BRN Discussion Ongoing

I'm VERY disappointed that the share price has gone nowhere after the C.E.S.

We must find out why and use a different strategy at the next similar opportunity.

One reason might be that visitors to our stand were not told that (at least in the U.S.) our shares are listed on some obscure exchange. Perhaps follow up with known visitors to inform them &/or ask why they have not invested.

Can we see a video of visitor interaction at the C.E.S. and put in our two bobs worth?
I think what we need to remember, and is how I look at it anyway, is that whilst it is a tradeshow, CES is the "Consumer Electronics Show".

This says to me that most of the actual "exhibitors" are showing off their end user products, things consumers can buy now or near term etc.

The suites appear to be the real tradeshow where OEMs, tech companies, suppliers, component manufacturers etc have the nuts and bolts displays and demos to attract new clients, partners etc rather than investors.

Obviously, investment may pop up as a side discussion however I would think that would be the domain of Broker investor meetings or direct one on ones between interested companies.

Individual investors would be the ones milling around the exhibition wide eyed at new tech products and not really exposed to the suites anyway.

So for me, I wasn't expecting any SP change much unless an actual Ann came out but I do expect that these suite meetings have encouraged other companies to explore Akida and engage with us over and above the few reveals we did also get.

And, that those reveals are closer to firm commitments than not.
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Sorry wilzy123. Please educate me about your reply. I was sincere and trying to be constructive. If I was naive then say so..I can take it.
Don't worry about him , he even tried to talk to me on Facebook ha ha no chance
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Hi all except those on ignore!
The first thing I see here today is that the non-sincere players of HC have now won here with their roleplaying and their presence has established itself. I can only see this because so many of you are responding to what should not get any attention. But this is the exact same discussion that I remember from HC in my past. Ignore it or take it seriously, because someone new might read and misunderstand it.

Too bad, the claqueurs (?) and lickers of the shorters and SP makers and maggots have won and established their system here too. What is still missing in their game here is someone who is distracting and talks incessantly about topics like e.g. Russia, the war and geopolitics and interprets it for this or that. [I just remembered that we have one of those here too. But he/it's on ignore as I can see right now.]
The exchange with blows here with some few airheads definitely reminds me of a time I hoped was behind me. I mean be consistent, it smells like shit it probably is shit then why keep going into this shit?! It's no fun. And by the way that's exactly why you started this place just with different rules but now it seems a kind of similar to me.
Luckily at least we have peace in the graphite group. Some people from HC had also tried it there. But they soon realized that there was no point to make as we acted as a group and they have lost interest because it is too tiring to wait for the go-ahead to post more shit.

I admit that I could also be part of the problem. I can't report what I don't read because this avatars are on my shit or ignore list.
I don't know if this is already out of balance here in the group. Too much attention for avatars that shouldn't get that attention. I don't make the rules as our admin did. I just follow them. Some I would personally make tougher so we have better means to protect our place. Some people here do a very good job of protecting and I thank them for that!
Maybe I'm too radical or uncompromising, but I no longer believe in balance after HC and you have to hear all voices such as the antis blah blah blah. I would simply kick these subjects out or, as in my graphite group, make their work so strenuous that they leave voluntarily. Only difficult if they stick to the rules. So a case for adapting the rules?
Just add up all the posts by these shady characters and all the replies to them. I think it's clearly taking up too much space here. But I don't make the rules and don't create space for HC like conditions.

With our existing rules the only chance of not becoming a fairer HC is if these avatars don't get the attention they are paid for or it's part of their work for themselves. Actually a better place for this rant would be the counters in the bar.)
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Have you noticed that CES is actually a consumer sales trade fair where all the deals are made and paid for in advance? It's true! I conclude this based on my imagination and because other avatars claim the opposite. Who wants to debate with me whether billions upon quatrillions of $ will flow next month? and please, please, take me as seriously as the Flying Dutchschnitzel (in Germany Dutch stands for Holland.)
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Has anybody recently heard something about the work with Democritus University of Thrace (cybersecurity)? They are not mentioned at Brainchips website.
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Top 20

New tech to make hearing aids as popular as glasses for older Australians​

Older Australians are ‘very comfortable’ with wearing glasses to adapt to vision loss, but new research has also shown that people are slow to use hearing aids. A new product aims to change this divide and restore hearing across the country.
Posted January 15th 2024
by David McManus

“Our all-new, powerful processor was designed to work like the human brain, leveraging the neuroscience of the ear-brain connection and information processing to create better sound quality, pushing energy-efficient artificial intelligence to its limits, analysing and automatically optimising sound over 80 million times an hour.

