The Brainchip Bar - friendly banter / anything goes - all welcome!


I just came from a concert and it was really impressive. The video here is a bit before but the pieces and performance are the same. From 26min particularly interesting and for women from 28min very interesting .) with us they squealed with joy. From 26 15min listen. But also in full length of course. Rarely heard something so impressive.
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...reminds me somewhat of stormy good old days and Nature One the festival on the rocket base Pydna. Legend. The SP also needs a kick in the ass.

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...reminds me somewhat of stormy good old days and Nature One the festival on the rocket base Pydna. Legend. The SP also needs a kick in the ass. cheap music and yet I have to grin like this
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That was the Olymp


Cold War and later we
sweat came from the concrete ceiling
what a time ..
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This granny is a crack up her reaction is gold.
Just for the prudes and easily offended people who can get distraught from hearing a few cuss words.
Don't watch it!

See what I mean?

The above post is showing @Rise from the ashes’ true colours once again - he just can’t seem to stop attacking me personally just because I dared to stand up to him and tell him he had crossed a line. The anonymity of the internet is a breeding ground for trolls, who in real life are often very lonely people with low self-esteem and/or an attention-deficit disorder.

Oh, and for the record - I am neither prude nor offended by swear words in general nor by this video in particular. What a shame, huh?

Too bad @Rise from the ashes can’t read this himself as he has purportedly put me on ignore, but in the unlikely case this is true (as I believe he is just dying to see a hysterical reply of mine, hoping (in vain, I should add) for me to throw the towel), rest assured his loyal diehard fans will be zealous messengers.

Well, please convey to him my music suggestion for today:

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Interesting short on how Honey bee's fightback against hornets.

Love a bit of JR - what’s your favourite podcast of his? I like the Bob Lazar, and the Brian Cox ones best…
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Love a bit of JR - what’s your favourite podcast of his? I like the Bob Lazar, and the Brian Cox ones best…

Bob Lazar, the self-declared “physicist” who blatantly lies about his education and claims to have worked on a top secret US government reverse-engineering UFO project?
You’d better take his claims with shovels of salt. I would highly recommend to read the following well-researched article about him:

Here are some excerpts (bold print is mine):

“Many believe Bob Lazar is telling the truth, especially after seeing him on the Joe Rogan Experience - a 2-hour+ podcast with 50 million views on YouTube - in which he came across as “believable”. Supporters of Lazar say he’s the ultimate whistleblower, proving that the US authorities have a secret reverse-engineering UFO program. If Lazar’s claims are true, it would undoubtedly be the biggest story in decades. Many people also think he’s a liar.


Let’s start off with what is commonly known. A lot of people have understandably dismissed Bob Lazar as a liar simply because of what he’s said about his further education. What is true is that he attended the W Tresper Clarke High School in Westbury, New York, finishing in the bottom third of his class. The only science course he took there was chemistry. He then went on to study electronics at Pierce Junior College, an institution described as having been in “the lowest row” of Los Angeles’ community colleges. Lazar’s credibility was immediately put in doubt when he announced that he also had Masters degrees from both Caltech and MIT, claims which are verifiably false. There are no records whatsoever of him attending either of these two prestigious universities. Indeed, Caltech has never offered a graduate degree in “electronic technology” or “electronics”, contrary to Lazar’s assertions. When asked in 1993 to name any professors who taught him at either place, Lazar offered up “Dr Duxler” and “Hohsfield”. No such people have ever worked at Caltech or MIT, whereas a William Duxler was at Pierce Junior College and a Frederick Hohsfield taught Technical and Vocation at the W Tresper Clarke High School. Suggestions that Lazar’s credentials have somehow been “erased” by “the government” are absurd and for conspiracy theorists who’ve reached rock-bottom.

According to the pre-sentencing records for Bob Lazar’s conviction for pandering, he claimed a BSc in Physics and Electronic Technology from Pacifica University - a "correspondence university” that was shut down in 1978 by the State of California for selling degrees.

