AVZ Discussion 2022




Katanga: the Minister of Mines, Nsamba Kalambayi suspends the activities of the mining company, Boss Mining for 3 months​

June 2, 2023
Kiki Kienge
By Kiki Kienge

After the Chinese company, Xiang Jiang Mining SARL exploiting gold in the province of Tshopo, the Congolese government has just sanctioned the joint venture between the group Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) of Kazakistan and Gécamines , Boss Mining which operates copper and cobalt concentrates in KAKANDA, in the District of LUBUDI 60 km from the town of LIKASI, suspending all activities of the group for a period of 3 months.

The reason for this suspension would be, according to the communiqué of the Ministry of Mines of the DR Congo, the environmental pollution of Boss Mining, this decision could be renewed if no positive modification is made by the group in the improvement of the protection environmental.
Antoinette Nsamba Kalambayi , Minister of Mines of the DR Congo, with this gesture wants to confirm the end of the impunity of the big polluters of the environment on the mining zones of the country, workhorse of her administration.

In the letter from the Minister of Mines to Boss Mining dated May 29, 2023, the Minister had informed the Director General of the now suspended Boss Mining in these terms:
“I learned through my services of the succession of incidents that occurred on your site respectively on the night of March 21 to 22 and April 9 of the current year, having caused enormous environmental damage but also losses in human lives; this situation could have been avoided or at least mitigated if, before resuming your activities in November 2022, you had taken care to audit your site environmental management system, with a view to adapting it to current conditions and include all these changes in an updated environmental plan.

Furthermore, I note that you are operating illegally, since your environmental and social impact study is no longer valid and you have accumulated numerous breaches of environmental obligations, which directly endanger the life and health of several people. .
This is why, pursuant to Article 570, paragraph 2 of the Mining Regulations, I am suspending all your mining activities for a period of three months, with the possibility of renewal of this measure, as long as you have not carried out the recommendations sent to you by the Director-Head of the Mining Environmental Protection Service, through his letter referenced 201/DPEM/2023 of 12 msi 2023.
To do this, I instruct the Head of the Provincial Division of Mines of Lualaba, who read me a copy, to strictly enforce this decision and also request the involvement of the Provincial Governor in this regard.
The Secretary General for Mines is invited to take all the necessary measures to repair the damage suffered by the communities following these incidents. »
Communication Unit Ministry of Mines of the DR Congo.

I find this interesting as there are references to the breaches of the mining code.
Yet when they cancelled AVZ decree the MoM stated 'Be nice to the other shareholders'
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Coopers is good
Miles better than that shit called Guinness.

But the best easily sourced stuff is Sheath.

8 is too much for me these days.
6 does the trick
I recently got onto the Guinness Extra Stout, completely different to the draft, not nitro, 6% and really decent!
Agree with coopers, but I'm a bit funny with the yeast they use, has a very strong distinct flavor.

I just love imperials and strong stouts though. I've made some of my own that were pretty incredible.
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Excuse my pessimistic post but are we really thinking that C and Z have been removed. When and in what government setting would this decision have been made? Any speck of info appreciated. Come on 9card give us hint.
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Excuse my pessimistic post but are we really thinking that C and Z have been removed. When and in what government setting would this decision have been made? Any speck of info appreciated. Come on 9card give us hint.

Agreed. Rampant of positive speculation is based on an unsubstantiated post. I hope it's correct but when people talk about AVZ being a rollercoaster, some of that seems to be self induced.
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I recently got onto the Guinness Extra Stout, completely different to the draft, not nitro, 6% and really decent!
Agree with coopers, but I'm a bit funny with the yeast they use, has a very strong distinct flavor.

I just love imperials and strong stouts though. I've made some of my own that were pretty incredible.
"I can't help but think (ever the optimist) that AVZ have secured Manono and Com and Z are out. But it can not yet be announced, finalizing stages ect... So Com and Z are suing for their claimed ownership valuations." Azzler 15/05.
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So Cominiere is suing AVZ for the loss of their 10% that by law cedes to the Govt (or is it 5% with MMCS still in the picture?). So in theory, MoM issues mining license, 10% cedes to Govt, Cominiere own 0%, no case to answer to? Felix just has to wave the axe in that Department and they will be out of the picture.

Let’s see if Zijin continue their lawsuit and piss off the Govt. Zijin are suing AVZ for what? The Govt would have made the decision to kick them out, not AVZ. Zijin would have a better chance of suing the Govt if that’s in fact what has happened.

If I were Felix, I’d tell Zijin to drop everything otherwise he will start revisiting their other projects in the DRC. Will Zijin take that gamble with a Govt that clearly doesn’t want them in the picture, not to mention China’s exemplary record in the DRC.
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Biding my Time 1971
9card won't and shouldn't give any details on a public forum unless it's rock solid info. This has been his MO all along.

Even then I would suggest leaving it to AVZ to make appropriate announcements, as if true, this is sensitive, major news

Doesn't mean he can't share privately with trusted colleagues:sneaky::sneaky::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

In the meantime, we will speculate, theorise and come up with wish lists, wishful thinking and maybe even a few down ramps
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Well no use discussing this any further till we hear an announcement.
On another topic, when is snakehead supposed to front the parliamentary chamber or has that already happened? Would love to be a fly on the wall for that display.
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I recently got onto the Guinness Extra Stout, completely different to the draft, not nitro, 6% and really decent!
Agree with coopers, but I'm a bit funny with the yeast they use, has a very strong distinct flavor.

I just love imperials and strong stouts though. I've made some of my own that were pretty incredible.
Into stouts and what the English call 'real ale'.

Made both, was even in a brewing club at school- those were the days.
I'll give you one guess what the teacher died from.

