AVZ Discussion 2022


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This is nothing new but there seems to be this constant social media claim from DRC people about the DRC Govt needing to ‘make the right decision for the DRC’ or ‘act in the best interest of the DRC’. This sentiment is an understandable stance for a patriot (as I would have for Australia) but this needs to be reflected in the mining code. If the DRC wants an international company to investigate, drill, and sure up a resource and then claim to have a right to a greater % of its ownership if it proves to be a winner, then put this condition in the mining code. If this is in the best interests of the DRC then put it in the mining code. I am not sure how many international investors will want to participate in the investment but at least buyer beware. AVZ has abided by the mining code. C’mon Nige and team, keep fighting the good fight!
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* It's hard to believe, but The Business of doing Business in the DRC is in a Bad way - OMG call the Sheriff :eek: :oops: :eek:

Business climate: Félix Tshisekedi thunders after noticing excessive shenanigans at the one-stop shop


In his statement made during the meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 16, 2023, the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo mentioned the deterioration of the conditions for creating businesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the report of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Communication and Media, government spokesman, Patrick Muyaya, hammered home the recommendations of the Head of State who invited the Executive to the need to work to improving the business climate.

On the basis of the information in his possession, he underlined, the President of the Republic dwelt again on the more than worrying situation of the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE).

"For the Head of State, this entity, though created to facilitate the installation of investors in the country and the formalization of the activities of economic operators, has unfortunately for some time been experiencing a dysfunction in its service characterized, in particular, by long waiting times and discontinuity of service,” said the government spokesman in his report after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

According to him, the stakeholders were urgently invited to find solutions to put an end to the difficulties currently deplored.

"In view of the seriousness of the situation, the President of the Republic has asked the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to convene around him, as soon as possible, the main stakeholders to, in the very short term, resolve the difficulties of financing and taking charge of the agents and pooling of the intervening services which arise within the GUCE; in the medium term, proceed in parallel with an evaluation of the reform of the GUCE which should make it possible to identify the avenues likely to promote the optimization of the completion of business formalities”, indicated Minister Patrick Muyaya.

In the same vein, the government spokesperson specified that the unit (Business climate) will have to be called upon to find solutions to this problem.

It should be understood that the remorse and anger of the President of the Republic will be able to move things forward in the direction of putting an end to the shenanigans that are already taking shape at the Single Window.


*Shame he doesn't feel / act the same about the "Excessive Shenanigans" at Manono :( :mad: :rolleyes:

Because there's a Shitload of Shenanigans going on over there atm

Oh, that's right, I forgot - We don't talk about that in Public :rolleyes:

Do we Fatshit :mad:

Tick - Tock ⏰

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This is nothing new but there seems to be this constant social media claim from DRC people about the DRC Govt needing to ‘make the right decision for the DRC’ or ‘act in the best interest of the DRC’. This sentiment is an understandable stance for a patriot (as I would have for Australia) but this needs to be reflected in the mining code. If the DRC wants an international company to investigate, drill, and sure up a resource and then claim to have a right to a greater % of its ownership if it proves to be a winner, then put this condition in the mining code. If this is in the best interests of the DRC then put it in the mining code. I am not sure how many international investors will want to participate in the investment but at least buyer beware. AVZ has abided by the mining code. C’mon Nige and team, keep fighting the good fight!
It's probably worth doing if it breaks this deadlock. Sure the Mining Code says DRC has to be 10% but that's just a minimum requirement, can certainly have more. Ivanhoe/Zijin agreed to cede 20% to DRC when they were having licensing issues, and they've been on the gravy train since. Sure it was alleged they also engaged with brownie bags, which we cant do, but if thats what the holdup is then a negotiation is in order. Perhaps could say we'll cede 10% of the dathomir 15% should we win that ICC case? Just to get us across the line
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*Well, well, well, Music to President Fatshits ears i'm sure, as

Comeback of Joseph Kabila: the Congolese do not want it

If it was a trial balloon, Joseph Kabila now has irrefutable proof: the Congolese do not want his return to the active political scene, especially not at the head of the country.

