing the press, he also returned to the recent visit of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, to China.

In this regard, the Chinese diplomat is delighted that this State visit has enabled the strengthening of cooperation agreements which cover not only the mining and infrastructure sectors, but also sectors of the future such as the green economy, the digital and renewable energy.

The visit of the Head of State to China took place in a tense context between the two countries following the publication of a report by the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) on the Chinese contract.

It helped to calm the tension between the two countries. :unsure: :rolleyes: o_O


The World Bank is ready to support the government's strategic priorities and important reforms in

The outcome of World Bank projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo was at the center of discussions on Tuesday at the Cité de l'Union Africaine between a delegation from this institution and the Head of State, learned on Wednesday June 21. 2023 ACP Presidency.

“We discussed the partnership between the WB and the DRC. It is a growing partnership.

We discussed ways to ensure that all ongoing projects in the DRC can lead to positive results for the country,” said World Bank Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa, Victoria Kwakwa, and head of the delegation, on a working visit to Kinshasa from June 17 to 24, 2023.

She acknowledged that the DRC is facing a situation of insecurity marked by armed conflicts and especially Rwandan aggression, via the M23, thus preventing it for several years from taking off properly or making its growth visible.

"Thus, to support the stabilization and development efforts of the DRC, the Board of Directors of the World Bank approved last year a new country partnership framework, running from 2022 to 2026", recalled a source of the Presidency.

“This instrument should support the Congolese government's strategic priorities and important governance reforms,” she added.


Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 🤞 🙏 🤞
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Funnily enough I get no sense at all that FT is remotely interested in serving another term. The vibe I get is he just couldn't give a crap. Despite his lofty words and ambitious agendas the country is still riven by conflict and corruption, poverty and despair.

His reign as president has been unremarkable, impotent even, and a major disappointment. That he could preside over the Manono debacle for so long shows just how hopeless he is. If he cared, he would have sorted it out by now. A leader he ain't. IMO.
Reads like an opinion piece with no intel supplied. Are you trying to incite people to malign the president, who stays at arms length so he may yet cause justice for AVZ? Do you know or remember there were reports of a thwarted assassination/coup early this year. FT cannot be perfectly clean to be where he is - he's a Pollie at the top of the tree. But he's surrounded by snakes, jackals & worse. Would you rather go back to Kabila?
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WTF got modded for in the same boat post….this place is getting like HC…Here’s a msg @Dreddbot …warn me how about you GFY
View attachment 38761
Shit pretty rough to get modded around here mate.. Your post wasn’t mod worthy IMO.. You didn’t even call anyone a Cunt 🤔 Very Odd.. Fucking boats..
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Reads like an opinion piece with no intel supplied. Are you trying to incite people to malign the president, who stays at arms length so he may yet cause justice for AVZ? Do you know or remember there were reports of a thwarted assassination/coup early this year. FT cannot be perfectly clean to be where he is - he's a Pollie at the top of the tree. But he's surrounded by snakes, jackals & worse. Would you rather go back to Kabila?
He is not surrounded by snakes, jackals and worse, but snakes, jackals and whores.
You forgot the h hawk.
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pow4ade said:

Funnily enough I get no sense at all that FT is remotely interested in serving another term. The vibe I get is he just couldn't give a crap. Despite his lofty words and ambitious agendas the country is still riven by conflict and corruption, poverty and despair.

His reign as president has been unremarkable, impotent even, and a major disappointment. That he could preside over the Manono debacle for so long shows just how hopeless he is. If he cared, he would have sorted it out by now. A leader he ain't. IMO.
Reads like an opinion piece with no intel supplied. Are you trying to incite people to malign the president, who stays at arms length so he may yet cause justice for AVZ? Do you know or remember there were reports of a thwarted assassination/coup early this year. FT cannot be perfectly clean to be where he is - he's a Pollie at the top of the tree. But he's surrounded by snakes, jackals & worse. Would you rather go back to Kabila?

Felix absolutely 100% wants to be re-elected.

It looks like he is going to attempt to rig the election:

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So clearly the DRC govt are an extractive institution. And they all want their beaks wet. Why would they be so keen to stop producing this? Can’t wet beaks if you can’t sell lithium. Can’t extract from a non working mine. I think the BOD have made the right call at the international level. I just hope they’ve done the right thing by the political elite. Ensured them of moist beaks. It’s not tennis it’s MMA. I hope Nigel realises you have strike while they are falling.
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Biding my Time 1971
Very interesting perspective......

