I have always wondered about this McHale. Not putting words into Techs mouth, but he has referred to agendas at play in the past.Thanks for your response @Xray1, so my recollection of that vote against Peters' re-election was correct, and as you have put it, it was in 2022.
So IMO there was no way retail holders would have supported that vote against PvDM. I didn't say it in my previous post on this subject, but I wouldn't be surprised if these votes at the last 2 AGMs were the result of institutions playing games, and yes also exercising their rights as shareholders.
It is pure speculation on my part, but that is what I have felt since the 2022 AGM, and I feel the same about what took place at this years AGM, malevolent actors working at undermining confidence in BRN and undermining price appreciation.
I welcome any feedback, or other research to give more flesh to the bones of this matter.
FWIW. Between 12:08pm and 12:33 pm today, one share was traded in 25 minutes to knock it down.