Lazar first married Carol Nadine Strong in 1980. Carol was much older than Bob, with a colourful past that included drug abuse and serving a prison sentence for second-degree murder. In May 1982, they moved from California to Los Alamos, New Mexico, and set up a photo processing business. Everyone familiar with the Bob Lazar story knows that the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) phone book listed him in 1982, with “K/M” next to his name. Kirk-Mayer was a contractor providing electronic technicians for LANL.


Bob Lazar’s criminal conviction for pandering ended with sentencing in August 1990. An additional little-known fact is that he and Carol had previously invested in another brothel, the Honeysuckle Ranch, in northern Nevada. No mention of ownership or income from this brothel was included in the 1986 bankruptcy filing.

Any suggestion that Bob Lazar would be considered suitable to work at a secret government facility, necessitating rigorous background checks to get security clearances, is ludicrous in the extreme. He lacked the qualifications in physics and work experience. His financial track record was dreadful, culminating in bankruptcy not long before he allegedly began work on the reverse engineering of an off-world craft. And his first wife, Carol, with a criminal record, had committed suicide - two days after he married Tracy for the first, but not last, time. Regardless of whether Tracy was having an affair with her flying instructor or not - the reason which Bob Lazar said flagged up potential emotional instability, causing concern for his employers at “S-4” - surely the warning red flags had already been flying high in the wind long beforehand?


The alleged “S-4” facility is said to be within a hollowed-out hillside at the edge of Papoose Lake, several miles south-southwest of Area 51. Lazar has stated there were nine large hanger doors - which would add up to a continuous length greater than 600ft - painted, with no vegetation growing on this significant area. Thankfully, there’s Google Earth. Allowing for the possibility of camouflage, there’s no indication whatsoever of any manmade construction here. The dirt access track is extremely limited - described by Lazar’s friend, Gene Huff, as nothing more than a “jeep trail” - and you’d certainly expect to see much more of a road if large amounts of excavated rock had been hauled away in trucks and construction materials brought in, not to mention daily bus traffic back and forth from Groom Lake. Nevada is the driest state in the US, so you’d see lasting indications for several decades after any work might have been done. We know this from studying our own 30,700 acre Komsberg Wilderness Nature Reserve in South Africa, using Google Earth since 2005 (at which point we were also looking at Area 51/Papoose Lake). In a semi-arid or arid environment, recovery from any man-made degradation is painfully slow - with traces of past disturbance typically persisting for decades.

According to what Lazar said to Gene Huff, the “S-4” facility had a chain-link fence around it, with large gates through which a bus could pass. Again, there’s no sign of this on Google Earth.

A small group of Greenpeace protesters entered the Nevada restricted area in 1983. They walked across Papoose Lake, seeing no indications of security or a secret base.

Gabriel Zeifman is a private pilot who made three flights in his Cessna 150 very close to the Nevada Test and Training Range in 2019/2020. He took his camera with him and captured many high-quality photographic images of Area 51 etc. These included good views of Papoose Lake, confirming what can be seen by using Google Earth.

Papoose Lake is actually within the National Desert Wildlife Refuge, at the top northwest corner of these 1.6 million acres of protected land. Although there are public restrictions forbidding access to Papoose Lake, it wouldn’t make bureaucratic sense to site a top-secret facility here. It should also be mentioned that the usually dry lake bed occasionally floods after heavy rainfall, which would be considered problematic by any qualified structural engineer at an early planning stage.

This next additional point is just speculative, but wouldn’t it be more conventional to construct a building or buildings, like has been repeatedly done at nearby Area 51 and elsewhere, rather than opting for an elaborate underground structure more typical of a James Bond movie? You could then use regular contractors, rather than having to bring in specialists, limiting the chance of arousing suspicion and possible security breaches. The reality, of course, is that there’s nothing there.


Wide view of Papoose Lake (Credit: Google Earth)

According to Lazar’s story, only two people were working on the UFO propulsion system: Barry and, of course, Bob himself. Prior to Bob’s arrival on the scene, there’d been Barry and Brian - until Brian had been killed whilst trying to cut open the saucer’s reactor, a highly unlikely scenario in itself. In total, a mere 22 scientists were supposedly engaged with solving the technical mysteries of the UFOs, including Barry and Bob. As a real-life comparison, 130,000 people worked on the Manhattan Project at its peak.