1. I think so, yes. Contacts on the Hill/DC and in Kinshasa imply it. West is not sanctioning Rwanda over M23 rebels (like Obama/Norway/UK did in 2012) and so holding up Western-led investments as leverage.
2. Complicated but similar to Russia and Russia-speakers in the Donbas/Crimea. Partly seeks to protect ethnic Tutsis in DRC (but is super cynical in how they do this, like Russia w/ ethnic Russians in SE Ukraine), partly a "legitimate security concern" (Hutu genocide killers/FDLR heavily present in Kivu provinces on its border), partly straight up greed/ theft (Rwanda is a transit point for clandestine gold, tin, coltan, etc). So, destabilizing DRC in its interests.
3. To be clear, FT and most of the non-Kabila opposition moderate on East/West stuff. I want to be clear abt that. But M23 and perceived Western hypocrisy on Ukraine ("why the interest in Ukraine but not similar interest in Congolese? Or Palestinians?") plus China and Russian disinfo campaigns increasing hostility towards the West among regular Africans. Well, politicians' sense that and as in any nation a struggling pol always finds a scapegoat by tapping into this (or really any) sentiment. Most ppl around FT is moderate but he does have a few key ones he needs to maintain power who are not unfortunately. ((Princess and PM))
4. While "democratic", DRC's political system is basically a vast patronage network. Per the ones well known in history (Tammany Hall here in NYC, Borgia's in Rome/Catholic Church back in the day), the symptoms are bad governance, a ton of corruption, arbitrary rule. Problem is, DRC is poor so far more clients than patrons. This creates a cycle. Not enough "brown bags" to give out and this leads to bad governance. Bad governance contributes to poverty. And eventually, all the internal rivalry and conflict for position plus grinding poverty leads to terrible violence. FT has not chosen to reform this system as he needs it at this time. If he were to give AVZ the license it would upset the balance w/ the old top patron, former Prez Kabila who likely is the beneficial owner of Dathomir Int'l.
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Very interesting perspective......

1. I think so, yes. Contacts on the Hill/DC and in Kinshasa imply it. West is not sanctioning Rwanda over M23 rebels (like Obama/Norway/UK did in 2012) and so holding up Western-led investments as leverage.
2. Complicated but similar to Russia and Russia-speakers in the Donbas/Crimea. Partly seeks to protect ethnic Tutsis in DRC (but is super cynical in how they do this, like Russia w/ ethnic Russians in SE Ukraine), partly a "legitimate security concern" (Hutu genocide killers/FDLR heavily present in Kivu provinces on its border), partly straight up greed/ theft (Rwanda is a transit point for clandestine gold, tin, coltan, etc). So, destabilizing DRC in its interests.
3. To be clear, FT and most of the non-Kabila opposition moderate on East/West stuff. I want to be clear abt that. But M23 and perceived Western hypocrisy on Ukraine ("why the interest in Ukraine but not similar interest in Congolese? Or Palestinians?") plus China and Russian disinfo campaigns increasing hostility towards the West among regular Africans. Well, politicians' sense that and as in any nation a struggling pol always finds a scapegoat by tapping into this (or really any) sentiment. Most ppl around FT is moderate but he does have a few key ones he needs to maintain power who are not unfortunately. ((Princess and PM))
4. While "democratic", DRC's political system is basically a vast patronage network. Per the ones well known in history (Tammany Hall here in NYC, Borgia's in Rome/Catholic Church back in the day), the symptoms are bad governance, a ton of corruption, arbitrary rule. Problem is, DRC is poor so far more clients than patrons. This creates a cycle. Not enough "brown bags" to give out and this leads to bad governance. Bad governance contributes to poverty. And eventually, all the internal rivalry and conflict for position plus grinding poverty leads to terrible violence. FT has not chosen to reform this system as he needs it at this time. If he were to give AVZ the license it would upset the balance w/ the old top patron, former Prez Kabila who likely is the beneficial owner of Dathomir Int'l.


