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I find a healthy dash of Gin with it helps keep the old malaria at bay. What! 🤣
Mate of mine in New Guinea used to drink a bottle of rum before bed - first half of the night, he was too drunk to notice the mosquitos - second half the mosquitos were too drunk to notice him.
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Hi Diogenese,

Victoria da Poian is a NASA Visiting Scientist, whose actual employer is a company called Microtel LLC, specialising in software and systems engineering applications for Earth science and space missions, that was acquired by Tyto Athene in April.

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The new ML algorithm you referred to was developed specifically for data collected, analysed and sent back to Earth (!) by an instrument aboard the Rosalind Franklin rover, the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) - said algorithm will be used by researchers on Earth to study the data and decide about the next steps, not by the instrument autonomously.

And it has nothing to do with Rosalind Franklin’s autonomous navigation system at all.

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Besides, there is no indication that Victoria Da Poian has been working with SNNs and/or TENNs in recent years.
You should also ask yourself the following: If she had been blown away by Akida technology or TENNs, why would she and her colleagues have set up two open-science ML challenges in 2022 and published a paper about the results in 2023 (published in early 2024), declaring CNN solutions the winning entries in both cases?

View attachment 69377

Furthermore, here is a link to the agreement signed by ESA and NASA in May:

“With this memorandum of understanding, the NASA Launch Services Program will procure a U.S. commercial launch provider for the Rosalind Franklin rover. The agency will also provide heater units and elements of the propulsion system needed to land on Mars.”

All available evidence points to NASA having nothing to do with the ESA Mars rover’s navigation system.

This would highly likely be in the sole hands of Airbus Defence & Space that designed and built the rover now known as the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover in a cleanroom at its UK facility in Stevenage, before it was transferred to Italy in preparation for its planned launch in September 2022 from Baikonur, the spaceport operated by Russia within Kazakhstan.

While the Airbus team from Stavanage recently tested two of their rovers in a nearby quarry, including one similar to Rosalind Franklin nicknamed Charlie that - according to the following ESA blog article - was used “to test a new navigation system that could speed up rover missions on the Moon and Mars. This capability could lead to improved performance for ESA’s ExoMars Rosalind Franklin’s rover mission, which is expected to launch in 2028.”

View attachment 69378

… I doubt we are involved here.

Listen to this June 2023 presentation by Airbus Space Robotics Tech Lead Piotr Weclewski from 20:50 min, when he mentions the effort of validating new approaches such as neuromorphic or bio-inspired computing (that are generally of great interest to Airbus): “We need to bring it slowly, we need to bring it step by step to the picture. Why? Because of the criticality of the missions."

He goes on to emphasise that sending something not only to low-Earth orbit, but to the Moon, dramatically increases the complexity and the risk of radiation mitigation, thermal aspects etc.

So disruptive approaches such as the implementation of neuromorphic technology need to be carefully validated first in order not to endanger critical missions. That definitely sounds to me as if a trip to the Moon will be a first step only after successful validation of this new technology in Low-Earth orbit (LEO), and that a mission to Mars, which is even more complex, will remain a long-term goal for now.

Here is another article on the quarry testing conducted earlier this month that quotes Airbus rover program manager Chris Draper, confirming that the Moon is the initial target for their rovers being tested these days:

View attachment 69380

The step-by-step validation approach ties in with the new ESA R&T program referred to as NEURAVIS, which - as we found out in July - will be conducted by a consortium consisting of Airbus, BrainChip, Frontgrade Gaisler and Neurobus.

This must have been the relevant tender that was awarded to them, titled


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All this information combined with last week’s LinkedIn comments by both Alf Kuchenbuch and Laurent Hili (that I had quoted in my previous post, but which you didn’t address at all) strongly suggest to me we are not/will not yet be involved in the Rosalind Franklin Rover Mars mission. And IMO that includes TENNs software as a separate offering. Why else would Alf Kuchenbuch have referred to his “dream” of Laurent Hili, Sandi Habinc and Sean Hehir collaborating on providing Rosalind’s “children” with “a neuromorphic brain for better perception and autonomy”? (“That is my dream.”)

As the BrainChip staff member primarily dealing with our company’s space industry partners, he’d know exactly whether or not TENNs were currently being tested by Airbus in order to improve Rosalind Franklin’s navigation system. If that were indeed the case, why would he then refer to a new generation of rovers only and not to the Rosalind Franklin rover itself?
TENNs will first need to be validated, too.

