Honestly I read was she said and it fucking made me want to vomit...Thats not Graeme. But the 'assurances' MoM gives better be more than lip service...the mining world is watching!
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Thats not Graeme. But the 'assurances' MoM gives better be more than lip service...the mining world is watching!
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Thats not Graeme. But the 'assurances' MoM gives better be more than lip service...the mining world is watching!
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Think you’re right or l might have to go to speck savers or Chilla does unless he knows something for fact.Are you sure it’s not him? Even have the same time.
Looks like him to me as well . Same tie and the same hair at the front .Also the top of the ear protrudes outward in both photos .Both carrying weight around the midsection .Are you sure it’s not him? Even has the same tie.
But is the world seriously watching Wino? If this does go further south i don't think the DRC is going to be considered any different to now really. Things blow over, new leaderships come into power and things are forgotten. It's a new age - like this one under FT that now appears to be not a great deal different to what came before it. Countries and company's will still deal with DRC whatever happens with this licence. The US will keep pushing for action on corruption and transparency, but it'll be all talk and things will continue as before. China will keep being China and playing their game of control. Lots of talk about moving away from Beijing but haven't seen much of that translate into action. Strategic interests trump moral ones. Personal and political interests trump social conscience. Not saying it will go south BTW, just that I think the potential impact to DRC of this licence being reassigned may not be as consequential or permanent as some have previously saidYou can't make this shit up
AVZ....honest, decent Australian company, plays by all the rules, upholds ethics and standards, comes to the DRC with the right intentions for the mutual benefit of all involved, genuine desire to play a role in the betterment of peoples lives and living conditions and opportunites in the DRC, looking to take an anti-corruption stance and ensure transparency and honesty in all dealings
What does AVZ get by playing the straight bat and bringing all this goodwill to the table and providing all the things the DRC says they want from mining investment????
I tell you what AVZ get.....
AVZ gets royally fucked up the arse by the corrupt Chinese players and the absolutely corrupt DRC government
It seriously makes me sick to see read the absolute bullshit that comes out of their mouths when you see the blatant reality of what ACTUALLY fucking happens in country
The world is seriously watching now...
The DRC fuck this one up completely and they will forever be subject to poverty and endemic corruption while being handed crumbs and being horse-whipped at the hands of Chinese masters
Doing a Funds Transfer to MoM ??
Good observation on the tie…maybe it is him?Are you sure it’s not him? Even has the same tie.
I just rang AVZ head office and was told the travel movements of the BoD can't be discussed , but if I send an email through it would be forwarded on to the appropriate person . Fair enough I guess . I've sent an email & await a reply .![]()
Cap-Town : Antoinette N’Samba rassure sur la sécurité des investissements miniers en RDC
La ministre des Mines, Antoinette N’Samba a rassuré, mercredi 8 février, les opérateurs miniers sur la sécurité de leurs investissements en RDC. Elle a donné ces assurances au cours d’un petit-déjeuner thématique sur la RDC, organisé en faveur d’investisseurs miniers en marge de la conférence...www.radiookapi.net
Unsure but kinda looks like Graeme sitting opposite MoM? Not the clearest photo
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...and MoM just writing him a receipt for the surface rights paymentDoing a Funds Transfer to MoM ??
$50 for an out of jail cardDoing a Funds Transfer to MoM ??
If it's him it looks like he's aged about 10 years in the past few months - which also makes sense too.
So who paid for the snacks at that meeting?
I think there is an issue with Twitter as I got the same message yet dont post there muchSomeone needs to take the mantle on twitter and spam every single tweet from the DRC and Tomydick.
Seems I have sent too many tweets......FML
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Definitely looks like him, but I’m 50:50 on this one.Think you’re right or l might have to go to speck savers or Chilla does unless he knows something for fact.