In 2018, a documentary titled Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers was released, written and directed by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. It was widely criticised, by professional reviewers and the public alike. Here are some of the shorter comments: “absolute garbage”, “a jumbled mess”, “awful misfire of a documentary”, “a rehash”, “a flop”, “horribly directed”, “bizarre style”, “jarring to watch”, “the audio is terrible”, “a wasted opportunity”, “annoying CGI effects”, “self-serving”, “amateurish”, “a pompous film”, “cringeworthy”, “one of the worst documentaries I’ve ever watched”, “silly”, “a commercial for the director’s ego”, and “terrible!!!”

Corbell featured prominently in his own documentary - as well as later appearing alongside Lazar on the Joe Rogan Experience - prompting numerous comments about him from viewers such as “off-putting”, “attention seeking”, “suffering from narcissism”, “pretentious”, “delusions of grandeur”, “I can’t stand him”, “egocentric”, and “such a tool”.

Corbell has made much of himself “confirming” Lazar’s story, which amounts to nothing more than blatant hype. First, there’s the biometric hand scanner. These have been around for ages. One was even featured in the classic 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The suggestion that only Bob Lazar mentioned them way back in 1989 is utter nonsense. Then there’s Corbell’s insistence that Lazar had “inside information” about element 115, allegedly the fuel for UFOs. Again, this is grossly misleading. Yes, the periodic table was only updated in 2016 with four new chemical elements - including 115, also known as moscovian, which was discovered in 2003. But scientists have always expected further new elements to be added, and this will happen again in the future. Lazar had earlier claimed that 115 was “stable”, whereas recently synthesised atoms of 115 decay incredibly fast - so there’s no justified comparison here between Lazar’s claims and the current known reality. Articles appeared as early as 1969 about there being a possible “island of stability” around element 114, so Lazar could easily have got his idea from reading one of them. His interest in science is genuine, but it’s obviously self-taught. Corbell has also spoken to a couple of individuals who knew Bob Lazar in the ‘80s, but the accuracy of what was told to him is disputed because others have subsequently contacted the same individuals who tell a differing version of what was actually said.

We can’t move on from element 115 without mentioning that Lazar claims to have “acquired” some of this “UFO fuel” in its “solid” state from LANL. He apparently has it hidden somewhere. If this is true, why hasn’t he taken it to Garry Nolan who has the equipment to analyse it? And if Lazar is “disinterested in UFO stuff”, why hasn’t George Knapp or Jeremy Corbell persuaded him to do it via them? After all, if the claim really is true, this would prove his story beyond any shadow of a doubt. Furthermore, why hasn’t Lazar been asked to appear as a witness in front of a Congressional hearing looking at UAP and legacy programs? Wouldn’t he be the No. 1 candidate? (…)”
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Bob Lazar, the self-declared “physicist” who blatantly lies about his education and claims to have worked on a top secret US government reverse-engineering UFO project?
You’d better take his claims with shovels of salt. I would highly recommend to read the following well-researched article about him:

Here are some excerpts (bold print is mine):

“Many believe Bob Lazar is telling the truth, especially after seeing him on the Joe Rogan Experience - a 2-hour+ podcast with 50 million views on YouTube - in which he came across as “believable”. Supporters of Lazar say he’s the ultimate whistleblower, proving that the US authorities have a secret reverse-engineering UFO program. If Lazar’s claims are true, it would undoubtedly be the biggest story in decades. Many people also think he’s a liar.


Let’s start off with what is commonly known. A lot of people have understandably dismissed Bob Lazar as a liar simply because of what he’s said about his further education. What is true is that he attended the W Tresper Clarke High School in Westbury, New York, finishing in the bottom third of his class. The only science course he took there was chemistry. He then went on to study electronics at Pierce Junior College, an institution described as having been in “the lowest row” of Los Angeles’ community colleges. Lazar’s credibility was immediately put in doubt when he announced that he also had Masters degrees from both Caltech and MIT, claims which are verifiably false. There are no records whatsoever of him attending either of these two prestigious universities. Indeed, Caltech has never offered a graduate degree in “electronic technology” or “electronics”, contrary to Lazar’s assertions. When asked in 1993 to name any professors who taught him at either place, Lazar offered up “Dr Duxler” and “Hohsfield”. No such people have ever worked at Caltech or MIT, whereas a William Duxler was at Pierce Junior College and a Frederick Hohsfield taught Technical and Vocation at the W Tresper Clarke High School. Suggestions that Lazar’s credentials have somehow been “erased” by “the government” are absurd and for conspiracy theorists who’ve reached rock-bottom.

