AVZ Discussion 2022


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Reading chaper two of the charter I respectfully disagree. ICSID offers services for the resolution of international disputes, primarily between investors and States. ICSID's proceedings generally take place at its HQ Washington, D.C.

ICSID provides arbitration and conciliation services to resolve disputes between a contracting State and foreign investors from another contracting State. We are the foreign investors, and the DRC is the contracting State.

Mate, I respectfully disagree with your disagree.

The ICSID is located in the USA, so the USA is the contracting state.


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I still don't think we all really understand just how brazen all these corrupt clowns. We've seen time and time again how they all think they are untouchable. It's not a one of thing, it's all of them. I'd expect the arrogance is so strong and ingrained at every level that even if they did get an order from their boss, they would still expect to get their kickback first. This system of operating has been running for decades so you can't expect them to just start doing the right thing by western standards. It's not just corruption, its their easy of life and i doubt even the top dog has the power too actually fix it properly.

Either way, this weekend just got very interesting.
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I notice Jens, Deboss, qball on HC, all still with the positive “all is well” take.. ‘shorters/trolls gonna eat shit’. Well I’d like to know what they know then cause this announcement isn’t exactly uplifting.
Just blind positivity?
Same things they've always known.


Making shit up or wishful thinking reported as fact or bs from management uncritically reported as fact which allows them to massage their oversized egos.
No better than trolls imo
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Was gonna PM a poster earlier but maybe everybody should be warned.

This is gonna dirty.
You ain't seen nothing yet.

If you're going on twatter or any other media to call these cunts out then do it.
Gloves are off

But that works both ways.
A nice distraction might be to take legal action against some poor soul.
Make sure it's not you..

AVZ's allegations are just that - allegations - and will almost certainly not name specific individuals anyway.

Allegations should probably be more general than aimed at specific individuals.

I might be paranoid, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Be careful.
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Same things they've always known.


Making shit up or wishful thinking reported as fact or bs from management uncritically reported as fact which allows them to massage their oversized egos.
No better than trolls imo
Honestly one would think this is 'end game'
The rumour mill " until proven "of zijin gone ect shows action is happening.
Play is in motion to tidy this crap up, NOW !
how embarrassing with mining conference pend
OR DRC becomes China's 3rd largest state behind Beijing and Shanghai with Dim Sum richshaws on every corner, ownership of ridiculous resources and trade embargos by all western countries!
FT jet-setting around spruiking DRC for investment, how pathetic! No individual let alone government is that dumb.
This shit starts wars.
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I reckon it's gloves off ffs

No respect for the law, no respect for adhering to the mining code, no respect for doing the right thing, no respect for promoting "non-corrupt" conduct, no respect for the work done and millions invested, no respect for genuine "win-win" arrangements

We've witnessed the illegal selling off of assets, underhand deals, complete disregard for the IGF and it's findings, impotence from the highest levels of government, identified embezzlement within Govt and it's departments and ministries, observed complete disregard for the ministerial decree awarding Dathcom the mining license after fulfilling ALL requirements and now we're fucking here....

Jesus fucking christ

I'm not listening to the cnts telling me to back off calling out corruption or attacking the degenerate bribe taking officials anymore

My investment is as good as fucked due to the fucking backhand Chinese companies promoting corruption and the fucking weak as piss DRC officials who are selling out their own people to line their own fucking pockets

What a complete fucking disgrace....
Stop buying fukking Chinese wash pegs for starters, that will fukkum.
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Fuck off Pedo

You're exactly the type of poster I just identified......
Sorry if I've confused anyone or everyone. I thought I was being positive, with over a mill shares at avg of $0.17 obviously LTH.
Rather not preach to the converted and state the obvious over and over like majority of posts I obviously failed in my contribution to anything meaningful. Some should learn from my failings.

PS 90% of intelligent posts come 5% of contributors, it's not a compition,
venting anger , tell us just don't punch your dog.
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I would say prior to a damages claim, the final drilling results, the original results of CdL and the revised BFS will be produced, to justify an eye-watering damages claim, which even Zijin will give an extremely unpleasant bitter taste in their mouth.

I do not believe that the Chinese have any intension whatsoever to build a battery plant or car factory in the DRC.
Felix better studies DRC and Chinese history, before getting too carried away..
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Best to let the dust settle for a couple days and see what more info from people comes out. I want to hear what Fox and Nellie have to say about the announcement.
Rash ‘attacks’ are never wise. Not that people doing attacks give a shit.
More info/clarity needed
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AVZ are not going to mine, this in my opinion is thier last ditch effort to secure a mining licence though negotiated means prior to TO.

The two outcomes for AVZ IMO are TO without mining licence or TO with mining licence.

Rumour has it there is currently an offer on the table as the project stands, without the mining licence circa $1.50.

If we can force the Governments hand into issuing us a ML, then that price in my opinion increases to around $3.50.

