AVZ Discussion 2022


Sorry guys I lost the plot......

I have deleted a bunch of my frustrated venting posts

Apologies if I offended anyone
all good. i got modded for mine but probably a good thing
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The two outcomes for AVZ IMO are TO without mining licence or TO with mining licence.

Rumour has it there is currently an offer on the table as the project stands, without the mining licence circa $1.50.

If we can force the Governments hand into issuing us a ML, then that price in my opinion increases to around $3.50.

Even if we don't get the ML, the price has just gone up. The DRC can influence the buyer to pay the $2.50 so the arbitration case can be dropped.

Make no mistake about it, the board are doing everything they can to maximise shareholder value and they have my full support.

In a perfect world DRC would have issued the mining licence as we all thought they would have. But most of us underestimated the corruption and the squeeze the Chinese have over the DRC. There were a few posters who rightfully recognised this risk.

The non issuance on the mining licence was and is a result of the Chinese exerting pressure through nefarious means. The Chinese have long held the belief that if we don't get the mining licence then they can just take our project for little or nothing. They've had plenty of opportunities to pay fair price for the project but that's just not how they do business. Unfortunately for them this arrogance has not served them well.

The Chinese have underestimated Nigel and our BOD and they have also underestimated the DRC.

As much as shareholders feel animosity towards DRC Government officials I believe they want to do the right thing and break away from Chinese influence, but as we know it's not easy and the Chinese will not give up without a fight. They have deep pockets and will use any means necessary to maintain influence. They are an unrivaled force in the DRC and breaking away from their stranglehold will take time, but there have been encouraging signs.

This ICSID arbitration process allows the DRC Government an opportunity to rule against Chinese wishes with limited backlash as this forum carries the weight required to go against the Chinese. I'm sure It's the decision they would have liked to have made in the first instance, a decision that would have been hard to make with the Chinese standing over you holding a gun to your head.

All my opinion (apart from the rumours)
I agree with this 100% and is exactly my thought process. It finally gives us a valid reason now to move forward and accept a TO. Not a good look from both sides when we say we are serious miners and flip it for $10B. This news has certainly rattled the trolls as they are coming out in full force.
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Whichever way you look at it this is a fucking mess, if we can get to the point where someone makes a reasonable takeover offer then good. Who wants to go mining in this shit box country at this point anyway?
No thanks.
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Whichever way you look at it this is a fucking mess, if we can get to the point where someone makes a reasonable takeover offer then good. Who wants to go mining in this shit box country at this point anyway?
No thanks.
You out when this trades again?
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You out when this trades again?
If it trades again I imagine I'll be forced to hold and see if it gets back to anything like reasonable value. I'd rather lose the lot than sell for a pittance after this ordeal.
Hoping for the takeover, enough is enough then it becomes easy.
I suspect we've got many more months at least to find out either way.
The whole thing is and has been gruelling. Not my cup of tea at this point.
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3 days for AVZ? Nah, never going to happen. I am wondering why in this instance we have gone with ICSID Arbitration instead of ICC Arbitration. Your thoughts?
Hi Charbella

I understand there are a number of advantages in taking our case to the ICSID (in the USA), rather than the ICC (France), and chief amongst these are:

1. ICSID awards are final and binding, and there is no appeal mechanism, and
2. Unlike ICC awards, ICSID awards cannot be annulled in the courts of the country where the arbitration has its seat.

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All I can do is ask questions with a clear head.

Is this a last ditch hail Mary??
I'd say no.

Is this the end game ??
I'd say yes.

Is this AVZ suing the DRC??
I'd say no
I believe this is more AVZ going for arbitration against the government departments holding up the project. i.e the MoM and commiere (sp but fuck it)

AVZ affirms it's ownership of 75%
AVZ is reaffirming that it has followed the mining code in an international court.

If we believe zijin is out, this is just the next stage to get commiere out of the project as well.

Hence why both zijin and commiere are suing AVZ for $1.3b

All this confirms my imaginary uber drivers imaginary theory that the JV is dissolved and we win.

Have a fantastic long weekend everyone.
Fuck this shit show.
I still have plenty to be grateful for (like living in Australia and not being a Collingwood supporter)
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Fair call by Nigel . This will at least force the DRC gov's hand . The days of turning a blind eye or pushing a false narrative have just come to an end . No more piss anting about . AVZ hold 75% legal title . 60% of which we know is recognized by the DRC gov . The ML is dead . Roche Dure / CDL is of no use to anyone staying in the ground for the next 5 years . Time has come to pay us out so we can all move on .
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Sorry guys I lost the plot......