According to the pre-sentencing records for Bob Lazar’s conviction for pandering, he claimed a BSc in Physics and Electronic Technology from Pacifica University - a "correspondence university” that was shut down in 1978 by the State of California for selling degrees.

Lazar first married Carol Nadine Strong in 1980. Carol was much older than Bob, with a colourful past that included drug abuse and serving a prison sentence for second-degree murder. In May 1982, they moved from California to Los Alamos, New Mexico, and set up a photo processing business. Everyone familiar with the Bob Lazar story knows that the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) phone book listed him in 1982, with “K/M” next to his name. Kirk-Mayer was a contractor providing electronic technicians for LANL.


Bob Lazar’s criminal conviction for pandering ended with sentencing in August 1990. An additional little-known fact is that he and Carol had previously invested in another brothel, the Honeysuckle Ranch, in northern Nevada. No mention of ownership or income from this brothel was included in the 1986 bankruptcy filing.

Any suggestion that Bob Lazar would be considered suitable to work at a secret government facility, necessitating rigorous background checks to get security clearances, is ludicrous in the extreme. He lacked the qualifications in physics and work experience. His financial track record was dreadful, culminating in bankruptcy not long before he allegedly began work on the reverse engineering of an off-world craft. And his first wife, Carol, with a criminal record, had committed suicide - two days after he married Tracy for the first, but not last, time. Regardless of whether Tracy was having an affair with her flying instructor or not - the reason which Bob Lazar said flagged up potential emotional instability, causing concern for his employers at “S-4” - surely the warning red flags had already been flying high in the wind long beforehand?


The alleged “S-4” facility is said to be within a hollowed-out hillside at the edge of Papoose Lake, several miles south-southwest of Area 51. Lazar has stated there were nine large hanger doors - which would add up to a continuous length greater than 600ft - painted, with no vegetation growing on this significant area. Thankfully, there’s Google Earth. Allowing for the possibility of camouflage, there’s no indication whatsoever of any manmade construction here. The dirt access track is extremely limited - described by Lazar’s friend, Gene Huff, as nothing more than a “jeep trail” - and you’d certainly expect to see much more of a road if large amounts of excavated rock had been hauled away in trucks and construction materials brought in, not to mention daily bus traffic back and forth from Groom Lake. Nevada is the driest state in the US, so you’d see lasting indications for several decades after any work might have been done. We know this from studying our own 30,700 acre Komsberg Wilderness Nature Reserve in South Africa, using Google Earth since 2005 (at which point we were also looking at Area 51/Papoose Lake). In a semi-arid or arid environment, recovery from any man-made degradation is painfully slow - with traces of past disturbance typically persisting for decades.

According to what Lazar said to Gene Huff, the “S-4” facility had a chain-link fence around it, with large gates through which a bus could pass. Again, there’s no sign of this on Google Earth.

A small group of Greenpeace protesters entered the Nevada restricted area in 1983. They walked across Papoose Lake, seeing no indications of security or a secret base.

Gabriel Zeifman is a private pilot who made three flights in his Cessna 150 very close to the Nevada Test and Training Range in 2019/2020. He took his camera with him and captured many high-quality photographic images of Area 51 etc. These included good views of Papoose Lake, confirming what can be seen by using Google Earth.

Papoose Lake is actually within the National Desert Wildlife Refuge, at the top northwest corner of these 1.6 million acres of protected land. Although there are public restrictions forbidding access to Papoose Lake, it wouldn’t make bureaucratic sense to site a top-secret facility here. It should also be mentioned that the usually dry lake bed occasionally floods after heavy rainfall, which would be considered problematic by any qualified structural engineer at an early planning stage.