Ability to detect falls & send alerts

Why do older Australians adopt glasses more quickly than hearing aids? [Source: Starkey Australia]

Key points:
  • New research has shown that over 80 percent of older Australians who notice their eyesight declining are happy to wear glasses
  • Less than a quarter of survey respondents who notice their hearing decline will wear hearing aids and most will delay their adoption until their mid to late 60s
  • The latest findings have shown that ageing is considered a ‘negative experience’ for two out of three Australians aged over 50 and even more so for those suffering hearing loss

Starkey Australia debuted Genesis AI, a new hearing technology system, on January 15, which is intended to change how hearing aids are developed.
People experiencing listening difficulties can use the Genesis AI hearing aid, which includes advanced technology, sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence to hear soft sounds and easily distinguish speech.
Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Engineering Achin Bhowmik said that Starkey spent countless hours with hearing care professionals and patients, researching and analysing every element of the ‘hearing journey.’
“We relentlessly pursued how to develop and bring the most advanced hearing technology to hearing healthcare professionals and patients in a simple and intuitive way,” he said.
“Our all-new, powerful processor was designed to work like the human brain, leveraging the neuroscience of the ear-brain connection and information processing to create better sound quality, pushing energy-efficient artificial intelligence to its limits, analysing and automatically optimising sound over 80 million times an hour.
Genesis AI’s improved performance levels are unlike anything else in the industry while doubling the battery life.”
Research commissioned by Starkey found that 83 percent of Australians 50 years and older were ‘very comfortable’ using glasses for poor eyesight, but were hesitant to adopt hearing aids for sensory difficulties.

However, survey respondents were also optimistic about the use of artificial intelligence and the future of assistive technology, which Dr Judy Grobstein, an education and training audiologist at Starkey Australia, referenced in her explanation.
“At a time when we are advancing with incredible innovations in hearing technology, it is interesting to see that three out of four Australians over 50 are unaware of the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline,” Dr Grobstein said.
“Encouragingly though, of those aware of the link, 25 percent are more likely to wear hearing aids. The latest hearing technology truly is a game changer for hearing health and ultimately improved health, wellness and a better quality of life.
In addition to hearing loss, Starkey devices are designed with multi-functionality in mind, with the ability to detect falls and send alerts.
Following a hip fracture in Australia, 11 percent of patients are discharged to residential care and up to six percent of cases result in death.

Starkey President and Chief Executive Officer Brandon Sawalich said the company was redefining the future of hearing health through ‘breakthrough’ improvements.
“[Genesis AI is] a new, unprecedented experience for both patient and hearing aid wearers and hearing healthcare professionals,” he said.
“Our significant breakthroughs in hearing health innovation offer infinite benefits to patients and hearing care professionals alike but most importantly empower all those experiencing hearing loss.”
The arrival of Genesis AI in Australia during January of 2024 could significantly change the lives of the one in six Australians who experience hearing loss — a number that is expected to double from an estimated 3.6 million people in December of 2023 to 7.8 million by 2060.
Results from a hearing test had previously revealed that, at the time of testing in 2018 – ‘19, more than four in 10 — or 43 percent of — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, seven years or older, had hearing loss in one or both ears.
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New tech to make hearing aids as popular as glasses for older Australians​

Older Australians are ‘very comfortable’ with wearing glasses to adapt to vision loss, but new research has also shown that people are slow to use hearing aids. A new product aims to change this divide and restore hearing across the country.
Posted January 15th 2024
by David McManus

“Our all-new, powerful processor was designed to work like the human brain, leveraging the neuroscience of the ear-brain connection and information processing to create better sound quality, pushing energy-efficient artificial intelligence to its limits, analysing and automatically optimising sound over 80 million times an hour.

