c'est la vieYep… I’ve steered well clear of options, especially in this macro climate and speccy shares…some do look very tempting But if they expire out of the money.. goodbye to your $$$$![]()
c'est la vieYep… I’ve steered well clear of options, especially in this macro climate and speccy shares…some do look very tempting But if they expire out of the money.. goodbye to your $$$$![]()
Better hope she doesn’t see this postOnly took me a bottle of red and a coupe of scotch's to come up with an idea of putting an Akida chip in my wife to stop her from whinging and making lists of things for me to do.![]()
Nobody wants to see the current board ousted, that would not go well for the company or the SH’s. But results are needed.Hi beuna
I really don't want to see the current Board oustered at this stage, IMO they have not had enough time to implement their strategies, and in the meantime they have clearly been diligent building out their eco-system, this will require more time to bear fruit. My hope is that it is not too much more time before we see more income than the meagre pittance reported the other day
Another meantime scenario are all the NDA's and EAP's, and what goes or is going on with them, so many unknowns there, it's actually quite mind boggling, and I am fully boggled
I have been here 8 years, and I have to say that I am really pissed off about where the SP sits right now, having said that though, the way I remember it; is that LDN didn't really talk about the timing or length of runway to get Akida to the stage where it was actually being marketed in various companies products. LDN didn't really talk about eco-system either (that I remember), thats not to say that he didn't achieve some good outcomes, but IMO current management have a better plan and it shouldn't take too much longer before we know that they are actually able to implement their plan - or not, - if things aren't going better by next AGM there will be some unhappy SH'ers
If my memory serves me correct it was Sean H who actually first spoke to the design, engineering, fabrication and marketing runway - please correct me if I am wrong. But I am not going to tell anyone to be patient, because I am impatient for this thing to do something much better than what it is at the moment: but also know that if I am thinking about it all the time and start to get angry about it, then that is really not good for me, so I don't lose any sleep over BRN and I won't be going there - I pushed the buy buttons,
Yes I get that. But you said it yourself, how many billions are these other companies making?
That’s my whole point. To me, I would be quite content if Brn were making a billion or so on subscriptions, I don’t need the chip.![]()
High WilzyMember since: Feb 4, 2022
First post: Apr 26, 2023
Hi ML,Sorry Tech but I personally don’t agree with your arguments.
Firstly: Quoting that Peter and Anil haven’t sold any shares or that Peter sold shares for charity is irrelevant. We know that they are decent people. You seem too defensive over that.
Secondly: if you had of brought in at 0.031, well sorry to say most SH did not buy in that price range. Some brought in at 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc. You stating that is almost a slap in the face.
Thirdly: Brn have employed a lot of staff and yet we have seen revenue decline over the past 2 years, not increase. This does not sit well with a lot of SH’s, especially when remunerations are mentioned.
Fourthly: yes I agree that the world economy has been tough and that Brn have had to sail through some rough waters. It did not help that Akida 1 was pushed through and suddenly Brn realised that they had to go back to the redesign and alter according to feedback received. So basically they are now having to once again work with EAP’s with Akida 2. This has directly impacted the SP because when shorters got the whiff that Brn was not going to sign any new IP they went for hell and leather and today the price sits at 0.17.
Yes, I agree that it is premature to talk about second strike but Brn management must understand that the first strike was a message and that is that SH’s are expecting results. This happens to every company.
My opinion is that it is time for management to take it up a notch and get the IP sales. They have developed a great product but if they don’t get sales then that will mean nothing.
I will continue supporting Brn but I do want to see results. If by the next AGM the revenue has not improved dramatically then we will see a return to 0.031.
That’s just my opinion
Don't listen to Wilzy123 buddy he is the local clown.High Wilzy
I was on HC under Miles63. I’m not here to bash Brn. Go over to HC and see how much I’ve been arguing with the down rampers.
The reason why I stated what I stated is because Tech said some things that I didn’t agree with. I wanted to share my opinion. I’ve said nothing that most aren’t thinking.
I want Brn to succeed just as much as you or anyone else does.
I may not hold as much as some, I have 150,000 shares, but I still believe that I am entitled to a say.
I’m not here everyday down ramping so please don’t dismiss me the way you did.
The last AGM we had our 'First strike' so would seriously want to avoid a 'second strike'
What is the 'two-strikes' rule?
