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If ARM was an arm, BRN would be its biceps💪!

If the model tiger had have made it's way over to their table I'd be exponentially more excited.😝

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I wish I could paint like Vincent
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Hi Fact Finder,

what makes you so sure it wasn’t the other way round, i.e., one of the EDGX co-founders (a company founded in 2023) found out from someone at ESA about the benefits of using Akida?

After all, our guy in Germany, Alf Kuchenbuch, stated in an October 2023 LinkedIn comment that ESA microelectronics and data handling engineer Laurent Hili told him, his first contact with Brainchip had been at an AI conference in Santa Clara back in 2019 or 2020!

Which means we can safely assume the latest possible date would have been the 4th Annual Global Artificial Intelligence Conference Santa Clara 2020 from January 21 - 23, 2020, as the then unfolding COVID pandemic did not allow for any in-person conferences for many months to come, plus the closure of the US borders would have made any attendance by EU citizens not residing in the US impossible. Which in turn means ESA has known about Akida for at least four years, possibly even five years, although knowing about it obviously doesn’t equate to testing it…

Akida was also mentioned several times alongside other neuromorphic processors (albeit only Loihi and BrainScaleS 2 were discussed in more detail) in an arXiv preprint published by ESA researchers on December 17, 2022 titled Neuromorphic Computing and Sensing in Space (, which also happens to reveal that ESA engineers had been considering neuromorphic solutions since 2010, so they surely would have observed the neuromorphic landscape closely all these years.

“Early work [10, 11] performed in 2010 at the Advanced Concepts Team (ACT) suggested considering a neuromorphic approach for onboard spacecraft applications.”

Whether / When ESA got their hands on AKD1000, I obviously don’t know.

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So let’s say Laurent Hili’s first contact with Brainchip was at said January 2020 Santa Clara AI Conference. At that time, according to their LinkedIn profiles, two of the EDGX core trio were still attending university, pursuing their B.Sc. (Wouter Benoot) resp. M.Sc. (João Matias), so it’s rather unlikely that they would have come in contact with Akida then.

EDGX CEO Nick Destrycker, however, could have learnt about Akida around the same time or even earlier than Laurent Hili. I personally hadn’t been aware of the exact nature of his previous start-up until now: Quite the visionary, he had already seen huge potential in Edge AI back in 2019, when he co-founded and became the CEO of Edgise, which was located in the immediate vicinity of his alma mater KU Leuven and two of his former employers: imec (the nanoelectronics and digital technologies R&D hub that also has collaborations with KU Leuven) and ICsense.

It seems Edgise is now defunct resp. morphed into EDGX ( now links to with a different co-founder and moved to Ghent, another Belgian city.

I found an interesting article published on April 22, 2022 on Edgise’s evolution from a start-up dabbling in general Edge AI to focussing on space tech:

"Initially, we focused on technology, and not on a market. Because we didn't have a market segment, we were all over the place," laughs Destrycker. "We were doing projects around smart cities, healthcare and food at the time. But we always had a limited impact. In the mid-2020s [sic! I checked the Dutch original of that article, which says midden 2020, so this is obviously a translation error and should be in mid-2020] however, we came into contact with space companies. That's how the ball got rolling, and we saw that our technology could have a big impact there. We entered into a collaboration with ESA, the European Space Agency. That went so well that we then made the confident decision to go full steam ahead with space exploration."

So, Edgise went from being a general edge computing start-up, to one with a strong focus on space. Was that pivot difficult? "It was very gradual," Destrycker answers. "We got in touch with a company that needed edge AI on a satellite. That's how we developed a demo, and the ball got rolling. We visited ESA together, and our first full-fledged space project saw the light of day

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In mid 2022, Edgise was selected to participate in the EU-funded Project ENLIGHTEN (European Initiative for Low cost, Innovative & Green High Thrust Engine” (November 1, 2022 - October 31, 2025), coordinated by ArianeGroup, the French aerospace company developing its next-generation two stage Ariane 6 launch vehicle - its launch at the Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou / French Guiana is planned for mid-2024.

Fun fact: ArianeGroup was formerly known as Airbus Safran Launchers, a joint venture between Airbus and Safran, and we know for a fact that Brainchip collaborated with one of Safran’s subsidiaries, Safran Electrical & Power, in 2017.

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Of course, I have no idea at what point in time Nick Destrycker stumbled upon Akida - even before he co-founded Edgise or at a later stage - but I’d deem it possible that he actually learnt about Brainchip’s tech through someone at ESA, not the other way round.

A while ago, I shared my interpretation of what Bernd Westhoff from Renesas could have meant by saying (in a video from Embedded World 2023) that it was the very first time any vendor “on Earth” had launched the first Arm Cortex-M85 + AI combo implementation on silicon.