Have come to believe that stout drinkers are the fussiest buggers on the planet which is probably why I've never been totally satisfied with my efforts and why there is such a wide range of products for what is a specialist brew.

In contrast, real ale is easy.

I don't think Aussies realise just how good the beers coming out of Coopers actually are.
Pale ale is splendid.
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Listen very carefully to what Klaus says about AVZ in this interview today. Very different tune to a few months ago when he was confident of getting the north. He knows he has lost and hearing him meekly talk about 'some other AVZ management which is working on the production' makes me so fucking happy haha

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I recently got onto the Guinness Extra Stout, completely different to the draft, not nitro, 6% and really decent!
Agree with coopers, but I'm a bit funny with the yeast they use, has a very strong distinct flavor.

I just love imperials and strong stouts though. I've made some of my own that were pretty incredible.
Don't you know it's the water that makes South Australian beer. :ROFLMAO:

(Sorry was a commercial jingle about Olympia beer a long time ago on the NW Coast of USA)

I know Coopers in Norwood has its own water supply.
But Southwark is special, I reckon they pump the special brew straight out of the Torrens river.
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Biding my Time 1971
Listen very carefully to what Klaus says about AVZ in this interview today. Very different tune to a few months ago when he was confident of getting the north. He knows he has lost and hearing him meekly talk about 'some other AVZ management which is working on the production' makes me so fucking happy haha

He's looking very tired, put on a lot of weight, and he has completely backed off his aggro stance against AVZ.

Sad to see such an ego get beaten down like that


Just one of the to-do items on Nigels list ticked off.

I wonder how many there are left now?
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Listen very carefully to what Klaus says about AVZ in this interview today. Very different tune to a few months ago when he was confident of getting the north. He knows he has lost and hearing him meekly talk about 'some other AVZ management which is working on the production' makes me so fucking happy haha

That's fucking gold, @Carlos Danger. You can hear in his tone and his words that it hurts him deeply that he's not involved. He sold the farm for a penny and now he regrets it.

Suck it, Klaus!
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"I can't help but think (ever the optimist) that AVZ have secured Manono and Com and Z are out. But it can not yet be announced, finalizing stages ect... So Com and Z are suing for their claimed ownership valuations." Azzler 15/05.

It seems reasonable to conclude that Zijin and Cominiere were stripped of their shares in Dathcom (Although Zijin never really had a legitimate share anyway). I can't think of any other setting where Zijin and Cominiere would take ICC action. After all, they can't claim a loss if strippng away their proportions didn't actually occur.

As for who to claim damages from; since it was the DRC government's decision, take the govt rather than AVZ to the ICC. The DRC is a signatory to the World Bank's investor-state dispute settlement arrangements, so good luck.
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He's looking very tired, put on a lot of weight, and he has completely backed off his aggro stance against AVZ.

Sad to see such an ego get beaten down like that


Just one of the to-do items on Nigels list ticked off.

I wonder how many there are left now?
That's fucking gold, @Carlos Danger. You can hear in his tone and his words that it hurts him deeply that he's not involved. He sold the farm for a penny and now he regrets it.

Suck it, Klaus!
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Agreed. Rampant of positive speculation is based on an unsubstantiated post. I hope it's correct but when people talk about AVZ being a rollercoaster, some of that seems to be self induced.
@timb89, there's a decent trail of breadcrumbs out there now - public and private snippets here and on twitter, and also articles in the media. It's possible to put those together with sprinkling of deductive reasoning to paint a positive picture of what's unfolding.

Granted, it's too early to post itshappening.gif but there is cause of optimism, imo.
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Biding my Time 1971
Listen very carefully to what Klaus says about AVZ in this interview today. Very different tune to a few months ago when he was confident of getting the north. He knows he has lost and hearing him meekly talk about 'some other AVZ management which is working on the production' makes me so fucking happy haha

Just one other point about this Binding Agreement on the tenement further north of us: Nigel mentioned the high mica in the northern part of 13359. So it goes without saying all Klaus will dig up is more mica than ever :eek::eek::eek::sick::sick::sick::poop::poop:
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Don't you know it's the water that makes South Australian beer. :ROFLMAO:

(Sorry was a commercial jingle about Olympia beer a long time ago on the NW Coast of USA)

I know Coopers in Norwood has its own water supply.
But Southwark is special, I reckon they pump the special brew straight out of the Torrens river.
No beer brewed at the Thebarton site anymore

Operations shut down in 2021

Southwark Bitter was my old mans choice of beer in the 70's ...was known as Green Death back in the day and was always purchased in long necks

The label got changed to Blue some time later to distance itself from the nickname :ROFLMAO:

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No beer brewed at the Thebarton site anymore

Operations shut down in 2021

Southwark Bitter was my old mans choice of beer in the 70's ...was known as Green Death back in the day and was always purchased in long necks

The label got changed to Blue some time later to distance itself from the nickname :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 37650
My father luved it as well, he called it a full bodied beer and said we are drinking it too cold.
According to him you have to allow a beer to breath, otherwise you get too much gas build up in the body and you really don't taste the beer.
What he actually said, if you drink it too cold, it makes you fart like a pro.

My point was you need a fork and knife to drink a southwark, or as the crow eaters call it suthik.
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Just one other point about this Binding Agreement on the tenement further north of us: Nigel mentioned the high mica in the northern part of 13359. So it goes without saying all Klaus will dig up is more mica than ever :eek::eek::eek::sick::sick::sick::poop::poop:
Ah, the mica. That’s my trigger word.
Way back, Nigel was dismissing our loss of the northern section with the throwaway line about the high mica content. I knew in that exact moment we were fucked. Hopefully we can laugh about it one day soon.
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