Learning to the Top 🕵♂️
I believe he is a shareholder.
Also on FB.
Learning 🏖
I believe he is a shareholder.
Now that is a brilliant idea!What about footcam?
If you think about a sky full of personal flying transporters, they will need a flock control and communication system like the "loyal wingman" programme Boeing developed in Australia. 100 kph is about 1 mile a minute (1600 m), so two approaching in opposite directions have a closing speed of 200 kph (2 miles per minute) = 54 m/s. If top speed is 200kph, that's 100 m/s closing speed. Then there's limited visibility above, below, behind, so there's an imperative for autonomous all round detectors and the processing capacity to handle this without draining the battery of electric VTOL planes.Markus is from Airbus
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Markus is from Airbus
View attachment 35186
This morning’s ‘capitulation’ felt like a very deliberate tree shake for weak hands - shares were hoovered up pretty quickly this arvo.Congrates to those who posted today that they had bought more!!!!
Like @Boab you need "BALLS OF STEEL " to go the distance, ................... and like many have stated, BRN are in a "way better position "than they have ever been!!!
Just a random thought, and something ive not seen mentioned here, ...................... IMO its quiet possible that along with the shorting campain, bot trading etc, ...................... that LDA with their newly acquired 20 odd million shares have lent/used them to destruct the s/p down from their $0.58 to where we were around lunch today only to accumulate plenty more.
Dissapointed at @wilzy123 for no green baby rocket today ...........................
AKIDA ( Balls of Steel ) BALLISATA
Incidentally, from a Continental European or American perspective, you are indeed placing it on the front passenger seat, then.I do place a heavy weight on my car seat, but it is widely distributed and well padded.
Yes M8, I am just fine and don’t you worry none about my Birthday Presents I expect more than expected – I just had sumthin to say, I tend to do that when people are getting the shit beaten out of them for no good reason.You ok there m8? You sound like the fellow from Harry Potter who didn’t get as many birthday presents as he had expected.
Just up a few hrs ago from Arizona State.
Household all struggling with covid at the mo so just skimming when up to it.
Hardware, Neuromorphic Chip Design and BrainChip's Akida: University Accelerator Program
View attachment 35193
Good Morning Chippers,
Listening to the radio last night and heard about this....
Australian Goverment purchases controlling stake in radar company , CEA , for $500,000,000.00.
Naturaly no direct mention of us , but considering some of our engagements .......
If someone could post connection to below article for others , appreciated.
The Guardian.
Australian Military.
Title: Goverment to buy Canberra based radar company for nearly $500 million.
What do you make of of the consortium’s claim that their 3D neuromorphic vision chip will have more than an edge over Akida once it will be ready to hit the market?