seeds have the potential to become trees.
When you look at the companies that have engagement with us, the likes of :Just to make it easier:
“Tim Llewellynn
CEO/Co-Founder of NVISO Human Behaviour AI | President Bonseyes Community Association | Coordinator Bonseyes AI Marketplace | IBM Beacon Award Winner #metaverse #edgeai #decentralizedai. 1w
On the 18th day of Christmas, Santa brought me …. eye tracking running on neuromorphic hardware.
Detects gaze direction, iris/pupil detection, eye openness, and eye landmarks.
Asymmetrical eye tracking (left/right eye independent)
2.84 degree gaze accuracy (on in-domain data)
1000+ FPS on neuromorphic hardware
<250 KB model size
Designed specifically for applications of:
1. digital avatars,
2. human machine interfaces,
3. robots, and
4. driver monitoring systems.”
Very hard for anyone to ignore 1,000 plus frames per second.
Overnight probably at a time of half sleep the thought occurred to me that all of the companies that have now been disclosed do not on my understanding have a reputation for requiring absolute secrecy about commercial engagements.
So still lurking in the background is the company which is so large and important that it can demand absolute secrecy and if breached can cause a disaster for Brainchip and its shareholders.
When you look at the companies already made public some are far from being insignificant so it is very intriguing.
The level of secrecy required likely excludes any company where disclosure of any kind has been made. To this end Samsung, Tata, Nvidia can probably be excluded.
This then leaves Amazon, AWS, Apple, Microsoft, Tesla and ???
I wait and wonder what, when, who and will the eventual disclosure light up the market like the Sydney Harbour Bridge on New Years Eve.
My speculation and opinion only DYOR
Socionext, Tata, TSMC, ARM, Intel, NASA, Merc, Ford, Valeo, Renasas, Megachips,Dell, just to name a few of the big names. It really is not a far to stretch to think that one of our super secret NDAs could be the likes of Google, Microsoft, Tesla, Apple, etc. and lest not forget that it has been stated that we are working with a large South Korean company! Samsung, Hyundai, LG comes to mind..