BRN Discussion Ongoing


Move on, nothing to see.
Absolutely agree Quiltman.

I already have accustomed myself from my first intial $1000 buy in Brainchip in 2019 and the 'volatility' in everyday trading from there to a position in which I have accumulated many more shares and large swings in the price and my portfolio value in general.

Psychologically I am not bothered about the price going down which may sound strange. I know the forces at work doing this and I just see it as an opportunity to accumulate more. Brainchip is one of the very few companies I have held in which I haven't really found a flaw fundamentally which it comes to management and leadership, explosive potential, at the cusp of commercialisation, competitor risk (since the Renenas IP contract) and many other aspects I find important for an investment.

What I worry about and need to check is my greed. I have controlled it very well so far and sold a tiny amount only at the large $1's in the last spike to just know I took an opportunity more than anything. I like many here saw it come right down to these prices and felt regret a bit. But it is not really regret. It is my greed and I am being as diligent as I can because I know my time horizon is at least half a decade.

But seeing a large jump at 10% of your investment go up in a day and thinking I can just take that profit now and be happy is so tempting. But I don't. I cannot imagine 50 cent swings. It will be insane. I want to see that and still not bow down to temptation. Grow those balls! There are retail holders who held companies like BHP for decades and have never sold. Dividends is the dream. Hope is real. I wish I could get that wand thing in Men in Black, forget about my Brainchip investment and get all those memories again after 5 years (with password access to my trading account of course as well!)

Anyway, I think it is important for us to reflect on our psychological state when investing.
I was an early investor in Afterpay, I actually bought into Touchcorp before the merger. At its peak, my best one day return was 7.2 times my initial outlay. That was an AMAZING feeling. I hope all longterm BrainChip holders will also have that feeling one day.

But on the flip side, there were also many days where I lost multiples of my initial outlay. But never as much as 7.2 times in the one day.

There’s no harm in scraping off a little cream when circumstances dictate. It’s actually a pleasant de-risking exercise.
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Yes Bien Suerte , I did a search over on the crapper regarding Neesie71 also as i remembered her previous posts.

She is legit, but has not posted for quite some time, (BRN & AZY).

I would QUESTION strongly whether her account is not being used by a crapper mod/manager without her knowledge. If she has not setup an account here herself she would not be aware of this post here. They would be easily able to do this and are also low enough life forms to do it.

My opinion anyway.

Yak52 :cool:
As much as the posts about myself are hard to read I get it. I set up my account way in the beginning when we all jumped ship but found it tricky to navigate personally. I don't comment on much of anything anymore even in HC which I continue to read for my other holdings that don't get much attention in here. Life has become just too hectic these days for posting comments.
Never protecting, just commenting on your only post on the BrN page which seemed odd and still does, but I truly hope you get to spend some valuable time with you mum as I do have a heart especially if what you said about her is true.
Thank you
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Deleted member 118

As much as the posts about myself are hard to read I get it. I set up my account way in the beginning when we all jumped ship but found it tricky to navigate personally. I don't comment on much of anything anymore even in HC which I continue to read for my other holdings that don't get much attention in here. Life has become just too hectic these days for posting comments.
Thank you
Maybe if things settle down, you can join in contributing a bit more as everyone is always welcome until they are banned.
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Just searched Nessie71 on HC and has contributed a lot of positive comments ?

82 Posts.
Post #: 58835681

BRN Price at posting: $1.39 Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held

82 Posts.
Post #: 58498505

BRN Price at posting: 65.0¢ Sentiment: Buy Disclosure: Held
81 Upvote
6Great analysis
Report Reply

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Well done. I had just done the same and thanks for posting.
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buena suerte :-)

BOB Bank of Brainchip
As much as the posts about myself are hard to read I get it. I set up my account way in the beginning when we all jumped ship but found it tricky to navigate personally. I don't comment on much of anything anymore even in HC which I continue to read for my other holdings that don't get much attention in here. Life has become just too hectic these days for posting comments.
Thank you


Joined Feb 5, 2022 👍
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Maybe if things settle down, you can join in contributing a bit more as everyone is always welcome until they are banned.
I will thank you. I really appreciate your words.
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While Nviso;s presentation is fresh in the collective memory I thought the following from the Brainchip website as to 'Products' on offer was instructive:

"Automotive brings Essential AI to the next generation of smarter cars.

In-cabin experience is improved with on-chip learning for keyword spotting, “hey car,” face recognition, driver authentication, gesture recognition, and the unique ability to combine sensory modalities, creating a roadmap for the in-cabin experience of the future."

"Home brings Essential AI to the smart home of today and tomorrow.

