*Very interesting indeed Foxy Loxy, Thanks for sharing, Here's the Translated English version, fwiw, as
Tandem ANR – IGF: Tshisekedi's weapon of political deterrence
When it comes to cleaning up his yard or weakening a political adversary, the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, does not hesitate to set in motion his fatal weapon of political deterrence embodied by the tandem ANR (National Intelligence Agency) and the IGF (General Inspectorate of Finance).
To succeed in his last purge in his office, the President of the Republic called on the ANR for the big clean-up and when it comes to warming up the economic or financial files of an embarrassing political actor, the IGF does not miss the opportunity to deploy its great artillery.
With the ANR and the IGF, Tshisekedi sweeps away everything that obstructs his path to success.
This will be the case until the polls in December 2023.
It will have been necessary to wait four years after his accession to the presidency of the Republic to see Félix Tshisekedi finally wake up, and lend an attentive ear to the popular clamor which denounces embezzlement, embezzlement, theft and other signs of enrichment as sudden as unexplained on the part of his relatives or of a multitude claiming his proximity.
Four years of blatant predation which had to be put to an end, during this election year which should end in the perilous exercise of the presentation of the results of the legislature. Tshisekedi knows it: he alone will be accountable to the people.
So without qualms, he takes out the heavy artillery.
A massive deterrent weapon carried by the National Intelligence Agency (ANR) and the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).
Everyone keeps in mind the commitment made by Félix Tshisekedi, the new Head of State during his inaugural speech on January 24, 2019.
It's as if it were yesterday.
Just as in his subsequent speeches before parliament or during popular meetings, the President of the Republic never ceased to reiterate his commitment to "humanize" the security services, in particular by closing the multitude of unofficial cells, including those of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR).
The people were then entitled to give it a good dose of credit and confidence, especially since since the party-state (MPR) and the successive regimes of the Kabila, the secret services had been reduced to the rank of organs of repression. of all forms of opposition and dissenting voices in civil society through the muzzling of the press.
It was not uncommon to record abductions, disappearances or long-term detentions (up to several years) without the detainees being brought before a judge. Untimely home checks and searches outside legal hours were commonplace.
Practices that had ended up reducing the DRC to an open-air prison, where freedoms and civil rights had become a wishful thinking.
Conversely, the special services in the exclusive pay of power did not seem to pay particular attention to the management of public finances, which had become the reserved domain of a sort of caste of untouchables above the law.
Common practices in all dictatorships and authoritarian regimes and which continues despite the “change” so vaunted by the supporters of the “People First” ideology.
The twilight of the “strong men”
When he came to power four years ago to the day, Felix Tshisekedi had in mind all these heavinesses that were going to negatively burden his five-year term, unless he put the kibosh on it by taking the bull by the horns, which would have induced to get rid of collaborators who had become cumbersome, but also of the family straitjacket where many of his relatives suddenly discovered the talents of businessmen, mainly in the mining sector.
At the same time as informed circles are buzzing with persistent rumors of massive embezzlement of public funds amid almost general indifference, the Head of State, already worried by a worrying security situation in the east of the country, has to face a rise ambitions in the corridors of the palace, but also among the general officers, some of whom do not hesitate to compromise with hostile foreign powers.
Reluctantly, Tshisekedi finally made the decision to put an end to the "strong men's regime".
To do this, he leans on two pillars which act as his heavy artillery. This is both dissuasive and repressive.
First of all, the National Intelligence Agency (ANR), which is working, under the direction of Biosha Mbelu, to document the files of dishonest senior executives who gravitate in the immediate environment of the Head of State and who believe to be all-powerful to the point of overriding the classic rules of governance.
Since the fall in February 2021 of the former special security adviser, François Beya, things seem to have accelerated in recent weeks.
The cabinet of the Head of State has just experienced an unprecedented purge, reaching its "apotheosis" with the disgrace of the private adviser Fortunat Biselele.
Lorsqu’il s’agit de faire le grand ménage dans sa cour ou d’affaiblir un adversaire politique, le Chef de l’Etat, Félix Tshisekedi, n’hésite pas à mettre en mouvement son arme fatale de dissuasion politique qu’incarne le tandem ANR (Agence nationale de renseignements) et l’IGF (Inspection...
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