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There was always a clue on the website partner page :


Enables our mutual customers . Who are those mutual customer(s).
So we now know one of them.




and now, for which companies are working with & adopting the OnSemi DOMS system.
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Founding Member
Rob Telson likes this, but Pat Benatar likes this even more!

Hey Wilzy, please don't take this the wrong way but AI, not even neuromorphic AI, will help your self-hatred. It will only encourage it.

Take care!


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Hi Space Cadet,

I'm actually with my mate Willy in the front seat of the car and we're pumping out some tunes together on the new sound system. Willy just asked me if I want to record a song with him about the losers on the Crapper. He reckons it's totally vibing and going to go nuts when it's realised! Here's a bit of a teaser on the hip-hop style beats we've been working on.

Yo, don't step into The Crapper, where it's full of chatter,
TomandJerry and Deadrise, the main clatter,
Critiquing BrainChip, like they're the brain master,
But we know their game is a disaster.

Always down-ramping achievements, spreading discontent,
They jump on TSEx, with aliases, a failed attempt,
Mt09 and FabricatedLunacy, trying to deceive,
But TSEx members are sharp, we won't be naive.

In The Crapper, they talk, trying to bring us down,
But we stand tall, we won't let them wear the crown,
BrainChip rising, achievements profound,
No room for dum-dums, in this TSEx forum town.

TSEx ain't fooled, by your sneaky moves,
Mt09 and FabricatedLunacy, with your fake grooves,
We see through the masquerade, the charade,
In this game of wits, we won't be played.

In The Crapper, they talk, trying to bring us down,
But we stand tall, we won't let them wear the crown,
BrainChip rising, achievements profound,
No room for ding-dongs, in this forum town.

We're building bridges, not walls,
BrainChip's success, as the market calls,
TSEx united, we stand strong,
Against the critics, proving them wrong.

TomandJerry, Deadrise, take a jump,
Your negativity won't define our bump,
BrainChip innovating, reaching the pump,
While you're stuck in The Crapper taking a dump.
Magnificient. Your either really talented or have too much time on your hands (paws). Love it.


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Tik tok
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Norse clairvoyant shapeshifter goddess
This takes us to 55 known relationships.

The unknown for ease of calculation could be described as 100s minus 4 companies. 🤣🤡😂

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
Another added to the list. Ubiquitous

list GIF
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An article from 2019

In the event that an accident should happen, the same camera can detect the size, weight and position of the driver and adjust the airbag deployment accordingly, reducing the risk of injury.

Confirmed today that Onsemi and BrainChip are working together on using Time of Flight sensors to smartly deploy airbags.
Radhika Arora ( Senior Director of Product Management at Onsemi ) and Nandan Nayampally also confirm that there will be a demonstration of TOF that proves out this use case.
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Interesting listen running time 6 minutes.

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An article from 2019

In the event that an accident should happen, the same camera can detect the size, weight and position of the driver and adjust the airbag deployment accordingly, reducing the risk of injury.

Confirmed today that Onsemi and BrainChip are working together on BrainChip's Time of Flight technology on how to smartly deploy airbags.
Radhika Arora ( Senior Director of Product Management at Onsemi ) and Nandan Nayampally also confirm that there will be a demonstration of TOF that proves out this use case.
Hi taproot,

"Brainchip's Time of Flight Technology"?

Time-of-flight needs a transceiver (radar, lidar, ultrasonic), and BRN does not do this per se.

Socionext presented 60GHZ radar at CES2023 and referenced Akida in the same press release:

sn_pr20221223_01e.pdf (

Socionext is presenting at CES 2024:

Socionext will be presenting at CES 2024, January 9-12, 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Socionext will be located at booth 9971 in the Smart Cities, IoT, and Sustainability Zone in the North Hall.
Among Socionext’s featured technologies and solutions will be the following:

- Custom SoCs
- Low Power 60GHz Radar Sensor Solutions
- Smart Display Controller for Automotive
- SoCs for Smart Devices

For more information about Socionext’s exhibition, visit

Onsemi does do automotive radar mainly for external navigation. I haven't seen any in-cabin radar from Onsemi (but I didn't look very hard).
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Lots of gold here


Rail Transportation is one of the most reliable and

efficient ways to move goods and people globally. According to an industry report by Mordor Intelligence during the projected period (2022–2027), the market for rail asset management is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 6.2%. The primary drivers of market growth are anticipated to be global trends such as automation in railroad operations, increased urbanization in developing and underdeveloped nations, government initiatives, connectivity, sustainability, and energy-saving technologies.

