The Brainchip Bar - friendly banter / anything goes - all welcome!


Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Afternoon Chippers,

More tunes for those inclined...




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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
  • Thought I would take us over to 'The Bar' :);)
Make sure you have a big drink of water when swallowing those blue pills. Last time I had one I didn't drink enough water to wash it down and it got stuck in my throat., Had a stiff neck for 6 hours.
Stop you falling out of bed! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Morning Chippers,

Great set to kick the week off.

Don't be soft... CRANK IT.


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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Good Morning Chippers,

Great set to kick the week off.

Don't be soft... CRANK IT.



Nice pad ...... :love:
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Can we land an IP contract any time soon..? Argh... we've been letting shorters to take advantage for soooooo long...
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.




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@Space Cadet yes the gig will be up for little coke sniffing bandit. Once he has done the evil work for US tyranny.

Hey @Rise from the ashes

why don’t you spend more of your precious time researching the internet for things related to Brainchip, neuromorphic computing and Edge AI instead of blindly copying and pasting all that pro-Kremlin propaganda (and other conspiracy theory stuff) from your Telegram groups or Twitter?

Yes, I am aware this thread is called “The Brainchip Bar - friendly banter/anything goes - all welcome”, but - correct me if I am wrong - I’d say the intention of this thread was not to serve people’s personal political agendas or vendettas.
Reminds me a lot of the COVID vaccination thread in The Lounge, which was never meant to be a forum for serious exchange, was it?

Oh, and by the way:

“Reasonable people can disagree on the role of the U.S. in the war between Ukraine and Russia. But nobody should be sharing fake videos to advance their cause. There are already enough fake images on the internet to go around.”

Don’t you agree with that?
While you didn’t post that actual video, you still help to spread that lie.
Which is quite ironic given that you seem to be on a mission to reveal all those Western governments’ “lies”.
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I've given up on researching Brainchip stuff. And do what I please I don't tell anyone what to do with there time.

Well, then just stick to those memes and videos considered funny by basically everyone and please don’t hijack this “friendly banter” thread for your personal political agenda.

May I suggest you instead open up another thread in The Lounge titled “The evil Western governments in bed with the WEF, and how they try to subjugate us all” or similar. Or maybe even “Tips for Emigrating to Russia/North Korea”?
Do you actually appreciate how lucky you are to live in a democratic country like Australia?
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No I won't stick to just those memes. Not you or anybody has the right to control what I do.
Perhaps you like countries that can control what their citizens can post or think. I do not!
Oh the irony! So that’s why you are supporting Putin’s government?!
You are aware that you would not be allowed to publish anti-government stuff over there and instead risk to find yourself in a Siberian labour camp or become the target of poisoning?!

No, I do not like countries that control what their citizens can post or think.
And I don’t support censorship.

But I don’t agree with you that this thread is a suitable channel for your said controversial postings on a daily basis now. And I am pretty sure I am not the only forum poster here who dislikes the direction this thread has recently been heading.

By the way, you are not quite right about “Not you or anybody has the right to control what I do.” If you infringe on the rights of others, you can be sanctioned, and rightly so. Otherwise societies wouldn’t work. Even perfectly ideal democratic ones.
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Well take it up with @zeeb0t frankly I don't give a damn. Lolz daily controversial postings you've got to be kidding.
I'll gladly hand in my membership and cease posting here if he thinks I'm out of order.

Okay, make that “almost daily”. True, you skipped Sunday.











Tomorrow - TBA…

I never suggested you should cease posting altogether.
I am only suggesting to take your personal political agenda somewhere else.
I can’t force you to, but neither can you stop me from voicing my opinion on that.
It is not the odd post I am objecting to, but the (to me obvious) agenda behind all these cumulative posts. Very similar to downramping, by the way.
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Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF
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Obviously you are some sort of weird stalker type please stop this harassment.
And what makes you think you are right and I am wrong. You think way too highly of yourself
Excuse me, harassment?!!! Weird stalker?!!!

I was simply replying to your “Lolz daily controversial postings you've got to be kidding.” to demonstrate what I meant by “controversial postings on a daily basis now”. Nothing more.

Well then, continue to spam this BRN thread with your conspiracy theories and foul language.
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Dr Dre Oh Snap GIF
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Fortunately, I have two bars and can choose which one I go to.

For us Germans and Europeans this topic of war in Ukraine is much closer than for you. My family, for example, has taken in a Ukrainian family.

Putin terrorises the civilian population every single night with kamikaze drones. A large part is intercepted because of defence solutions provided by the partners, first and foremost the USA. In Ukraine it is a matter of life and death every day/night in the war waged by Putin and largely supported by the Russian people because Putin has systematically lied to his people for years and has built his system.

Now this/your totally twisted picture that is like pure Russian propaganda. Compare the top three people and think about what they have in common. Putting them in a row with the fourth person and in this context is not funny or true but pure Russian propaganda.