Ability to detect falls & send alerts

Why do older Australians adopt glasses more quickly than hearing aids? [Source: Starkey Australia]

Key points:
  • New research has shown that over 80 percent of older Australians who notice their eyesight declining are happy to wear glasses
  • Less than a quarter of survey respondents who notice their hearing decline will wear hearing aids and most will delay their adoption until their mid to late 60s
  • The latest findings have shown that ageing is considered a ‘negative experience’ for two out of three Australians aged over 50 and even more so for those suffering hearing loss

Starkey Australia debuted Genesis AI, a new hearing technology system, on January 15, which is intended to change how hearing aids are developed.
People experiencing listening difficulties can use the Genesis AI hearing aid, which includes advanced technology, sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence to hear soft sounds and easily distinguish speech.
Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Engineering Achin Bhowmik said that Starkey spent countless hours with hearing care professionals and patients, researching and analysing every element of the ‘hearing journey.’
“We relentlessly pursued how to develop and bring the most advanced hearing technology to hearing healthcare professionals and patients in a simple and intuitive way,” he said.

Genesis AI’s improved performance levels are unlike anything else in the industry while doubling the battery life.”
Research commissioned by Starkey found that 83 percent of Australians 50 years and older were ‘very comfortable’ using glasses for poor eyesight, but were hesitant to adopt hearing aids for sensory difficulties.

However, survey respondents were also optimistic about the use of artificial intelligence and the future of assistive technology, which Dr Judy Grobstein, an education and training audiologist at Starkey Australia, referenced in her explanation.
“At a time when we are advancing with incredible innovations in hearing technology, it is interesting to see that three out of four Australians over 50 are unaware of the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline,” Dr Grobstein said.
“Encouragingly though, of those aware of the link, 25 percent are more likely to wear hearing aids. The latest hearing technology truly is a game changer for hearing health and ultimately improved health, wellness and a better quality of life.
In addition to hearing loss, Starkey devices are designed with multi-functionality in mind, with the ability to detect falls and send alerts.
Following a hip fracture in Australia, 11 percent of patients are discharged to residential care and up to six percent of cases result in death.

Starkey President and Chief Executive Officer Brandon Sawalich said the company was redefining the future of hearing health through ‘breakthrough’ improvements.
“[Genesis AI is] a new, unprecedented experience for both patient and hearing aid wearers and hearing healthcare professionals,” he said.
“Our significant breakthroughs in hearing health innovation offer infinite benefits to patients and hearing care professionals alike but most importantly empower all those experiencing hearing loss.”
The arrival of Genesis AI in Australia during January of 2024 could significantly change the lives of the one in six Australians who experience hearing loss — a number that is expected to double from an estimated 3.6 million people in December of 2023 to 7.8 million by 2060.
Results from a hearing test had previously revealed that, at the time of testing in 2018 – ‘19, more than four in 10 — or 43 percent of — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, seven years or older, had hearing loss in one or both ears.
Is it a gimme that Akida is inside?
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Top 20
This transcript is nearly 12 months old ;
Neuromorphic/ hearing aids


So, to further illustrate this new type of neuromorphic technology, we take sound input from a person’s two ears, and leverage what the brain does naturally. The artificial side of this system (the hearing aid) is designed to enhance the hearing aid wearer’s ability to do this, not to take over or interfere with how they want to listen.
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Just a little bit of rolling activity coming up this year :)

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This transcript is nearly 12 months old ;
Neuromorphic/ hearing aids

View attachment 54307

So, to further illustrate this new type of neuromorphic technology, we take sound input from a person’s two ears, and leverage what the brain does naturally. The artificial side of this system (the hearing aid) is designed to enhance the hearing aid wearer’s ability to do this, not to take over or interfere with how they want to listen.
I took a look at a few of the AI hearing aids. The Starkey Genesis is out so I do not think they use Akida as we would have seen revenue from this product as it was out last Year in March 2023.

From your research did you find any new product coming in 2024 that use Neuromorphic?

These are the 4 I could find on SNN hearing aids but I believe they are all out.

I know it was stated hearing aids a few times so my thought is there could be one coming just curious on which company would be involved. From the read up ots basicly filtering out different frequency.


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Hi all except those on ignore!
The first thing I see here today is that the non-sincere players of HC have now won here with their roleplaying and their presence has established itself. I can only see this because so many of you are responding to what should not get any attention. But this is the exact same discussion that I remember from HC in my past. Ignore it or take it seriously, because someone new might read and misunderstand it.

