The Brainchip Bar - friendly banter / anything goes - all welcome!


Another one for the blind fools who think this is not happening here
The boiling frog catches the stupid.

Come on mate, takes 2 seconds to read that these specialist centres are in addition to traditional banks.
Also the whole thing is reliant on the woman walking into a service centre and asking for cash like it's a bank.
It would be like walking into a Coles Express and losing your shit when you can't buy your week's groceries.

"NAB's similar new Expert Centres offer 'more space for appointments and digital banking support' by replacing face-to-face teller transactions with SmartATMs located on-site.
The NAB Expert Centres reserve their in-person customer service for loan products, new accounts, business banking and teaching customers how to bank digitally.
Similar to CommBank's Specialist Centres, they are in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane locations close to 'traditional branches'."




I used to have 6 banks down the road from me over the last 5 ish years they are all gone. And that's in CBD plenty of shops around here so no lack of foot traffic.

Serious question but roughly how old are you if you are comfortable answering?


And not saying it's going to happen overnight but the wheels have be turning for some time.
I'm just under 50 mate.
Heck they even have a name for it. EAud.
Better let the RBA know it's not happening
Most of the younger generation I've chatted with never even had a 100 dollar note in their wallet or even seen 100 dollar bill🤣

Thanks, just don't remember the last time I accessed a bank for the purpose of depositing or withdrawing cash.
They have ATMS for that.
Everything I have ever done at a bank since I got my first account has been what these specialist stores could help me with - loans, accounts, credit cards bank cheques etc
If I could do all of that garbage during my work day, on my computer, rather than have to go into store during business hours, or line up on a weekend because every geriatric decides Saturdays are the day to bank, I would be very happy.

I'm not sure what country you think we are turning into but, personally I am a nobody.
I give away copious amounts of my data every day; accessing this site, my emails, purchasing goods online, paying bills etc

Things that have gotten better with digital intervention: news, stocks, VicRoads, payments, shopping, mail, working, driving etc (everything that comes to mind, including Akida)

Things that are better without digital intervention: ...

BTW your point about the $100 is a bit silly, the note is just a promise note, with no physical value or use. No different to a bank account contract.
Unless you want to trade precious metals or commodities, how can goods and services be traded for food and shelter?
Promise notes provide the convenience for our daily lives, and I personally welcome any further conveniences.
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Serious question but roughly how old are you if you are comfortable answering?
It seems pretty obvious you don't live in a regional area. If you did you'd have an understanding of what branch closures are doing to regional Australia. Whether you like it or not there are many, many people who consider their bank branch (particularly in regional areas) to be part of the fabric of the community. And age is not a determining factor..............
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Thanks, just don't remember the last time I accessed a bank for the purpose of depositing or withdrawing cash.
They have ATMS for that.
Everything I have ever done at a bank since I got my first account has been what these specialist stores could help me with - loans, accounts, credit cards bank cheques etc
If I could do all of that garbage during my work day, on my computer, rather than have to go into store during business hours, or line up on a weekend because every geriatric decides Saturdays are the day to bank, I would be very happy.

I'm not sure what country you think we are turning into but, personally I am a nobody.
I give away copious amounts of my data every day; accessing this site, my emails, purchasing goods online, paying bills etc

Things that have gotten better with digital intervention: news, stocks, VicRoads, payments, shopping, mail, working, driving etc (everything that comes to mind, including Akida)

Things that are better without digital intervention: ...

BTW your point about the $100 is a bit silly, the note is just a promise note, with no physical value or use. No different to a bank account contract.
Unless you want to trade precious metals or commodities, how can goods and services be traded for food and shelter?
Promise notes provide the convenience for our daily lives, and I personally welcome any further conveniences.
What's your definition of a geriatric? Someone over 40? 50? 60? Clearly no respect for, or empathy with, others.............
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May I ask the same of you @Damo4
How old are you? Likewise if you are comfortable answering.
I'll be more precise I'm 49. 😳

Around 30, wasn't making an implication, just curious how your opinion related to your circumstances, and whether it was similar or different to mine.

I've grown up with being taught to always have a backup plan, in this case it's cash just Incase for some unseen factor in the future that the system shuts down or glitches I can still pay my bills, feed myself or whatever.

Yeah the back up plan I understand, but I meant the idea of a "note" is the trust in a larger system, which the RBA also dictates value for.
If you trust the value of your cash by the RBA, why not a CBDC?
I assume its the tracking aspect that cash can mitigate?

And yeah the ATM machines left also when the banks left.
It's affected many of the older people where I live.
And also created inconvenience for everyone else.
So much for progress 🤔

Is that related to cash or Physical stores? Seemed form the article you linked that the issue was a Specialist store not having cash, but in vicinity of a bank that would. "10 minutes away" was what was written.
I wasn't advocating for bank closures in anyway, just fully digital options being a good thing.

