Depending on how Felix handles this will affect his chances of re-election . I would imagine any of his political opponents will have a field day using this situation in a political campaign against him if the DRC will be up for damages in billions as Chilla just said .
The last case against DRC state was back in 2005, which was 18 years ago. Not as good look for Felix.
1 | 2005 | AHCA v. Congo | Investment:Outstanding invoices issued by the Government, acquired through assignment from a Congolese incorporated company in which the investor held interests. Summary:Claims arising out of an outstanding debt owed by the respondent to the company in which the investor acquired interests related to construction projects conducted in the late 1980s and early 1990s under certain contracts. | Decided in favour of State | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | United States of America |
2 | 2003 | Miminco v. Congo | Investment:Ownership of local company holding diamond mining concessions. Summary:Claims arising out of the seizure of MIMINCO's diamond mine located in Diboko, confiscating all diamonds, communications equipment and administrative documents at the mine, followed by the seizure of its headquarters by the DRC Office of Illegally Acquired Properties. | Settled | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | United States of America |
3 | 1999 | Mitchell v. Democratic Republic of the Congo | Investment:Ownership of local legal consulting firm. Summary:Claims arising out of the seizure by Congolese military forces of the premises of Mr. Mitchell's legal consulting firm, in which documents qualified as compromising and other items were seized and the employees of the firm were forced to leave the premises. | Decided in favour of investor | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | United States of America |
4 | 1993 | AMT v. Democratic Republic of the Congo | Investment:Majority shareholding in company engaged in the production and sale of automotive and dry cell batteries and in the importation and resale of consumer goods and foodstuffs. Summary:Claims arising out of two alleged episodes of looting in which soldiers of the Zairian armed forces destroyed, damaged or took away certain property, finished goods, raw materials and other objects of value belonging to the local subsidiary of the investor. | Decided in favour of investor | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | United States of America |