Shit …Bags you need to do better than that plus you’ll miss usI think you are missing the point of my post Carlos…. The reason Felix took action against CMOC was because they weren’t declaring how much cobalt they were mining and exporting, and as a result they were ripping off the DRC govt as well as Gecamines.
For months now Felix has been parading himself around the world telling everyone what a great place the DRC is to do business, and recently having photos of himself all chummy with Lukonde, who clearly appears under the influence of the Chinese.
I’ve put plenty of stuff on here about Lukonde, he overrided the decision to have administrator’s take authority over CMOC, he is the previous head of corrupt Gecamines, he is politically affiliated with Adele Kayinda and he obviously has known for months what is going on in relation to Mupande (DG if CAMI), Adele Kayinda (MoP), the IGF Report, Cominiere, Zigin and Simon Cong (Dathomir).
Given Lukonde has known what has been going on for months and not a fucken peep out of him on any of it….
I would have been interested in your thoughts on CATL taking a stake in CMOC but the truth is I basically don’t give a shit about the DRC and AVZ anymore and I’m hoping that a few of you good members here report me to @zeeb0t or whoever the cunt in charge is so I can be permanently suspended from this fucken shit fuck place too because for some cunt of a reason I keep finding myself back in this cunt of a place posting more shit on the corrupt cunts in the DRC
Hopefully that’ll get me suspended, if not you fuckers just aren’t having a fucken go
View attachment 26407
Done and dusted hopefully
Agree - we would be subject do a different form of shitfuckery if we have those pricks in our neighbourhood. We‘d:Yes this has always been my view; I always expected Chinese or others to make a move on AVZ and for them to come in quickly , after they waited for AVZ to take the risk and go through the hurdles in getting the ML; once ML was in hand then it was who‘s quickest off the picket fence.
I suspect Zijin and all other interest parties expected the same thing; however Zijin / CAMI and co have likely caused the other potential movers to climb back on to the fence whilst this shit is worked out ; however Zijin , affiliates & crook friend likely using this mess to stitch up AVZ.
Should AVZ manage to come out of this , I think Zijin are cooked and will get not a thing even with regard to offtakes ; I’m sure Nigel would tell them to jog on ; but I’d suspect that we’d have offers tabled pretty soon after ML stamped.
heard a couple of times in the past the number of $5bUS mentioned and being the figure that interest would only start to agitate at; since then more drillings has taken place with massive intercepts to firm up more Jorc tonnage and this to the south alone ; it’s unfortunate that we are going through this mess , other lithium plays would be loving it as they rush through into production , even happy to just knock out DSO whilst Dathcom/AVZ tries to shake of these dogs…
i somehow doubt AVZ are going to come out of this this totally intact .I.e. North and South ; 10% to government , ROFR accepted and taken up. I suspect higher percent at 15% to the government along with a few more frills ; ROFR % likely goes elsewhere ; hoping, as it should 13559 is granted to AVZ as a whole and the tailings fall within this granting. That or 80% of that and it’s red hot for TO advances ; north carved out and I think you have a few hmmm noises being made , as the north from that point would likely head into Chinese hands and those guys would just swamp infrastructure capacity leaving it difficult in the short / medium time for operators in carrier as they would likely have a grant of ML with a 10 page application passing through cami in record timing and boots on the ground before the rest
I wish I could be happy about this. Removal from cabinet does equal removal as minister so I don’t see anything here for us (yet). On the plus side the Prez will no longer have his retinas burn during Cabinet meetings as he won’t have to look at the Green Witch.
Jesus the only people on our side is the IGF it's the dirty politicians that need to be sorted out. Wich is fucken hard to do when all the elpresedentay wants to do is ponce around the world telling everyone one that will listen what a great place the drc is to invest. What a fucken joke. The prick needs to stay at home and sort his shit out.
IGF is the one you want on your side.
You need to appreciate what Felix Tshisekedi has gone through to get where he is. Once you understand his family legacy and the level of corruption that he needs to unravel it becomes clear why this is taking so long. Strong lions create good times in the pride lands imo
View attachment 26341
'The evil ran very deep' - DR Congo making headway on corruption, says finance inspector | News24
The Democratic Republic of Congo has the reputation for being one of the world's most graft-prone countries, ranking 170th out of 180 nations in Transparency International's 2020 Corruption Perception
Kinshasa – The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the reputation for being one of the world's most graft-prone countries, ranking 170th out of 180 nations in Transparency International's 2020 Corruption Perception Index.