Simplify appliance interaction with keyword and phrase recognition, improve electronic device usability with gesture and even facial expression recognition,
and improve the safety and security of home medical devices with on-chip continuous learning. Combine sensor modalities to create unparalleled user interaction."

Longer term holders may recall that when the old website first was put up and was then the new website it introduced the Product/Applications category and it was explained to shareholders that the uses listed there for the AKIDA technology were only those uses which had been formally tested, validated and supported ready to be implemented by customers. Shareholders were also informed that these products/applications would be added to over time.

These are extracts that align with Nviso. There are many other Product/Applications referred to but because of Nviso and the statement regarding MegaChips and Brainchip's clear ongoing work with Mercedes Benz and Valeo I found them of great interest.

My opinion only DYOR

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Just a thought. I have the EQXX in mind, clearly a top product and already well developed. But the displays are similar or am I wrong. A cycle in development takes about three years. What if MB were the customer, who are already in Conti's portfolio and it's about other models besides that ... cockpit across Entire Cockpit Width :unsure:
If we have Valeo and Continental, how many cars is that?
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Revisiting the CEO Sean Hehir’s presentation to the 2022 AGM:

“When I started to evaluate joining BrainChip I started with the technology.

Being a Silicon Valley based executive I had easy access to some of the world’s best technical minds who I engaged to evaluate the core technology.

The overwhelming feedback was the technology is visionary in its design, unparalleled in flexibility, and transformative in performance.

As the engagement progressed, I met with many of the core team members and concluded that I had never met a more talented, dedicated, and focused group of individuals in all my years in the technology business.

I examined the trends which are undeniably compelling, the growth and disruptive nature of AI plus the decentralization of AI.

Furthermore, I started to examine the quality of the engagements with some of the world’s leading brands and the trust/promise they saw in BrainChip which further encouraged me to join this amazing company.

And lastly, with all the skills and talent the organization had, it was clear the experience and skills I possessed perfectly complimented the team and is exactly what BrainChip needed in a CEO; someone who knew how to fully commercialize technology…..

Where we are going

The Market is moving to the edge, and we are already here.

I spoke earlier about a 3 three-legged stool that highlighted research, product, and now commercialization, but as stated earlier the floor that the stool sits on is the market.

That market is large, fast growing, and requires more intelligence at the edge.

Today's data center AI model is power hungry, bandwidth wasting, lacks flexibility, not very intelligent and not suited for these undeniable technology trends toward distributed intelligence and learning at the edge.

As I get ready to close my prepared remarks, let’s go back to the foundation.

Two visionaries and the others that followed, worked diligently to create our world changing technology.

Unapparelled in its flexibility, scalability, performance that’s been technically vetted by prospects, customer, and analysts.

And with all my comments about commercialization, I want to assure you there is equal focus, energy, and resources to not only maintain our competitive advantage created by those visionaries but extend it.

We are:
• Aggressively sourcing and hiring world class tech talent.
• Filing new patents.
• Working diligently on documentation, look/feel, UI to make our technology
easier to consume.
• Paying close attention to our competitors.
• Refining, expanding, and accelerating our roadmap and see opportunities
beyond the edge.

For the short term, you can expect another major release of next generation IP and another reference chip prior to the next AGM.

Lastly before I turn the meeting back over to Antonio, let me briefly recap.

It’s been nearly a half year of building a commercial engine that is just now starting to reveal its possibility.

Key priorities and initiatives include:
• Structuring Commercialization.
• Understanding our Market Ecosystem.
• Clarifying our Business Model.
• Ensuring Product-Market Fit.
• Focusing on Marketing.
• Expanding Sales.

Our work on the commercialization leg of the stool has made substantial progress but it is a journey of continuing improvement.

But when you couple this commercial engine with our differentiated IP product, delivering proven and an exponential improvement on anything else available, plus a market which is moving to the edge, I am highly confident that the commercial results will come in a steady and sustainable fashion.

Even with all this hard work on commercialization in the last 5 months, the company and myself should be judged not on effort, but results.

With that said, I look forward to standing before you next year to share all the progress and results from this next critical chapter of BrainChip’s commercialization.”

So we are now 11 months and counting until the CEO stands before shareholders ready to be judged on his progress and results.

I have never anticipated an AGM more than the Brainchip 2023 AGM.

My opinion only DYOR


"BrainChip – Annual General Meeting CEO and Chairman’s Address Sydney 24 May 2022: BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX:BRN), appends the Chairman’s address, Chief Executive Officer’s address and presentation to the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules.

