Blue Orca Capital release a short report on A11 (Aussie lithium hopeful in Ghana) and the ASX has absolutely drilled A11 with questions to provide clarity and answers to the market and shareholders with regard to the serious issues raised
A11 management have responded accordingly and provided the market and shareholders with clarity on all the matters
My question is this:
Why didn't the ASX drill AVZ on all the matters raised by Boatman et al and extract from managment clear answers and clarity to all the questions that shareholders have been screaming out for now for over 10 months????
Additionally why is the ASX still seemingly unwilling to ask AVZ management for clarity on the matters raised despite the mandate and requirement for continuous disclosure to shareholders and the market??
I'm baffled
A11 management have responded accordingly and provided the market and shareholders with clarity on all the matters
My question is this:
Why didn't the ASX drill AVZ on all the matters raised by Boatman et al and extract from managment clear answers and clarity to all the questions that shareholders have been screaming out for now for over 10 months????
Additionally why is the ASX still seemingly unwilling to ask AVZ management for clarity on the matters raised despite the mandate and requirement for continuous disclosure to shareholders and the market??
I'm baffled