I have nothing at all against crude jokes or borderline slurs in a bar. But I find this post of yours totally and utterly inappropriate in a liberal western forum which is an investment forum. US tyranny?! Did you read my post with the article about China here? Or do you know how Putin got his people to wage this war against their own friendly neighbours who are often family on both sides? Through years of propaganda the gradual expansion of Russia into a right-wing conservative military dictatorship as Putin announced many years ago. I have had the following article checked by a historian to see whether it is authentic.

"Politics St. Petersburg politician wants dictatorship

Pinochet as a role model

St. Petersburg (ND). Vladimir Putin, second mayor of St. Petersburg and chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the city of six million, has made it clear to German business representatives that a military dictatorship along the lines of the Chilean model would be the desirable solution to Russia's current political problems. This was reported by WDR in the TV feature "Aufbruch nach Osten" (Monday, 3 January 1994, WEST 3 from 9.15 to 9.45 p.m.). Putin answered questions from representatives of BASF, Dresdner Bank, Alcatel and others who met in in the former DDR Consulate General in St Petersburg.

Putin distinguished between "necessary" and "criminal" violence. He said that political violence was criminal if it was aimed at eliminating market-economy conditions, and "necessary" if it promoted or protected private capital investments.* In view of the difficult private economic path, Putin expressly approved of possible preparations by Yeltsin and the military to bring about a Pinochet-style dictatorship. Putin's remarks were received with friendly applause by both the German company representatives and the deputy German Consul General who was present.

*Think of his oligarchs.

Neues Deutschland (newspaper):

In our country the right and the left are united for once and are rather friendly to Putin, but for completely different motives. One favours an oppressive right-wing conservative anti-democratic model like Putin's (to drive his people into war like a tyrant and kill his neighbours). They were once a nation. And this with the insane propaganda that he is leading a fight against the right! The others agree out of perhaps nostalgia, because they still believe in the goodness of the USSR's oppression.

And you post here with the image that in reality the US caused the war. And you go one further by declaring or implying that the victims of this war are victims of US tyranny. I join @Frangipani and say to you here in the bar in a friendly way that you have gone too far for my taste. And not because of a false or misleading statement, like the earth is in reality a disc or COVID is a creation of the US military or the earth is the centre of the universe, but because these two posts are hurtful and insensitive to those who suffered, were killed or fled e.g. to my birthplace and now live in my parents' house.
We are talking about real lives and real fates and this is not a long time ago but is happening right now and the whole of Europe is involved and at the same time owes a great deal to the USA. I think it's inappropriate to stir up hatred of (? against ?) USA here, whether you intended to or not.
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Warning this may be too controversial for some.😏

Can I ask what the f@#k this type of post is doing on a BRN thread???????? And if you think its too controversial for "some" then why post it at all?? Seems to me you're just continually poking the bear..........
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Afternoon Chippers,

Some tunes , just started listening to this... going by her last set should be agreable.

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Are we all friends again?

Step Brothers: Eat your dick on Make a GIF

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I'm not one to keep drama going. There's enough of that in this world.

Honestly - that’s just laughable! 🤣

You are the one who rudely told me “How about go shove it.”, when I had simply asked you to move your highly divisive political postings to a new thread, accuse me of not only being arrogant but also of being a “weird stalker type” harassing you (seriously?!!), just because I posted screenshots of your own posts to substantiate my argument, remain unapologetic about your controversial posts but at the same time dare to let us all know you have no issue with innocent Ukrainian citizens (I am sure those refugee families who have called our local primary school’s gym their home for the past 15+ months would be extremely grateful if they’d find out the truth from you in faraway Australia that in reality Putin is no imperialist aggressive war criminal who has succeeded in brainwashing large parts of his population over the past decade and is responsible for their displacement and so much destruction, sorrow and pain on both sides of this horrible war which in turn triggered a massive shock to the global economy, but is in fact a saviour liberating their home country from drug-addicted Nazis and US tyranny and will one day fulfill his promise (and their subconscious dream) of reuniting Ukraine with the Russian Motherland - irony OFF), subtitled your profile picture with “STALKER BAIT” (which I consider not only ridiculous and highly provocative but also offensive to victims of real stalking) and just keep on provoking…

I reckon it is very obvious who keeps the drama going here, craving constant attention.
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Nice set☝️
And for those who can't handle a bit of controversial reality 😂

This is clearly aimed at me again. I am not entirely sure whether you are aware I am a woman, but I strongly object to this provoking me by posting a misogynistic rapper’s video.

I am still debating whether it makes more sense to report this post (which would be the first time ever I did this) or let it stand as proof for everyone to see what you consider respectful communication in a stock forum.
It’s quintessential flamebaiting, if you ask me.
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