This next additional point is just speculative, but wouldn’t it be more conventional to construct a building or buildings, like has been repeatedly done at nearby Area 51 and elsewhere, rather than opting for an elaborate underground structure more typical of a James Bond movie? You could then use regular contractors, rather than having to bring in specialists, limiting the chance of arousing suspicion and possible security breaches. The reality, of course, is that there’s nothing there.


Wide view of Papoose Lake (Credit: Google Earth)

According to Lazar’s story, only two people were working on the UFO propulsion system: Barry and, of course, Bob himself. Prior to Bob’s arrival on the scene, there’d been Barry and Brian - until Brian had been killed whilst trying to cut open the saucer’s reactor, a highly unlikely scenario in itself. In total, a mere 22 scientists were supposedly engaged with solving the technical mysteries of the UFOs, including Barry and Bob. As a real-life comparison, 130,000 people worked on the Manhattan Project at its peak.


In 2018, a documentary titled Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers was released, written and directed by Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell. It was widely criticised, by professional reviewers and the public alike. Here are some of the shorter comments: “absolute garbage”, “a jumbled mess”, “awful misfire of a documentary”, “a rehash”, “a flop”, “horribly directed”, “bizarre style”, “jarring to watch”, “the audio is terrible”, “a wasted opportunity”, “annoying CGI effects”, “self-serving”, “amateurish”, “a pompous film”, “cringeworthy”, “one of the worst documentaries I’ve ever watched”, “silly”, “a commercial for the director’s ego”, and “terrible!!!”

Corbell featured prominently in his own documentary - as well as later appearing alongside Lazar on the Joe Rogan Experience - prompting numerous comments about him from viewers such as “off-putting”, “attention seeking”, “suffering from narcissism”, “pretentious”, “delusions of grandeur”, “I can’t stand him”, “egocentric”, and “such a tool”.

Corbell has made much of himself “confirming” Lazar’s story, which amounts to nothing more than blatant hype. First, there’s the biometric hand scanner. These have been around for ages. One was even featured in the classic 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The suggestion that only Bob Lazar mentioned them way back in 1989 is utter nonsense. Then there’s Corbell’s insistence that Lazar had “inside information” about element 115, allegedly the fuel for UFOs. Again, this is grossly misleading. Yes, the periodic table was only updated in 2016 with four new chemical elements - including 115, also known as moscovian, which was discovered in 2003. But scientists have always expected further new elements to be added, and this will happen again in the future. Lazar had earlier claimed that 115 was “stable”, whereas recently synthesised atoms of 115 decay incredibly fast - so there’s no justified comparison here between Lazar’s claims and the current known reality. Articles appeared as early as 1969 about there being a possible “island of stability” around element 114, so Lazar could easily have got his idea from reading one of them. His interest in science is genuine, but it’s obviously self-taught. Corbell has also spoken to a couple of individuals who knew Bob Lazar in the ‘80s, but the accuracy of what was told to him is disputed because others have subsequently contacted the same individuals who tell a differing version of what was actually said.

We can’t move on from element 115 without mentioning that Lazar claims to have “acquired” some of this “UFO fuel” in its “solid” state from LANL. He apparently has it hidden somewhere. If this is true, why hasn’t he taken it to Garry Nolan who has the equipment to analyse it? And if Lazar is “disinterested in UFO stuff”, why hasn’t George Knapp or Jeremy Corbell persuaded him to do it via them? After all, if the claim really is true, this would prove his story beyond any shadow of a doubt. Furthermore, why hasn’t Lazar been asked to appear as a witness in front of a Congressional hearing looking at UAP and legacy programs? Wouldn’t he be the No. 1 candidate? (…)”
Shovel of salt, but a very interesting conversation non the less.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Don't worry kids. This is a very groovy toon, particularly at 2.18 mins IMO.

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Some 'old' techno

For me personally everything starts with a good HiFi station. I drop my pants - tubes pre amp and with pure class AA in the power amp and then come my beloved Dynaudios.)
Of course I rarely hear anything like that, but a good station makes everything better.
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Morning Chippers,

Just mooving this set over to the correct thread.

Great way to kick the week off.

Don't be soft , CRANK IT.


Regards ,
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To vaccinate or not.

I believe this was a hot topic of discussion and still is.

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