AVZ Discussion 2022

The only one who say the first trance is done is deeland at the telephone. How do you think they have done it to collect 50 million shares in 10 days over the Christmas days and new year? When the offer is only to german shareholders and after the deeland guys at the telephone now for austria and switzerland and no information from our banks that a offer exist, just 2 dodgy site’s and the bundesanzeiger who clearly warning at the front page that they have a lot scam offers on their own website. We just hear from that offer from a few persons on twitter and a rare amount of people in some forums. How could that shit be legit?
Well, it's possible it is a 'real' scam. You have spoken to 'real' people, who seem desperate to get hold of some AVZ shares.

We just need to expose it for what it might be, who might be behind it, and for what reasons they would go to such extremes. The more it's publicised as a crock of shit, the better, IMO

I think the scam is being run by these two evil geniuses…. Simon Cong and Klaus Eckof


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If you think I'm losing the plot, I'm sure @Misfits will confirm this scenario has largely already been played out by Zijin in another company that used to be on the ASX - NKP, where they 'stole' most of the company via convertible bonds, and partaking in share placements, then trashing the SP on the ASX platform.

They eventually made a terrible lowball TO offer (this was before FIRB would have ever picked up on the nuanced screwing of Australia), having replaced the BOD with dummy directors (paper bag recipients most likely), who recommended the TO

Well, fuck me, our group of dissenting shareholders are still in court in Bermuda, awaiting legal proceedings to commence to get a fairer payout price. I won't even mention the dirty tricks done behind the bike sheds during the course of the challenge (fake DFS's, dummy company registrations in order to illegally transfer mining licences) - oh shit, I have, sorry about that
100% Xerof, 2016 it started with NKP and we are still going, albeit some confidence it will be sorted this year. Zijin are corrupt and don’t give a shit about SH. We were given 10c and been fighting for what is to be a fair price. I even sent AVZ the legal paperwork that has been given to SH so they could see what they potentially could be dealing with. I obviously received approval from our leader at NKP to do this. Hoping I/we don’t go down this same track with these corrupt Chinese. Surely not…..
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Maybe the Deeland offer is legit. Maybe it isn't. It could be a test in a smaller market to see what price the market will accept before expanding to ASX holders (which is what Deeland said they were doing in their initial offer) or it could be a ruse to promote the class action and the offer will be pulled by Deeland at the last minute.

Management have repeatedly said that the problems AVZ are facing are due to the collusion between Zijin, CAMI, Cong and AJN. So they are obviously the prime suspects to also be behind these shenanigans.

I think the main target of all this Palpatinianesque conniving is to unsettle the AVZ board. And I can see only one reason for that. The AVZ board are winning.

If hypothetically the board was spilled it would set back the negotiations with the DRC government immensely. The last thing we need is to have to start all over again especially if the new board are potentially Zijin puppets. That would only benefit the jackals at this point imo

I've had a few people here message me privately thanking me for the info I post. The main reason I post here is because AVZ management were very clear about what the problems were at the roadshows and the AGM. That was then backed up by the IGF and journalists like Franck Fwamba using verifiable source documents.

I have been more than critical of AVZ management at times and will always call out anything I think they are doing wrong. But all of the facts back up their reasons for the suspension. I repeatedly saw the hyenas in here trying to get AVZ shareholders to take action against the board using disinformation and realised what they were up to.

This type of behaviour by whoever is behind Deeland and the class action shows desperation. It's clear to me that we are in the end game now. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.

Oh and @Xerof . Even I wouldn't trust my ability to review a contract from Deeland enough to sign it 🤣


100% Xerof, 2016 it started with NKP and we are still going, albeit some confidence it will be sorted this year. Zijin are corrupt and don’t give a shit about SH. We were given 10c and been fighting for what is to be a fair price. I even sent AVZ the legal paperwork that has been given to SH so they could see what they potentially could be dealing with. I obviously received approval from our leader at NKP to do this. Hoping I/we don’t go down this same track with these corrupt Chinese. Surely not…..
I didnt follow the whole story, but I can see 10c is much higher than the few years' trading price right?


@Carlos Danger

I hear you and subscribe to your sentiments.