Even if we don't get the ML, the price has just gone up. The DRC can influence the buyer to pay the $2.50 so the arbitration case can be dropped.

Make no mistake about it, the board are doing everything they can to maximise shareholder value and they have my full support.

In a perfect world DRC would have issued the mining licence as we all thought they would have. But most of us underestimated the corruption and the squeeze the Chinese have over the DRC. There were a few posters who rightfully recognised this risk.

The non issuance on the mining licence was and is a result of the Chinese exerting pressure through nefarious means. The Chinese have long held the belief that if we don't get the mining licence then they can just take our project for little or nothing. They've had plenty of opportunities to pay fair price for the project but that's just not how they do business. Unfortunately for them this arrogance has not served them well.

The Chinese have underestimated Nigel and our BOD and they have also underestimated the DRC.

As much as shareholders feel animosity towards DRC Government officials I believe they want to do the right thing and break away from Chinese influence, but as we know it's not easy and the Chinese will not give up without a fight. They have deep pockets and will use any means necessary to maintain influence. They are an unrivaled force in the DRC and breaking away from their stranglehold will take time, but there have been encouraging signs.

This ICSID arbitration process allows the DRC Government an opportunity to rule against Chinese wishes with limited backlash as this forum carries the weight required to go against the Chinese. I'm sure It's the decision they would have liked to have made in the first instance, a decision that would have been hard to make with the Chinese standing over you holding a gun to your head.

All my opinion (apart from the rumours)
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AVZ are not going to mine, this in my opinion is thier last ditch effort to secure a mining licence though negotiated means prior to TO.

The two outcomes for AVZ IMO are TO without mining licence or TO with mining licence.

Rumour has it there is currently an offer on the table as the project stands, without the mining licence circa $1.50.

If we can force the Governments hand into issuing us a ML, then that price in my opinion increases to around $3.50.

Make no mistake about it, the board are doing everything they can to maximise shareholder value and they have my full support.

In a perfect world DRC would have issued the mining licence as we all thought they would have. But most of us underestimated the corruption and the squeeze the Chinese have over the DRC. There were a few posters who rightfully recognised this risk.

The non issuance on the mining licence was and is a result of the Chinese exerting pressure through nefarious means. The Chinese have long held the belief that if we don't get the mining licence then they can just take our project for little or nothing. They've had plenty of opportunities to pay fair price for the project but that's just not how they do business. Unfortunately for them this arrogance has not served them well.

The Chinese have underestimated Nigel and our BOD and they have also underestimated the DRC.

As much as shareholders feel animosity towards DRC Government officials I believe they want to do the right thing and break away from Chinese influence, but as we know it's not easy and the Chinese will not give up without a fight. They have deep pockets and will use any means necessary to maintain influence. They are an unrivaled force in the DRC and breaking away from their stranglehold will take time, but there have been encouraging signs.

This ICSID arbitration process allows the DRC Government an opportunity to rule against Chinese wishes with limited backlash as this forum carries the weight required to go against the Chinese. I'm sure It's the decision they would have liked to have made in the first instance, a decision that would have been hard to make with the Chinese standing over you holding a gun to your head.

All my opinion (apart from the rumours)
If there was an offer on the table around 1.5 wouldn't this have been communicated to shareholders? Though it was AVZ I'm talking about i guess, it's probably immaterial and spurious
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Sorry guys I lost the plot......

I have deleted a bunch of my frustrated venting posts

Apologies if I offended anyone
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If there was an offer on the table around 1.5 wouldn't this have been communicated to shareholders? Though it was AVZ I'm talking about i guess, it's probably immaterial and spurious
I doubt there's an offer on the table but if there is it doesn't make sense to make it public especially when the company is trying to obtain a ML.

It would make their job harder to get a ML as I doubt DRC wants to issue a ML and then have that company taken over straight away?
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Sorry guys I lost the plot......

I have deleted a bunch of my frustrated venting posts

Apologies if I offended anyone
Don't worry, dark forces are at work.
Extremely frustrating.

I just feel very sorry for the real people of the DRC to not being able to select a real government, where the current Government doesn't know how fast to fill their pockets and treat the rest like nobodies without any value, after you use them you just dispose of them, like an empty plastic bottle.

The next government will not be any better. Craft is in the genes of the leading families of the DRC.
The system has not been any better since the DRC became independent.

The only quality of the current 'El Presidente' is that he is related and that sticks out like dog balls.
Don't forget he came to power not by an honest election.

Xi to Felix last week....
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Well fuck, hope everyone's ok and keeping a cool head (@Winenut :ROFLMAO:) in these times of shit fuckery. I have completely bottom drawed AVZ and struggle to find the time to even get on here when there is an announcement other than when my body clock wakes me up at 5:30am on weekends (which is a sleep in) thanks to normally getting at 4ish am for work.

Good to see the DRC circus is still going... Not. Anyone else want that $1.50 that's thrown out above? I'll take it.

I guess all I have to add is this:


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