So to sum it up, I predict there will be validation of our technology in LEO satellites first, before ESA will consider implementing it on the more critical and complex Lunar or even Martian missions.

Episode 6 Quarterly Sean said we have engagements on all of AKIDA1000, 1500 and GEN 2+TENNs. ESA awarded Airbus Neuravis and AKIDA 1500......
I guess we know who one of the engagements is with.
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The QV SBIR stage 1 for Cyber threat-detection using neuromorphic computing was due to conclude in April 2024.

QV has presumably submitted their Loihi/Akida comparison, and probably had a footnote about TeNNs?

So why has DoE now relased a RFI for AI for science, security and technology?

Again, TeNNs software is the fastest route to deployment, and with cybersecurity, immediately is too late. Certainly can't wait for Intel to build their 18A factory.

On QV @Diogenese and in particular software, I would suggest looking at these previous posts. First one is about a new company set up in Japan by QV called Quantum Software last year.

This website goes into more explanation on the product and architecture and where we sit in the system integration flow.

These next couple are from the CSIAC journal article recently released which covers off the work done with Akida and Loihi on the cyber front.

Article now on the CSIAC site.

Hello again, Diogenese,

you seem to be seeing TENNs everywhere these days, which for now appears to be more wishful thinking on your side rather than mirror the actual reality.

@Fullmoonfever already referred to the CSIAC Journal article shared by Quantum Ventura on LinkedIn last week that describes the SBIR II phase of the Cyber-NeuroRT project supported by the DoE, which was awarded in April 2022 and concluded in April 2024. SBIR I was both awarded and concluded in 2021.








As you can see for yourself, there is neither mention of Akida 2.0 nor TENNs in this very recent article describing the research conducted in the SBIR II phase that ended in April 2024 - there are merely several references to the physical AKD1000 chip Quantum Ventura had purchased in form of an Akida PCIe Board (as we can tell from a 2023 poster) some time after the conclusion of SBIR I.


During the SBIR I phase, Quantum Ventura‘s researchers had used Akida merely in simulation, as we already found out from their 2022 paper titled Cyber-Neuro RT: Real-Time Neuromorphic Cybersecurity:



To be continued…
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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!
Hello again, Diogenese,

you seem to be seeing TENNs everywhere these days, which for now appears to be more wishful thinking on your side rather than mirror the actual reality.

@Fullmoonfever already referred to the CSIAC Journal article shared by Quantum Ventura on LinkedIn last week that describes the SBIR II phase of the Cyber-NeuroRT project supported by the DoE, which was awarded in April 2022 and concluded in April 2024. SBIR I was both awarded and concluded in 2021.

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As you can see for yourself, there is neither mention of Akida 2.0 nor TENNs in this very recent article describing the research conducted in the SBIR II phase that ended in April 2024 - there are merely several references to the physical AKD1000 chip Quantum Ventura had purchased in form of an Akida PCIe Board (as we can tell from a 2023 poster) some time after the conclusion of SBIR I.

View attachment 69393

During the SBIR I phase, Quantum Ventura‘s researchers had used Akida merely in simulation, as we already found out from their 2022 paper titled Cyber-Neuro RT: Real-Time Neuromorphic Cybersecurity:

View attachment 69395

View attachment 69394

To be continued…
Wow! You really don’t know how to be respectful to others in your exchanges do you? It’s a real pity, because you seem very intelligent.

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Quite like what Neurobus are promoting.

We know they used Akida 1.0 for a recent ship detection from satellites study presenting at Spaice tomorrow.

Neuromorphic System for
In-orbit SSA and services.
Combination of Processors, Cameras and SNN
Integrated into a Payload

Bright Light

Space Surveillance Awareness (SSA)
Precision and efficiency are paramount in space surveillance and awareness (SSA). Our neuromorphic computing solutions are uniquely positioned to revolutionize this field by leveraging their distinct ability to exploit non-linear signal-noise relationships. This capability ensures data is captured at optimal signal-to-noise times, enhancing SSA precision and efficiency in tracking objects in space. Applications include:
• Space Debris Management
• Collision Risk Mitigation
In Orbit Services
Rendezvous, Docking, and Proximity Operations (RPOD) refers to spacecraft intentionally maneuvering to dock or operate near a target space object. Using neuromorphic computing for RPOD enhances the efficiency and safety of tasks through parallel data processing. Its spike-based signaling increases communication robustness and noise tolerance, which is essential for the dynamic and often unpredictable space environment. Its autonomous capabilities reduce the need for constant ground-based intervention, ensuring more reliable and precise execution of complex RPOD maneuvers.