During the program “Appels sur l’actualité” broadcast by Radio France Internationale (RFI), Tuesday June 20, 2023, all the speakers clearly expressed themselves against his comeback.

After nearly three years of silence where he spent most of his time between his private farms in Kinshasa and Greater Katanga, the former head of state spoke to the few barons of his political family, Front common for the Congo (FCC) who have remained faithful to him.

After criticizing the management of the country by his successor Félix Tshisekedi, he denied having retired from politics and announced that he will address the Congolese people very soon.

Unfortunately for the man who led the DRC from 2001 to January 2019, the Congolese people only expect an apology from him to the many families who are victims of the atrocities and human rights violations committed under his reign and nothing else.

In any case, this is what almost all of the participants in the aforementioned program wanted.

“He is free, in accordance with Article 23 of the Constitution, to express his opinions, his thoughts, but to wait for him to come back, to tell us what?

Because he forgot that there are two dynamics that drove him out of power: the internal dynamic where he practically swam in mismanagement, mixing, infiltration and weakening of our army... today the age average Congolese soldier is 50 years old.

Can a 50-year-old soldier fight?

And, the external dynamic with in particular sanctions from the European Union, the American Treasury which targeted his relatives.

What is he going to tell us?

When he comes back, I expect him to ask forgiveness from us, we who have lost parents, who have been victims, that he ask forgiveness from the family of Rossy Mukendi, Kapangala, Floribert Chebeya, of Fidèle Bazana who was never buried and other victims.

As long as he does not ask the Congolese people for forgiveness, we will not listen to what he says," said a Congolese whose mother was killed during the Kamwina Nsapu militia conflict in the Kasai under Kabila.

At least as a deputy or senator

Another speaker maintained that if there are Congolese who would wait for the return of Joseph Kabila to the political scene, they are necessarily privileged people of his regime, who have benefited from it to the detriment of the rest of the population.

Moreover, the small fringe of Congolese who say they are in favor of the return of the former President of the Republic prefer to see him run for a seat in the national legislative elections or become active as a senator.

“Kabila and his clan have no interest in forcing a door that is locked.

I would like to see Kabila as a national deputy or active senator to bring his experience. He may well be a minister,” said one speaker.

Another continued that the people of his clan, the FCC, push him to fault and that he must avoid falling into their trap.

“Kabila cannot venture to present his candidacy because it will not pass. The Constitutional Court has already ruled on this.

The Constitution has already decided.

Two terms, no more. Kabila may well return to the legislative elections. But as President of the Republic, his time is already over, ”insisted this RFI listener.

Moreover, the most informed Congolese are convinced that if the national farmer manages to make a comeback at the head of the country, it will be to deal the deathblow to the DRC.

“For eighteen years, he brought the country to its knees".

"Corruption was the mode of management. It has destroyed the socio-economic fabric of the country. He destroyed justice and the army,” recalled a listener from Kinshasa.

It should be noted that the future of Joseph Kabila is sealed by article 70 of the constitution, which stipulates that: “The President of the Republic is elected by direct universal suffrage for a five-year term renewable only once.

At the end of his mandate, the President of the Republic remains in office until the effective installation of the new elected President. »



Food for thought :unsure:

Frank 🤞 🙏 🤞
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My thoughts

The Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) ambition for vertical integration of lithium into batteries is contingent upon the production of the Manono mine. Despite the DRC's numerous meetings, it is unlikely to be taken seriously in the Western world, where investors are unwilling to risk their capital without tangible progress.

French President Macron addressed this issue directly by advising FT to focus on domestic matters instead of globe-trotting. Such frank remarks underscore the need for the DRC to address internal challenges before gaining international credibility.

Manono's value remains significant, regardless of the mining license's status. Although the current lithium spot market is relatively subdued compared to the peak it reached last year, it is important to consider the anticipated future surge in lithium prices during the mine's operational lifespan. Historical projections suggest that demand will outpace supply.

There is also a race to secure off-take agreements to ensure a consistent supply of lithium. Manono, provided the government upholds its own laws, is an ideal source for maintaining uninterrupted supply. This factor must be considered in evaluating the Dathcom/Manono project.

