AVZ Discussion 2022


To sum up where we stand:
Legal cases involve potential losses of:
1) 15% via Dathomir
2) 10% via Cominiere
Worst case scenario, we would then end up with 36% losing our majority, who would then be in charge?
Second scenario, I have the impression that Dathomir's claim is the most shaddy and do not believe it will be a problem. So we keep 51% and maybe do not get the extra 10%. A problem but does not change the big picture.
Best case, both claims are refuted and we go on and acquire the extra 10% and get to 61%.

I must admit I did not truly get the picture of where we stand in the legal procedures? I have read the announcement but are they just realizing those claims or are they already engaged in legal procedures? Anyone has an idea of when we could hear about advancements regarding such procedures? It would have to be treated fast. I would expect another company announcement to clarify the process concerning those claims to be cleared.

Reading the announcement, I am under the impression that management feels confident it is crap but obliged to mention it as it is growing on the internet. If the claim dates back to february, I also must admit I do not get why management did not mention that before?

Does anyone has information?


Not only that, but that the 15% Cominiere owns of Dathcom has been transferred to AVZ and the other 10% Cominiere owns has been transferred to the DRC Government.

I read somewhere an article that Cominiere can't pay the US$5 million back, because they used it in 'fees and lunches'.
They probably went limbo dancing in the office.
However, I would not be surprised that Felix is having a few balls for breakfast. :ROFLMAO:

And Zijin?
Tough, they knew that AVZ had first right of refusal, but tried an off the record behind the back deal, while they were doing business with Cominier regarding their other Lithium adventure, which was announced with a lot of Fanfare even in Reuters, while the Dathcom deal was hidden in the back of their annual report. I wonder why.

So how the DRC deals with a couple of rogue operators in Cominier I don't know, but this is exactly what Felix is trying to stop.
What is really dumb from the market reaction is that what was written in response to the media speculation(Der Geist BS) from the company completely negates and denies any problem with our percentage ownership and full first rights to the other 15% . In other words everything stands as was. WTF??? How do you get people to understand this???

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As Scarpa (another respected HC poster and LTH) explained, the ann today with explanation to the legal rights to additional 15% from Cominiere is currently in doubt. This may be the main reason why SP tanked today.

The confusion was used by shorters to push the SP down triggering a number of stop losses. Market was likely to be spoofed that AVZ has only 36% ownership of the project after finalising the deal with CATH. However, in actuality, AVZ has 51%. Also, AVZ has been robbed of its chance to obtain another 15% from Cominiere as it was suspiciously transferred to a third party (closely related to Zijin mining) by the DRC Gov, which I suspect during the Kabila time.

In the interim, I hope the DRC Gov and AVZ are able to sort this matter out so that mining can commence at the end of 2023.

Grateful if anyone can provide further input. I could be completely wrong with my interpretation of information.
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It’s a bit like a morgue on here.

At $1.365 was look a bit toppy.

Its pulled back and provided an opportunity To add more to a position.


You can add AlmiSir666 to your shit list. What a tool!
Index fund isn’t much better also, bunch of fucktards the lot of them.
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Hello fellow AVZ Minerals holders and believers. I have some questions if that is alright..
So the SP tanked because the market is now pricing in a 37% ownership of the Manono project? Even if I see this as highly unlikely.
Also, how is it possible that Zijin Mining got the 15% ownership if AVZ Minerals has the legal rights to it first??
I read from a previous post that they took this to court but that nothing really happened? Surely this is unacceptable to both the DRC and AVZ Minerals as they are both getting robbed of their resource.
I have hold on to almost all of my shares since 19C and am definitely not selling any now, I still believe AVZ will be one of the biggest market leaders in the Lithium and Tin market in the future.
But can the DRC revoke Zijing Minings Exploitation permit?

Sorry if my questions are "uneducated" but I am under 20 and English is my third language so please take that into consideration. Furthermore, this is not an attempt to down ramp the stock, I and my family are hoping for this to work and looking forward to potential divvies down the line :)

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As Scarpa (another respected HC poster and LTH) explained, the ann today with explanation to the legal rights to additional 15% from Cominiere is currently in doubt. This may be the main reason why SP tanked today.

The confusion was used by shorters to push the SP down triggering a number of stop losses. Market was likely to be spoofed that AVZ has only 36% ownership of the project after finalising the deal with CATH. However, in actuality, AVZ has 51%. Also, AVZ has been robbed of its chance to obtain another 15% from Cominiere as it was suspiciously transferred to a third party (closely related to Zijin mining) by the DRC Gov, which I suspect during the Kabila time.

In the interim, I hope the DRC Gov and AVZ are able to sort this matter out so that mining can commence at the end of 2023.

Grateful if anyone can provide further input. I could be completely wrong with my interpretation of information.
Yup, that's what I kinda found in my research and posted yesterday, hopefully as they say they can rebuff their claim
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so where is jag today i think all in shock
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One thing I'm not sure on and haven't seen it discussed is will the 15% and the associated legal fight delay mine build?

Legal matters can take months or years (i'm leaning towards months) and whether its 51% or 66% is a major factor in who needs to contribute $X amount to the mine build right?

