It's clear that he sees it that way, as a supplier of batteries. I actually wanted to refer to your reactor post @Slymeat, but it's no longer there. The situation here is extremely polarised. There is only yes and no and no objective and substantive discussion. I think it is always important to take a multi-track approach and work with many solutions instead of putting everything on one desperate card. Once the technology is sold to Asia, it will not be developed further. Sweden is a good example. Some would like to ban the currently still dirty cement. But that would also prevent it from becoming climate-neutral. I see the same thing here with the ICE. For a niche solution and under strict conditions, I would keep it. I know I'm a bit alone in this. But I also have good reasons for seeing so. Our old environment minister didn't care, the main thing was 100% EV. Whether they have a more negative impact than an ICE and whether they are manufactured in a dirty way was irrelevant to her.
For example, there are technologies that the market knows nothing about. One example is the steam engine called ZEE (Zero Emission Engine) and the EYEE03 from VW. I only have the information in German. In the end, we all want to protect the environment as quickly and efficiently as possible. I know the discussion is polarising on all fronts. Actually, it's a better topic for the dusty bar. Time for a party
For example, there are technologies that the market knows nothing about. One example is the steam engine called ZEE (Zero Emission Engine) and the EYEE03 from VW. I only have the information in German. In the end, we all want to protect the environment as quickly and efficiently as possible. I know the discussion is polarising on all fronts. Actually, it's a better topic for the dusty bar. Time for a party