As an illustration of pricing trends, Lithium Carbonate reached CNY597,500 per tonne, equivalent to AUD$122,507 per tonne.
Lithium - 2023 Data - 2017-2022 Historical - 2024 Forecast - Price - Quote - Chart (tradingeconomics.com)


If Sin Bin has approached AVZ to acquire their interests in Dathcom, it can be assumed that the mining license approval has either been promised or is guaranteed, even if it has not been officially issued. Therefore, any negotiations with Sin Bin regarding the mine's purchase should proceed under the assumption of approved or guaranteed mining rights.

While it may appear that the DRC disregards its international image, public mockery and ridicule of government officials during their international trips would undoubtedly cause reputational damage on the global stage. This issue will be further accentuated through actions within the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), involving key figures such as the President, Prime Minister, Ministry of Mines, and the World Bank.

If FT loses the elections in December, there could be a potential reshuffling of ministers, which might lead to a clean slate and potentially nullify previous commitments made to questionable actors, thereby facilitating the approval of the mining license.

Sharing factual information about AVZ's experiences on Twitter can be beneficial in shedding light on the situation.

In this context, alliances may form based on the principle that "my enemy's enemy is my friend."


Silent - This is not advice but purely an opinion - do your own research
I fully support Nigel and his team
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Everyone seems to be set on a TO and some weirdos are throwing around prices that aren't $12 🤣, but realistically, I can't see the Worlds best BOD entertaining any sort of TO talk unless there's a ML included. They've spent a lot of time and energy so no way they would sell out and lose their lucrative paycheck unless they were getting more than compensated through the $$$ for the shares they own.

I have no idea what the SP is realistically worth in the current market with or without the ML as I'm not smart enough to calculate it, but I do recognise there's always the biggest wave of negativity and criticism right before something interesting gets announced.

So many on here complaining about wishing they'd never bought in and would sell out in a heartbeat, just as the lowballers, trolls and schemers want.
Grow a set, hang on and wait and see how it all plays out. But please stop carrying on like a pork chop because you took a risk and you aren;t happy with the outcome.
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Something interesting to read...
Who naked short sold AVZ and could be in a spot of bother??

Problem with AVZ being multi listed, how much control does ASIC really has over short selling in whatever shape or form in US, or German markets?

Institutions exposed excessively to short selling and caught with pants down could always declare themselves bankrupt, problem solved as far as they are concerned. Let's face it, what is in a name? Who fukkin cares?
At the end of the day how do you know you officially own certain shares? I get confirmation via CHESS.
How does it work here, or overseas with shonky operators?

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Everyone seems to be set on a TO and some weirdos are throwing around prices that aren't $12 🤣, but realistically, I can't see the Worlds best BOD entertaining any sort of TO talk unless there's a ML included. They've spent a lot of time and energy so no way they would sell out and lose their lucrative paycheck unless they were getting more than compensated through the $$$ for the shares they own.

I have no idea what the SP is realistically worth in the current market with or without the ML as I'm not smart enough to calculate it, but I do recognise there's always the biggest wave of negativity and criticism right before something interesting gets announced.

So many on here complaining about wishing they'd never bought in and would sell out in a heartbeat, just as the lowballers, trolls and schemers want.
Grow a set, hang on and wait and see how it all plays out. But please stop carrying on like a pork chop because you took a risk and you aren;t happy with the outcome.
I do take exception at that last paragraph, many, myself included, have significant amounts of money invested in AVZ. Sure we all understand it is a risk and I'm sure all those that have been around long enough have experienced sudden announcements and drops in share prices of 20%+, shit does happen and its the risk you take on the stockmarket. However I dont think anyone really expects their money to be locked away for 13 fucken months and counting. if someone is telling me to relax about this and patiently wait while we hear crickets from mgmt on the current status, well a mighty big fuck you. No doubt my mental health has suffered due to this suspension, if I could just blow it off and be free, for sure I'd be better for it, however hard to do when so much capital is tied up. sure I have funds outside of avz but fuck me, what I have in avz is significant to me. GIVE ME MY FUCKING MONEY BACK ASAP!