Surely they can't build the mine without sorting out the percentages prior?
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so where is jag today i think all in shock
Probably icing his backside like the rest of us, one hell of pineapple today 😳
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well all said when ml is issued it will be life changing ,, yep i bet today it changed how many down over 100k today , lets all wait for production when in 1 year I dont think so sorry for being honest , when or if it hits a $1 again im out after 5 years


Feeling pretty crappy today for the obvious reasons then I checked my lotto ticket after work, 3rd division from Saturday night yew ripper 😃 $850 missing some zeros but hey it brightened my day up a bit after the paper loss today 😢

Stay safe everyone, tomorrow is a new day let’s hope my luck continues for us LTH & Holders 😀

I’ve got a good feeling about tomorrow but that might be the beers kicking in lol…..
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apologies if already posted... not up to speed

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Agree with Woodburn on crapper
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Hello fellow AVZ Minerals holders and believers. I have some questions if that is alright..
So the SP tanked because the market is now pricing in a 37% ownership of the Manono project? Even if I see this as highly unlikely.
Also, how is it possible that Zijin Mining got the 15% ownership if AVZ Minerals has the legal rights to it first??
I read from a previous post that they took this to court but that nothing really happened? Surely this is unacceptable to both the DRC and AVZ Minerals as they are both getting robbed of their resource.
I have hold on to almost all of my shares since 19C and am definitely not selling any now, I still believe AVZ will be one of the biggest market leaders in the Lithium and Tin market in the future.
But can the DRC revoke Zijing Minings Exploitation permit?

Sorry if my questions are "uneducated" but I am under 20 and English is my third language so please take that into consideration. Furthermore, this is not an attempt to down ramp the stock, I and my family are hoping for this to work and looking forward to potential divvies down the line :)

Any government can do anything anytime if they have the numbers/structures.
I sensed many months ago, however, that Felix wants to clean up the DRC and will work with AVZ to ensure whatever structures are put in place are squeaky clean and sustainably beneficial to majority of Congolese(?). There will be those in the bureaucracy/government that will push their own agenda.
But, you know what, Australia is no different. Why would we need an ICAC or a federal version of it?
Sit tight if your risk tolerance and investing horizon allows it, or take some off the table, you will never go broke taking an actual profit.
Good luck Lellep 🍻
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What a fucked day for AVZ, no one could have predicted this outcome, on what initially all us retail holders thought was positive. Funds orchestrated after they sniffed the negative legal issue being finally acknowledged by AVZ - IMO - that is all they needed to load up the sell side 6:1 or more, caused stops, panic and mayhem. Will it stop going south tmw, rest of month 🤷‍♂️. Legal stouch is not a good look, worst trading day of my life as a holder of AVZ for 4.5 years (not selling a single share of my LT holding - but down so much since ATH). Closed out my significant trading parcel - I had to close out today, the market traders/ funds fucked me over. Not touching any Lithium stocks until the new FY, too much world negative events causing whip sawing of huge daily percentages for many Li stocks. Check my watch list today. Far out 2-3 weeks ago AVZ was $1.36! 🤦‍♂️.

Get this sorted Nigel/ AVZ/ DRC, today was just total bullshit.
Reckon you'll be okay George

Cup of tea and a lie down and everything will be okay
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Jag is too busy showing off his AVZ 1 plates on his wheels.. He’s fine. Licking wounds like we all are, but more convinced than ever to stay the course.

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well we need the CATH $240m, BFS, and FID first, in the mean time early works continue and "AVZI is in advanced discussions with the DRC Government regarding the purchase of Cominiere’s remaining 15% interest in Dathcom exercising AVZI’s rights under terms of the existing Dathcom Shareholder Agreement", so one would assume by the time we have $240m, BFS and FID we will also have a deal done on the extra 15%, and that'll be the last time we hear of anyone else claiming 15% of anything.

I'm not sure if we are going to hold back "major works", lawfully we still have the right to it, and management are refusing to acknowledge that any dodgey attempted 15% transfer to other parties is legal. It'd be like me trying to sell your land title to another party and the said party comes knocking on your door claiming rights to your land, you're not even going to entertain their argument.

happy to hear other opinions, but basically legally no transfer is valid without AVZ's consent (just as your house can't be sold without your consent), that's all there is to it and we have the DRC gov on our side and they know full well the dodgeyness that went on pre-Felix and Im sure will want any uncertainty going forward out of the way asap

It's a bit different from selling 15% of your land title isn't it? Because you never owned the land title, its someone selling their title to someone else when they should have given you first option to buy it?

I'm not up to date with what consideration Cominiere received from Zijin but If AVZ presses ahead and negotiates 15% and buys it, will there be a legal challenge appeal from Zijin? There is a possibility that they don't take it lying down.

If you think about it, CATH $240M, BFS and FID could all be within 4 weeks. Certainly I'm expecting CATH $240M and BFS next week. Can they issue FID without knowing if they own 66% or 51%?

I don't have the exact numbers but assuming $500M build thats the difference between forking out $330M or $255M - not a trivial sum.

Just to add as well - if i understand the below correctly then it has been under investigation since 1 February? It's now May - so you'd hope it won't take much longer.

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