Small volume offered on the publicly viewable sell side of the ledger with a few traders selling into what they hope is a pump.
BrainChip, under current leadership has been as tight as the proverbial trout's arsehole when it comes to leaks, but there has now been a good deal more staff turnover and the opportunity for sensitive information getting out and picked up by tech and market makers and utilised in a quiet sort of a way has increased.
Shorting activity is way down (although bouncing) and as much as I hate those bastards, they seem to be right more often than not.
So, whilst I am tempted here to throw a few hundred thousand onto the fire in expectation of a dump to follow and then buying back more at a lower price (maybe back at .17), I likely won't as I'd like to keep my 50% CG tax discount that will be worth hundreds of thousands to me in the event of a coming
BIG announcement. So a small but nice profit now potentially costing me a lot ongoing.
Bird in the hand vs birds in the bush.
First world problems.