I have and do support mgmt and BOD, I think they're getting grin fucked by the DRC and the scumbag chinese but patience is wearing thin and they need to close this out.
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... plus damages payout in excess of US $10bil…
$12 Billion.

For those struggling with the stress of this circus know that you are not alone. AVZ has taken me from flat broke and nearly homeless with no way to pay a $400 rent bill, to multi millionaire capable of buying my first home for cash with enough left over to retire at 42. But as one who recklessly went all in with everything I could raise over 6 years of hard work and severe frugality I'm now hanging somewhere between those two extremes.

So hang in there, stay positive, and thank you all for helping me to do the same. You lot are a good bunch.
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It's not as if I'm in a different boat to anyone else here. That money would be useful in my pocket, or at least potentially being able to be moved to my pocket rather than locked up for 59 weeks. But at least it's still there locked away at this point, rather than the other alternative where it's just gone. It's frustrating, but glass half full. The way some carry on saying they'd sell for $1 or less right now makes me think they are wolves in sheep's clothing; shorters pretending to be holders on our side while attempting to white ant the perceived value of our investment in as many peoples minds as they can.
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When people say they'd "sell for $1" what most of them actually mean is they'd take $1 now to be done with this.

But once it's (eventually) resolved and we have a mining license and clearer backing from DRC government - which will happen BEFORE we start trading again - watch how quickly that attitude changes.

Having been forced to hold through this shit show saga, I for one am just more determined to actually benefit from the value to be seen on the other side.

Take-over? I'd consider it at $7B USD,
As long as it's not to zijin.
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Dave Evans

* It's hard to believe, but The Business of doing Business in the DRC is in a Bad way - OMG :eek: :oops: :eek:

Business climate: Félix Tshisekedi thunders after noticing excessive shenanigans at the one-stop shop

View attachment 38714

In his statement made during the meeting of the Council of Ministers of June 16, 2023, the President of the Republic Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo mentioned the deterioration of the conditions for creating businesses in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the report of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Communication and Media, government spokesman, Patrick Muyaya, hammered home the recommendations of the Head of State who invited the Executive to the need to work to improving the business climate.

On the basis of the information in his possession, he underlined, the President of the Republic dwelt again on the more than worrying situation of the Single Window for Business Creation (GUCE).

"For the Head of State, this entity, though created to facilitate the installation of investors in the country and the formalization of the activities of economic operators, has unfortunately for some time been experiencing a dysfunction in its service characterized, in particular, by long waiting times and discontinuity of service,” said the government spokesman in his report after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

According to him, the stakeholders were urgently invited to find solutions to put an end to the difficulties currently deplored.

"In view of the seriousness of the situation, the President of the Republic has asked the Prime Minister, Head of Government, to convene around him, as soon as possible, the main stakeholders to, in the very short term, resolve the difficulties of financing and taking charge of the agents and pooling of the intervening services which arise within the GUCE; in the medium term, proceed in parallel with an evaluation of the reform of the GUCE which should make it possible to identify the avenues likely to promote the optimization of the completion of business formalities”, indicated Minister Patrick Muyaya.

In the same vein, the government spokesperson specified that the unit (Business climate) will have to be called upon to find solutions to this problem.

It should be understood that the remorse and anger of the President of the Republic will be able to move things forward in the direction of putting an end to the shenanigans that are already taking shape at the Single Window.


*Shame he doesn't feel / act the same about the "Excessive Shenanigans" at Manono :( :mad: :rolleyes:

Because there's a Shitload of Shenanigans going on over there atm

Oh, that's right, I forgot - We don't talk about that in Public :rolleyes:

Do we :mad:

Tick - Tock ⏰

View attachment 38715

Yes truly laughable Frank, that Tshisekedi tries to project that he knows nothing about the shenanigans going on in his country. Here’s a couple of reminders for him which I will hopefully get around to sending to his so called
Single Window For Business Creation (GUCE) also known as Single Window For Foreign Trade

The Democratic Republic of Congo's Inspectorate General of Finance (IGF) has revealed massive fraud in the public payroll department, where dozens of fictitious employees cost the state nearly $800 million a year.


