Mr Inappropriate
So let’s get this straight.Former AVZ chairman slams ‘racist’ shareholders, plots new Manono deal
Tom RichardsonMarkets reporter and commentator
Former AVZ chairman slams ‘racist’ shareholders, plots new Manono deal
The dealmaker credited with helping AVZ acquire its ownership rights to Manono has lashed its current predicament and its shareholders’ online
There are people on HC and Twitter (and here) who have called out corrupt actors in the political and administrative sphere of influence of the Manono Mining License. Those people are racist.
Klaus and his miserable and morally bankrupt progeny think so little of the DRC that they are willing to fully embrace a system known to be corrupt; a system known to betray the people of the DRC; a system known to undermine the future of millions of people living below the poverty line; a system that preferences an autocratic and malicious regime that perpetuates the cycle of need and corruption in the DRC. All this for personal gain.
So tell us again Dear Klaus - who’s the racists here?
It’s you, Kunt.