I don’t think this will ( or should ) come out of TH or suspension until the DRC have officially clarified their position. After all Zijin are stating the DRC are the ones that sold them the 15%!Great job by Nige and team, shut up any doubt. Well played
I still fear for our SP tomorrow as an overall drop in markets and I have a feeling a lot of shareholders will not want any risk of this going the wrong way.
I however am holding strong.
Yeah I mean when we do get out of the TH after official announcement tomorrowI don’t think this will ( or should ) come out of TH or suspension until the DRC have officially clarified their position. After all Zijin are stating the DRC are the ones that sold them the 15%!
I’m sure Nigel will have a couple of whiskeys with FT and work it out on the back of a napkin
I don’t think this will ( or should ) come out of TH or suspension until the DRC have officially clarified their position. After all Zijin are stating the DRC are the ones that sold them the 15%!
I’m sure Nigel will have a couple of whiskeys with FT and work it out on the back of a napkin
110% with you on that Wino, Zijin in = Sammael out. Simply intolerable both from DRC as a host country and the back door antics of the Chinese.I understand the arguments absolutely
I get it
The outcome could be negotiated and could produce synergies
But life tells me.......you get into bed with crooks you'll eventually sleep with the fishes
Hoping for an announcement tomorrow with a photo of Nigel and Felix cheers'ing long necks announcing the 15% is ours!Still nervous about tomorrow but that slide is a ripper, and a balls out effort by Nige
Same here! The photo will worth million word. Fingers cross!Hoping for an announcement tomorrow with a photo of Nigel and Felix cheers'ing long necks announcing the 15% is ours!
Yup they certainly do, and a few past announcements before covid when the team where there we were seeing heaps photos of the team with various officials. Hoping for some from Nigel's recent trip.Same here! The photo will worth million word. Fingers cross!
Yeh that's right mate, how else can they state it? Like they are abiding by asic's law of disclosure etcWithout being negative Nellie I like the clarity and straight-forward sense of the Powerpoint slide
It ain't telling us anything we didn't already know
There's nothing in it that provides further evidence that our position is the true and correct and legally defendable position
Like I said I think it's good to maybe enlighten the public a bit and come out with a clear statement....but we already know those facts, the general public doesn't care and the trolls and downrampers will just continue to deny it
I'll be quietly waiting further to see what tomorrow, Mr Market and AVZ bring to the table
I hope they immediately call a new TH, so they can produce the BFS with the 10Mtpa plant on it, using an updated Lithium, Tin and PLS price.i damn well hope so!
I hope they immediately call a new TH, so they can produce the BFS with the 10Mtpa plant on it, using an updated Lithium, Tin and PLS price.
Just to make certain people in the DRC salivate and exercise their mind a little.
It almost looks like the DRC politicians can not look further than this afternoon and the Chinese know exactly where they are fighting for.
The 20 year mine plan only takes RD in consideration.
Agree but it isn't the place. The time yes the place no.Without being negative Nellie I like the clarity and straight-forward sense of the Powerpoint slide
It ain't telling us anything we didn't already know
There's nothing in it that provides further evidence that our position is the true and correct and legally defendable position
Like I said I think it's good to maybe enlighten the public a bit and come out with a clear statement....but we already know those facts, the general public doesn't care and the trolls and downrampers will just continue to deny it
I'll be quietly waiting further to see what tomorrow, Mr Market and AVZ bring to the table
You have got to be joking !!Hotcrapper at its best
I thought talking about AVZ issues on the AVZ thread is where you do that.
It looks like stiffshit has different ideas.
What a wanker, so are the moderators!
Posted 09:38
- This message has been removed from public view. on 10/05/22 09:59 because of (Off-topic)
You have highlighted exactly the singular issue that is at the heart of the current conundrum....Agree but it isn't the place. The time yes the place no.
Absolutely waiting with you for tomorrow.
View attachment 6147
I'm particularly curious as to why management would not have disclosed any of these background goings on to market if there's any truth to the ccp narrative. At face value it seems like a potential problem.