AVZ Discussion 2022


AVZ should be keynote speakers and tell their DRC story to the world's mining and investment industries.

I wonder if it would contradict Felix's international 'we're open for business, investors wanted' journey at all 🤔
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When you know there is corruption and you allow that corruption to continue then you are corrupt! To then live with that lie you say things like "Show me the evidence".
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Have a Cigar 1975
Hey Wombat

HNY !!

I'd love to see the Princess with her bags packet and gone. However I don't believe I've stated she is gone or arrested etc, that was others. I'd certainly advocate for it, but would only celebrate once confirmed across multiple news agencies as per my recent post on this. You might recall yesterday some posting that the Princesse was probably one of the 17 marked down to 13, I didn't say a word and believe like others her votes / local support on the ground is needed by Felix. At best you would hope Felix moves her to a less influential portfolio.

Happy to be directed to a post that's contrary to what I've stated above, occasionally I do post while in a drunken stupor, but don't recall making any claims that the Process is gone, just always hopeful. :)

Cheers The Fox 🦊
I think our more ‘enthusiastic’ tweeters tend to push the barrow a bit far from the perspective of translating, and adding 2 and 2, sometimes.

Drawing of long bows comes to mind quite often on posts over there

Princess was detained and questioned for 5 hours is as near to the truth I am prepared to go

And I don’t believe any Ministers have gone as part of this 17 to 13 reduction of ‘colleges’ whatever that exactly covers (yet)

As for her being guilty of corruption, fuck, put her on trial first, before declaring it as fact (actually I might be guilty of doing just that early on)

Lukonde chooses Ministers, not Felix, so, given he is effectively “not quite in Felix’s camp”, and is more aligned with the green mamba, who by the way is now greasing up Felix’s arse for the election, IMO, she’s staying the course

Sad but realistic. Come on, fight me

Fuck I’m tired of this shit, worn out and losing enthusiasm for staying positive

Which is exactly what Zijin want us to do. Well they can fuck off too

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We received approval for the favourable opinions and were then given a Ministerial Decree for the mining licence in April 2022. AVZ management were initially happy enough with that to trade for 3 days after announcing it to market. The only reason the contract has stalled is because management agreed to partition the northern part of the tenement and Mupande took advantage of their mistake. Not sure what else you expected Felix Tshisekedi to do up until that stage.

The alleged crimes by Cominiere, Zijin and the MoP didn't occur until Q3 2021. The law has to be reactive not proactive. Real life isn't Minority Report. All I'm saying is that if it wasn't for Felix supporting the IGF then the CEO and technical director of Cominiere wouldn't have been arrested and Jules Alingete wouldn't be publicly calling for action against Zijin and the MoP imo
" The only reason the contract has stalled is because management agreed to partition the northern part of the tenement and Mupande took advantage "

" the premise was that we returned the northern section to govt.....we havnt. "

Hmmmmm.....if i am to believe AVZ bod ( which i do ) and this is only the issue holding AVZ back, why hasnt FT taken Mupande to task ? Whats the hold up ?

" The alleged crimes by Cominiere, Zijin , MOP didnt occur until Q3 2021 "

Again, if FT had set up IGF in 2019 / 2020 and followed the developments of Manono closely( the biggest and most important project in DRC ), then those " alleged " crimes should never have come to pass in the first place and how the fuck was all that kept quiet until the ML decree was awarded ?

This is where the blow torch should also be directed to AVZ BOD and their " continuous disclosure " obligations

" IGF report complete.......sides with AVZ" ( May 2022 )

IGF report would be akin to the " royal commission " in Australia one would of thought, whereby Govt then acts on that report.

Why hasnt Felix acted on the IGF report ?...........its been 8 fucking months !!

Carlos, i am simply highlighting the gross inadequacy of a president who probably has good intentions, but in essence, is a weak piece of shit and has left AVZ out to dry, whilst stroking the cock of the real ruler in DRC.........the chinese.

Mark my words, what ever the out come is with AVZ, the reputational damage of the DRC thru this whole shit show has already been done, its immense and will be difficult to reverse going forward.

Lol, i have been running the ruler over a high grade gold play, just about ready to produce, ticks all the boxes ..........except its located in West Africa....................wont touch it !!!

Just sayin, just my opinion.
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I think our more ‘enthusiastic’ tweeters tend to push the barrow a bit far from the perspective of translating, and adding 2 and 2, sometimes.