Mining attractiveness: the DRC ranked 82 out of 83 countries in the Fraser Institute report


Fraud and corruption in the DRC: damning revelations from the head of the General Inspectorate of Finance


World Bank suspends $1 billion worth of project funding in Congo


DRC excluded from the list of investments of the French group ERAMET, following the blocking of the PE of lithium of Manono by the government

During the visit of President Emmanuel Macron to Kinshasa, the two countries notably concluded an agreement for the mapping and sustainable management of the mining resources which abound in the Congolese subsoil, French companies and institutes will be invited to map and invest in the mining sector of the DR Congo according to this partnership. But here is following the blocking of the delivery of the exploitation permit 13359 by the Congolese government to DATHCOM, of which the group AVZ MINERALS owns 75%, which must allow the start of the exploitation of the lithium of Manono, the French group, ERAMET has just excluded the DR Congo from its investment strategy in Africa for the time being.

Geoff Streeton , director of strategy for the company, and Christophe Thillier , in charge of exploration, have also drawn a line under the DRC for the moment, despite having identified its lithium potential.

The difficulties encountered by the Australian AVZ MINERALS on its Manono project in Tanganyika in the south-east of the country gave the French company some food for thought, which has chosen to focus its investments in this sector on its Centenario-Ratones project in Argentina," said the media, Africa Intelligence. ERAMET is a French mining and metallurgical company with a workforce of 9,090 employees spread over 17 mining and industrial sites in 15 countries. In 2022, it achieved a turnover of 5.014 billion euros.

June 11, 2023Kiki Kienge
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Dave Evans

My thoughts

The Democratic Republic of the Congo's (DRC) ambition for vertical integration of lithium into batteries is contingent upon the production of the Manono mine. Despite the DRC's numerous meetings, it is unlikely to be taken seriously in the Western world, where investors are unwilling to risk their capital without tangible progress.

French President Macron addressed this issue directly by advising FT to focus on domestic matters instead of globe-trotting. Such frank remarks underscore the need for the DRC to address internal challenges before gaining international credibility.

Manono's value remains significant, regardless of the mining license's status. Although the current lithium spot market is relatively subdued compared to the peak it reached last year, it is important to consider the anticipated future surge in lithium prices during the mine's operational lifespan. Historical projections suggest that demand will outpace supply.

There is also a race to secure off-take agreements to ensure a consistent supply of lithium. Manono, provided the government upholds its own laws, is an ideal source for maintaining uninterrupted supply. This factor must be considered in evaluating the Dathcom/Manono project.

As an illustration of pricing trends, Lithium Carbonate reached CNY597,500 per tonne, equivalent to AUD$122,507 per tonne.
Lithium - 2023 Data - 2017-2022 Historical - 2024 Forecast - Price - Quote - Chart (tradingeconomics.com)

View attachment 38719

If Sin Bin has approached AVZ to acquire their interests in Dathcom, it can be assumed that the mining license approval has either been promised or is guaranteed, even if it has not been officially issued. Therefore, any negotiations with Sin Bin regarding the mine's purchase should proceed under the assumption of approved or guaranteed mining rights.

While it may appear that the DRC disregards its international image, public mockery and ridicule of government officials during their international trips would undoubtedly cause reputational damage on the global stage. This issue will be further accentuated through actions within the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), involving key figures such as the President, Prime Minister, Ministry of Mines, and the World Bank.

If FT loses the elections in December, there could be a potential reshuffling of ministers, which might lead to a clean slate and potentially nullify previous commitments made to questionable actors, thereby facilitating the approval of the mining license.

Sharing factual information about AVZ's experiences on Twitter can be beneficial in shedding light on the situation.

In this context, alliances may form based on the principle that "my enemy's enemy is my friend."


