AVZ Discussion 2022


China will get this artisan mined with a thousand DRC hands and walked to port for $800 a day.


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China will get this artisan mined with a thousand DRC hands and walked to port for $800 a day.
" Jin are putting together financing for a takeovers. Nigel is negotiating like I do in Silk Road markets. “Each time you speak the price goes up”. The TO offer better look like a golden god or we will just wait out this crap and dig up the lithium and sell it to the USA." - RHyN)1980: 21/06/2023.
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Well done Moneybags.
The opposition party on the DRC and the media outlets in DRC would certainly like to know about the corruption within the government.
This unfortunately now can only be solved in Washington or a takeover to avoid all the consequences of the law.
No one in the West will build a battery plant or invest with this much corruption .
Pretty sure the Opposition won't be much different in the corruption stakes. It's in the DNA.
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" Jin are putting together financing for a takeovers. Nigel is negotiating like I do in Silk Road markets. “Each time you speak the price goes up”. The TO offer better look like a golden god or we will just wait out this crap and dig up the lithium and sell it to the USA." - RHyN)1980: 21/06/2023.
Cant Decide Fred Armisen GIF by IFC
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" Jin are putting together financing for a takeovers. Nigel is negotiating like I do in Silk Road markets. “Each time you speak the price goes up”. The TO offer better look like a golden god or we will just wait out this crap and dig up the lithium and sell it to the USA." - RHyN)1980: 21/06/2023.
F*k bipolar!
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@Winenut @Cumquat Cap there’s always something to do fella’s. I’m not sitting around waiting for something to happen or believing the rumours…. I’ve heard them all (negotiations, takeover, cabinet reshuffle etc) and I’ve got my own ideas on how and why they start.

It’s been obvious for months that Mupande and his little band of supposedly powerful corruptors (who have been flying under the radar of late) and members of the government are complicit in the corruption and unlike shareholders who sit around and do nothing I’ve started my own one man war with these arseholes. Thankfully I’ve had a few private messages offering assistance and I’ll just keep accumulating information until I’m ready to send it off to every media, company and official website I can send it to.

Before that I’ll send Ben an email to let him know what investors are up to before getting a response which won’t change anything.

I know there’s shareholders here who don’t support what I do but here’s a little more of what those corrupt arseholes can expect while they try and extort our project away from us and keep trying to convince international investors they are a good place to do business

Foreign Direct Investment in the DRC

The DRC business climate is especially poor, and foreign investors are facing a number of challenges (corruption, lengthy administrative procedures and administrative fees) in establishing their businesses in the DRC.

While there laws protecting investors in the country, the court system is often slow, so disputes can extend for years.

In 2018, the mining code was amended, increasing taxes and royalties, requiring that at least 10% of the capital of mining companies be owned by indigenous citizens, and severely restricting the export of unprocessed minerals under new mining permit.

In addition, the humanitarian and conflict situation in the east of the country and the stormy relations with neighbouring countries (Rwanda, Uganda and Angola) are factors which contribute to persistent insecurity in the country.

In recent years, some of the biggest Chinese mining companies have heavily invested in the country, especially in cobalt and copper mines, with Chinese companies currently owning 15 of the 17 cobalt operations in the DRC.

Weak Points

Several factors hinder the Democratic Republic of Congo’s business climate:
- a difficult business climate (predatory tax agencies, limited access to capital, difficulties enforcing contracts due to the weak judicial system, weak banking sector)
- endemic corruption at all levels of government
- a shortage of skilled labor
- political uncertainty, with ongoing armed conflict in the eastern part of the country
- weak infrastructure (transport, energy, telecommunications)
- high level of poverty
- political instability

What's interesting @MoneyBags1348 is that we haven't heard a peep from the filthy worm JFMK apart from the slight hissy fit he had on twitter (if that account is even legit).
He's dug in the DRC like a tapeworm deep in the guts pulling on nerve endings in the digestive tract and stifling the country's development for the past 20 years as his shit worm mates eat up most of whatever comes out the arse end.

Incredible just how well protected and entrenched he must be not to rate a mention in the media when he essentially controls this whole corrupted mining system.
Only one who's written an article about him in the past 2 years seems to be Kiki.
Doesn't get a mention by the government, only the occasional self promotional bullshit from the man himself to bolster his own ego like the fine dining in Canada.
Also given the above, interesting that it's been said that he doesn't like Nigel...
If FT was legit he'd extract the parasite, this may give investors some hope imo.
Alas either these corrupt pricks have got FT by the balls or he simply does whatever they want for watches and snacks.
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Yes, you both pretty much nailed it.

The recently signed MoU for a comprehensive battery chain is just an aspirational goal that the west has absolutely no intention of financing. In August 2022, when visiting the DRC the US Secretary of State called for the government to demonstrate the political will to advance democracy, combat corruption, and address the country's human rights abuses. Blinken emphasized the United States' interest in developing cooperation and investing in the DRC when corruption ends.

Currently there is no political will within the DRC government to address corruption, so it's just groundhog day every day. AVZ is backed into a corner, and has no option but to force the DRC's hand through the ICSID process.




*Oh dear what can the matter be :unsure:

Felix you fool, France is Not Hap Hap-py :(

With the DRC Games stuck in the Lavatory :poop:

Something Stinks and Macron ain't Hap Hap-py :oops:

Now don't forget the ICSID :ROFLMAO:
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*In other News, I see where

Independence of the DRC / 1960-2023: 63 years of efforts and deprivations to compensate

Félix Tshisekedi in the oven and at the mill to make a difference despite the pitfalls :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO: :unsure:

This Friday, June 30, 2023, the Democratic Republic of Congo celebrates the 63ᵉ anniversary of its accession to national and international sovereignty.

