Open Neuromorphic Case Study Using Akida
I would take that with a grain of salt. "Might not be" coming from a university professor who oversees university projects funded by Intel.
The entire Open Neuromorphic community are super pro Loihi because it's Intel and are always on the look out for positions or funding from the big companies. The founder recently joined Qualcomm for example.
Keep listening past your cherry picked 32 minute section through to around the 40 minute mark. Glowing comments around akida, the ease of use, quick set up to convert CNN to SNN using MetaTF, boiler plate using edge impulse and the exceptional results.
There's a section in there where he mentioned they came second place in the hackathon and the part that the judges particularly liked was the fact they presented a $3,500 option as well as a $100 option. They go on to agree akida can be implemented at a significantly reduced price point to other technologies.
They also say results on Akida are "orders of magnitude better" when comparing to CPU platforms and there's also a question from one of the listeners around the fact akida is digital so (paraphrasing heavily here) is there any point in having asynchronous chips or analog anymore. I couldn't fully understand the discussion potentially due to a technical gap in my knowledge but also their English. Seemed to me they were discussing whether akida would make some chips redundant (why bother with them type attitude when akida is digital and power consumption results are so exceptional).
The presenter also mentions they didn't have accuracy improvements on existing technology but they also didn't spend time adjusting the code and the dataset so putting accuracy aside the power consumption results are very strong arguments for akida technology.
Strongly recommend people give this video a listen as it is a good indication of feedback from someone in the wild implementing akida and then discussing their findings.
FWIW I'm only about 40 minutes in so there could be more good or bad feedback I have not yet heard.