Silent - This is not advice but purely an opinion - do your own research
I fully support Nigel and his team

I agree with your post except

“If FT loses the elections in December, there could be a potential reshuffling of ministers, which might lead to a clean slate and potentially nullify previous commitments made to questionable actors, thereby facilitating the approval of the mining license”

Firstly, all reports are that Tshisekedi is miles in front of the other candidates and also there has been changes made to polling officials at polling stations to help ensure Lukonde government remains in power

Secondly, if Tshisekedi lost the presidency, all the government officials working against us like Lukonde, MoP etc would empower the questionable actors.

In my view, any speculation by shareholders here might as well assume Tshisekedi will remain president
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Corrupt Zijin, it's corrupt CCP Government and the corrupt DRC players, whoever they are can completely, royally get fucked.
I hope the culprits will read this and run crying and copying this to their corrupt leaders, I have news for them, they can go in line and get the same treatment too.

Suing a company through an international court and saying after 13 months 'hang on we haven't read all the evidence', why for fuck sake sue if you haven't got your facts straight.

I dearly hope that the international court systems will expose the actors and punish them appropriately.
Their delaying tactics are an indication they are fully aware they can not win.

I hope Zijin will be worldwide exposed and lose, due to its exposed ways of operation, every mining license it possesses.

I wish there is a way that the innocent DRC population will not become the victim of these fukkers, however the DRC President has a lot to answer for.
His inaction will and has hurt the DRC people.
He again will have to go cap in hand to see Xi for another donation followed by some educational reformative classes in the CCP museum.
This while the CCP is continuing to rob, rape and pillage the DRC under his watch as President of the DRC.

The world is watching this circus under Felix' hesitant (lack off) leadership.

I can not see the Worldbank, the IMF, or any other international organisation, other than the corrupt Chinese pump more money into this scheming corrupt system, where only the corrupt leadership (which calls themselves the ruling elite) benefits.

When will the real DRC stand up to these corrupt thieves?
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This is nothing new but there seems to be this constant social media claim from DRC people about the DRC Govt needing to ‘make the right decision for the DRC’ or ‘act in the best interest of the DRC’. This sentiment is an understandable stance for a patriot (as I would have for Australia) but this needs to be reflected in the mining code. If the DRC wants an international company to investigate, drill, and sure up a resource and then claim to have a right to a greater % of its ownership if it proves to be a winner, then put this condition in the mining code. If this is in the best interests of the DRC then put it in the mining code. I am not sure how many international investors will want to participate in the investment but at least buyer beware. AVZ has abided by the mining code. C’mon Nige and team, keep fighting the good fight!
It’s that fucking simple

Mining Code = Legislation = The Fucking Law.

Follow it.
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You don't sue the government if prospects are looking good to work with them in the future, only as a last resort.
I'd love to know what proponents of anything other than a takeover or suing of the DRC government are thinking as an alternative?
You want to try to work with these corrupt pricks enduring constant hostility by the Chinese? After many years of legal battles to establish our rights? (Sounds to me like a delusional fantasy)
Nigel himself said the whole thing is worth next to nothing without a licence. We either need the licence as part of a negotiated outcome or we try to sue the arse off DRC for more than their entire gdp which sounds like pushing diahorea up hill without a shovel.

Best outcome imo is we sell to whatever corrupt Chinese schmucks of the DRC's choosing with the licence as part of the settlement. This unlocks the deposit for them and saves years of legal battles for AVZ.
We'll likely not get anything like what it's 'worth' but China and the DRC's government have rendered it effectively worthless anyway and they had better make a somewhat reasonable offer or it simply remains locked up. And with drc snuffling their 28% the higher the offer the better for them.

If we get a takeover the shorts still burn and the Chinese don't get the opportunity to buy up shares dirt cheap on re-listing.
Shareholders walk away with something in their pocket to put towards greener pastures.
Happy fucking days and lesson learned.

Alternately we can hang on for years in the hope to become exceedingly wealthy one day.
Imo there are more important things in life and the mental health is one of them.