Maybe it wasn’t NASA after all, but ESA instead that gave Akida that (unconfirmed) ride into space?! Just my wild speculation, no evidence whatsoever…
F, regardless of whether there is a connection or not, that is some serious sleuthing. Well done my friend! GLTA
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What is ALFA? See the cards on the table as well as the two signs in front of the setup (here partly covered by Youtube signs, sorry). Is it an Australian company? This would then explain the koala and kangaroo.

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I would agree with what you say and support it by suggesting that the current development time line guarantees that dividends will not flow before 2030 at least.

2030 is the approximate year by which AKIDA 10.0 will be demonstrating Peter van der Made’s version of Artificial General Intelligence as he predicted.

If AKIDA 3.0 appears during 2024 there will still be seven iterations to reach AKIDA 10.0 so it will be a pretty tight schedule to maintain the present lead and dominate so every penny will be required as one new version every 12 months is a big ask in many ways but particularly in a financial sense.

Sean Hehir has suggested one new AKIDA every 12 to 18 months is their goal.

Peter van der Made has the design and roadmap in his head and so the way to ensure it happens is to throw money at getting it done.

When I started this Brainchip journey in 2016 the dominant view generally was that artificial general intelligence would not occur this century.

By 2019 there were some credible experts suggesting not before 2050.

By 2030 will be one enormous achievement.

Anyway the point is that with Bill Gates words floating in the ether that the company which invents artificial general intelligence will be worth ten times Microsoft there is no way that Brainchip will put ambition to one side just so it can pay dividends.

Of course this is my opinion only so DYOR
Fact Finder
I take a more optimistic view. I think when our hockey-sticks come home to roost, the company will be making money faster that it can spend it.

The IP model requires almost zero capital and the running costs (the occasional proof-of-concept chip production, software/hardware engineers will be an ongoing and increasing cost for R&D, marketing will be easier when the products are in the market, not that it will be a walk in the park).
While a modest war chest would not be a bad thing, past experience from the 80s suggests that an over-abundance of cash will attract the corporate pirates.
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Fascinatingly Intuitive.
Evening Chippers ,

Had a suspicion Malcolm Turnbull , ex Goldman Sachs & past Prime minister of Australia was / is involved with Morse Micro..

And funnily enough so is another familiar name , MEGACHIPS.

Morse Micro , would definitely know of 🧠 🍟 ..

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Thanks, I understand. Morse Micro is an Australian company, therefore, the koala and kangaroo.
With links to Brainchip……….keep joining dots
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Just sittin down for dinner F&Chips with a brewski, and boom, first time I’ve seen a TV advert for Samsungs new phone GALAXY AI ! 👊🏼👊🏼

Are we powering this droid ?

Bring it 💥

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bavarian girl ;-)
And Todd Vierra makes a point of describing OnSemi as their PARTNER.

To run a safety critical system of the type OnSemi describe and which Todd Vierra also alludes to would require significant power reserved for this purpose away from the driving wheels if running conventional Von Neumann compute which would require active cooling as some of these functions such as child detection need to run after the vehicle has been turned off across the full range of climatic conditions.

While there are other low powered neuromorphic processors they are not capable of running all the five senses plus radar, Lidar and ultrasonic and perform regression analysis and sensor fusion while being sensor and process agnostic and maintaining the cyber security for intelligent airbag deployment.

In safety critical systems providing redundancy is also a factor to consider and again comparing the AKIDA platform with the Nvidia Jetson series its compact small form and low weight makes it a winner.

My opinion only DYOR
Fact Finder
I just came across this article, but I don't know if you've already talked through it.

Do we know anything about I/ONX? Somehow I can't find much there, it's a small company and I can't find anything related to Brainchip.

The Hidden Trap of GPU-Based AI: The Von Neumann Bottleneck​

Dr. Eric Woodell

Mission-Critical Facilities Analyst and Auditor; Author of the book "Mission-Critical Facilities Management," Owner of Amerruss LLC

23. Januar 2024

nobody inside industry has worked at, much less seriously considered, challenging the Von Neumann architecture. There are attempts at quantum computing, where the environmental requirements are even more absurd than the Nvidia solutions... And then there is Neuromorphic computing.

Neuromorphic computing attempts to mimic how the organic brain functions, instead of the one-bit-at-a-time approach of the Von Neumann architecture. And this is where the real solution to viable AI lies.
I/ONX is a company that reached out to me for my input.

Their approach was to throw out the Von Neumann architecture and build a completely new instruction set for computer processors called Kore, which eliminates the time limitations imposed by the one-bit-at-a-time approach.
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