AVZ Discussion 2022


Biding my Time 1971
Is there really any good outcome or candidate worth hoping wins the DRC election or are we royally up a creek no matter what?

Felix is a typical 'lame duck' president, he can't make anything he would like to happen happen, as the other cunts in his very tenuous coalition rule the roost. Just look at SAMA's blank look whenever you see a photo in the ministerial Council meetings - he doesn't give a fuck what Felix says.

So, it would be best for us to have Felix and his party sweep into power with a monstrous majority, so he can get rid of the other crooks.

Thats called a wet dream
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Righto, going back to sleep for 6 months then. Hopefully the courts can steer us out of this some how.
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Felix is a typical 'lame duck' president, he can't make anything he would like to happen happen, as the other cunts in his very tenuous coalition rule the roost. Just look at SAMA's blank look whenever you see a photo in the ministerial Council meetings - he doesn't give a fuck what Felix says.

So, it would be best for us to have Felix and his party sweep into power with a monstrous majority, so he can get rid of the other crooks.

Thats called a wet dream

All hail Felix The Impotent!

Felix the Impotent.jpg
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Biding my Time 1971
Righto, going back to sleep for 6 months then. Hopefully the courts can steer us out of this some how.
Not directly related to our predicament. He might issue the ML to the next owner, once they pay us US$12 (in anchors), especially if SAMA and Princess fuckface get a bag each
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FYI, in red bold UL. I don't think anyone's posted this?

4. While "democratic", DRC's political system is basically a vast patronage network. Per the ones well known in history (Tammany Hall here in NYC, Borgia's in Rome/Catholic Church back in the day), the symptoms are bad governance, a ton of corruption, arbitrary rule. Problem is, DRC is poor so far more clients than patrons. This creates a cycle. Not enough "brown bags" to give out and this leads to bad governance. Bad governance contributes to poverty. And eventually, all the internal rivalry and conflict for position plus grinding poverty leads to terrible violence. FT has not chosen to reform this system as he needs it at this time. If he were to give AVZ the license it would upset the balance w/ the old top patron, former Prez Kabila who likely is the beneficial owner of Dathomir Int'l.

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Summit for a new global financial pact in Paris: during a round table organized by the AfDB, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde calls for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector​



On the sidelines of the summit for a new global financial pact, which opened this Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Paris, capital of the French Republic, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde took part in a presidential round table on the alliance for green infrastructure in Africa, “AGIA”, at the Palais Brongniart, organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde not only presented the opportunities offered by the Democratic Republic of Congo as a solution country on climate issues but also and above all, he called for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector, notably the INGA project.

“We want that alongside this structuring that you have made in terms of project support, we have more investors. Inga is a major integrating project. Initially we wanted a request of 13 billion. Today, the first sentence could ask for 7 billion. And so, we have private investors on the side, who can support us, so that we have the alternative in terms of energy for our populations. Who says energy, says water for these populations. And who says energy, says industries, agriculture, processing at the local level to improve the value chain, especially since we are involved in our role as a solution country, with minerals in the energy transition, in the manufacture of electric batteries. So there are high expectations on this side.

It should also be noted that "AGIA" is a coherent, inclusive and practical solution to accelerate the achievement of the net zero emissions objective. The objective of the alliance is to mobilize 10 billion dollars from the private sectors to finance green infrastructure in Africa.

The AfDB intends to raise $500 million for project preparation and development, which will catalyze targeted private investment of up to $10 billion for green and resilient infrastructure in Africa.

I wonder how easy people will give money to a fraudulent government of which JMS Lukonde is the PM!

The guy on the far right is the president of the Afr. Development Bank
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Summit for a new global financial pact in Paris: Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde carries the message of the Head of State, Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo​



The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is organizing an event with the City of Paris on strengthening access to long-term finance for sustainable development in cities and around the world.Arrived early this morning in Paris, capital of France, the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, is at the head of a delegation made up of several members of the Government, in particular the Ministers of State for the Budget, the Environment, Regional Planning (Editor's note: he was already in Paris before the large delegation), the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as the Minister of Communication and Media.

