I don't believe abusive comments towards the President is helpful to our cause BEISH. My approach has been to target the corruption in the DRC and use their Mining Week Events as another place to highlight this corruption. THE VUKA GROUP are promoting and sponsoring the DRC MINING WEEK EVENTS in June and September on Facebook and a number of other platforms
- Jacques Kyabula Katwe (Governor of Haut Katanga) is a speaker at the June event in Lubumbashi
- Zigin's Kamoa Copper has an Advisory Board Member speaking at the June event in Lubumbashi
- Zigin's Kamoa-Kakula Copper Mine is a Platinum sponsor
I don't see referring to the DRC as the Democratic Republic of Corruption as a personal attack on anyone in the Government, rather it's highlighting the fact that corruption is rife in the DRC Mining Sector and
Jean Felix Mupande Kapwa (the DG of CAMI) is part of that corruption.
@cruiser51 added: "the current MD of Cominiere,
Athanase MWAMBA MISAO, is in jail and the current Administrative and Financial Director,
Alpha MONGA, is convicted to go to jail"
Now we have also seen
Célestin Kibeya Kabemba (Acting MD of Cominiere) in the interview 'Cominiere's response to allegations of mining fraud', lying about AVZ's finances, and stating Cominiere want to control the finances
@obe wan added: "Cominiere brings nothing to the Manono project. All they do is try to hinder progress at every step. These are the people who keep the DRC in poverty despite enormous resources"
Jules Alingette released the IGF Report stating Cominiere's sale of shares to Zigin was illegal and fraudulent
TSE as a platform for sharing information and helping our cause has been a great benefit to all shareholders, but when shareholders just vent and whinge about the same things week in week out, and blame everything on the exec's and BOD, it risks shareholders who are contributing to our cause losing interest in helping others. I had my shot at the exec's and BOD ahead of the roadshows, I've long moved on to take a more pro-active approach....
This is just my opinion because I'm one of those shareholders who is rapidly losing interest in contributing due to the wingers
@Cashcity said "I’m no saint like moneybags".... You mean neither of us are saints? Or it's just you're not