I already answered this. CAMI had to approve the conversion to PE as part of the favourable opinions process. That letter from AVZ is dated August 2021 so that was still happening. But they approved it and we legally got the PE for the entirety of PE13359 with the ministerial decree in April 2022.
That's the sick joke in all of this. CAMI have already said yes to the mining licence. Mupande is using the 'dispute' that he manufactured about the northern part of the tenement to try and get himself a bag from his mate Klaus.
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An interesting thing about these documents is the amount of carrés (squares) allotted to Dathcom varies between them. The favourable opinion approval by CAMI (signed by Mupande) dated 17th of September 2021 covers a perimeter of the entire 221 carrés for PE13359. Whereas the ministerial decree dated 12th of April 2022 covers the reduced perimeter of 139 carrés for PE13359 that is now shown as on CAMI's website.
AVZ recognised this in the May 4th 2022 ministerial decree announcement stating that 'the decree excludes a portion of the landholding to the north, which will need to be renewed under a five-year Permit de Research (PR or exploration licence) to Dathcom, with discussions regarding the terms of an ongoing joint venture agreement on the PR to be finalised with the DRC Government in the near future.'
Nigel said at the AGM or at one of the roadshows that Mupande told AVZ that Tshisekedi had requested the split of the tenement. But when Nigel spoke to Felix he denied asking for that to happen. Also at the AGM when queried about AJN's claim on the remaining northern 82 carrés of PE13359 Nigel responded 'their premise is that we’ve returned the northern tenement to the government. We haven’t. Draw a conclusion out of that.'
My conclusion is Occam's razor. There's a very good reason these documents are now seeing the light of day. Every once in a while, the lion has to show the jackals, who he is.