Too bad, the claqueurs (?) and lickers of the shorters and SP makers and maggots have won and established their system here too. What is still missing in their game here is someone who is distracting and talks incessantly about topics like e.g. Russia, the war and geopolitics and interprets it for this or that. [I just remembered that we have one of those here too. But he/it's on ignore as I can see right now.]
The exchange with blows here with some few airheads definitely reminds me of a time I hoped was behind me. I mean be consistent, it smells like shit it probably is shit then why keep going into this shit?! It's no fun. And by the way that's exactly why you started this place just with different rules but now it seems a kind of similar to me.
Luckily at least we have peace in the graphite group. Some people from HC had also tried it there. But they soon realized that there was no point to make as we acted as a group and they have lost interest because it is too tiring to wait for the go-ahead to post more shit.

I admit that I could also be part of the problem. I can't report what I don't read because this avatars are on my shit or ignore list.
I don't know if this is already out of balance here in the group. Too much attention for avatars that shouldn't get that attention. I don't make the rules as our admin did. I just follow them. Some I would personally make tougher so we have better means to protect our place. Some people here do a very good job of protecting and I thank them for that!
Maybe I'm too radical or uncompromising, but I no longer believe in balance after HC and you have to hear all voices such as the antis blah blah blah. I would simply kick these subjects out or, as in my graphite group, make their work so strenuous that they leave voluntarily. Only difficult if they stick to the rules. So a case for adapting the rules?
Just add up all the posts by these shady characters and all the replies to them. I think it's clearly taking up too much space here. But I don't make the rules and don't create space for HC like conditions.

With our existing rules the only chance of not becoming a fairer HC is if these avatars don't get the attention they are paid for or it's part of their work for themselves. Actually a better place for this rant would be the counters in the bar.)
I'm with you, it's a shame to see the denigration of what was a good forum. Please put the ratbags on ignore and muffle the waffle. Stand Proud and make good conversation!


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I think what we need to remember, and is how I look at it anyway, is that whilst it is a tradeshow, CES is the "Consumer Electronics Show".

This says to me that most of the actual "exhibitors" are showing off their end user products, things consumers can buy now or near term etc.

The suites appear to be the real tradeshow where OEMs, tech companies, suppliers, component manufacturers etc have the nuts and bolts displays and demos to attract new clients, partners etc rather than investors.

Obviously, investment may pop up as a side discussion however I would think that would be the domain of Broker investor meetings or direct one on ones between interested companies.

Individual investors would be the ones milling around the exhibition wide eyed at new tech products and not really exposed to the suites anyway.

So for me, I wasn't expecting any SP change much unless an actual Ann came out but I do expect that these suite meetings have encouraged other companies to explore Akida and engage with us over and above the few reveals we did also get.

And, that those reveals are closer to firm commitments than not.
This is pretty much spot on. The number and size of venues at the show are impressive. Many of the products displayed there are meant to wow end-consumers and whet their appetites for innovative designs and next-generation technology. A lot of the products there showcase new and future devices that consumers may be able to expect, provided there is enough interest in the offering.

As BrainChip's IP product is not meant to be sold to the average consumer, the purpose of the company's presence is to sell its technology to companies building products for the end-user. This is going to be a much smaller audience than those that are going to see consumer products. I want to point out that compared to other shows that BrainChip has scheduled meetings to showcase their tech, all their meeting slots were booked within days. I hope new partnerships and IP deals will evolve from those one-on-one presentations.

After watching several videos (a few from individuals who work with AI), one key theme was recurring: several devices that incorporated AI into their designs (in a meaningful way) still required Cloud connectivity and, in several cases, subscriptions to the service to use them. This will be a compelling upsell for a competitor that wants to sell their product to people who neither like the security nor recurring payments that come with this.

While companies would probably not like losing recurring revenue streams from subscription models, they can always turn to selling software updates that will enhance the product and add value. I would pay for upgrades (not just fixing defects), provided there was value in doing so.

BrainChip's IP will enable the engineers behind these consumer products to provide AI functionality without connectivity. Whether it be for power savings, privacy reasons, or having functionality available when there is a disruption in internet connectivity, BrainChip addresses all of them.
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Hi all except those on ignore!
The first thing I see here today is that the non-sincere players of HC have now won here with their roleplaying and their presence has established itself. I can only see this because so many of you are responding to what should not get any attention. But this is the exact same discussion that I remember from HC in my past. Ignore it or take it seriously, because someone new might read and misunderstand it.