But the DRC's recently appointed chief inspector of finance, Jules Alingete Key, says the situation is changing.
Hundreds of millions of dollars have been netted in an anti-corruption drive sparked by an overhaul of his team and a recruitment drive, he told AFP in an interview.
President Felix Tshisekedi, who made the fight against corruption a keystone of his 2019 election campaign, appointed Alingete, 58, head of the General Financial Inspectorate (IGF) in July last year.
Alingete said:
We (found we) had to deal with people who are born into corruption, who grow up immersed in corruption and who consider that corruption and embezzlement are normal.
"The evil ran very deep and very high. We opted to take a tough line... and our methods have had tangible results," he added.
Before, IGF inspectors would go for "small fry", but they now focus on a much wider field, "from simple accountants to managers of public companies and all people who handle public money, including members of government," Alingete said.
In 2020, government income was less than $400 million on average per month, he said.
A crackdown on false claims for tax exemptions began in August 2020, and from March 2021 revenue rose to at least $500 million per month and has sometimes reached $900 million, he said.
Other scams uncovered by the reformed IGF, he said, were overbilling, backdated commissions, illegal transfer of funds and fake documents.
"The most spectacular thefts that we have recorded have been the work of people who are highly placed in state enterprises, in government," he said.
He said:
This area, by the way, is where we have been concentrating most of our efforts. With lower-level officials, it's $100 000 or $200 000 which is siphoned off, but the higher up you go, it's millions of dollars.
At first, help from prosecutors "was difficult", but "when the facts are there, the justice system gets involved. There have been many trials and sentences handed down to senior officials", Key said.
High-profile figures targeted by IGF investigations include Governor Atou Matubuana of Kongo Central province.
He was accused in August of "diverting" 17.4 billion Congolese francs ($8.7 million) in government expenditures last year – spending that his office said was a traditionally accepted benefit for governors.
Alingete said that his unit was still overcoming problems with staff numbers, and this for now limited its investigative scope.
When he took over, the IGF had "at the most" 80 inspectors, nearly half of whom were of retirement age, he said.
"Today, we are increasing our capacity to intervene, and will reach cruising altitude in 2022. We will soon have 200 inspectors."
The Chinese exist in various forms . The Chinese own the Green Grub and the CAMI prick . Unless Felix is going to do something about these scum bags then we are p1ssing in the wind . He has all the proof . If he does nothing then he is as bad as they are. I'm not saying he wont but time is our enemy and our enemies know it . IMO
A lot of people here are praising Jules Alingete and the IGF but seem unhappy with Felix Tshisekedi. But they are missing the key link. It was Felix that appointed Alingete and gave him the funding to run the IGF properly. Before Tshisekedi the IGF only targeted low level players. Felix has given Alingete the mandate and support to now go after the big fish.I think you are missing the point of my post Carlos…. The reason Felix took action against CMOC was because they weren’t declaring how much cobalt they were mining and exporting, and as a result they were ripping off the DRC govt as well as Gecamines.
For months now Felix has been parading himself around the world telling everyone what a great place the DRC is to do business, and recently having photos of himself all chummy with Lukonde, who clearly appears under the influence of the Chinese.
I’ve put plenty of stuff on here about Lukonde, he overrided the decision to have administrator’s take authority over CMOC, he is the previous head of corrupt Gecamines, he is politically affiliated with Adele Kayinda and he obviously has known for months what is going on in relation to Mupande (DG if CAMI), Adele Kayinda (MoP), the IGF Report, Cominiere, Zigin and Simon Cong (Dathomir).
Given Lukonde has known what has been going on for months and not a fucken peep out of him on any of it….
I would have been interested in your thoughts on CATL taking a stake in CMOC but the truth is I basically don’t give a shit about the DRC and AVZ anymore and I’m hoping that a few of you good members here report me to @zeeb0t so I can be permanently suspended because for some reason I keep finding myself back in this place posting more shit on the corrupt cunts in the DRC
If you fuckers can’t get me suspended you just aren’t having a fucken go
I think you are missing the point of my post Carlos…. The reason Felix took action against CMOC was because they weren’t declaring how much cobalt they were mining and exporting, and as a result they were ripping off the DRC govt as well as Gecamines.