The ‘two-strikes’ law is designed to hold directors accountable for executive salaries and bonuses. It means an entire company board can face re-election if shareholders disagree with how much executives are being paid. The law is an amendment to the Corporations Act and came into effect on July 1, 2011.
The ‘first strike’ occurs when a company’s remuneration report — which outlines each director’s individual salary and bonus — receives a ‘no’ vote of 25 per cent or more by shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting.
The ‘second strike’ occurs when a company’s subsequent remuneration report also receives a ‘no’ vote of 25 per cent or more.
When a ‘second strike’ occurs, the shareholders will vote at the same AGM to determine whether all the directors will need to stand for re-election. If this ‘spill’ resolution passes with 50 per cent or more of eligible votes cast, then a ‘spill meeting’ will take place within 90 days.
At the spill meeting, those individuals who were directors when the directors’ report was considered at the most recent AGM will be required to stand for re-election (other than the managing director, who is permitted to continue to run the company).
Directors face "second strike"
The reform is intended to provide an additional level of accountability for directors and increased transparency for shareholders. Where a company receives significant ‘no’ votes on its remuneration report over two consecutive years, and has not adequately addressed concerns raised by shareholders, it is appropriate for the board to be held accountable through a re-election process.
Don't listen to Wilzy123 buddy he is the local clown.
Please Respect other members it's not all about you.
Please be respectful to other members.
I may be wrong but revenue has actually increased year over year?High Wilzy
I was on HC under Miles63. I’m not here to bash Brn. Go over to HC and see how much I’ve been arguing with the down rampers.
The reason why I stated what I stated is because Tech said some things that I didn’t agree with. I wanted to share my opinion. I’ve said nothing that most aren’t thinking.
I want Brn to succeed just as much as you or anyone else does.
I may not hold as much as some, I have 150,000 shares, but I still believe that I am entitled to a say.
I’m not here everyday down ramping so please don’t dismiss me the way you did.
Hi DHi ML,
The Board can only change or influence things which are within their control or sphere of influence.
What would you have the board do differently to avoid the 2nd strike?
This is exactly my biggest worry!Thanks for posting this, I was about to Google what it would entail.
I genuinely couldn't think of anything worse than losing any of the talented board members we have.
If people think voting it down, then having them re-elected any way as a middle-finger message is going to help you're on another planet.
When they are already under criticism for performance I couldn't imagine they SP should any of them be cast out.
Given the majority of the histeria stems the SP more than the company engaging with current/potential clients, I Believe with 99.99% certainty we wouldn't be having this conversation if the SP was closer to $1.
It's getting pathetic now, if it's not out of your system, maybe drop your final say and let's move on.
I know you’re genuine from the other site.Hi D
Yes, I fully agree, the Board can only do so much. However, the Board has the power to apply pressure to the CEO and upper management to ensure results are achieved.
As I have stated, no one wants a second strike but the first strike was a clear message to the board, time to get things rolling.
Don’t get me wrong, I read a lot about Brn and the ecosystem they are forming, I am not naive and understand that it takes time.
I first brought shares in Brn in mid 2020. Since then I have been accumulating as the price has gone up and as it’s gone down. But I can tell you that I was not fortunate to buy at 0.031 as Tech stated and that was why I responded to his post. And I can tell you that if by the next AGM we do not see revenue, the shorters will apply so much pressure on the SP that it will drop to under 5 cents.
The problem with that is when the company requires funding, what happens then? How many shares do you have to offer at 5cents to raise millions to keep the company going?
Please don’t think that I’m trying to spread negativity, I’m not. When I read Tech’s post, it was too defensive and quite insulting. I had to react.
I still go on HC to read the rubbish that’s being posted to gauge the negativity towards Brn. This is not to transfer it here but to understand what gives shorters/down rampers fuel. Certainly the lack of revenue has provided enough fuel. I have done my bit, on HC, to argue with them and stick up for Brn.
I come on here and read about the positives that Brn are achieving. But we as SH’s should not become complacent. We have every right to demand results. I do not see a problem with that.
Just my opinion.
Fair enough Chapman I get your point. And by the way, you mention people leaving companies is not a concern and I agree.I know you’re genuine from the other site.
But what are you asking the board to do, put a gun to the CEO’s of the companies they’re engaged withs head & have them say sign now?
Please explain buddy.