Putting it in this context really highlights my thoughts about where BRN can go. These are the announced engagement. Who else is in the closet!Good Morning Chippers ,
Been having a little ponder about the CONFIRMED list of engagements over the weekend.
* Thankyou Fact Finder for compiling & then getting a half straight response from the Co.
~ 5 are University's training the required workers / inventors to further neuromorphic tech & integration well into the future.
~ This leaves 36 companies using our tech with the end goal of a financial return to their bottom line.....& ours.
~ Of this group of 36 companies..... 7 companies fall within FORBES GLOBAL FORTUNE 2000 largest companies in 2023.
~ 5 of this group of 7 companies fall within the FORBES GLOBAL FORTUNE 500.
~ 7/ 36 = 19.4444% of our engagements are with the world's largest companies.
Now for some fun numbers....
COMPANIES, their FORTUNE 2000 No, & 2023 REVINUES.
1, FORD, No.124, Revinue USD$165,060,000,000.00
2, VALEO, No.1401, USD$21,060,000,000.00
3, RENESAS, No.685, USD$11,170,000,000.00
4, TATA Consulting Services, No.386, USD$28,050,000,000.00
5, INTEL, No.422, USD$56,420,000,000.00
6, GLOBAL FOUNDRIES , No.827, USD$8,110,000,000.00
7, MERCEDES BENZ, No. 42, USD$158,750,000,000.00
TOTAL REVINUE of above 7 Companies in 2023=
USD $448,590,000,000.00
*1% of above = USD$4,485,900,000.00
Soooooo...... If BrainChip Inc. Captured 0.25% (=1/400th) of the above Companies revinue =
Divided by 1,888,885,028 total shares ( fully paid, performance rights, options, RSU ) as of 6th July 2023.
= USD$0.5937232 Per Share.
X Price to Earnings of 25 ( conservative in the tech sector ).
= USD$14.8431 Per Share.
= AU$22.03885 Per Share ( Exchange rate as of 24th July 2023).
The above numbers are loose , yet it makes my PRESSENT FAIR VALUE of $4.75 AU per share look quite ballenced, never mind DELOITTE 's price ( from one or two years ago ) guide of $8.00 AU .
Morning Tezza ,Didn't TD say if we were in someone's commercial product, that he believes they would advertise the fact? On that statement alone, I can't see to much in this 4c! Thoughts?
Wasnt far off....4cs out17.7 M OB
(4M) at least going out maybe ($5M)
with say another 40K coming in........ can we round this up to 100K? Anybody see it being $1M?
12m cap proceeds
so $24M ISH closing balance (6 quarters)
View attachment 40237
Could not care less about the cash inflows this quarter, doesn't mean much. But with recent focus & attention on Edge AI & neuromorphic computing it appears that we are finally getting the attention we deserve. Hopefully it will be reflected on the share price soon.So was the 830k cash from new sales, or just part of the 1.5m trade receivable at 31 december, or a blend. Because none of the 1.5 was received in last quarter.
Hopefully new revenue, but will know for sure when half yearly comes out next month.
Is Superhero Securities Rob Telson?
Not a bad 4C - much better than I was expecting. Would love to know where the cash receipts from customers came from.
Wow Citi now have more than Peter VdM
IMO, It's very good to see the 4C now in a potentially building upward trend pattern ... maybe even a hockey stick pattern could be forming. IMO, things should also start improving with news coming out from the Co about the formal release of Akida 1500 and Akida Gen 2 if the tech side of things meets the Co's expectations (Peters and Anil's that is.) .... and hopfully even some more new IP's being entered into during this quarter and products being introduced into commercial products with the confirmation of Akida inside notations by certain customers which would further enhance our reputation and aid rapid commercial expansion globally for the Co.I guess the hope is that it's PCIe boards and EAP engagements (that don't require ASX announcements), rather than just outstanding cash from previously declared revenue but who knows.
Still quite a good 4C