I think it is important to put all this shit out there, just so people can understand that this sort of devious behaviour is possible, probable, and if left unattended, can be successful. I for one have seen Z spots in real life before, and I can tell everyone, they haven't changed. Any cursory reading of what they have done in DRC and other parts of Africa confirms they will go to all and any lengths to have their way (NKP was South African platinum)
I understand that Zijin Mining is also in the box seat to re-open the Porgera Cu/Au mine in PNG.

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I didnt follow the whole story, but I can see 10c is much higher than the few years' trading price right?
Fluctuated between 6c and 10, closed at 9.9. It's not just about what the SP price was trading at, but what the project is worth. Zijin played so many dirty and illegal tricks and have been caught out, red handed with documented proof, as briefly mentioned by Xerof. Their time will come with NKP and AVZ, IMO.
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AVZ should issue a warning regarding Deeland - here's an extract of a the German lawyer's warning...


"The potential purchase volume is well over EUR 100 million. At TLG alone, with a volume of 1 million, the sought-after no-par value shares amount to almost EUR 40 million. The most recent offer for shares in the Australian AVZ Minerals (publication on January 3, 2023) the volume is over EUR 50 million.

Deeland Investments Ltd. has been entered in the commercial register for a relatively long time (founded in 1952), but is not really financially strong and is obviously undercapitalized for the purchase offers. The share capital of GBP 100 set at the time of incorporation has not been increased since then. The company is classified as a micro company on the Companies House in England and Wales and is not subject to a statutory audit. According to the latest available report as of March 31, 2022, the capital ("capital and reserves") was only GBP 110,897.

The firm describes itself as a "financial trading firm" although it is not licensed or regulated to do so. The statement that the company has "a strong international presence in the financial centers of Europe" is also obviously incorrect."
DEELAND ......."financial trading firm "......................not licensed or regulated .........:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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Hey Zijin,

You want to turn me against the board ?
A buy out offer of $4 will do, it would be $3 for CATL but, alas you have accrued a fuckwit tax (y)

Non-stop attacks on AVZ should harden us shareholders against the scum. If anyone wants it then fucking pay up for it !!!

Klaus tough shit you snide fucking arsewipe, the disgraceful way in which you left AVZ and dumped your shares like a baby throwing it’s toys out of the pram because the board didn’t want to sell real cheap to the Chinese, what a fool to only now realise what the rest of the board already knew. Fancy using ‘that’s how they do business’ as an excuse for corruption, cockhead.

AVZ via us shareholders have paid for the development of this tenement in Manono, from initial drilling to DFS it’s all been AVZ, Dathomir have contributed fuck all although they were supposed to, a certain road comes to mind, Cominiere have proven how useless and corrupt they are, so essentially in summation AVZ in spite of its Dathcom partners have done brilliantly to bring this project to the stage of financing and construction.

BOD let’s do the best thing we can do in rebuttal and get the ML, finance and build that fucking mine !

So yea $4 Zijin or piss off 😘

i concur.gif
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I mentioned this over at the Crapper, but I'm of the opinion that if AVZ or shareholders get a whiff that the Chinese are trying to obtain a board seat or any other dodgy tactics with their greater than 10%, everyone would be banging down FIRB's door to investigate and get them back under the threshold. I don't think it matters how they do it, from where they do it or what entity they use if domestically registered, bottom line is that a foreign entity will have greater than 10% in an Australian listed entity. Just have to prove to FIRB and connect the dots to establish the links. And when talking about critical minerals like Lithium, Australian Govt would act like they did previously, possibly with USA whispering in their ear.

Also, if the above is unsuccessful and shareholders find out the one of the Board Directors is a Zijin (or other chinese entity) rep that has come on through dodgy means, how many shareholders would try and gather 5% to call an EGM to remove this Director via 249D. I'm sure 75% of votes would be obtained to oust this person. Maybe this way just replaces one Chinese Director with another, but do it a few times and they will get the picture. All imo.
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According to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, 4th Ed, 2019:

Board members are required to instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly...

For this reason alone, Zijin will not be invited to sit on the AVZ board, regardless of the number of shares it directly or indirectly holds.