For months now Felix has been parading himself around the world telling everyone what a great place the DRC is to do business, and recently having photos of himself all chummy with Lukonde, who clearly appears under the influence of the Chinese.
I’ve put plenty of stuff on here about Lukonde, he overrided the decision to have administrator’s take authority over CMOC, he is the previous head of corrupt Gecamines, he is politically affiliated with Adele Kayinda and he obviously has known for months what is going on in relation to Mupande (DG if CAMI), Adele Kayinda (MoP), the IGF Report, Cominiere, Zigin and Simon Cong (Dathomir).
Given Lukonde has known what has been going on for months and not a fucken peep out of him on any of it….
I would have been interested in your thoughts on CATL taking a stake in CMOC but the truth is I basically don’t give a shit about the DRC and AVZ anymore and I’m hoping that a few of you good members here report me to @zeeb0t so I can be permanently suspended because for some reason I keep finding myself back in this place posting more shit on the corrupt cunts in the DRC
If you fuckers can’t get me suspended you just aren’t having a fucken go
The question is how long do we fight for Nth CDL before we say F--k it and move forward with Roche Dure ? At some point we will have to compromise if this drags on . Obviously one of the tactics in play by our enemies . CDL still needs to be drilled out and a resource proven etc etc . Roche Dure done all that and ready for the build . It's not in the DRC's best interest for it to be held up longer once we get the ML . I'm still going with a TO . Most probably by the Chinese once they have stolen as much as they can . IMOYes this has always been my view; I always expected Chinese or others to make a move on AVZ and for them to come in quickly , after they waited for AVZ to take the risk and go through the hurdles in getting the ML; once ML was in hand then it was who‘s quickest off the picket fence.
I suspect Zijin and all other interest parties expected the same thing; however Zijin / CAMI and co have likely caused the other potential movers to climb back on to the fence whilst this shit is worked out ; however Zijin , affiliates & crook friend likely using this mess to stitch up AVZ.
Should AVZ manage to come out of this , I think Zijin are cooked and will get not a thing even with regard to offtakes ; I’m sure Nigel would tell them to jog on ; but I’d suspect that we’d have offers tabled pretty soon after ML stamped.
heard a couple of times in the past the number of $5bUS mentioned and being the figure that interest would only start to agitate at; since then more drillings has taken place with massive intercepts to firm up more Jorc tonnage and this to the south alone ; it’s unfortunate that we are going through this mess , other lithium plays would be loving it as they rush through into production , even happy to just knock out DSO whilst Dathcom/AVZ tries to shake of these dogs…
i somehow doubt AVZ are going to come out of this this totally intact .I.e. North and South ; 10% to government , ROFR accepted and taken up. I suspect higher percent at 15% to the government along with a few more frills ; ROFR % likely goes elsewhere ; hoping, as it should 13559 is granted to AVZ as a whole and the tailings fall within this granting. That or 80% of that and it’s red hot for TO advances ; north carved out and I think you have a few hmmm noises being made , as the north from that point would likely head into Chinese hands and those guys would just swamp infrastructure capacity leaving it difficult in the short / medium time for operators in carrier as they would likely have a grant of ML with a 10 page application passing through cami in record timing and boots on the ground before the rest
Firstly , i have to laugh when Brad Thompson describes AVZ as a " small ASX listed coy "......On that topic of DRC banning exportation of Raw materials (cobalt / copper being the focus materials at this stage as these are readily mined ) ; DRC looking for battery metals to be processed within country.
I posted an article written by Brad Thompson / AFR yesterday which stated that the Chinese provided the a bit more detail into FIRBs ‘contrary to national interest’ short response as to why it turned down Yibins investment into AVZ at 11.2%. … reasoning ‘ ‘Raw material wouldn’t be returned to Australia for processing’ which I can only assume is true considering we only received a one liners from FIRB which lacked substance ; it was prior to any ban on raw materials from DRC ; it was also before any feasibilities ; I doubt AVZ would include such costs within their calculations per tonne in any case I.e transporting Raw material back to Australia for processing .
With DRC ban on raw materials ; Battery metals (which will include Lithium) being processed within DRC. BFS, will not include transport of raw back to Oz for processing .