Drawing of long bows comes to mind quite often on posts over there

Princess was detained and questioned for 5 hours is as near to the truth I am prepared to go

And I don’t believe any Ministers have gone as part of this 17 to 13 reduction of ‘colleges’ whatever that exactly covers (yet)

As for her being guilty of corruption, fuck, put her on trial first, before declaring it as fact (actually I might be guilty of doing just that early on)

Lukonde chooses Ministers, not Felix, so, given he is effectively “not quite in Felix’s camp”, and is more aligned with the green mamba, who by the way is now greasing up Felix’s arse for the election, IMO, she’s staying the course

Sad but realistic. Come on, fight me

Fuck I’m tired of this shit, worn out and losing enthusiasm for staying positive

Which is exactly what Zijin want us to do. Well they can fuck off too

Seems to me like princess is being allowed to control the narrative on mainstream media over there.
Felix has done nothing.
Still no known issues sorted, only years of court cases to look forward to, everything has only got worse and the level of corruption has become more apparent or princess Toad would be in jail. The phantom Mapunde hasn't even rated a mention in any media since suspension other than kongopress.
Management obviously aren't up to the task nor are their lawyers or advisors. They dropped the ball during covid and fucked themselves and us.
I'd say we can look forward to working hard for a living this year, I've already started. Ignore this fucking shit or lose our minds is my assessment after some time out.
DRC government are willing to loose a staggering amount of money instead of simply issuing the surface rights why? :unsure:
I'm tipping we're pretty much fucked for the foreseeable future, no reason to feel otherwise.
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Hey Wombat

HNY !!

I'd love to see the Princess with her bags packet and gone. However I don't believe I've stated she is gone or arrested etc, that was others. I'd certainly advocate for it, but would only celebrate once confirmed across multiple news agencies as per my recent post on this. You might recall yesterday some posting that the Princesse was probably one of the 17 marked down to 13, I didn't say a word and believe like others her votes / local support on the ground is needed by Felix. At best you would hope Felix moves her to a less influential portfolio.

Happy to be directed to a post that's contrary to what I've stated above, occasionally I do post while in a drunken stupor, but don't recall making any claims that the Process is gone, just always hopeful. :)

Cheers The Fox 🦊
I was also taking about intel in general ("among other things") not just the Green Grub . I appreciate your input . It's much better than mine . Not your fault your source of intel has not been reliable. My point is these f--ks (not you) have been yanking our chain feeding us false information . So it's "hopefully" next week for the ML right ?
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Warm here today, and a warmer week ahead.
Nillacootie is looking inviting.

They're catching a few as well my mates are telling me. Cheers
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The Fox

Ok, got you (y)

Yes that timeline was communicated for the ML. It was stated before Christmas and again after Christmas. I also provided a caveat that good 'ol Nigel is yet to be right on any timeline call, and for all here to take it on board as much or as little as you wish. As said previously, (or similar) it would be nice if he was right just once out of a dozen bloody times, it's just a joke that's certainly not funny. What the fuck was he doing all last year, guessing the timelines? or was Momentum guessing? Very fucking annoying.....

I started this post fairly relaxed, now I'm heading to the fridge for a beer shaking my head.......😫

Have a good evening mate.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
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When you know there is corruption and you allow that corruption to continue then you are corrupt! To then live with that lie you say things like "Show me the evidence".
Mate exactly. Being in a tenuous political place makes him part of the problem. Maintain power above all else. Moto of all politicians in all countries.


When you know there is corruption and you allow that corruption to continue then you are corrupt! To then live with that lie you say things like "Show me the evidence".
Mate exactly. Being in a tenuous political place makes him part of the problem. Maintain power above all else. Moto of all politicians in all countries
Ok, got you (y)

Yes that timeline was communicated for the ML. It was stated before Christmas and again after Christmas. I also provided a caveat that good 'ol Nigel is yet to be right on any timeline call, and for all here to take it on board as much or as little as you wish. As said previously, (or similar) it would be nice if he was right just once out of a dozen bloody times, it's just a joke that's certainly not funny. What the fuck was he doing all last year, guessing the timelines? or was Momentum guessing? Very fucking annoying.....

I started this post fairly relaxed, now I'm heading to the fridge for a beer shaking my head.......😫

Have a good evening mate.