The event took place face-to-face on Wednesday, June 21, one day before the official opening of the Summit for a new global financial pact. It has a dual objective: financing sustainable development in cities and rethinking the global financial architecture to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. Given the position of the DRC with regard to its resources, as a solution country in the fight against global warming, the Prime Minister is carrying a message from the President of the Republic to this world summit.

The Minister of Communication and government spokesman fixed the opinion by reaffirming that the DRC wants to see all the promises made, through its global role in the fight against climate change, materialize.
“We have just arrived in Paris to accompany the Prime Minister, Head of Government, who represents the President of the Republic, to this major Summit on the new global financial pact initiated by President Macron. During this work, it will be a question of rethinking the global financial system, 80 years after the Breton Woods agreements, which created the IMF and the World Bank. We must also look at how humanity responds to climatic imperatives. You know that the DRC is a solution country and in relation to all these subjects, there are opinions that the Democratic Republic of Congo intends to issue. This is why there is this delegation which has just arrived in Paris for this work. We are positioning ourselves as a solution country not because we want to say so, but because we have the necessary resources. And you know that every second that polluters pollute, every second also the DRC ensures that the global temperature is regulated, in particular through its forests. Many promises have been made. Here, we want to see these promises become concrete. Because we must stop this haemorrhage that affects our humanity. And so from this point of view as on other subjects, we have opinions to issue, ”said Patrick Muyaya to the press.

It should be noted that this summit for a new global financial pact is under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron and has the participation of more than 100 Heads of State and Government from all continents.
This Paris Summit is being held on June 22 and 23. Convened by President Emmanuel Macron, it takes place in an international context marked by the repercussions of the multiple climate, energy, health and economic crises, particularly in the most vulnerable countries. It pursues four main objectives: Restore fiscal space to countries facing difficult short-term situations, in particular the most indebted countries; Foster private sector development in low-income countries; Encourage investment in “green” infrastructure for the energy transition in emerging and developing countries; Mobilize innovative financing for countries vulnerable to climate change.
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Arrival of Félix Tshisekedi in Kananga: "The population must give him a questioning welcome following his broken promises" (LUCHA)

The citizen movement Fight for Change (LUCHA) calls on the population of Kasaï-central to reserve a welcome which challenges the President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi who arrives this Friday, June 23, 2023 in Kananga for the third time since his advent at the head of the country.

In an interview granted to the local press, Pontient Divin Misenga communicator of Lucha specifies that all the promises made to the population of Kasaï-central by the President of the Republic before his accession to the supreme magistracy are not realized.

“He is welcome in the city of Kananga, the President of the Republic must be welcomed by the Kasaian Centers but with challenging messages.

It must be the requirement of the social contract because he does not come to inaugurate, but comes to launch, ”said Pontient Divin Misenga.

And to add: “He was elected on the basis of a program and on the basis of the expectations of the population, what is called a social contract".

It is through this program that we feel obliged to demand from the President of the Republic the realization of all that he had promised for this space.

Where are we with the Katende fall ?, Where are we with the Kalamba Mbuji project ?

It should be noted that Félix Tshisekedi's last visit to Kananga dates back to September 10, 2022, when he launched the urban road construction project as well as the renovation works of the Kananga-Kalamba Mbuji road, but so far not carried out.

It should be noted that the Head of State Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo arrives in Kananga this Friday, June 23, 2023 to launch the anti-erosion work.


Sounds like someone isn't very welcome in Kananga :oops:

Sounds like another case of All Talk - No Action Tshisekedi :rolleyes:

Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 🤞
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Summit for a new global financial pact in Paris: during a round table organized by the AfDB, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde calls for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector​



On the sidelines of the summit for a new global financial pact, which opened this Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Paris, capital of the French Republic, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde took part in a presidential round table on the alliance for green infrastructure in Africa, “AGIA”, at the Palais Brongniart, organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde not only presented the opportunities offered by the Democratic Republic of Congo as a solution country on climate issues but also and above all, he called for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector, notably the INGA project.

