Good evening All,
My thoughts on this mornings AGM.
Sean spoke well, clearly felt that he needed to yet again reinforce what the companies objectives are, are we on track ?...oh yes we are !
Has he the backing of the Board ?...oh yes he has, despite getting crap from the Board !!
Sean could not have worded things clearer, I'm extremely comfortable, are you ?
As I and a few others have mentioned over the last 12/24 months, the progress has been a lot slower with regards uptake of IP Licenses,
customers products flooding the market and so on, which the company have honestly acknowledged is frustrating to them, from the
office staff to the top.
As I have personally mentioned and now been confirmed by Antonio, the engineers, scientists and everyone working within our company
are working their backsides off to achieve excellence, we ALL WISH TO SEE BRAINCHIP SUCCEED ! and we will.
I love Antonio, he is a calm, professional executive, speaks very precisely, clearly thinks before he comments and covered very
diplomatically for Sean on more than one occasion, if you listen carefully what he said, he's basically telling us that Sean is meeting with
CEO's, CTO's of "major world technology companies"...we are talking multibillion dollar companies, think about that comment carefully.
Then we have Sean, doing his utmost not to breach any NDA's, stating he can't name a date, but the quarter (3 month) timeline when
some of these big players may decide that, having reduced the field from 8 or so, down to 2 or 3 go ahead and choose us, but I'm open
to the fact that some companies may decide to punt a little and give those 2 or 3 all a go, depending on their future plans, which we,
Brainchip, may never be privy to.
The shareholder who persistently went on about IP Licenses, well, I felt Antonio showed real professional skill in attempting to answer
this persons questions, in fact, I'll go as far as to say, that's the best explanation of IP protocol I've heard.
It was great that Dr. Tony flew down under, he spoke great as he did on his recent podcast, clear, no mucking around, a straight shooter,
that I really like in an individuals personality, he is an excellent replacement for Peter, if that's the right wording ?
Finally, I'd like to thank Peter for attending, it shows the flock of Peter's love and belief in his own company, still the number one stake
holder, and he is clearly unwell, which shows shareholders that the founder 'still' puts others before his own self, I love his spirit, don't you ?
Thanks Peter and the entire team, I still believe that the dream is red hot to succeed.
Love Akida

Tech (Perth)