Too bad, the claqueurs (?) and lickers of the shorters and SP makers and maggots have won and established their system here too. What is still missing in their game here is someone who is distracting and talks incessantly about topics like e.g. Russia, the war and geopolitics and interprets it for this or that. [I just remembered that we have one of those here too. But he/it's on ignore as I can see right now.]
The exchange with blows here with some few airheads definitely reminds me of a time I hoped was behind me. I mean be consistent, it smells like shit it probably is shit then why keep going into this shit?! It's no fun. And by the way that's exactly why you started this place just with different rules but now it seems a kind of similar to me.
Luckily at least we have peace in the graphite group. Some people from HC had also tried it there. But they soon realized that there was no point to make as we acted as a group and they have lost interest because it is too tiring to wait for the go-ahead to post more shit.

I admit that I could also be part of the problem. I can't report what I don't read because this avatars are on my shit or ignore list.
I don't know if this is already out of balance here in the group. Too much attention for avatars that shouldn't get that attention. I don't make the rules as our admin did. I just follow them. Some I would personally make tougher so we have better means to protect our place. Some people here do a very good job of protecting and I thank them for that!
Maybe I'm too radical or uncompromising, but I no longer believe in balance after HC and you have to hear all voices such as the antis blah blah blah. I would simply kick these subjects out or, as in my graphite group, make their work so strenuous that they leave voluntarily. Only difficult if they stick to the rules. So a case for adapting the rules?
Just add up all the posts by these shady characters and all the replies to them. I think it's clearly taking up too much space here. But I don't make the rules and don't create space for HC like conditions.

With our existing rules the only chance of not becoming a fairer HC is if these avatars don't get the attention they are paid for or it's part of their work for themselves. Actually a better place for this rant would be the counters in the bar.)
Hi Cosors, I feel the same - I think some dodgy nefarious types have infiltrated our TSEx BRN site. I guess we just have to remember that reporting is up to us - if enough of us think they have broken the rules and report their posts ( not frivolously though), they will be banned.
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Founding Member

New tech to make hearing aids as popular as glasses for older Australians​

Older Australians are ‘very comfortable’ with wearing glasses to adapt to vision loss, but new research has also shown that people are slow to use hearing aids. A new product aims to change this divide and restore hearing across the country.
Posted January 15th 2024
by David McManus

“Our all-new, powerful processor was designed to work like the human brain, leveraging the neuroscience of the ear-brain connection and information processing to create better sound quality, pushing energy-efficient artificial intelligence to its limits, analysing and automatically optimising sound over 80 million times an hour.

Ability to detect falls & send alerts

Why do older Australians adopt glasses more quickly than hearing aids? [Source: Starkey Australia]

Key points:
  • New research has shown that over 80 percent of older Australians who notice their eyesight declining are happy to wear glasses
  • Less than a quarter of survey respondents who notice their hearing decline will wear hearing aids and most will delay their adoption until their mid to late 60s
  • The latest findings have shown that ageing is considered a ‘negative experience’ for two out of three Australians aged over 50 and even more so for those suffering hearing loss

Starkey Australia debuted Genesis AI, a new hearing technology system, on January 15, which is intended to change how hearing aids are developed.
People experiencing listening difficulties can use the Genesis AI hearing aid, which includes advanced technology, sensors, machine learning and artificial intelligence to hear soft sounds and easily distinguish speech.
Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Engineering Achin Bhowmik said that Starkey spent countless hours with hearing care professionals and patients, researching and analysing every element of the ‘hearing journey.’
“We relentlessly pursued how to develop and bring the most advanced hearing technology to hearing healthcare professionals and patients in a simple and intuitive way,” he said.

Genesis AI’s improved performance levels are unlike anything else in the industry while doubling the battery life.”
Research commissioned by Starkey found that 83 percent of Australians 50 years and older were ‘very comfortable’ using glasses for poor eyesight, but were hesitant to adopt hearing aids for sensory difficulties.

However, survey respondents were also optimistic about the use of artificial intelligence and the future of assistive technology, which Dr Judy Grobstein, an education and training audiologist at Starkey Australia, referenced in her explanation.
“At a time when we are advancing with incredible innovations in hearing technology, it is interesting to see that three out of four Australians over 50 are unaware of the link between hearing loss and cognitive decline,” Dr Grobstein said.
“Encouragingly though, of those aware of the link, 25 percent are more likely to wear hearing aids. The latest hearing technology truly is a game changer for hearing health and ultimately improved health, wellness and a better quality of life.
In addition to hearing loss, Starkey devices are designed with multi-functionality in mind, with the ability to detect falls and send alerts.
Following a hip fracture in Australia, 11 percent of patients are discharged to residential care and up to six percent of cases result in death.

