I have received a good response to the share holder catch up, and a number of direct messages. So this event will be proceeding.
Before the last roadshow a number of holders met up at Young and Jacksons pub in town. Its a good central location, access to transport, and the majority of us are familiar with it. We will be in the side room on the Flinders street side.
Will be there around 6:30pm Tuesday 27th June.
As mentioned previously, and particularly to recent holders. Don't expect any inside info that is going to miraculously change your feelings about this situation. But you can expect to meet people who can fill in some gaps for you, and possibly clarify the potential outcomes from here.
Lurkers and trolls you will no doubt have something to say on this, so i have prepared some notes for you to cut and paste so you can get back to whatever you do...
"AVZ shareholders set up support group in Melbourne LOL, lost cause..."
"AVZ holders seen hugging, crying and throwing up in laneway off flinders street, all Nigel's fault"
"Baggies seen applying for job at local Melbourne bar, manager charges them $100m and a 6 year unpaid trial instead, then gives the job to their cousin"
"AVZ SH's pool their funds in cap raise to buy a kebab and get an uber home, only to find 15% of their home missing"