Bright Light

Bright Light

Real-Time Space Navigation System
Our Advanced Real-Time Space Navigation System is revolutionizing space operations and exploration by merging the cutting-edge capabilities of neuromorphic computing with enhanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). This unified technology platform not only boosts the precision, efficiency, and autonomy of spacecraft navigation but also ensures safer and more reliable missions, setting the stage for future breakthroughs in space travel.

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Wow! You really don’t know how to be respectful to others in your exchanges do you? It’s a real pity, because you seem very intelligent.

View attachment 69404
Franni started this quixotic windmill tilting pseudo-iconoclastic didactic tsunami when she got the wrong end of the stick from my whimsical post observing that NASA were using ML in relation to the Rosalind Franklin rover mission, so it's really a straw man argument.

I only became aware of it when someone posted a reply, because I have her on ignore.
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Hello again, Diogenese,

you seem to be seeing TENNs everywhere these days, which for now appears to be more wishful thinking on your side rather than mirror the actual reality.

@Fullmoonfever already referred to the CSIAC Journal article shared by Quantum Ventura on LinkedIn last week that describes the SBIR II phase of the Cyber-NeuroRT project supported by the DoE, which was awarded in April 2022 and concluded in April 2024. SBIR I was both awarded and concluded in 2021.

View attachment 69390
View attachment 69391

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View attachment 69387

View attachment 69388
View attachment 69389

As you can see for yourself, there is neither mention of Akida 2.0 nor TENNs in this very recent article describing the research conducted in the SBIR II phase that ended in April 2024 - there are merely several references to the physical AKD1000 chip Quantum Ventura had purchased in form of an Akida PCIe Board (as we can tell from a 2023 poster) some time after the conclusion of SBIR I.

View attachment 69393

During the SBIR I phase, Quantum Ventura‘s researchers had used Akida merely in simulation, as we already found out from their 2022 paper titled Cyber-Neuro RT: Real-Time Neuromorphic Cybersecurity:

View attachment 69395

View attachment 69394

To be continued…

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I wish I could paint like Vincent

Top 7 neuromorphic computing companies shaping future of AI and technology

  • In February 2024, SynSense collaborated with Invitation to meet the growing need for high-performance intelligent vision in the consumer and industrial markets. The collaboration helps to develop neuromorphic technologies for stand-alone processors, vision sensors, and integrated compute-in-sensor devices in robotics, automobiles, consumer electronics, and aerospace.
  • In October 2023, SiLC Technologies introduced the Eyeonic Vision System, an FMCW LiDAR machine vision solution. This method enables speedy and accurate object identification, polarization intensity, and 3D depth, with millimeter-level precision across 1,000 meters.
  • In September 2023, researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology devised a way for training neuromorphic chips to detect cystic fibrosis using a biosensor. This “smart biosensor” mimics human brain communication, making it suitable for point-of-care healthcare applications and allowing chips to adapt to their surroundings autonomously.
  • In June 2023, BrainChip Holdings Ltd. and Lorser Industries Inc. cooperated to create neuromorphic technologies. The collaboration allowed Brainchip’s Akida technology to offer neuromorphic computing solutions for software-defined radio (SDR) devices.
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Wow! You really don’t know how to be respectful to others in your exchanges do you? It’s a real pity, because you seem very intelligent.

View attachment 69404
In exactly what way wasnt he respectful in his exchanges lol? Im not sure if youre joking or not. If not you must be one of the sensitive cry babies in here who can't take a reality check. And with reality check I mean painchip scepticism. And scepticism is 100% justified since there is no significant revenue yet
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Got absolutely nothing to do with brainchip. Well done. Great post dismissive. Have I by chance encountered the ORACLE?

" NASA has awarded Intuitive Machines (LUNR) a contract of up to $4.82 billion for communication and navigation services for missions in the near space region, the space exploration company said on Tuesday".

Sounds right up our alley and BIG BUCKS too.

But let me be clear, I don't pretend to know it all... so I'll defer, Amigo.
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Got absolutely nothing to do with brainchip. Well done. Great post
Another worm emerges
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