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According to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, 4th Ed, 2019:

Board members are required to instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly...

For this reason alone, Zijin will not be invited to sit on the AVZ board, regardless of the number of shares it directly or indirectly holds.


Sorry Flight I know you are serious, but…. “Board members are required to instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly...

I’ve been looking into Corporate Governance Principles for more than five years and “ethically and responsibly” would be a first for most of the twenty five odd companies I have owned

I used to comment on those Principles back before I was permanently suspended from the crapper…. “Oppenness” was another principle
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Have a Cigar 1975
I mentioned this over at the Crapper, but I'm of the opinion that if AVZ or shareholders get a whiff that the Chinese are trying to obtain a board seat or any other dodgy tactics with their greater than 10%, everyone would be banging down FIRB's door to investigate and get them back under the threshold. I don't think it matters how they do it, from where they do it or what entity they use if domestically registered, bottom line is that a foreign entity will have greater than 10% in an Australian listed entity. Just have to prove to FIRB and connect the dots to establish the links. And when talking about critical minerals like Lithium, Australian Govt would act like they did previously, possibly with USA whispering in their ear.

Also, if the above is unsuccessful and shareholders find out the one of the Board Directors is a Zijin (or other chinese entity) rep that has come on through dodgy means, how many shareholders would try and gather 5% to call an EGM to remove this Director via 249D. I'm sure 75% of votes would be obtained to oust this person. Maybe this way just replaces one Chinese Director with another, but do it a few times and they will get the picture. All imo.
To me, it's more than a whiff, it's a stinking great cloud of vaporised shit stench, which emanates all my passages.

it's 4.30 here so I am off to the old school hall down the road, to swap a library book (not), meet our residents for the first time in 2023, drink a couple of bottles of your bloody Aussie wine, steal someones nibbles and return before dark to watch some cricket in Pakistan

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Sorry Flight I know you are serious, but…. “Board members are required to instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly...

I’ve been looking into Corporate Governance Principles for more than five years and “ethically and responsibly” would be a first for most of the twenty five odd companies I have owned

I used to comment on those Principles back before I was permanently suspended from the crapper…. “Oppenness” was another principle
Yup, it is hard to keep a straight face when looking back at the self-serving behaviour of certain past and present boards. Maybe it's just an ASX serving suggestion.
However, there is one absolute maxim when looking at board decision-making; never bet against self-interest.

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obe wan

I mentioned this over at the Crapper, but I'm of the opinion that if AVZ or shareholders get a whiff that the Chinese are trying to obtain a board seat or any other dodgy tactics with their greater than 10%, everyone would be banging down FIRB's door to investigate and get them back under the threshold. I don't think it matters how they do it, from where they do it or what entity they use if domestically registered, bottom line is that a foreign entity will have greater than 10% in an Australian listed entity. Just have to prove to FIRB and connect the dots to establish the links. And when talking about critical minerals like Lithium, Australian Govt would act like they did previously, possibly with USA whispering in their ear.

Also, if the above is unsuccessful and shareholders find out the one of the Board Directors is a Zijin (or other chinese entity) rep that has come on through dodgy means, how many shareholders would try and gather 5% to call an EGM to remove this Director via 249D. I'm sure 75% of votes would be obtained to oust this person. Maybe this way just replaces one Chinese Director with another, but do it a few times and they will get the picture. All imo.
I've posted what below on the crapper, but probably should just have posted here instead, anyway -

There's a couple of things which may need to be brought into the equation , May depend on how fragile Chinese / Australian relationships are. Huayou managed to get a board seat with a placement at over 10% . There's also a number of companies on the ASX with directors placed from Chinese companies who have over 10% stakes.

Yibin 11.2% route got blocked due to it being 'contrary to national interest' , this was a drawn out affair particularly so, as the 10% directors rule is generally not one that is used to trip Chinese investment ; its the 19.9% rule which they are more concerned about ; you invest in Australia @>10%, you're entitled to have a board seat ... control needs to be watchdogged and that 19.9% or approach to that number is what gets the FIRB phone begins to glow red.