So FT won't give AVZ the ML because he doesn't want to upset his old mate Kabila

Awesome :rolleyes:
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Reads like an opinion piece with no intel supplied. Are you trying to incite people to malign the president, who stays at arms length so he may yet cause justice for AVZ? Do you know or remember there were reports of a thwarted assassination/coup early this year. FT cannot be perfectly clean to be where he is - he's a Pollie at the top of the tree. But he's surrounded by snakes, jackals & worse. Would you rather go back to Kabila?
*Fyi, Some of you may be interested / dissapointed / couldn't care less / not surprised to read where,

Kasaï-Central: in five years, President Félix Tshisekedi makes three rounds in Kananga for zero inauguration

So having elected him with the hope of seeing his province boost development, the population of Kasai Central has not benefited and felt anything from the first five-year term of Felix Tshisekedi to the supreme magistracy, while we are tending towards a new presidential election.

Some six months before the presidential election and while tensions are rising within the majority, as well as in the opposition, Felix Tshisekedi wants to calm the wind and the waves in order to obtain the support of his brothers and sisters in the region.

Kasaï Central has kept its old image of the Kabila regime, wrongly accused as President of the Republic having hated the region, and yet under his mandate, the worthy sons of the region have been in majority at his side, but have nothing offered to their province.

But, Felix Tshisekedi will try to win over this population bruised with suffering to a degree extremely motivated by its isolation.

Félix Tshisekedi is again announced in Kananga, capital of Kasaï Central, this Friday, June 23, 2023 to proceed with the official launch of the emergency project for urban resilience in Kananga (PURUK), under World Bank financing, valued at 100 million USD.

Tshisekedi's last visit to this city dates back to September 2022, when he launched work to rehabilitate the Kananga-Kalamba Mbuji road and urban modernization.

Three visits for zero inauguration.

According to several observers, Tshisekedi's first term was not beneficial for this reason because since its inception, no development project has been able to succeed.

It all started with the emergency program of the first 100 days, which gave birth to a mouse in this province because nothing and nothing on the ground was achieved, which was also the basis of a lawsuit which led to the conviction of Kamerhe, then chief of staff of Tshisekedi for embezzlement of the funds allocated to this project. :rolleyes:

The Tshilejelu project that followed, welcomed with pomp and launched under the enthusiasm and total satisfaction of the population, experienced the same scenario. :(

Executed by the Chinese company Crec7, the contract was terminated by the Congolese authorities through OVD, the contracting authority of the project.

To these days, all the construction sites remained unfinished across the city.

Of the 35 km of road planned, less than 10 km have been completed.:rolleyes:

The Kananga-Kalamba Mbuji road, considered the main reason for living economically by the Kasaiens, is in a very advanced state of disrepair, despite the project carried out by the TOHA Investissement Company, whose work is being carried out at a snail's pace, at the indignation of a certain layer of the population of Kasaï Central, who would even claim another company for the acceleration of the works.

The impassability of this road caused a negative influence on the economy of the province of Kasaï Central, the economic operators of the place, who supplied themselves with manufactured products and other goods, have difficulties in getting there, which caused on the market, the vertiginous rise of products regularly purchased in Angola.

This is, for example, cement, a bag of which is currently trading at more than 100,000 FC, rice, salt, sugar and so many other goods.

Apart from this, we note the historic project and the lifeblood of the development of the entire Greater Kasai region, the Katende Hydroelectric Power Plant, whose work was stopped under Joseph Kabila in 2016 at 65% completion after the looting of the site of the Kamwina Nsapu militiamen.

In January 2021, Felix Tshisekedi went himself to the site, after his assessment with experts who accompanied him, he made a commitment to relaunch the construction work of this plant, something not done two years later. :rolleyes:

To date, the Indian government has just allocated a new allocation for the relaunch of work at Katende, something that the Kasaiens are waiting for with great patience, because this factory constitutes, for them, a hope, an escape from poverty and a developing.

In short, Kasaï Central is, according to some observers, abandoned to its own sadness, because life is expensive there, the dizzying rise in food prices, the dilapidated state of the environmental fabric and so many other major problems facing its population. :(

Through this third visit, Felix Tshisekedi will try to morally rearm his people for the next electoral adventure in order to deserve their trust and obtain from them a massive electorate.


Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 🙏
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Is there really any good outcome or candidate worth hoping wins the DRC election or are we royally up a creek no matter what?
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