Starkey President and Chief Executive Officer Brandon Sawalich said the company was redefining the future of hearing health through ‘breakthrough’ improvements.
“[Genesis AI is] a new, unprecedented experience for both patient and hearing aid wearers and hearing healthcare professionals,” he said.
“Our significant breakthroughs in hearing health innovation offer infinite benefits to patients and hearing care professionals alike but most importantly empower all those experiencing hearing loss.”
The arrival of Genesis AI in Australia during January of 2024 could significantly change the lives of the one in six Australians who experience hearing loss — a number that is expected to double from an estimated 3.6 million people in December of 2023 to 7.8 million by 2060.
Results from a hearing test had previously revealed that, at the time of testing in 2018 – ‘19, more than four in 10 — or 43 percent of — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, seven years or older, had hearing loss in one or both ears.
I've been watching Starkey for a while now. Have messaged a few of their techs over the past year or two haha. Nothing clear to share yet, but am confident we are not in their Genesis AI product.
We'd be a great fit though.
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I'm with you, it's a shame to see the denigration of what was a good forum. Please put the ratbags on ignore and muffle the waffle. Stand Proud and make good conversation!
That's me on the left. Larapinta Trail, West MacDonald Ranges, NT Australia
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Top 20
I'm excited!

Someone just sent me the link to the patent application for TeNNs which was published on 20231228.

Use "Download PDF"in the top blue box to get the full document with drawings.

[0005] The CNNs are capable of learning crucial spatial correlations or features in spatial data, such as images or video frames, and gradually abstracting the learned spatial correlations or features into more complex features as the spatial data is processed layer by layer. These CNNs have become the predominant choice for image classification and related tasks over the past decade. This is primarily due to the efficiency in extracting spatial correlations from static input images and mapping them into their appropriate classifications with the fundamental engines of deep learning like gradient descent and backpropagation paring up together. This results in state-of-the-art accuracy for the CNNs. However, many modem Machine Learning (ML) workflows increasingly utilize data that come in spatiotemporal forms, such as natural language processing (NLP) and object detection from video streams. The CNN models lack the power to effectively use temporal data present in these application inputs. Importantly, CNNs fail to provide flexibility to encode and process temporal data efficiently. Thus, there is a need to provide flexibility to artificial neurons to encode and process temporal data efficiently.
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Top 20
I'm excited!

Someone just sent me the link to the patent application for TeNNs which was published on 20231228.

Use "Download PDF"in the top blue box to get the full document with drawings.

[0005] The CNNs are capable of learning crucial spatial correlations or features in spatial data, such as images or video frames, and gradually abstracting the learned spatial correlations or features into more complex features as the spatial data is processed layer by layer. These CNNs have become the predominant choice for image classification and related tasks over the past decade. This is primarily due to the efficiency in extracting spatial correlations from static input images and mapping them into their appropriate classifications with the fundamental engines of deep learning like gradient descent and backpropagation paring up together. This results in state-of-the-art accuracy for the CNNs. However, many modem Machine Learning (ML) workflows increasingly utilize data that come in spatiotemporal forms, such as natural language processing (NLP) and object detection from video streams. The CNN models lack the power to effectively use temporal data present in these application inputs. Importantly, CNNs fail to provide flexibility to encode and process temporal data efficiently. Thus, there is a need to provide flexibility to artificial neurons to encode and process temporal data efficiently.
The other exciting thing is that the Patent Office search did not find any earlier patents which disclose the invention.

Category A documents are background. There are no Category X or Y documents which could disclose the invention.

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The other exciting thing is that the Patent Office search did not find any earlier patents which disclose the invention.

Category A documents are background. There are no Category X or Y documents which could disclose the invention.

View attachment 54325

Sorry to sound like a numpty, but would you mind explaining why you are excited, I really don't get it, but I'm very excited that you are excited.
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So, I just had a circle back to Circle 8 (pun intended :LOL: ) and found a couple of fun dots that link with timelines and maybe some of the original Dev ideas behind it...even a pic of one of the CSIRO / UTS prototypes I presume.