In perfect communion with the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and all the representatives of the constituted bodies, the Congolese people will remember the peaceful struggle waged together by the founding fathers of the Republic to achieve this important change, political and historical that will continue to mark the country until the end of time in different areas.

In the run-up to this anniversary, post-1960 generations were spending most of their spare time evaluating the results achieved during the 63-year period spent on the path of expected social change. :unsure:

It is a bit to condemn the elders that young people strive to put the past on trial, while forgetting that they have their share of responsibility in all the evils observed in the country from their birth until today.

To ease their conscience, the elders, for their part, always try to justify their failings in the face of the country's immobility by attributing their own faults to the Belgians who have not been in charge of it for more than six decades.


*What is this "Difference" that you speak of Mr Congo :unsure:

Seems like the same DRC Shit difference Day after Day, Week after Week, Month after Month, Year after Year imo :rolleyes:

Maybe it's Time for Change, but who the Fuck is truly willing to stand up to Corruption and fight for the DRC atm :unsure:

Food for thought :rolleyes:

Frank 🙏
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What's interesting @MoneyBags1348 is that we haven't heard a peep from the filthy worm JFMK apart from the slight hissy fit he had on twitter (if that account is even legit).
He's dug in the DRC like a tapeworm deep in the guts pulling on nerve endings in the digestive tract and stifling the country's development for the past 20 years as his shit worm mates eat up most of whatever comes out the arse end.

Incredible just how well protected and entrenched he must be not to rate a mention in the media when he essentially controls this whole corrupted mining system.
Only one who's written an article about him in the past 2 years seems to be Kiki.
Doesn't get a mention by the government, only the occasional self promotional bullshit from the man himself to bolster his own ego like the fine dining in Canada.
Also given the above, interesting that it's been said that he doesn't like Nigel...
If FT was legit he'd extract the parasite, this may give investors some hope imo.
Alas either these corrupt pricks have got FT by the balls or he simply does whatever they want for watches and snacks.

Yes I agree Sam. Mupande is said to be part of a seemingly untouchable group

A little reminder from a source….

According to Bosolo Kweli (alias of our source), a close associate of the CEO of CAMI, the former Strategic Advisor to the Head of State (Vidiye Tshimanga) has become a great businessman in the mining sector for having succeeded in maintaining a CEO ghost at the head of this establishment.

Several Advisors and men of the seraglio of Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi have thus obtained and exploit free of charge the licenses of Gecamines, in Katanga, thanks to the cover of Jean-Félix Mupande.

Thus, in several mining cases, we find partners Mr. Vidiye Tshimanga and Guy Loando Mboyo.

While the Presidency of the Republic wanted to pledge, to the Qataris, a gold mine in the Grand Oriental area, for nearly a billion dollars, Vidiye Tshimanga and Guy Loando in complicity with the very powerful and phantom CEO of CAMI, interfered in the affair. Jean-Félix Mupande, according to our source, has always been the band's companion and advisor in their mining affairs.
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Bla bla bla…the conclusion is, you can’t use Aussies nowhere in the world because there work balance is like a donkey…everywhere where you met them you become the Imagine that there is a looser in front of you…stay in your own country and do what you want, but don’t irritate people with your knowledge that’s like an child who look in the sky and dream about to met Santa Claus 🎅…the damage that the holy BoD arranged is unique in the world 🌍
Poor English Pete! care to have another go? so people understand what you are saying.
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Cumquat Cap

More damage the better, fuck these corrupt politicians
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Bla bla bla…the conclusion is, you can’t use Aussies nowhere in the world because there work balance is like a donkey…everywhere where you met them you become the Imagine that there is a looser in front of you…stay in your own country and do what you want, but don’t irritate people with your knowledge that’s like an child who look in the sky and dream about to met Santa Claus 🎅…the damage that the holy BoD arranged is unique in the world 🌍

Only I am allowed to post this because it’s not racism if I do so

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F*k bipolar!
It’s kind of bipolar, but really it’s simply keeping two opposing thoughts in my mind at the same time. I can believe we are going to succeed and believe we are going to fail. It’s hard to call. As I’ve said. I didn’t sign up to be a part of a lawsuit against a sovereign government. I signed up to mine with an imminent mining license. I mean really I signed up to watch some drill cores come in. When I read about DRC elites attending state operated conferences in China. And I I look to our management and see nothing but a case in an American (the failing empire) court. I am gravely concerned. This is a reasonable and negative thought. Additionally when I read economics books that speak to Americas failing influence. I am further concerned. I can simultaneously believe we have a responsible BOD doing there best. And a bunch of GEO hacks leading an investment from a nation that will get swatted like a fly. I can think of $12 US and I can think of 0. And I can propose these ideas in a forum where we are all waiting for anything at all from a BOD taking down 2mill a year. None of this reflects a mental disorder or is particularly funny.
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Biding my Time 1971
Bla bla bla…the conclusion is, you can’t use Aussies nowhere in the world because there work balance is like a donkey…everywhere where you met them you become the Imagine that there is a looser in front of you…stay in your own country and do what you want, but don’t irritate people with your knowledge that’s like an child who look in the sky and dream about to met Santa Claus 🎅…the damage that the holy BoD arranged is unique in the world 🌍

Mate, speak to us in your first language and we'll translate it.

then fuck off
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Well SH’s we have made it ..60 weeks in Limbo








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Bla bla bla…the conclusion is, you can’t use Aussies nowhere in the world because there work balance is like a donkey…everywhere where you met them you become the Imagine that there is a looser in front of you…stay in your own country and do what you want, but don’t irritate people with your knowledge that’s like an child who look in the sky and dream about to met Santa Claus 🎅…the damage that the holy BoD arranged is unique in the world 🌍
Welcome to Straya

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Biding my Time 1971
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