Not overlooked by everyone imoIf AVZ's offer to Cominiere is accepted and implemented at the current shares outstanding of 3.529b then I expect 307m shares to be added to the AVZ register for the DRC government taking total AVZ shares outstanding to 3.836b.
3.836 (100%) - 3.529 (92%) = 0.307 (8%)
The 307m shares would be worth $239.4m AUD at the current share price of 0.78 which at today's AUDUSD exchange rate of 0.67 is worth $160.4m USD. Which leaves a balance of $5.6m USD ($8.3m AUD) left to be paid in cash for a total of $166m USD.
I have rounded these numbers and they are sensitive to the moving exchange rate so they could change a bit. Also the offer was made at a significantly lower share price which would have meant the 8% was worth less and more cash would have been part of the deal.
Will the DRC government be happy with less cash up front?
Not sure and maybe this has been part of the hold up. Again my belief is the preservation of the value of the 8% is a part of why we have been in suspension. There was a major drop in our share price after the Ministerial Decree on May 4th 2022 from around 1.20 to around the current price of 0.78. I don't attribute all of that to just concerns about the Zijin rumours as AVZ never held or claimed to own the 15% in question. Other forces were at play in my opinion.
Just over a year ago Zijin bought around 80m AVZ shares through a subsidiary of a subsidiary called Bellamel (Norton Gold Fields is the middle company). They got salty when we announced the CATL deal and sold enough of those shares to get out of the top 20.
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My belief is Zijin didn't sell all of their holdings and possibly had more shares in other subsidiaries that they were using to push down the value of our offer to the DRC government on May 4th. Management would have been aware of who was selling that week as they get the updated register once transactions have cleared. So the timing of the suspension the week after matches my theory.
Also in general more shares being issued by a company is a dilution of value for existing shareholders. If we do get up to 5b shares and a $20b market cap then those shares would be worth $4.00 each as you say. If we get to the $20b market cap at the 3.83b shares I'm expecting then those shares would be worth around $5.22 each.
Nigel said in interviews earlier this year that the boards preference moving forward is to use debt for financing future costs rather than issuing more shares to maximise future shareholder value. Also we have secured $500m USD in financing for the construction of the mine according to Christian Lukusa in the interview the other day. If we do need to issue more shares then so be it but I can't see us needing to go over 4b shares total.
Urgent urgent…bla bla, bla bla
BOD…tell the truth to all of us…
Use the Report button guys.. sick of that flogWho's friend are you? Cong, DG, Boatman or Tommy Twothead
Spot on Beisha,Hi All
Errrrrrr..............Is this the HOT CRAPPER on steroids ?
Cmon everyone, this is TSE, where the smart ones get together and discuss situations with intellect and respect, right or wrong, a place to vent , but not to attack...........remember that ?
Fucking disgrace at the moment .....................farken pull your heads in !! ( no names, no pack drill, you know who you are ...)
Trolls and AVZ detractors are looking in and licking their lips right now.
Its been a fucking tough year with this continued shit show, the real enemy in this disaster is DATHOMIR / COMINIERE / CORRUPT ACTORS OF CAMI / BOATMAN / TOMMY and the COPIOUS SHORTERS .
We can all discuss the merits of whether AVZ bod have been diligent or not in their disclosure obligations, Nigels share holding in AJN till the sun comes down, but we are going down a massive rabbit hole if a CLASS ACTION is to be under taken against AVZ.
Its the last thing we farken need right now, more delays, more shit show, more expense, more mental health demons to navigate and the chances of having a win is ???????
Dont you think its a bit coincidental that this OMNI BRIDGEWAY " class action " article happens to have broken on AFR ?
With ole Tommy arsehole articulating the story ...........
I wonder who his collaborators are ?
You dont have to be judge judy to figure it out do we ?
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I for one wont be participating in a class action witch hunt, counter productive, do i think AVZ could of communicated better with "behind the scenes skull duggery" ?.............YES
But does disclosure rules cover innuendo ?
Thats the grey area in all of this.
One thing i am very confident of that AVZ has good legal title to 75%
I trust AVZ bod in that regard and the recent intel that is shared by our amazing sleuths @ TSE is kind of supporting that fact.....hopefully......
Fuck I love FRANCK FWAMBA.......
2023 , is election year for FELIX " wait a while ".............he needs to score some runs and stop farking talking , if he had a brain he would honour the IGF report , clean out CAMI and award AVZ the ML.......then he has a chance for re election.
In the mean time, we all need to be kind and respect one another and be prepared for another long haul of waiting for the worm to turn .
We are all stuck in the mire TOGETHER, we will ALL get out of the mire TOGETHER too..........with the ML as the long awaited prize, the KEY to our future wealth & health.
Just a matter of ..........when ?
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I had a laugh at the ‘sensitive content’ claim tooSensitive content? Only our competitors should fear the monster of Manono
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Great words of wisdom Jag.Morning All,
As you know I generally don't post apart from sharing information so I would to share this.
I received a like notification from a post made on HCrapper from a while ago so thought I would investigate
Seems it was a like on my near-death experience that occurred on DEC 8, 2021 and made me reflect on the past year along with reflection of the last few posts being made here on TSE.
We all have those days or moments when things build up and we burst, I have had a few of those in the past so I don't begrudge anyone here for that. We are all in the same boat so we should be sticking together as much as we can and be supporting each other.
This time of year is stressful for some. Some may not have family to be with, some may be cash strapped, some may be working, some may not even have a home. Can I ask that we all stick together and just remember that what happens with AVZ is out of control so please try and not make things personal.
If anyone is having a hard time or just wants to chew the fat, feel free to reach out. Send a message on here or like many of you who have my number just give me a call for a chat.
We only live once so let's live life each and every day to fullest and be kind, you never know what's around the corner.
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The CAMI is a Public corporation in administrative and technical matter with legal personality and the administrative and financial autonomy. It is placed under the supervision of the Ministers having the Mines and Finances in their attributions, each one intervening there in the sphere of its attributions.Great words of wisdom Jag.
Only when you are close to death and you are fortunate or blessed enough to get another chance do you begin to appreciate what is important in life.
I hold 3 million shares but gladly give them away for the second chance in life.
In my case was 5 hours away from death.
Hopefully AVZ get the ML soon .
The focus is this DG of Cami and how he gets away with not issuing the surface rights.
Frank mentions a Governance issue .
So who has the authority to over rule it.
FT needs to be made aware and issue a Presidential decree to get the appropriate surface rights paid on the whole 13359.
How 1 person ?? has the authority to say I can split up the tenement unless it is in the Mining Code or deceit occured using the President order without his approval is surely against the law and his position should be terminated.
Our Energies should focus on helping get ride of Mupande.
Best wishes for Chistmas and the New Year to all.