FIRBs reasoning was that it was 'contrary to national interest' was a bit shallow ; many assumed that it was because it created competition for Australian lithium miners or other ( although pretty sure bans can be flicked out like confetti to prevent competition) ; the 11.2% was just reduced to 9% and we got on with things

Ask yourself , give me two reasons why would it be contrary to national interest....both answers would be debatable imo

BUT, the Chinese whom would have been in discussion with FIRB throughout this episode gave a bit more detail -

The reason the Chinese were apparently given - Chinese never intended to bring back product to Australia for Processing (see below) ; a bit odd in itself considering the project is in DRC https://hotcrapper.com.au/images/smilies/rolleyes.png , possible some sort of 'we've gotta say something' sort of response, This was during a time when China were ping ponging trade santions at each other , i reckon this was a pretty bullshite and weak excuse , once which Yibin / AVZ had to wear as it was a stamped decision by FIRB .

Now , what have we seen announced out of the DRC over the last few months...? DRC ban on exportation of raw materials, this is mainly to do with Cobalt / Copper , but also DRC want to process battery metals in Haut-Katanga

FIRB cant use that 'contrary to national interest' / (because chinese wont export back materials for processing in Australia) again IMO, its basically a DRC goverment decision around mining operations beyond raw exploitation and FIRB cant tell another country how they must run their mining sector or that they must export product back to Australia because an Australian mining company is part of Dathcom .

Personally I reckon Chinese would now secure a board seat by climbing over that 10% just by taking up shares alone , I don't think FIRB could do much about it ...but who knows , there maybe another ridiculous excuse out there
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The only one who say the first trance is done is deeland at the telephone. How do you think they have done it to collect 50 million shares in 10 days over the Christmas days and new year? When the offer is only to german shareholders and after the deeland guys at the telephone now for austria and switzerland and no information from our banks that a offer exist, just 2 dodgy site’s and the bundesanzeiger who clearly warning at the front page that they have a lot scam offers on their own website. We just hear from that offer from a few persons on twitter and a rare amount of people in some forums. How could that shit be legit?
Total scam to draw attention away from the real issues.
Why is Mupande waiting over 7 months now to issue appropriate surface rights.
AJN attempted claim to the supposed relinquishment and use of President name to obtain Northern section of Carrier De Lest ?
IGF needs to look into this and act on it.
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Total scam to draw attention away from the real issues.
Why is Mupande waiting over 7 months now to issue appropriate surface rights.
AJN attempted claim to the supposed relinquishment and use of President name to obtain Northern section of Carrier De Lest ?
IGF needs to look into this and act on it.
Jesus the only people on our side is the IGF it's the dirty politicians that need to be sorted out. Wich is fucken hard to do when all the elpresedentay wants to do is ponce around the world telling everyone one that will listen what a great place the drc is to invest. What a fucken joke. The prick needs to stay at home and sort his shit out.
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Jesus the only people on our side is the IGF it's the dirty politicians that need to be sorted out. Wich is fucken hard to do when all the elpresedentay wants to do is ponce around the world telling everyone one that will listen what a great place the drc is to invest. What a fucken joke. The prick needs to stay at home and sort his shit out.
IGF is the one you want on your side.
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Jesus the only people on our side is the IGF it's the dirty politicians that need to be sorted out. Wich is fucken hard to do when all the elpresedentay wants to do is ponce around the world telling everyone one that will listen what a great place the drc is to invest. What a fucken joke. The prick needs to stay at home and sort his shit out.
We have a few good people on the ground , Franck Fwamba / Kiki /Kasongo etc & the NGO's that are standing up for us as well . Without their support we'd be in an an even worse position . I've been extremely grateful for their vocal show of support , when there has been so little info coming from management . I understand managements decision to remain silent , but it sure has been tough with the constant barrage of blatant lies coming at us continually
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We have a few good people on the ground , Franck Fwamba / Kiki /Kasongo etc & the NGO's that are standing up for us as well . Without their support we'd be in an an even worse position . I've been extremely grateful for their vocal show of support , when there has been so little info coming from management . I understand managements decision to remain silent , but it sure has been tough with the constant barrage of blatant lies coming at us continuallyagree mate
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