Unfortunately the majority decides the direction taken, which could leave some behind who aren't able to adapt:
Cash Use and Attitudes in Australia
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Did anyone know that narcissistic personality disorder is nearly 3 times as prevelant in those aged in their 20's and 30's than for those aged 60 plus (NIH study). Seems the baby boomer generation didn't do a very good job bringing up well adjusted children........... :eek::D
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The freedom of tracking by using cash is of no concern for me as I'm totally above board. It's like I mentioned. I want to be able to survive/live without some inconvenience of a total digital financial world (glitches, shutdown,etc)
And it's a way bigger concern than a specialist store mentioned in that article.
Ma be people have to travel a lot longer to a bank than ten minutes these days I have no concern for the younger able body people but more for the older folk who have difficulty traveling or who have no family to help them with these tasks. Do I trust the RBA with the value of my cash... Not particularly but I would still prefer to have some control over my finances.
I'll give those links a read a little later and respond. Doggo has decided it's time for a walk by grabbing his leash and barking incessantly 🤣

Mine manages to unclasp my watch, when he wants something, including food or a walk.
I thought it was a fluke the first time and must have accidently praised him lol
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Morning Rise,

Yep... so long as I get atleast two hours of REM sleep at night combined with the several micro naps whilst watching the screens all seems to be fine..


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Holding onto what I've got
Not directly Brainchip related, worth a watch then think about our technology and how we might be of better use.

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Stupidity fuels cults like MAGA, Naziism etc. Far more dangerous than malice as malice tends to be self those afflicted realize that it is is malicious. Death is the only assured correction for stupidity.

This German philosopher/clergyman got it right. No surprise that Hitler had him hanged.

Best read in weeks (for me). Gives one perspective re the stupid events that seem ubiquitous. (sorry Akida).

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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Good Morning Chippers,

Rocking set , enjoy.

Listend to it once & now on replay.

This lass may not have a degree in accounting... but by gad, can certainly splice rhythmic sound.

Crank it.

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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Good Morning Chippers,

Rocking set , enjoy.

Listend to it once & now on replay.

This lass may not have a degree in accounting... but by gad, can certainly splice rhythmic sound.

Crank it.


Cheers Esqy 🤟 Have a great Friday mate .....🎶🥁🎸 :cool: A GREEN one please 🤞
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
Oh and reminder 100 million up for grabs in the next Powerball draw. Try you luck chippers and if this post makes you do a ticket when you normally don't and you win.... 😂 All I ask for you to consider is to buy me a case of nice beer🥸
Edit ....
To drink on your nice brand new yacht whilst it's sailing the Cayman Islands 😂
yacht GIF
beer GIF
Oops!! better bring ya own beer!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:Have a great weekend Chippers.... Cheers :cool:
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Wasn't much of a fan of Sinead O'Connor
But RIP🙏

Made a few hours before she passed.


As Sinéad O’Connor was found unresponsive in her London flat on Wednesday (just weeks after she had moved to the city), the above video of her taken in a New Jersey motel room (a fact she mentions in that tearful video) can’t possibly have been recorded a few hours before she passed away…

A quick Google search confirms this: The late singer’s disturbing cry for help, battling mental illness and being suicidal at the time, was actually posted on Facebook in August 2017.

While it is well-known that Sinéad O’Connor had been struggling with mental health issues for many years, her cause of death has not been revealed to the public, and her family and friends have requested privacy. The police have merely stated that her death is not being treated as suspicious and that an autopsy to determine the cause of death will be conducted. Everything else is speculation right now.

What we do know:
In her last social media posts on Twitter, she repeatedly expressed the devastating heartbreak she felt over her son Shane’s suicide, who killed himself in January 2022, aged 17, after escaping hospital while on suicide watch, and how this tragedy had affected her life ever since.

In what appears to be her final video on social media, posted on July 9, Sinéad O’Connor also told her followers on Twitter she had recently moved into her new London flat (where the video was taken) and was writing new songs.

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Learning to the Top 🕵‍♂️
May I ask for some fingers crossed for my Lil dude on the 8th he's going in for another ultrasound to see if his prostate has grown since last scan. Which was still pretty big . He's been ok no display of discomfort. But worse case scenario he'll have to have it removed ☹️
seriously WTF
View attachment 41148
Appointment has now been moved to tomorrow morning.
About and hour ago whilst I was typing this message out he starting screaming whilst trying to go number 2.
It's been months and no pain yet I type out a message asking for fingers crossed them bam.☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
Hope everything goes well for the little dude.

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