“We want that alongside this structuring that you have made in terms of project support, we have more investors. Inga is a major integrating project. Initially we wanted a request of 13 billion. Today, the first sentence could ask for 7 billion. And so, we have private investors on the side, who can support us, so that we have the alternative in terms of energy for our populations. Who says energy, says water for these populations. And who says energy, says industries, agriculture, processing at the local level to improve the value chain, especially since we are involved in our role as a solution country, with minerals in the energy transition, in the manufacture of electric batteries. So there are high expectations on this side.

It should also be noted that "AGIA" is a coherent, inclusive and practical solution to accelerate the achievement of the net zero emissions objective. The objective of the alliance is to mobilize 10 billion dollars from the private sectors to finance green infrastructure in Africa.

The AfDB intends to raise $500 million for project preparation and development, which will catalyze targeted private investment of up to $10 billion for green and resilient infrastructure in Africa.

I wonder how easy people will give money to a fraudulent government of which JMS Lukonde is the PM!

The guy on the far right is the president of the Afr. Development Bank

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Yes truly laughable Frank, that Tshisekedi tries to project that he knows nothing about the shenanigans going on in his country. Here’s a couple of reminders for him which I will hopefully get around to sending to his so called
Single Window For Business Creation (GUCE) also known as Single Window For Foreign Trade

The Democratic Republic of Congo's Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) has revealed massive fraud in the public payroll department, where dozens of fictitious employees cost the state nearly $800 million a year.


Mining attractiveness: the DRC ranked 82 out of 83 countries in the Fraser Institute report


Fraud and corruption in the DRC: damning revelations from the head of the General Inspectorate of Finance


World Bank suspends $1 billion worth of project funding in Congo


DRC excluded from the list of investments of the French group ERAMET, following the blocking of the PE of lithium of Manono by the government

During the visit of President Emmanuel Macron to Kinshasa, the two countries notably concluded an agreement for the mapping and sustainable management of the mining resources which abound in the Congolese subsoil, French companies and institutes will be invited to map and invest in the mining sector of the DR Congo according to this partnership. But here is following the blocking of the delivery of the exploitation permit 13359 by the Congolese government to DATHCOM, of which the group AVZ MINERALS owns 75%, which must allow the start of the exploitation of the lithium of Manono, the French group, ERAMET has just excluded the DR Congo from its investment strategy in Africa for the time being.

Geoff Streeton , director of strategy for the company, and Christophe Thillier , in charge of exploration, have also drawn a line under the DRC for the moment, despite having identified its lithium potential.

The difficulties encountered by the Australian AVZ MINERALS on its Manono project in Tanganyika in the south-east of the country gave the French company some food for thought, which has chosen to focus its investments in this sector on its Centenario-Ratones project in Argentina," said the media, Africa Intelligence. ERAMET is a French mining and metallurgical company with a workforce of 9,090 employees spread over 17 mining and industrial sites in 15 countries. In 2022, it achieved a turnover of 5.014 billion euros.

June 11, 2023Kiki Kienge
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Dave Evans


Summit for a new global financial pact in Paris: during a round table organized by the AfDB, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde calls for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector​



On the sidelines of the summit for a new global financial pact, which opened this Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Paris, capital of the French Republic, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde took part in a presidential round table on the alliance for green infrastructure in Africa, “AGIA”, at the Palais Brongniart, organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB).

On behalf of the President of the Republic, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde not only presented the opportunities offered by the Democratic Republic of Congo as a solution country on climate issues but also and above all, he called for more investment in the DRC, particularly in the energy sector, notably the INGA project.

“We want that alongside this structuring that you have made in terms of project support, we have more investors. Inga is a major integrating project. Initially we wanted a request of 13 billion. Today, the first sentence could ask for 7 billion. And so, we have private investors on the side, who can support us, so that we have the alternative in terms of energy for our populations. Who says energy, says water for these populations. And who says energy, says industries, agriculture, processing at the local level to improve the value chain, especially since we are involved in our role as a solution country, with minerals in the energy transition, in the manufacture of electric batteries. So there are high expectations on this side.