Railway systems comprise an extensive array of individual components and dynamic parts, including complex mechanical and electrical systems that must work together seamlessly to ensure a safe and compliant operation. The efficacy and reliability of rail transportation depend on the proper functioning of these systems with a well-maintained infrastructure, optimally resulting in lower operating costs and less downtime. To ensure the highest level of safety, regular inspections of rolling stock, rail tracks, and infrastructure are necessary.

Traditionally, these inspections relied on manual methods such as visual checks and physical testing, processes that are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and susceptible to inaccuracies. The emergence of digital technology has revolutionized railroad safety and efficiency. This technological shift has introduced innovative solutions aimed at strengthening safety measures while streamlining operations.

Automation of Rail Asset Inspection is one such solution to enhance the safety and efficiency of these railroads. According to Acumen Research and Consulting, from 2020 to 2027, the market for Global Railway Automated Inspection Equipment is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 5.2% and reach a market value of approximately $3,458 million.

Scope of Inspection

Railroad inspection involves examining various components of rail assets, including tracks, rolling stock, and infrastructure to ensure their proper functioning. The scope of inspection includes:

Track Inspection

Structural Condition Assessment
This involves detailed inspections of the rails to identify wear, defects (such as cracks or corrosion), and gauge compliance. Regular inspection of structural changes, involving examining the tracks, switches, and other infrastructure components, ensures early-stage problem identification and prompt repair. Inspection protocols involve testing to detect subsurface cracks or imperfections that might compromise the structural integrity of the tracks.


Fastening System Inspection
Examine fastening mechanisms to ensure they are securely holding the rails in place. Any loose or damaged fasteners have to be identified and addressed as they are exposed to heavy loads and environmental factors such as extreme weather conditions, which can lead to accidents. Early detection of damage allows for quick repairs, reducing downtime and the risk of accidents.

Track Geometry Analysis
Geometrical aspects for track inspection include the track curvature, elevation, alignment, and surface irregularities. A slight deviation from the proper geometrical aspects can cause derailments, leading to accidents. Regular inspections of geometrical aspects help ensure that the tracks and infrastructure meet safety standards.


Ballast Condition Evaluation
Assessing the condition of the ballast for proper compaction, drainage, and load-bearing capacity is critical in track inspection, as it may compromise track stability or drainage efficiency. Proper ballast conditions ensure that the tracks are stable and can support the weight of the rolling stock.

Rolling Stock Inspection

Wheel and Axle Examination
The comprehensive analysis of wheel and axle profiles will detect wear patterns and identify deviations from geometric specifications, ensuring operational safety and optimal performance. Detailed scrutiny of wheel flanges and treads helps to identify irregularities in shape and surface texture, crucial in maintaining contact between wheels and tracks for stable operation.


Braking Systems Assessment
Evaluating the braking system components involves in-depth analysis of friction materials and evaluating their impact on braking efficiency and longevity. Assessment of braking force distribution across different components ensures uniform and effective braking performance across the entire system.

Couplings and Connections Inspection
Assessment of couplers, connections, hoses associated components involves detailed examination for signs of wear, fatigue, or stress concentrations that might compromise the reliability of connections during operations. To provide safe and reliable connections, thorough inspection of couplers entails not only physical inspection but also measurements to confirm alignment and assure compatibility with coupling devices.

Infrastructure Inspection

Wayside and Civil Structures Examination
Wayside and civil structures inspections involve examining the bridges, tunnels, and other civil structures that support the tracks. Detailed assessments of bridges and tunnels for structural integrity, including inspections for corrosion, wear, cracks, and other signs of deterioration. Inspections of wayside and civil structures help ensure that the structures are stable and can support the weight of the rolling stock.


Signals and Communication Systems Inspection
To guarantee correct operation and adherence to safety regulations, comprehensive inspections of signal equipment, communication devices, and their functionality must be carried out. Examining communication devices in detail entails determining the hardware, modulation methods, signal quality, and electromagnetic interference to ensure continuous communication.


Electrification Systems Evaluation
Inspection of power supply lines, transformers, substations, and related electrical components ensures uninterrupted electric supply to the using points which involves vigilance, safety and well-defined scheme of procedures. It consists of many periodic schedule maintenance, regular inspections, testing and rectification of defects.


