obe wan
You’d think Deelands would just approach ETFs or index funds and just bulk buy at a lower price than what they are asking.Thx to Schnitzel for feedback, in a german forum is one guy who allegedly have signed a contract.
Some things that guy have posted:
„It is said to have something to do with the license rights in the Congo. And as I understand it, the buyers are not at all interested in future stock exchange trading, but rather in the project rights in the Congo, which you will probably achieve through equity participation.“
„I will receive the purchase price in mid 03/23.
I only transfer the shares after I have received the money. I have a few weeks to do that.“
„Deeland just handles the whole thing. Basically, the client pays the price. The decisive factor is the share purchase agreement according to Federal Republic of Germany law.“
So he thinks the buyer don’t want to trade, this guy just think he will buy rights in the congo when they buy avz shares. Oktwo things why they would buy shares. 1. they think it will trade again but one day the share price explodes so that they can make huge profits. 2. they buy as much as possible to get some control in the company, but with 2x 50 million shares i think it’s not possible. Maybe yibin or huayou that they could have a chance to get a seat in the management?
How many percentages are needed to have the right for a seat? Anyone know?
But that would not change the fact that this 100 million more shares would be worthless when avz get no ML and start to trade again. The only thing that make sense for me is when they speculate that AVZ share price will explode. But who spend 100 million without being sure that they will trade again? Would be dumb.
They want to pay in more than 3 month’s, why would they wait that much?
I try my best to get such a deeland contract, but for me it’s still sounds like big scam.
I’m pretty sure profs would be able to get around the whole Germany / Switzerland accounts only thing and just buy on the bulk from large funds …. But instead , they play with retail peanuts …. Sounds like a few retails are potentially going to get bent over ; all sounds very iffy