It should also be noted that "AGIA" is a coherent, inclusive and practical solution to accelerate the achievement of the net zero emissions objective. The objective of the alliance is to mobilize 10 billion dollars from the private sectors to finance green infrastructure in Africa.

The AfDB intends to raise $500 million for project preparation and development, which will catalyze targeted private investment of up to $10 billion for green and resilient infrastructure in Africa.

I wonder how easy people will give money to a fraudulent government of which JMS Lukonde is the PM!

The guy on the far right is the president of the Afr. Development Bank

“On the sidelines of the summit for a new global financial pact, which opened this Thursday, June 22, 2023, in Paris, capital of the French Republic, Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde took part in a presidential round table on the alliance for green infrastructure in Africa, “AGIA”, at the Palais Brongniart, organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB)”

Looks like that might be the next bank to send AVZ’s story to Cruiser. It’s already been sent to the Standard Bank and Eco Bank who were Lead and Gold Sponsors at the recent DRC Mining Week event.

I would also like to know who the PAN AFRICAN DFI’s were that were our financier’s. I remember reading who they were (possibly in an AVZ announcement) but would be good if someone could look it up and post it here!
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Dave Evans


Summit for a new global financial pact in Paris: Prime Minister Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde carries the message of the Head of State, Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo​



The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is organizing an event with the City of Paris on strengthening access to long-term finance for sustainable development in cities and around the world.Arrived early this morning in Paris, capital of France, the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, is at the head of a delegation made up of several members of the Government, in particular the Ministers of State for the Budget, the Environment, Regional Planning (Editor's note: he was already in Paris before the large delegation), the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs as well as the Minister of Communication and Media.

The event took place face-to-face on Wednesday, June 21, one day before the official opening of the Summit for a new global financial pact. It has a dual objective: financing sustainable development in cities and rethinking the global financial architecture to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. Given the position of the DRC with regard to its resources, as a solution country in the fight against global warming, the Prime Minister is carrying a message from the President of the Republic to this world summit.

The Minister of Communication and government spokesman fixed the opinion by reaffirming that the DRC wants to see all the promises made, through its global role in the fight against climate change, materialize.
“We have just arrived in Paris to accompany the Prime Minister, Head of Government, who represents the President of the Republic, to this major Summit on the new global financial pact initiated by President Macron. During this work, it will be a question of rethinking the global financial system, 80 years after the Breton Woods agreements, which created the IMF and the World Bank. We must also look at how humanity responds to climatic imperatives. You know that the DRC is a solution country and in relation to all these subjects, there are opinions that the Democratic Republic of Congo intends to issue. This is why there is this delegation which has just arrived in Paris for this work. We are positioning ourselves as a solution country not because we want to say so, but because we have the necessary resources. And you know that every second that polluters pollute, every second also the DRC ensures that the global temperature is regulated, in particular through its forests. Many promises have been made. Here, we want to see these promises become concrete. Because we must stop this haemorrhage that affects our humanity. And so from this point of view as on other subjects, we have opinions to issue, ”said Patrick Muyaya to the press.

It should be noted that this summit for a new global financial pact is under the leadership of President Emmanuel Macron and has the participation of more than 100 Heads of State and Government from all continents.
This Paris Summit is being held on June 22 and 23. Convened by President Emmanuel Macron, it takes place in an international context marked by the repercussions of the multiple climate, energy, health and economic crises, particularly in the most vulnerable countries. It pursues four main objectives: Restore fiscal space to countries facing difficult short-term situations, in particular the most indebted countries; Foster private sector development in low-income countries; Encourage investment in “green” infrastructure for the energy transition in emerging and developing countries; Mobilize innovative financing for countries vulnerable to climate change.