Stations and Platforms Assessment
Evaluation of stations and platforms for structural stability, accessibility compliance, safety measures, and adherence to passenger service standards. Detailed analysis of amenities, signage and passenger flow dynamics has to be checked to optimize comfort, navigation and service efficiency.

Automated Rail Asset Inspection

Automated rail asset inspection is done using a combination of advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, machine learning algorithms, and data analytics to inspect and monitor the condition of rail infrastructure. This process helps to identify potential issues, reduce maintenance costs and improve safety and efficiency. The key components involved in Automated rail asset inspection are:

Data Collection
Specialized inspection vehicles or drones equipped with various sensors and cameras are used to collect data on rail infrastructure. These sensors can include LiDAR (Light detection and ranging), ultrasonic sensors, infrared cameras, and high-resolution cameras. They capture information about track geometry, rail profile, rail wear, track gauge, and other critical parameters.

Data Processing and Analysis
The collected data is processed and analyzed using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques. These algorithms can detect anomalies, such as cracks, corrosion, and other defects in rail infrastructure, and can also detect patterns and predict trends that may indicate potential issues in the future.

Reporting and Visualization
The results of data analysis can be visualized through interactive maps, graphs, and reports. This allows maintenance teams and decision-makers to easily understand the condition of the rail assets and prioritize maintenance activities accordingly.

Maintenance Planning and Execution
Based on the insights gained from the automated inspection, maintenance teams can plan and execute targeted maintenance activities to address the identified issues. This helps to reduce maintenance costs, minimize service disruptions, and improve overall safety and efficiency.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement
Automated rail asset inspection can be integrated with other railway management systems. By continuously monitoring and inspecting rail assets, any potential issues or maintenance needs can be identified in real-time. This integration allows for quick and efficient responses to any problems, ensuring the safety and reliability of the railway system.

In summary, Automated Rail asset inspection is a comprehensive process that involves data collection, processing, analysis, reporting, and maintenance planning.

Need for Automation of Rail Asset Inspection

Manual Inspections of rail assets can be time-consuming and sometimes prone to errors. As a result, automation in rail asset inspection is a need to enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of accidents. Some benefits of automation in rail asset inspection include:

Automated inspections can be conducted quickly, allowing for more frequent inspections to identify any issues promptly.

Automated inspections can be conducted quickly and frequently, allowing for the detection of issues in real time. This enhances the efficiency of rail operations.

Cost Effective
Automated Inspections require fewer resources than manual inspections, reducing labor costs and enhancing efficiency. The use of advanced sensors and algorithms also reduces the need for expensive equipment, making automated inspections a cost-effective solution for rail asset inspection.

Predictive Analytics
Automated inspections can generate data in large amounts that can be analyzed to identify trends and patterns. This data can be used to optimize rail operations. Data Analytics can also predict when maintenance or repairs will be required, reducing downtime and ensuring that trains are running on time.

Improved Safety
Automated inspections of rail assets improve safety by detecting issues that may cause accidents, such as track misalignment, loss or missing parts, and wheel defects. Early detection of these issues allows for prompt repairs.

Challenges in Adopting Automation of Rail Asset Inspection

While automation of rail asset inspection has several benefits, it also faces several challenges that need to be addressed to ensure its success.

Limited Coverage
One of the significant challenges of automated rail asset inspection is limited coverage. Automated inspection systems using embedded sensors, drones, rolling stock mounted sensors can only inspect a portion of the railway network. As a result, a comprehensive network of inspection systems covering the entire railway network is required.

Automated rail asset inspection requires high levels of accuracy to detect any damage or wear and tear. However, environmental factors such as weather conditions and lightning can affect the accuracy of inspection systems. Additionally, the sensors and the cameras used in inspection can also produce false positives or negatives, leading to unnecessary maintenance.

Data Management
Automated Rail asset inspection generates large amounts of data, which must be managed effectively to ensure the inspection results are accurate and reliable. The data must be analyzed and interpreted to identify any potential issues, and any necessary maintenance must be scheduled promptly.