Cheers The Fox 🦊
Mate appreciate any news you come by good or bad cheers. I'll end up spending any profit from this shitshow on shrinks. If there is any.
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Understand your reasoning . However Roche Dure alone will be 1 Billion + tonne high grade . Surely we will be a TO target . I have never thought for 1 second we will mine .Also CDL is yet to be drilled and defined plus all the other steps which will take many months . The President will want Roche Dure up and running . I'm coming from somewhat of a selfish stand point . I'm only interested in the share price and having access to my money .
I'm with you there wombat, I didn't get in this to lose money or have it tied up. I guess I'm alot more cynical than you are about giving away half our tenement, if we were to hand over land to get the ML off the grubs I do think we will be a takeover target but, it will probably be after a long slow bleed out with many roadblocks, holdups and some serious price manipulation thrown in our direction.

If we were to hand over the land, our troubles certainly won't end there imo it'll ramp up. So I'd be very reluctantly in the sell camp as soon as it occurred.

Much rather karma comes to visit and we get the ML while the bastards get their 'rewards'. The sooner the better, we have all been waiting too long for those who matter to catch up.
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By the way, I will be doing this here every day until I get suspended from here…. and believe me they are only going to get worse @zeeb0t 🖕

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I don’t think that the minister of portfolio will get arrested or kicked out of the government, I think she will have a important role for Felix re-election. The DG of cami will not get kicked out too, there must be clear evidence and when no one tell his name nothing will happen. There is evidence against the MoP but Lukonde said she was not involved, he control the Minister of Justice, when no court go against her immunity first who else will go against her? Felix? He had all the time but nothing happened. I think it’s a illusion that she will go. Not in the election year. But I think some will be careful now not to attract even more attention. After all I don’t believe in Felix, he has been talking about improving the business climate for years, but his government is actively working against it. The main actors are not going to jail even after having evidence. Now they forbid the export of lithium but have no active mine yet. What do they expect? International Investors (except the Chinese) building half a dozen chemical plants and starting car factories? From one day to the other, after the first lithium Project ready to go waiting for it’s license for 20 months and counting because parts of the government sell it cheap to Chinese again. And no backing by other government people. I’m sure Bosch, Siemens, Audi, BMW or Volkswagen would love to work in such a climate :D DRC logo: spend your money in our country and get nothing! while stocks last!

I just hope cominiere don’t start another arbitration, the MoP stops to shoot against us, dathomir gives up and we find a solution with that MMCS shit too without arbitration against cominiere or the government when possible. And hopefully our management is clever enough to offer a good deal the DRC can’t reject that we finally get the ML. And maybe the pressure from the NGOs have a little help.

@wombat74 my most loved unicorn until today was the 17th October: we are 100% confident to get the collaboration agreement and SEZ. The most I like: we are confident that we trading again soon. So I have learned 3 months are not soon in nigels view. But you can try to ask your ML /CDL question to the management. After I have raised my worries the answer i get was all my matters are under control and we have a extrem competent management. Maybe you get more then this thigh slapper^^
One positive has been the Green mamba has shut her poison fill trap, but I feel that's just as likely as she has been told to be quiet to try keep a low profile as she has been told ignore them your jobs safe, so instead she's too busy munching down on those snacks.

Minister of Justice doesn't appear to be following up on IGF reports, been waiting for a like from her as she followed me as soon as I asked her to follow up on IGF reports, literally 10-20mins after - no likey likes (so far, boooo)

It seems we have to wait for ICC which is tedious to put it politely, quite ridiculous too considering all the evidence against these cretins that has leaked out.

40 bloody NGOs are with us ffs, Felix surely by now knows we are by the book, he found out Mupande was using his name to trick us out of a portion of our tenement ffs, yet Mupande still sits illegitimately as DG of CAMI. So many untruths would have been revealed to him about the shonky games played that surely he would have just gone ahead an used his influence to get the ML happening, but nope. Lukonde pulls the strings and protects both Mupande and Kayinda, so its seems we cant get them out, Felix won't use his influence, even with the IGF screaming from the rooftops about Comineres Illegal BS they pulled with Zijin and Kayinda being complicit.....ffs the best we can get is DG of Cominere and some other cominiere numpty arrested, ML roadblock still in place cheers that'll show the investment world the DRC means business.

Somehow its turned into a mild-mannered whinge, fuck that where's my beers !

Sort it out management, get the fuck over there and be a squeaky wheel !!!

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I think our more ‘enthusiastic’ tweeters tend to push the barrow a bit far from the perspective of translating, and adding 2 and 2, sometimes.