Don't know if it's been posted before but all looks pretty cool.

The latest I just found is this Dr from ECU which from memory is where we are based here in Perth.

Appears in his research projects he got a grant for 23 / 24. Safe bet tied in with us.

  • Development of a computer vision based system for recognition of limited waste items to be stored in Circle 8 Smart bin, MGX Enterprise Pty Ltd, Grant, 2023 ‑ 2024, $197,003.

Dr Syed Mohammed Shamsul Islam
Senior Lecturer


Dr Islam is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Edith Cowan University, Australia. He is also serving as a University Contact Officer under Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equity and Indigenous), and a member of the Academic Study Leave Committee and Low-risk Ethics Committee. He is also a founding member of the School of Science Centre for AI and ML (CAIML) and the founding Lead of the 3D sensing, visualization, and analytics lab. Before joining ECU, He worked in different teaching and research positions at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and Curtin University. He conducts innovative teaching and multidisciplinary research in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Imaging, Biometrics, Machine Learning, Networking, and Computer Vision.

That then led me to look back at Circle 8 tie in with UTS which started in 2022.

Circle 8 – Smart Bin Development​

Project Member(s): Liu, R., Wang, X.

Funding or Partner Organisation: MGX Enterprise Pty Ltd (Circle 8 – Smart Bin Development)
MGX Enterprise Pty Ltd (Circle 8 – Smart Bin Development)

Start year: 2022

Then found a blog on CSIRO site from Aug 2022 about their tie in with UTS for smart bin tech which includes a pic.


Recycling bottles could soon get a whole lot easier and more efficient. That’s because we’ve developed Smart Bin Technology. It can automatically classify and sort recyclable bottles.

Together with UTS, we’ve developed Smart Bin Tech, which can automatically separate metal, glass, and plastic bottles for recycling.
Smart Bin Technology can sort plastic bottles from other bottles made of glass and metal to improve recycling

Smart bin, smart technology

We developed Smart Bin Technology with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). It separates metal, glass, and plastic bottles for recycling. And even better – it can separate plastic bottles depending on the plastic type.

Smart Bin Technology uses motion control plus metal and weight detectors to help assess what type of bottle someone has thrown in the bin. It also uses Internet of Things, sensing and robotics to detect, classify and sort recyclables into their respective recycle bins.

Additionally the bin can sort bottles into various types of plastics, such as PET (commonly used for beverage packaging) and HDPE (used for items like shampoo bottles). It differentiates between the types of plastic by using artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision, and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.

12 images of the AI analysing the different types of recycling the bin accepts.
Smart Bin Technology uses AI to identify what types of bottles are being put in the bin so they can be sorted appropriately

This blog also contained a link to Smart Bin Tech, a site from 2022 which I presume is the base model and outputs of the actual bin data we may see an evolution of in the Circle 8 / Akida product...I hope.

We are also developing a data system for users to record and visualise their recycle activities, and for administrators to manage the smart bins. In particular, users can register in the data system to record their recycle activities and receive rewards. They can then visualise and share their recycle statistics through User Dashboard. Administrators can monitor bin status, including item counts and fill levels, in Bin Map, and receive bin full alerts via SMS or email in real time.
The separation and sorting of plastic waste serve as major steps in plastic recycling. Smart Bin Tech aims to change the ways that recycled materials are collected and processed to improve recycling rates and to reduce landfill. This research is part of CSIRO’s Ending Plastic Waste Mission, which has a goal of an 80 per cent reduction of plastic waste entering the Australian environment by 2030.
Innovative technologies have been developed, including
  • Sensing: to detect recycled object types, metal, glass, or plastics.
  • AI image processing: further classify plastics into PET and HDPE (common plastic bottles).
  • Infrared spectroscopy: provide accurate plastic classification. detect more plastic types, PET, HDPE, PP, and PS.
  • Robotics: automatically sort recycled bottles into designated bins.
  • IoT: communicate recycle statistics and bin status to SmartBin.Tech data system

Smart Bin Data System​

We are also building a Smart Bin Data System for users to record and visualise their recycle activities, and for administrators to manage the smart bins. The data system includes:
User Dashboard:
  • User reward status
  • User recycle statistics chart

Smart Bin Map
  • Bin status: item counts and bin fill levels
  • send bin full alerts via email or SMS

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