Stable Genius
It is articles like this that cast the seed of doubt in my psyche. If someone has a bit of time and knowledge and would like to cheer me up, could they construct a short rebuttal to that fool? I will love you forever.
This article as usual has obviously been posted with an agenda. Just like how Putin is telling his people Russia is the Victim here; I would think the country doing the bombing, slaughter and rape of civilians is the aggressor!
It’s not even who you want to believe.,,, the information is all out there. After doing my research it’s blatantly obvious this article is biased however just to be sure I’d better send a copy to Mercedes Benz and Valeo in case their highly qualified staff have all got it wrong.
And I better chase up the ISL professor, ex DARPA Director with 30 years experience as a radar and EW specialist who was talking about how good Brainchip is on LinkedIn…. He can pass the info onto NASA that the product is rubbish and their last 2 years have been wasted!
We’d better give Renesas and Megachips their money back as well if the products a dud! Especially Megachips; they’ve recently spent $20M in America to set up there to sell AI to the American market.
It’s probably a bit late for Renesas now as they have already begun making their SOC to sell in the millions each quarter; they’ll find out it’s a dud soon enough I suppose.
The easiest way to hear from Independent companies (Intel Foundry Service, SiFive, AI Labs, Renesas) is to read the information that came out with the Gen 2 release. It’s readily available on Brainchip’s website.
TATA‘s research paper compared Brainchip with competitors with favourable results; I can’t see every company globally choosing a $30,000 product over a $50 product which is smaller and uses less power so I‘m confident Brainchip will find a market.
I’d better write and thank the MF for their in depth research as they’ve saved me a quid. Next I better pay them money to find out what their other researched solutions are; I’m sure for a fee they’ll give me 5 better investments.
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