Again, another reason to keep our story in the headlines. No doubt Lukonde will be spinning bullshit with any mention of AVZ

I know the following has been posted here a number of times already, but it’s important to keep it out there for occasions like this

Read the AVZ story. AVZ Minerals spent 6 years & millions of dollars developing the Manono Project, only to have the project, ML & ownership delayed by the illegal actions of Cominiere, Chinese company Zijin and Simon Cong (Read the IGF report)

For 6 years in the DRC AVZ Minerals carried out Soil Sampling; Field Mapping; Consulting; Drilling; Metallurgical Testing; FEED Study; Securing a lease on an Industrial Site for logistics including road haulage, rail & port services & infrastructure rehab to the road from Manono

AVZ produced a 160-page Definitive Feasibility Study; Received DFS Technical Approval; Had a SEZ Agreement; Tendered for Mining Infrastructure and followed the DRC Mining Code. AVZ satisfied all required approvals - Environmental Approval; Financial Capability (through Raising Capital, Negotiating Funding with Pan African DFI’s, Arranging funding and Offtake Agreements with CATH, Obtaining Several Offtake Agreements for both Lithium and Tin) Favourable Cadastral Opinion & Favourable Technical Opinion of the DFS for the Manono project. The Ministerial Decree to award the ML was granted last April then taken away

AVZ Minerals also produced an 85-page Sustainability Report committed to Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) including Socio - economic benefits, Preserving environmental values, Providing a transparent and ethical supply chain, Ending poverty, Improving health and education, Economic growth and employment, Minimising greenhouse gas emissions, Preserving biodiversity, Restoring the Mpiana Mwanga Power Plant and Supplying energy and contributing to the local communities. AVZ's Environmental Study and Impact Assessment Reports included 7 ESIA's and Groundwater Management.

Now following the DRC taking away AVZ's ownership and delaying the Mining License, AVZ has been forced to take the DRC to International Centre For Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
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Reads like an opinion piece with no intel supplied. Are you trying to incite people to malign the president,
Yes, correcto, a brain fart which on second thoughts I had deleted shortly thereafter as being too negative towards the dear leader. It was late after a rough day. 😖
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Praise the Lord ( Of Lithium ) 🙏

Here's somebody who calls a Spade a Spade & Not a Shovel 😇

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Yes, correcto, a brain fart which on second thoughts I had deleted shortly thereafter as being too negative towards the dear leader. It was late after a rough day. 😖
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Former collaborators of Félix Tshisekedi without exit benefits for six months

The President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi is accused of not paying exit indemnities, for six months today, to his former collaborators.

The last alarm bell was sounded by Elisée Kaozi, former member of the investment cabinet, on Twitter this Friday, June 23, 2023.

Despite the correspondence addressed to the Director of Cabinet Guylain Nyembo, these correspondences remained unanswered, completely ignored.

However, with the budgetary surpluses of the presidency of the Republic, it is hardly thinkable that Félix Tshisekedi would thank his former agents in this way.

For those who have worked with integrity, loyalty and dedication, this is a violation of the Constitution and purely disrespectful.

Paradoxically, underline these agents, there is no shortage of money for "useless" trips, "imaginary" service missions. (y)

They are therefore forced to live miserably, despite being fathers and mothers of families.

A precarious situation that does not say its name, while they served the head of state with honesty.

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Arrest of Franck Diongo: his mother takes Tshisekedi solely responsible!

More and more reactions after the arrest of the national president of the MLP, Franck Diongo.

After his political family, it is the turn of his biological family.

The mother of this opponent of Felix Tshisekedi comes out of her silence to denounce the arrest of her offspring.

Direct, the mother of Franck Diongo spoke about the state of health of her son as well as that of her husband.

And warns the President of the Republic Félix Antoine Tshisekedi of his responsibility if harm happens to Franck Diongo.

“We were all happy to see Felix Tshisekedi take power in this country.

But why did he do this to us?

Mobutu arrested Franck, Kabila the father and Kabila the son too.

But why you too?” she wondered.

And to add:

“My husband and I are totally dependent on him and at the moment his father is seriously ill. Who will take him to the hospital?

If something happens to my husband or to myself or even to Franck, you will be solely responsible for it”.

Arrested on Tuesday, June 20 by armed men while returning from mourning, the Congolese opponent Franck Diongo has so far been detained in a secret place, according to his relatives.

The reasons for his arrest remain unknown until now.


*Sounds like Tshisekedi has been taking lessons from Putin's play book to me :eek: :( :eek: :oops: :eek:
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