I have deleted a bunch of my frustrated venting posts

Apologies if I offended anyone
Whichever way you look at it this is a fucking mess, if we can get to the point where someone makes a reasonable takeover offer then good. Who wants to go mining in this shit box country at this point anyway?
No thanks.
C’mon fellas hang in there ..Nut ,you lost da plot a long while back but no one had the heart to tell ya…come on Sam 100 weeks in suspension is just around the corner …we can do it
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AVZ are not going to mine, this in my opinion is thier last ditch effort to secure a mining licence though negotiated means prior to TO.

The two outcomes for AVZ IMO are TO without mining licence or TO with mining licence.

Rumour has it there is currently an offer on the table as the project stands, without the mining licence circa $1.50.

If we can force the Governments hand into issuing us a ML, then that price in my opinion increases to around $3.50.

Even if we don't get the ML, the price has just gone up. The DRC can influence the buyer to pay the $2.50 so the arbitration case can be dropped.

Make no mistake about it, the board are doing everything they can to maximise shareholder value and they have my full support.

In a perfect world DRC would have issued the mining licence as we all thought they would have. But most of us underestimated the corruption and the squeeze the Chinese have over the DRC. There were a few posters who rightfully recognised this risk.

The non issuance on the mining licence was and is a result of the Chinese exerting pressure through nefarious means. The Chinese have long held the belief that if we don't get the mining licence then they can just take our project for little or nothing. They've had plenty of opportunities to pay fair price for the project but that's just not how they do business. Unfortunately for them this arrogance has not served them well.

The Chinese have underestimated Nigel and our BOD and they have also underestimated the DRC.

As much as shareholders feel animosity towards DRC Government officials I believe they want to do the right thing and break away from Chinese influence, but as we know it's not easy and the Chinese will not give up without a fight. They have deep pockets and will use any means necessary to maintain influence. They are an unrivaled force in the DRC and breaking away from their stranglehold will take time, but there have been encouraging signs.

This ICSID arbitration process allows the DRC Government an opportunity to rule against Chinese wishes with limited backlash as this forum carries the weight required to go against the Chinese. I'm sure It's the decision they would have liked to have made in the first instance, a decision that would have been hard to make with the Chinese standing over you holding a gun to your head.

All my opinion (apart from the rumours)
Thanks for this post @muks
I'm just a minnow in the rapids, I don't know what the fuck is going on.
Pretty rough night for me after seeing the announcement.

Although I have no idea if what you're saying is how things are, I'm glad to read it anyway.
Gives me some calm to hold on to.

Take care of yourselves everyone.
Tough times, but it's not over yet ok.
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C’mon fellas hang in there ..Nut ,you lost da plot a long while back but no one had the heart to tell ya…come on Sam 100 weeks in suspension is just around the corner …we can do it
View attachment 38114
We'll likely get there regardless if we like it or not Johnny 🍻😫
We've got arbitration up the wazoo!
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As with most AVZ Announcements, you need to read a few times….let the emotions settle…..think a little bit deeper…..interpret how it fits into the overall situation. Best done while enjoying an alcoholic beverage or three imo.

I’m with a few others on this one. Probably lodged a few months ago in response to the MoM rescinding the decree and following input from the advisor, DLA and embassies of USA and Aus. It’s an administrative filing that has been accepted and imo intended to put the President and Ministers on Notice that the process has been commenced to get this sorted.

Noise of ZJN withdrawal and Cominiere swapped out and then the submission of ZJN to ICC, which includes Cominiere, could be results of this process being commenced and DRC taking action to rectify.

Good that AVZ commenced this action, likely back in March or April, and has started the clock for President to walk the talk or face the consequences of international community plus damages payout in excess of US $10bil….possibly double that imo.

Imo I think the noise of the last few weeks is a result of this action going on in the background and the DRC working to resolve.

Good that AVZ commenced this action, likely back in March or April, and has started the clock for President to walk the talk or face the consequences of international community plus damages payout in excess of US $10bil….possibly double that imo.




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They will probably flood the mining week agenda with happy Chinese mining companies spruiking their exploits and praising the DRC officials who have paved the way for their life-changing investments in the DRC. Can we please not post any more shots of Mr President - just annoys me.
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Twitter is going off! The DRC wanted international attention for Mining Week, seems AVZ & the ICSID case will help with that goal - nice👍
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