This announcement is authorised for release by the BRN Board of Directors."

"Being a Silicon Valley based executive I had easy access to some of the world’s best technical minds who I engaged to evaluate the core technology.

The overwhelming feedback was the technology is visionary in its design, unparalleled in flexibility, and transformative in performance.

The Market is moving to the edge, and we are already here...

But when you couple this commercial engine with our differentiated IP product, delivering proven and an exponential improvement on anything else available, plus a market which is moving to the edge, I am highly confident that the commercial results will come in a steady and sustainable fashion.

Even with all this hard work on commercialization in the last 5 months, the company and myself should be judged not on effort, but results.

With that said, I look forward to standing before you next year to share all the progress and results from this next critical chapter of BrainChip’s commercialization.”

I have highlighted and extracted the above from the CEO Sean Hehir's presentation and remind everyone that these statements are taken from his AGM address which has been lodged with the ASX as a price sensitive Brainchip announcement.

I have mentioned before the significance of price sensitive ASX announcements. The expression of his views has been approved for release to the market by the Board of Directors of Brainchip.

In consequence what we have:

* technology which some of the best minds in Silicon Valley have validated,
* a three year first in market lead, and
* a strong and growing customer base in a market that is coming too Brainchips technology at the Edge.

In these circumstances it might reasonably be considered that the share price can do what the share price will do but it is only just so much white noise framed against such fundamentals.

My opinion only so DYOR

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If we have Valeo and Continental, how many cars is that?
Add in Stellantis and it covers most of them! The others will fall into line quickly enough to keep up with the competition! 😀
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Fair play, but I never mentioned you being a shorter but I truly hope you and your mum enjoy the rest of your time together if true.
Fair post Rocket. AND you did not call her a Shorter which is an interesting comment coming back from her. Why this word?

Neesie17 in all fairness it is incredibly easy to open an account in your name here (or anywhere) especially if you have details from the crapper.
This can happen to ANY of us! One member here has found out this already from memory.( HC released his name on twitter!)

I also find like some others that while the story about mum fits with your old history, the fact she has found out this Russian stuff while in hospital and so sick has me cautious about who is really writing these posts here and their intent. I have never found this Russian info which would be difficult and never heard of it either.

Perhaps to ally any doubts or fears of your account/name being stolen it would be best if you do not post for some time, but just read posts here and gain information from them instead?
Might be the best way to show that you are not false and a nefarious type from the crapper!
And if sincere with your posts, ...............I do commiserate with you as I have been through this terrible period with family twice.

I must admit I am surprised if this type of "Skullduggery" has not happened here already. It would be just another method of them to spread negative info to cause fear/concern.

PS. AND yes "They" did take out another lot of Shorts yesterday guys'n'gals! lol. DESPERATE. another 2.7 Mil Shorts on Wed 22 June.

Yak52 :cool:
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5.2 million shares traded today.

Does anyone know if this includes the short sales as well? Recently we have been seeing 3 million short sales each day, just wondering if the total volume includes this also, because if it does, this proves shares are even tightly held and they'll need some extraordinary news to bring it further down.
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If we have Valeo and Continental, how many cars is that?
If we have Valeo and Continental, how many cars is that? Dio

Yes Diogenese how many would that be and also .................HOW many applications in EACH car?

One day I hope BRN tell us how many times Akida is used in some of the car models we are destined for.

PS. thought for matter how slow/bad the SP is today it is NOTHING compared to what is happening in Neesie17 life currently.
Best wishes Neesie17.

Yak52 :cool:
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short data is out from last friday, increased to 74mil short positions.
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HA HA ...............ok I have just been over on Holy Crapper doing my thing reporting the shitheads and hopefully getting shareman modded some more! Love it as I have not posted for ages.

AND I could not help posting a excerpt from FF post just before (Below)

"BrainChip – Annual General Meeting CEO and Chairman’s Address Sydney 24 May 2022: BrainChip Holdings Ltd (ASX:BRN), appends the Chairman’s address, Chief Executive Officer’s address and presentation to the Annual General Meeting, in accordance with the ASX Listing Rules.

This announcement is authorised for release by the BRN Board of Directors."

CEO Sean Hehir statement regarding his due diligence process regarding his appointment -
"Being a Silicon Valley based executive I had easy access to some of the world’s best technical minds who I engaged to evaluate the core technology.

The overwhelming feedback was the technology is visionary in its design, unparalleled in flexibility, and transformative in performance.

The Market is moving to the edge, and we are already here...


Ok above says it all................