What’s your thoughts on a potential chink in the armor of the thoughts that FIRB won’t let the Chinese at AVZ ..
If what the Chinese said was true ; it’s not an excuse FIRB can use again for a project outside of Australia where raw materials are highly unlikely to be exported by government order in any case
View attachment 26371
Firstly , i have to laugh when Brad Thompson describes AVZ as a " small ASX listed coy "......
He probably is referring to the AVZ MC relative to BHP, RIO etc, but really dick head ?
If you did some research moron, you would realise that AVZ is a behemoth, engulfing the collective supply everywhere else and if controlled / manipulated by chinese entities, has the ability to control the lithium price world wide.......
IMO, this is the reason why the firb rejected Yibin , ( I would imagine the US had a word in Freydenbergs ultimate decision too) nothing to do with product brought back to AUS for processing lol, its all about preventing a bully from doing what it has always done........control by stealth !!!
I think you are missing the point of my post Carlos…. The reason Felix took action against CMOC was because they weren’t declaring how much cobalt they were mining and exporting, and as a result they were ripping off the DRC govt as well as Gecamines.
For months now Felix has been parading himself around the world telling everyone what a great place the DRC is to do business, and recently having photos of himself all chummy with Lukonde, who clearly appears under the influence of the Chinese.
I’ve put plenty of stuff on here about Lukonde, he overrided the decision to have administrator’s take authority over CMOC, he is the previous head of corrupt Gecamines, he is politically affiliated with Adele Kayinda and he obviously has known for months what is going on in relation to Mupande (DG if CAMI), Adele Kayinda (MoP), the IGF Report, Cominiere, Zigin and Simon Cong (Dathomir).
Given Lukonde has known what has been going on for months and not a fucken peep out of him on any of it….
I would have been interested in your thoughts on CATL taking a stake in CMOC but the truth is I'm sick of the DRC and AVZ and I’m hoping @zeeb0t will permanently suspended me because for some reason I keep finding myself back in this place posting more shit on the corrupt cunts in the DRC
Done, thank fuck
Fair point, didnt look at the date..........i did mention tho it was probably MC related....That article was April 2020 @BEISHA , AVZ was rattling in between that 5-8c mark , so sub 200m at that stage
No one was more a supporter of FT than me in the early stages of his governance Carlos......A lot of people here are praising Jules Alingete and the IGF but seem unhappy with Felix Tshisekedi. But they are missing the key link. It was Felix that appointed Alingete and gave him the funding to run the IGF properly. Before Tshisekedi the IGF only targeted low level players. Felix has given Alingete the mandate and support to now go after the big fish.
Is Felix Tshisekedi the perfect vessel for the essence of purity against corruption?
But he is much better than his predecessor. The thing that gives me the most comfort at the moment is the fact that the tenement hasn't been seized. The only hint of us losing any of PE13359 is because management trusted Mupande over the mining code. If Kabila were still the President of DRC then Zijin would already be mining Manono and we would have been incredibly lucky to get anything from them as payment imo
Ultimately Tshisekedi's role is to create the conditions for prosperity in the nation. He is not the one to prosecute the IGF's allegations. Some of you seem to think he is meant to be a manifestation of Judge Dredd that runs the law by himself. The seperation of powers between the executive and the judiciary is incredibly important in a functioning society imo
When was the last time you heard the Governor General or the Prime Minister of Australia calling for arrests or demanding that someone be sent to jail?
It doesn't happen. They always refer to the independence of the courts and will only comment after a case has been concluded. The IGF report about Cominiere was only officially released in full a month ago. It is inconceivable that Felix isn't aware of what has happened at this point.
I am extremely aware that the clock is ticking for us but we have to let the process play out before getting upset that it isn't happening exactly as we would like. We are in a much better position than a few months ago and I fully expect that trend to continue.
If and when this current shitshow ends there will be a stream of takeover offers IMO. I want us to go mining but I can’t see us getting that far.
Yes this has always been my view; I always expected Chinese or others to make a move on AVZ and for them to come in quickly , after they waited for AVZ to take the risk and go through the hurdles in getting the ML; once ML was in hand then it was who‘s quickest off the picket fence.
I suspect Zijin and all other interest parties expected the same thing; however Zijin / CAMI and co have likely caused the other potential movers to climb back on to the fence whilst this shit is worked out ; however Zijin , affiliates & crook friend likely using this mess to stitch up AVZ.