By leveraging advanced technologies such as sensors, AI algorithms, and data analytics, these systems can continuously monitor and assess the condition of rail tracks with unparalleled precision and speed. With early detection of defects, maintenance teams can proactively address potential issues, minimizing downtime and disruptions to rail services. Enhanced safety measures resulting from regular inspections significantly reduce the risk of accidents, ensuring smoother operations and bolstering public confidence in rail transport. As we embrace the transformative power of automation, it becomes evident that automated rail track inspection is a crucial component in ushering in a new era of efficient, reliable, and sustainable rail transportation systems
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Hi taproot,

"Brainchip's Time of Flight Technology"?

Time-of-flight needs a transceiver (radar, lidar, ultrasonic), and BRN does not do this per se.

Socionext presented 60GHZ radar at CES2023 and referenced Akida in the same press release:

sn_pr20221223_01e.pdf (

Socionext is presenting at CES 2024:

Socionext will be presenting at CES 2024, January 9-12, 2024 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Socionext will be located at booth 9971 in the Smart Cities, IoT, and Sustainability Zone in the North Hall.
Among Socionext’s featured technologies and solutions will be the following:

- Custom SoCs
- Low Power 60GHz Radar Sensor Solutions
- Smart Display Controller for Automotive
- SoCs for Smart Devices

For more information about Socionext’s exhibition, visit

Onsemi does do automotive radar mainly for external navigation. I haven't seen any in-cabin radar from Onsemi (but I didn't look very hard).
Ok, yes you're right. Should have conveyed that differently. Rather the collaboration revolves around Akida + TOF sensors.
In the video, Nandan also mentions TOF sensors + Anti Spoofing use case.
7.18 min mark
Have made an edit to my post.
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Ok, yes you're right. Should have conveyed that differently. Rather the collaboration revolves around Akida + TOF sensors.
In the video, Nandan also mentions TOF sensors + Anti Spoofing use case.
7.18 min mark
Have made an edit to my post.
This photo is from the AI Hardware & Edge AI Summit 2023

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There is only one podcast I want to hear, come on BRAINCHIP get him on!!!!!

Markus Schäfer from Mercedes!
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View attachment 53928

This is a Samsung patent application for the translation system:



[0084] The memory may store a neural network model operating as a first encoder and a neural network model operating as a first decoder, i.e., at least two neural network models.

[0127] The neural network machine translation model may be a model learned based on a parallel corpus. The parallel corpus may be a corpus configured in parallel such that sentences of different languages correspond to each other. The neural network machine translation model may be learned based on a plurality of sentences included in the parallel corpus for translating the first text in the first language into the second text in the second language.

[0146] Each of the artificial intelligence models may be implemented as, for example, convolutional neural network (CNN), deep neural network (DNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), deep belief network (DBN), bidirectional recurrent deep neural network (BRDNN) and deep Q-networks, but is not limited to the example described above

No mention of spikes.
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Holy Guacamole!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

View attachment 53902

This bloke from Infineon just gave BrainChip some YUUUUUUGE compliments!!! Infineon have been working with us for approx 1 year and this guy is SOOOOOO excited and reckons we're UNDERESTIMATING OURSELVES!!!!!!

Infineon is the largest semiconductor manufacturer in Germany, employing over 50,000 people.

View attachment 53901

Check it out at 8.30 mins!

Giving us a praise means f all mate.
Where the contract at? Where the money at?
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This is a Samsung patent application for the translation system:


View attachment 53930
[0084] The memory may store a neural network model operating as a first encoder and a neural network model operating as a first decoder, i.e., at least two neural network models.

[0127] The neural network machine translation model may be a model learned based on a parallel corpus. The parallel corpus may be a corpus configured in parallel such that sentences of different languages correspond to each other. The neural network machine translation model may be learned based on a plurality of sentences included in the parallel corpus for translating the first text in the first language into the second text in the second language.

[0146] Each of the artificial intelligence models may be implemented as, for example, convolutional neural network (CNN), deep neural network (DNN), recurrent neural network (RNN), restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM), deep belief network (DBN), bidirectional recurrent deep neural network (BRDNN) and deep Q-networks, but is not limited to the example described above

No mention of spikes.

Interesting that on this link it says that the "This feature is expected to work locally on the device, which should improve with latency and privacy"

There is going to be an announcement on 17th of Jan at Galaxy unpacked either way..."We are evolving and pioneering mobile technology through a special collaboration with a long-standing tech industry partner, which will be revealed soon”

There cant be too many companies in the running for this surely?
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