Drawing of long bows comes to mind quite often on posts over there

Princess was detained and questioned for 5 hours is as near to the truth I am prepared to go

And I don’t believe any Ministers have gone as part of this 17 to 13 reduction of ‘colleges’ whatever that exactly covers (yet)

As for her being guilty of corruption, fuck, put her on trial first, before declaring it as fact (actually I might be guilty of doing just that early on)

Lukonde chooses Ministers, not Felix, so, given he is effectively “not quite in Felix’s camp”, and is more aligned with the green mamba, who by the way is now greasing up Felix’s arse for the election, IMO, she’s staying the course

Sad but realistic. Come on, fight me

Fuck I’m tired of this shit, worn out and losing enthusiasm for staying positive

Which is exactly what Zijin want us to do. Well they can fuck off too


It has been:

- 745 Days since the first Lithium offtake
- 726 Days since Met work confirmed Manono PLS suitable for battery production
- 651 Days since our first Tin offtake
- 602 Days since the Mining Licence Application
- 468 Days since the Cornerstone Investor announcement (CATH)
- 409 Days since the DRC Business Forum Where AVZ joine the new DRC Battery Council.
- 332 Days since the BoD approved the Early works and exploration budget
- 310 Days since AVZ was admitted to the S&P 200 & 300
- 270 Days since AVZ received received the favourable teechnical opinion
- 249 Days since AVZ received Ministerial decree to award ML
- 242 Days since original Suspension
- A bunch of Suspension extensions in between.....
- 33 Days since the IGF Report

Talk about fatigue, feels like absolutely nothing has happened in 249 days.

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When you know there is corruption and you allow that corruption to continue then you are a CUNT! To then live with that lie you say things like "Show me the evidence".
Fixed for ya mate, no charge ;)
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I think our more ‘enthusiastic’ tweeters tend to push the barrow a bit far from the perspective of translating, and adding 2 and 2, sometimes.

Drawing of long bows comes to mind quite often on posts over there

Princess was detained and questioned for 5 hours is as near to the truth I am prepared to go

And I don’t believe any Ministers have gone as part of this 17 to 13 reduction of ‘colleges’ whatever that exactly covers (yet)

As for her being guilty of corruption, fuck, put her on trial first, before declaring it as fact (actually I might be guilty of doing just that early on)

Lukonde chooses Ministers, not Felix, so, given he is effectively “not quite in Felix’s camp”, and is more aligned with the green mamba, who by the way is now greasing up Felix’s arse for the election, IMO, she’s staying the course

Sad but realistic. Come on, fight me

Fuck I’m tired of this shit, worn out and losing enthusiasm for staying positive

Which is exactly what Zijin want us to do. Well they can fuck off too

Agreed shes not guilty shes GUILTY AS FUCK !!!

It seems she was taken in for questioning which is where the whole she has been arrested likely came from (language translation and loose DRC journalists help too).

It would appear she is staying and yes she is really getting the tongue into the behind there, Felix wants to get elected again so looks like politics win over. What gets me though is this comes out and it should be a scandal and her party should fuck her off, the media should have had a field day and in comes someone to replace her picked by Lukonde. But it is business as usual, that reaction has shit me right up to be honest (an told me what I need to know about the government), these corrupt cretins don't give a shit.

Not a great position for us to be in as we are the ones playing a fair game.
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Have a Cigar 1975
It has been:

- 745 Days since the first Lithium offtake
- 726 Days since Met work confirmed Manono PLS suitable for battery production
- 651 Days since our first Tin offtake
- 602 Days since the Mining Licence Application
- 468 Days since the Cornerstone Investor announcement (CATH)
- 409 Days since the DRC Business Forum Where AVZ joine the new DRC Battery Council.
- 332 Days since the BoD approved the Early works and exploration budget
- 310 Days since AVZ was admitted to the S&P 200 & 300
- 270 Days since AVZ received received the favourable teechnical opinion
- 249 Days since AVZ received Ministerial decree to award ML
- 242 Days since original Suspension
- A bunch of Suspension extensions in between.....
- 33 Days since the IGF Report

Talk about fatigue, feels like absolutely nothing has happened in 249 days.

View attachment 26495


I saw it in 2019 Bienniale, Venice
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I think your dog needs to go to a meeting John:LOL:
That answers a lot of ????? @Remark …was wondering where my beer was going too plus he’s sleeping a lot during the day 🤷‍♂️also think he’s been posting on the crapper as well on my computer …Snores like a bastard
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