Waiting to see if it gets MODDED now! lol

Yak52 :cool:
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Sorry about this people but I couldn't help myself here. Over at the wonderful world that is HC, I came across possibly the wierdest post I have ever seen, sent by the one and only 'The Dean'.

Not only is The Dean somehow trying to defend Shareman, spending time and effort trying to understand this post is probably not a good idea'll probably lose your mind. However, enjoy, haha.
The Dean
11,169 Posts.
Post #: 62163417

Not intending to sound disrespectful, but If I wanted to see anything said by anyone over at the crapper.... i'd be hanging out at the crapper, not here.
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Maybe an add to the iceberg


Tac-01 Sensors
Our Tac-01 sensors are ideal for a wide range of use cases, from raw data collection to higher order tactile interpretations.

Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin (ACES)​


Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin (ACES)
This novel sensor can detect touch more than 1,000 times faster than the human sensory nervous system and identify the shape, texture and hardness of objects 10 times faster than the blink of an eye.
Drawing inspiration from the human sensory nervous system, we have developed an advanced artificial skin known asAsynchronous Coded Electronic Skin (ACES) - an event-based neuro-mimetic architecture that enables asynchronous transmission of tactile information.
ACES can detect touch at more than 1,000 times faster than the human sensory nervous system. For example, it is capable of differentiating physical contact between different sensors in less than 60 nanoseconds — the fastest ever achieved for an electronic skin technology — even with large numbers of sensors. ACES-enabled skin can also accurately identify the shape, texture and hardness of objects within 10 milliseconds, ten times faster than the blinking of an eye. This is enabled by the high fidelity and capture speed of the ACES system.
The ACES platform can also be designed to achieve high robustness to physical damage, an important property for electronic skins because they come into the frequent physical contact with the environment. Unlike the current system used to interconnect sensors in existing electronic skins, all the sensors in ACES can be connected to a common electrical conductor with each sensor operating independently. This allows ACES-enabled electronic skins to continue functioning as long as there is one connection between the sensor and the conductor, making them less vulnerable to damage.

Neuromorphic Technology​


Event-driven visual-tactile perception system, comprising a novel biologically-inspired tactile sensor and multi-modal spike-based learning.
Intel’s Loihi chip processed the sensory data 21% faster than a top performing graphics processing unit (GPU), while using more than 45 times less power.
To break new ground in robotic perception, we are exploring neuromorphic technology – an area of computing that emulates the neural structure and operation of the human brain – to process sensory data from ACES.
We are developing sensory integrated artificial brain system that mimics biological neural networks, which can run on a power-efficient neuromorphic processor, such as Intel’s Loihi chip and Brainchip’s Akida neural processor. This novel system integrates ACES and vision sensors, equipping robots with the ability to draw accurate conclusions about the objects they are grasping based on the data captured by the sensors in real-time - while operating at a power level efficient enough to be deployed directly inside the robot.

Intelligent Sensing​


Confusion Matrix on the Texture Classification Task. Average accuracy was 94.3%±5.3%.

Confusion Matrix on the Food Identification Task. Overall accuracy was 90%.
Most of today’s robots operate solely based on visual processing, which limits their capabilities. In order to perform more complex tasks, robots have to be equipped with an exceptional sense of touch and the ability to process sensory information quickly and intelligently.
To improve the robot’s perception capabilities, we have developed machine-learning models for tactile perception and inference. Some of these models are synergized with vision sensing to achieve better performance.
Models' capabilities:


Our sensors include various hardware and software integrations you to easily include our tactile intelligence in your application.

Robotic Grippers
The sensors have been designed to provide seamless integrations with commercial off-the-shelf robotic grippers. We currently support Robotiq 2F grippers with our own custom low-latency C++ drivers.

C++/Python Support
We provide C++/Python APIs to interface with our sensors, robotic grippers and our tactile intelligence algorithms.

Support for ROS is built right into the SDK. We provide ROS nodes and RViz plugins to enable you to integrate the sensors into your robotic applications.


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5.2 million shares traded today.

Does anyone know if this includes the short sales as well? Recently we have been seeing 3 million short sales each day, just wondering if the total volume includes this also, because if it does, this proves shares are even tightly held and they'll need some extraordinary news to bring it further down.
Hi Bacon.............I would suspect that last lot of Shorts (2.7 Mil) taken out yesterday (Wed) were all dumped in the morning before midday. If not then those particular Shorts would be currently at BREAKEVEN pricing on the trade.
And if this is the case..........hey Shorters take some advice and QUICKLY buy them back before they become a loosing trade also! lol

Yak52 :cool: ahem - BRN announcement please!:)

ps. they (Shorters) are definitely watching here at least.
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