Or we need that 'miracle' :ROFLMAO: in which case I'll renounce all my sins and blasphemy to Xerof.
But having said that if we get the licence by some miracle then fucking sell it anyway and gtfo of DRC! Red flags everywhere! Every fucking where!! The treacherous DRC government can't be trusted!
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You don't sue the government if prospects are looking good to work with them in the future, only as a last resort.
I'd love to know what proponents of anything other than a takeover or suing of the DRC government are thinking as an alternative?
You want to try to work with these corrupt pricks enduring constant hostility by the Chinese? After many years of legal battles to establish our rights? (Sounds to me like a delusional fantasy)
Nigel himself said the whole thing is worth next to nothing without a licence. We either need the licence as part of a negotiated outcome or we try to sue the arse off DRC for more than their entire gdp which sounds like pushing diahorea up hill without a shovel.

Best outcome imo is we sell to whatever corrupt Chinese schmucks of the DRC's choosing with the licence as part of the settlement. This unlocks the deposit for them and saves years of legal battles for AVZ.
We'll likely not get anything like what it's 'worth' but China and the DRC's government have rendered it effectively worthless anyway and they had better make a somewhat reasonable offer or it simply remains locked up. And with drc snuffling their 28% the higher the offer the better for them.

If we get a takeover the shorts still burn and the Chinese don't get the opportunity to buy up shares dirt cheap on re-listing.
Shareholders walk away with something in their pocket to put towards greener pastures.
Happy fucking days and lesson learned.

Alternately we can hang on for years in the hope to become exceedingly wealthy one day.
Imo there are more important things in life and the mental health is one of them.

Or we need that 'miracle' :ROFLMAO: in which case I'll renounce all my sins and blasphemy to Xerof.
But having said that if we get the licence by some miracle then fucking sell it anyway and gtfo of DRC! Red flags everywhere! Every fucking where!! The treacherous DRC government can't be trusted!
I reckon that about sums it up. Now BBOTasx get me out of this fucken cluster fuck ASAP.
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You don't sue the government if prospects are looking good to work with them in the future, only as a last resort.
I'd love to know what proponents of anything other than a takeover or suing of the DRC government are thinking as an alternative?
You want to try to work with these corrupt pricks enduring constant hostility by the Chinese? After many years of legal battles to establish our rights? (Sounds to me like a delusional fantasy)
Nigel himself said the whole thing is worth next to nothing without a licence. We either need the licence as part of a negotiated outcome or we try to sue the arse off DRC for more than their entire gdp which sounds like pushing diahorea up hill without a shovel.

Best outcome imo is we sell to whatever corrupt Chinese schmucks of the DRC's choosing with the licence as part of the settlement. This unlocks the deposit for them and saves years of legal battles for AVZ.
We'll likely not get anything like what it's 'worth' but China and the DRC's government have rendered it effectively worthless anyway and they had better make a somewhat reasonable offer or it simply remains locked up. And with drc snuffling their 28% the higher the offer the better for them.

If we get a takeover the shorts still burn and the Chinese don't get the opportunity to buy up shares dirt cheap on re-listing.
Shareholders walk away with something in their pocket to put towards greener pastures.
Happy fucking days and lesson learned.

Alternately we can hang on for years in the hope to become exceedingly wealthy one day.
Imo there are more important things in life and the mental health is one of them.

Or we need that 'miracle' :ROFLMAO: in which case I'll renounce all my sins and blasphemy to Xerof.
But having said that if we get the licence by some miracle then fucking sell it anyway and gtfo of DRC! Red flags everywhere! Every fucking where!! The treacherous DRC government can't be trusted!
Xerof would be making overtime, probably get a young Chinese student to do the job while he goes out surfing.
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$12 Billion.

For those struggling with the stress of this circus know that you are not alone. AVZ has taken me from flat broke and nearly homeless with no way to pay a $400 rent bill, to multi millionaire capable of buying my first home for cash with enough left over to retire at 42. But as one who recklessly went all in with everything I could raise over 6 years of hard work and severe frugality I'm now hanging somewhere between those two extremes.

So hang in there, stay positive, and thank you all for helping me to do the same. You lot are a good bunch.
you and me both and i am 64 see my youngest and middle child 8 weeks per year , we all lived together before this , finding it hard to make extra money to travel to see the kids , but really i think the BOD have so much stress also , dont blame they there are so many more to blame and I am sure we will get out of this mess as they also have a vested interest in AVZ
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