Should AVZ manage to come out of this , I think Zijin are cooked and will get not a thing even with regard to offtakes ; I’m sure Nigel would tell them to jog on ; but I’d suspect that we’d have offers tabled pretty soon after ML stamped.
heard a couple of times in the past the number of $5bUS mentioned and being the figure that interest would only start to agitate at; since then more drillings has taken place with massive intercepts to firm up more Jorc tonnage and this to the south alone ; it’s unfortunate that we are going through this mess , other lithium plays would be loving it as they rush through into production , even happy to just knock out DSO whilst Dathcom/AVZ tries to shake of these dogs…
i somehow doubt AVZ are going to come out of this this totally intact .I.e. North and South ; 10% to government , ROFR accepted and taken up. I suspect higher percent at 15% to the government along with a few more frills ; ROFR % likely goes elsewhere ; hoping, as it should 13559 is granted to AVZ as a whole and the tailings fall within this granting. That or 80% of that and it’s red hot for TO advances ; north carved out and I think you have a few hmmm noises being made , as the north from that point would likely head into Chinese hands and those guys would just swamp infrastructure capacity leaving it difficult in the short / medium time for operators in carrier as they would likely have a grant of ML with a 10 page application passing through cami in record timing and boots on the ground before the rest
If the right offer comes along I think the board would be more than happy to sell. Especially after what we have been through. Management seem committed to mining but they all have enough shares now that they would be very well rewarded if AVZ is sold. For some of the older members of the board it is probably a more attractive option than slogging it out building a mine in rural Africa for the next few years.The question is how long do we fight for Nth CDL before we say F--k it and move forward with Roche Dure ? At some point we will have to compromise if this drags on . Obviously one of the tactics in play by our enemies . CDL still needs to be drilled out and a resource proven etc etc . Roche Dure done all that and ready for the build . It's not in the DRC's best interest for it to be held up longer once we get the ML . I'm still going with a TO . Most probably by the Chinese once they have stolen as much as they can . IMO
We received approval for the favourable opinions and were then given a Ministerial Decree for the mining licence in April 2022. AVZ management were initially happy enough with that to trade for 3 days after announcing it to market. The only reason the contract has stalled is because management agreed to partition the northern part of the tenement and Mupande took advantage of their mistake. Not sure what else you expected Felix Tshisekedi to do up until that stage.No one was more a supporter of FT than me in the early stages of his governance Carlos......
Soon after when he was " elected " by default in 2019, i was reading reports that he personally was rolling up his sleeves running the ruler over old contracts of chinese / mining coys under the previous regime of Kabila, making sure they were fair and equitable for DRC going forward, I was convinced then that he was a man of action supporting his mantra of quelling corruption, i assumed then that he would be taking a active role in running the ruler over future contracts too aka AVZ, which gave me alot of confidence that we were in safe hands....
Well , that thought process was put in the dumpster at the recent AGM, when Nigel mentioned that corrupt DRC ministers were "pulling the wool over FT eyes " regards to AVZ worthiness / credibility for a ML , hatched when COVID hit in 2020.
Now if FT had run the ruler over AVZ contract and kept abreast of the developments, then i believe he would have had the required intel to call out the bull shit and potentially AVZ wouldnt be in this current conundrum !
Establishing the IGF in July 2021 was far too late, that should of been done as soon as he came to governance, allowing them to probe all existing ministers regards to past corruption amongst many other criteria
The time for Felix to put his " big boy pants on " and be a REAL LION and make big statements to the corruptors and the international community was back in 2019/ early 2020............not late 2022 / 2023.....
Its encouraging to finally see the war drums favouring AVZ, but i fear the chinese actors and corrupt DRC officials see the finishing line being December 2023 where a new election will take place, with Kabila putting his hand up for another term of raping and pillaging of DRC finances in cohorts with his chinese buddies , if he is successful and AVZ are still in suspension, then we are stuffed !!
I am sorry , but up until recently, Felix has been all talk no action, a real disappointment and if he doesnt make some big statements soon, the DRC folk will realise that too ( if not already ) and will vote him out.
getting reel long in the tooth tuning in/cant be fucked?Whats happened to Saturday nights on herewe all going to AA meetings ….whats happened to this…The Mantle is getting awfully Dusty
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