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“...and placed under the authority of the minister having mines in his attribution…”.
So no statutory independence - they’ll be taking their riding instructions from the very people that need this level of oversight and investigation. You couldn’t even make this up.
Alternatively, it‘s another ticking time bomb. “Right, you fuckers. No more mining leases until we figure out what’s going on”. Two years later…. Or am i being paranoid now?
@Mr Inappropriate and @Spikerama
I’m after your opinions fella’s. I’ve got a fair bit of media saved on how corrupt the DRC is…. and given Tshisekedi, Lukonde, N’samba have all known about the corruption for over a year now and haven’t done anything about it and the DRC Mining Week is coming up in June, I’m thinking of putting all of it out there ahead of the event highlighting how corrupt the DRC is, any thoughts?
Haven’t seen any sign of the government helping us out and apart from Marius posting a few replies, all I’m reading is now the govt knows how big our project is they want to take back more for themselves
Sick of their corruption on top of Zijin’s but at least from what I read they can’t take it off us

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